Isaiah 30: 19-20
19 Truly, O people in Zion, inhabitants of Jerusalem, you shall weep no more.
He will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry; when he hears it, he will answer you.
20 Though the Lord may give you the bread of adversity and the waters of affliction,
yet your Teacher will not hide himself any more, but your eyes shall see your Teacher.
21 And when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left,
your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying,
"This is the way; walk in it."
From Together in Song, Hymn 647
Comfort, comfort all my people,
with the comfort of my Word.
Speak it tender to my people:
all your sins are taken away.
1. Though your tears be rivers running,
though your tears be an ocean full,
though you cry with the hurt of living:
comfort, comfort.
Every valley shall be lifted,
every mountain shall be low,
every rough place will be smoother:
comfort, comfort.
2. Though your eyes see only darkness,
though your eyes can see no light,
though your eyes see pain and sorrow:
comfort, comfort.
Every night will have its morning,
every pain will have an end,
every burden shall be lightened:
comfort, comfort.
Robin Mann