AGM and elections, Sunday 23 February 2025

The 2025 St Philip’s AGM and elections will be held on Sunday 23 February at 11.15am. A booklet has been emailed to parish members with an agenda and reports about our 2024 activities.

The AGM will set a budget for 2025 and elect a new Parish Council. In addition to the Rector, we expect Council to have 9 members: 3 wardens and 6 councillors. The Rector nominates 1 warden and 2 councillors. Parish members elect 2 wardens and 4 councillors. PC members are committed to serving the Parish for a while, one year at a time. That is why members of the present Council will be retiring this year.

There is also a recently created vacancy for one alternate Synod representative.

Parish Council roles

Parish Council is a friendly group; members share tasks amicably and pitch in to work as a team. The Council also helps, advises, and encourages the Rector as we work together. In consultation with the Rector, the Council helps to create and support parish groups of various kinds.

Wardens have an overall responsibility for whatever is necessary for public worship and to oversee building repair and maintenance. There are also some other tasks. That does not mean that wardens must do all this alone; they simply listen and talk, and suggest or take action when needed.

Council meetings are monthly for 2 hours. Besides attending meetings, it is essential that members be able give a few extra hours from week to week. Each member usually takes responsibility for a particular role or set of tasks. In recent years roles on the Council have included: Chair; Treasurer; Secretary; Safety, Risk & Compliance; Parish Communications; Events; Missions; and Repairs & Maintenance. And there are lots of other interesting and essential things to work on! We discuss and contribute ideas together. No one is isolated in their role.

Please think about roles that you may be able to fulfil and enhance. You may want to propose a new and refreshing way to contribute as a council member. But, of course, not every ministry and service is led by a Parish Councillor.

You might offer to serve in a ministry or practical service other than as a council member.

Now is a helpful time to think and pray about it.

Please consider prayerfully whether you can contribute to the life of St Philip’s this year as a parish council member—warden or councillor—or in some other capacity.

Please feel free to talk with Revd Christine or any of the present council members about what you could contribute.

Nominations for election to Parish Council are open from now until the election happens at the AGM.

There is a nomination form here. Please place completed forms in the box in the foyer