The primary purpose of the Missional Spirituality program is to cultivate whole of life discipleship that integrates Christian spirituality and missional praxis [i.e., the practice of our faith] for individual and communal transformation. Mission is the most urgent task for the church, because to be Christian is to participate in God’s life and vision for a reconciled world.
The key objectives of the six-month learning journey are to:
Introduce participants to a range of Christian spirituality and practices that connect them to God, self and neighbour.
Show how theology (drawing on scripture and tradition) shapes spirituality, ecclesiology [study of the church] and missional praxis.
Demystify discipleship and demonstrate what it might look like to learn and live out the way of Jesus in contemporary Australia.
Introduce participants to contextual theology and praxis that enables a congregation to connect the gospel with their particular local contexts.
Provide theological and practical tools for congregations to re-imagine their relationship to their local communities and learn how to co-create with neighbours.