The place where we are
Reverend Rob Lamerton
14 October 2007, Pentecost 20
- Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7
- Psalm 66:1-11
- 2 Timothy 2:8-15
- Luke 17:11-39
20th Sunday of Pentecost
Revd Rob Lamerton
In the first reading today, Jeremiah writes, from the captured and destroyed city of Jerusalem, to those taken in captivity to Babylon. Build houses and live in them, plant gardens, marry, raise families and get on with life, he says. Seek the welfare of the city where you are and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare. Wherever you are, get on with life! Be the people of God where you are!
The psalm is similar in spirit, rejoicing in God in all things, because it is God who holds us in life and brings us through.
Paul, in his letter to Timothy, has the same theme of strength and endurance, of being sustained by God.
The gospel points to the need for thanksgiving and the surprising news that a Samaritan had enough faith to recognise that his healing was God's gift. Be big enough to give thanks to God, to recognise God's sustaining, and to get on with life in all its fullness in the place where you are!
Well, the place where we are is St Philip's. This is our family of faith and, as any family does, we need to talk about our budget and finance, money, what it costs to keep this family.
(Rob then introduced Hardy Palethorpe, the Rector's Warden, who spoke about our Parish's finances, our income, budget and needs for spending in the near future.)