The Reverend Robert W. Lamerton, ThL, died on 17th October 2008, while in office as Rector of St Philip's. Rob died peacefully in the early hours of the morning at Clare Holland House in Canberra. His wife Sandra was with him. His funeral was held at St Philip's.
There are many memories small and large.
Reflecting on his death, we remembered some words Rob preached on 16 March 2008, about on pastoral visiting: … there is in Jesus' powerlessness, a certain power. Every Tuesday I minister at Kankinya Nursing Home. Though the elderly residents there are very frail, they have an inner strength that offers me a spiritual gift at the beginning of my week.
In Rob's sermon for All Saints' Day in 2007 he said:
Why do I believe in eternal life? The answer has to be, "Because I believe in God!" To me, if God is truly God, God must be eternal, beyond the limits of space and time! To believe in 'eternal life' is to believe that we might in some way share the life of God and that such a life is not limited or ended when we take our last mortal breath. … All Saints' Day is a confident celebration; confident because it is grounded in what we know of God's promises in Christ. … The New Testament reminds us that all Christians are saints … holy ones who have received the mark of God's holiness signified at baptism. But a saint is called to "become what you are". Being the ark of holiness is to become, to grow up into the calling of God both in word and in deed!
Rob dedicated himself to that calling.
Early afternoon, Monday 20 October 2008
The funeral hymns were Lord of earth and all creation and Lord of the Dance. The Wisdom of Solomon 8:21-9:6 was read by Rev Rob Donald and the Rev Canon Simon Wooldridge read Matthew 5:1-12. The Revd Dr Ray Williamson led the service and the Rt Revd Allan Ewing preached.
As the casket was carried from the church, jazz musicians played, 'When the Saints Come Marching In'. At the afternoon tea, we enjoyed the jazz that Rob loved so much. He was an accomplished drummer.
Rob and Sandy asked us to use this prayer:
Thank you Father for those that love you and covered Rob in prayer during his illness. Your grace and prayers answered daily were keenly felt and made Rob's journey towards you rich in the fullness of love, care & humour until the end. We observed your love through your people, beyond words to describe its potency. We can only say again, Thank you, most gracious God. Amen.