25 December 2024 | | Christmas Day | | Year C | | Revd Rob Miners | | What Does Christmas Mean to You?
8 December 2024 | | Second Sunday of Advent | | Year C | | Revd Rob Miners | | Are We Welcomers?
1 December 2024 | | First Sunday of Advent | | Year C | | Revd Rob Miners | | Be Prepared
28 November 2024 | | Midweek Eucharist | | Year C | | Revd Rob Miners | | Waiting
24 November 2024 | | Christ the King / The Reign of Christ | | Year B | | Revd Rob Miners | | The Good News: Christ is King
17 November 2024 | | Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year B | | Revd Rob Miners | | A Grief observed
10 November 2024 | | Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year B | | Revd Rob Miners | | She gave all she had
3 November 2024 | | All Saints | | Year B | | Revd Rob Miners | | The Death Experience
27 October 2024 | | Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost | | Year B | | Revd Rob Miners | | What do you want Christ to do for you?
6 October 2024 | | Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year B | | Revd Rob Miners | | Divorce
29 September 2024 | | Michael and All Angels | | Year B | | Revd Rob Miners | | Angels
22 September 2024 | | Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year B | | Revd Rob Miners | | On Prayer - Part 2
15 September 2024 | | Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year B | | Revd Rob Miners | | On Prayer - Part 1
8 September 2024 | | Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year B | | Revd Rob Miners | | Jesus Heals the Deaf and Dumb
1 September 2024 | | Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year B | | Revd Rob Miners | | Clean or Unclean?
25 August 2024 | | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year B | | Revd Rob Miners | | Fears
18 August 2024 | | Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year B | | Revd Rob Miners | | Faith
17 March 2024 | | Fifth Sunday in Lent | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Parting Words: Last Sermon as an Anglican Priest
3 March 2024 | | Third Sunday in Lent | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | This is Weird, but in a Good Way
18 February 2024 | | First Sunday in Lent | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Lent is About Jesus
14 February 2024 | | Ash Wednesday | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Ash Wednesday: Dust, Creation, New Creation
4 February 2024 | | Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Powers Put on Notice
21 January 2024 | | Third Sunday after the Epiphany | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Understanding God's Outreach
5 November 2023 | | All Saints | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | On Sanctity and Temperament
24 September 2023 | | The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Freed from Anger and Resentment
3 September 2023 | | The Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Vindication
20 August 2023 | | The Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | It's Just Not Natural!
6 August 2023 | | The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Very Different Miracles in the Wilderness
3 August 2023 | | Anglican Schools Australia Conference, Sermon for Morning Prayer | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Man Born Blind and the Anglican School
16 July 2023 | | The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Learning to Speak Christian
2 July 2023 | | The Fifth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Reassurance for the Challenged
18 June 2023 | | The Third Sunday after Pentecost | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Voice Debate, the Zero-Sum Game, and the Christian Alternative
28 May 2023 | | Pentecost Sunday | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Pentecost: The Organ, the Wind and the Organist; preached at St Paul's Manuka
27 March 2023 | | Morning Prayer, Virginia Theol. Seminary | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Whoever believes in him will not be put to shame ...
22 January 2023 | | Third Sunday after Epiphany | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | What's it Like When God is Revealed?
11th December 2022 | | Third Sunday of Advent | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | It's True, and We'll Show You
27th November 2022 | | First Sunday of Advent | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Jesus Comes to Disrupt and to Liberate
16th October 2022 | | Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |29| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Struggling with God
2nd October 2022 | | St Francis' Day | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Gift and Task of Creation
11th September 2022 | | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Queen's Passing and the Christian Vision
4th September 2022 | | Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Cost of Discipleship
21st August 2022 | | Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |21| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Meet the Antichrist
7th August 2022 | | Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |20| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Fear of Loss
17th July 2022 | | Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |17| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Ora et Labora
10th July 2022 | | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |15| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | From Grudging Morality to Divine Compassion
3rd July 2022 | | Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |14| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Delightful Urgency
5th June 2022 | | Pentecost | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Enlisted by the Spirit of Truth
17th April 2022 | | Easter Day 2022 | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Alive to God in Jesus Christ
27th March 2022 | | Fourth Sunday in Lent 2022 | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Prodigal Love Meets Shared Delusion
6th March 2022 | | First Sunday in Lent 2022 | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Desert Challenge 2: The New Israel
20th February 2022 | | Seventh Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |07| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Invited to Become Like God
6th February 2022 | | Fifth Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |05| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Calling
16th January 2022 | | Second Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |02| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | My Big Fat Gospel Wedding
2nd January 2022 | | Second Sunday after Christmas 2022 | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Problem with New Year's Resolutions
25th December 2021 | | Christmas Day | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Christmas: Festival of Enchantment
19th December 2021 | | Fourth Sunday of Advent | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Visitation: Free at Last
5th December 2021 | | Second Sunday of Advent | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Advent and Lockdown
7th November 2021 | | Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |32| | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Joining the Silent Revolution
3rd November 2021 | | Funeral of Dr Rosamund Dalziell | | Funeral | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Funeral of Dr Rosamund Dalziell
17th October 2021 | | Twenty First Sunday after Pentecost |29| | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Achieving Recognition, Securing Differentiation
19th September 2021 | | Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |25| | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Forming Christian Character
5th September 2021 | | Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23| | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | After God's Heart
1st August 2021 | | Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |18| | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | I am the bread of life
18th July 2021 | | Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |16| | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Alternative Reality
4th July 2021 | | Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |14| | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | To Comfort the Afflicted and Afflict the Comfortable
27th June 2021 | | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |13| | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | God's Gift To Women
6th June 2021 | | Second Sunday after Pentecost |10| | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Binding the Strong Man
16th May 2021 | | Ascension Day | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Caught in the Updraft
2nd May 2021 | | St Philip and St James | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Philip, James and Knowing God
25th April 2021 | | Fourth Sunday of Easter & ANZAC Day | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Known unto God
4th April 2021 | | Easter Day | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Resurrection: But What about the Eggs?
1st April 2021 | | Maundy Thursday | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Brave New World
29th March 2021 | | Funeral of Bishop Bruce Wilson,|br /|delivered at St James King Street Sydney | | Funeral | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Funeral of Bishop Bruce Wilson
21st March 2021 | | Fifth Sunday in Lent | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Good News of the Cross
7th March 2021 | | Third Sunday in Lent | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Marching to a Different Drummer
28th February 2021 | | Second Sunday in Lent | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Giving Up and Taking Up in Lent
7th February 2021 | | Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05| | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Exorcising Demonic Rivalry
17th January 2021 | | Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02| | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Epiphany: Knowing and Being Known
3rd January 2021 | | The Epiphany | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Starlight, Star Bright
25th December 2020 | | Christmas Day | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | God is Like Alfred Hitchcock
20th December 2020 | | Fourth Sunday of Advent | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Virtues and Disciplines of Advent
6th December 2020 | | Second Sunday of Advent | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Advent Hope
15th November 2020 | | Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |33| | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | De-Toxifying God: Re-Reading the Parable of the Talents
1st November 2020 | | All Saints | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | All Saints, and just in time. . .
18th October 2020 | | St Luke's Day | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | St Luke: There is balm in Gilead, there is a physician there
4th October 2020 | | St Francis's Day | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Recapturing St Francis' Form of Life
20th September 2020 | | Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25| | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Beyond Christian Values
6th September 2020 | | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23| | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Under Authority
23rd August 2020 | | Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost |21| | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Church: Admirers of Jesus or Members of Christ?
2nd August 2020 | | Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |18| | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Detox of our Nuremberged Imaginations
19th July 2020 | | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |16| | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Mistrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful
5th July 2020 | | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |14| | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me . . ."
14th June 2020 | | Thanksgiving for the Holy Communion | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Corpus Christi: Body, Matter, Violence
31st May 2020 | | Day of Pentecost | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Pentecost: Riding the Big Red Tricycle
17th May 2020 | | Sixth Sunday of Easter | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Easter Means Liberation
26th April 2020 | | Third Sunday of Easter | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Grown-up Resurrection Faith
12th April 2020 | | Easter Day | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Resurrection is a Game Changer
29th March 2020 | | Fifth Sunday in Lent | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | I am the Resurrection and the Life
15th March 2020 | | Third Sunday in Lent | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Is the Lord among us or not?
1st March 2020 | | First Sunday in Lent | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Not Failing in the Wilderness
16th February 2020 | | Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06| | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Christian Moral Imagination
2nd February 2020 | | The Presentation of Christ in the Temple | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Candlemas: What is the Speed of Light?
19th January 2020 | | Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02| | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Our Epiphany
25th December 2019 | | Christmas Day | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Comforted and Confronted by the Word Made Flesh
25 December 2024 | | Christmas Day | | Year C | | Revd Rob Miners | | What Does Christmas Mean to You?
8 December 2024 | | Second Sunday of Advent | | Year C | | Revd Rob Miners | | Are We Welcomers?
1 December 2024 | | First Sunday of Advent | | Year C | | Revd Rob Miners | | Be Prepared
28 November 2024 | | Midweek Eucharist | | Year C | | Revd Rob Miners | | Waiting
24 November 2024 | | Christ the King / The Reign of Christ | | Year B | | Revd Rob Miners | | The Good News: Christ is King
17 November 2024 | | Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year B | | Revd Rob Miners | | A Grief observed
10 November 2024 | | Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year B | | Revd Rob Miners | | She gave all she had
3 November 2024 | | All Saints | | Year B | | Revd Rob Miners | | The Death Experience
27 October 2024 | | Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost | | Year B | | Revd Rob Miners | | What do you want Christ to do for you?
6 October 2024 | | Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year B | | Revd Rob Miners | | Divorce
29 September 2024 | | Michael and All Angels | | Year B | | Revd Rob Miners | | Angels
22 September 2024 | | Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year B | | Revd Rob Miners | | On Prayer - Part 2
15 September 2024 | | Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year B | | Revd Rob Miners | | On Prayer - Part 1
8 September 2024 | | Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year B | | Revd Rob Miners | | Jesus Heals the Deaf and Dumb
1 September 2024 | | Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year B | | Revd Rob Miners | | Clean or Unclean?
25 August 2024 | | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year B | | Revd Rob Miners | | Fears
18 August 2024 | | Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year B | | Revd Rob Miners | | Faith
17 March 2024 | | Fifth Sunday in Lent | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Parting Words: Last Sermon as an Anglican Priest
3 March 2024 | | Third Sunday in Lent | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | This is Weird, but in a Good Way
18 February 2024 | | First Sunday in Lent | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Lent is About Jesus
14 February 2024 | | Ash Wednesday | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Ash Wednesday: Dust, Creation, New Creation
4 February 2024 | | Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Powers Put on Notice
21 January 2024 | | Third Sunday after the Epiphany | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Understanding God's Outreach
5 November 2023 | | All Saints | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | On Sanctity and Temperament
24 September 2023 | | The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Freed from Anger and Resentment
3 September 2023 | | The Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Vindication
20 August 2023 | | The Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | It's Just Not Natural!
6 August 2023 | | The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Very Different Miracles in the Wilderness
3 August 2023 | | Anglican Schools Australia Conference, Sermon for Morning Prayer | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Man Born Blind and the Anglican School
16 July 2023 | | The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Learning to Speak Christian
2 July 2023 | | The Fifth Sunday after Pentecost | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Reassurance for the Challenged
18 June 2023 | | The Third Sunday after Pentecost | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Voice Debate, the Zero-Sum Game, and the Christian Alternative
28 May 2023 | | Pentecost Sunday | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Pentecost: The Organ, the Wind and the Organist; preached at St Paul's Manuka
27 March 2023 | | Morning Prayer, Virginia Theol. Seminary | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Whoever believes in him will not be put to shame ...
22 January 2023 | | Third Sunday after Epiphany | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | What's it Like When God is Revealed?
11th December 2022 | | Third Sunday of Advent | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | It's True, and We'll Show You
27th November 2022 | | First Sunday of Advent | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Jesus Comes to Disrupt and to Liberate
16th October 2022 | | Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |29| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Struggling with God
2nd October 2022 | | St Francis' Day | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Gift and Task of Creation
11th September 2022 | | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Queen's Passing and the Christian Vision
4th September 2022 | | Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Cost of Discipleship
21st August 2022 | | Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |21| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Meet the Antichrist
7th August 2022 | | Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |20| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Fear of Loss
17th July 2022 | | Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |17| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Ora et Labora
10th July 2022 | | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |15| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | From Grudging Morality to Divine Compassion
3rd July 2022 | | Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |14| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Delightful Urgency
5th June 2022 | | Pentecost | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Enlisted by the Spirit of Truth
17th April 2022 | | Easter Day 2022 | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Alive to God in Jesus Christ
27th March 2022 | | Fourth Sunday in Lent 2022 | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Prodigal Love Meets Shared Delusion
6th March 2022 | | First Sunday in Lent 2022 | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Desert Challenge 2: The New Israel
20th February 2022 | | Seventh Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |07| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Invited to Become Like God
6th February 2022 | | Fifth Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |05| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Calling
16th January 2022 | | Second Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |02| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | My Big Fat Gospel Wedding
2nd January 2022 | | Second Sunday after Christmas 2022 | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Problem with New Year's Resolutions
25th December 2021 | | Christmas Day | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Christmas: Festival of Enchantment
19th December 2021 | | Fourth Sunday of Advent | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Visitation: Free at Last
5th December 2021 | | Second Sunday of Advent | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Advent and Lockdown
7th November 2021 | | Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |32| | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Joining the Silent Revolution
3rd November 2021 | | Funeral of Dr Rosamund Dalziell | | Funeral | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Funeral of Dr Rosamund Dalziell
17th October 2021 | | Twenty First Sunday after Pentecost |29| | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Achieving Recognition, Securing Differentiation
19th September 2021 | | Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |25| | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Forming Christian Character
5th September 2021 | | Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23| | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | After God's Heart
1st August 2021 | | Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |18| | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | I am the bread of life
18th July 2021 | | Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |16| | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Alternative Reality
4th July 2021 | | Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |14| | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | To Comfort the Afflicted and Afflict the Comfortable
27th June 2021 | | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |13| | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | God's Gift To Women
6th June 2021 | | Second Sunday after Pentecost |10| | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Binding the Strong Man
16th May 2021 | | Ascension Day | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Caught in the Updraft
2nd May 2021 | | St Philip and St James | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Philip, James and Knowing God
25th April 2021 | | Fourth Sunday of Easter & ANZAC Day | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Known unto God
4th April 2021 | | Easter Day | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Resurrection: But What about the Eggs?
1st April 2021 | | Maundy Thursday | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Brave New World
29th March 2021 | | Funeral of Bishop Bruce Wilson,|br /|delivered at St James King Street Sydney | | Funeral | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Funeral of Bishop Bruce Wilson
21st March 2021 | | Fifth Sunday in Lent | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Good News of the Cross
7th March 2021 | | Third Sunday in Lent | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Marching to a Different Drummer
28th February 2021 | | Second Sunday in Lent | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Giving Up and Taking Up in Lent
7th February 2021 | | Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05| | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Exorcising Demonic Rivalry
17th January 2021 | | Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02| | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Epiphany: Knowing and Being Known
3rd January 2021 | | The Epiphany | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Starlight, Star Bright
25th December 2020 | | Christmas Day | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | God is Like Alfred Hitchcock
20th December 2020 | | Fourth Sunday of Advent | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Virtues and Disciplines of Advent
6th December 2020 | | Second Sunday of Advent | | Year B | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Advent Hope
15th November 2020 | | Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |33| | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | De-Toxifying God: Re-Reading the Parable of the Talents
1st November 2020 | | All Saints | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | All Saints, and just in time. . .
18th October 2020 | | St Luke's Day | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | St Luke: There is balm in Gilead, there is a physician there
4th October 2020 | | St Francis's Day | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Recapturing St Francis' Form of Life
20th September 2020 | | Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25| | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Beyond Christian Values
6th September 2020 | | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23| | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Under Authority
23rd August 2020 | | Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost |21| | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Church: Admirers of Jesus or Members of Christ?
2nd August 2020 | | Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |18| | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Detox of our Nuremberged Imaginations
19th July 2020 | | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |16| | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Mistrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful
5th July 2020 | | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |14| | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me . . ."
14th June 2020 | | Thanksgiving for the Holy Communion | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Corpus Christi: Body, Matter, Violence
31st May 2020 | | Day of Pentecost | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Pentecost: Riding the Big Red Tricycle
17th May 2020 | | Sixth Sunday of Easter | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Easter Means Liberation
26th April 2020 | | Third Sunday of Easter | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Grown-up Resurrection Faith
12th April 2020 | | Easter Day | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Resurrection is a Game Changer
29th March 2020 | | Fifth Sunday in Lent | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | I am the Resurrection and the Life
15th March 2020 | | Third Sunday in Lent | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Is the Lord among us or not?
1st March 2020 | | First Sunday in Lent | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Not Failing in the Wilderness
16th February 2020 | | Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06| | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Christian Moral Imagination
2nd February 2020 | | The Presentation of Christ in the Temple | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Candlemas: What is the Speed of Light?
19th January 2020 | | Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02| | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Our Epiphany
25th December 2019 | | Christmas Day | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Comforted and Confronted by the Word Made Flesh