Audio sermons

Click the speaker symbol audio to hear the audio (mp3 format).

25 December 2024Christmas DayYear CRevd Rob MinersWhat Does Christmas Mean to You? audio
8 December 2024Second Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Rob MinersAre We Welcomers? audio
1 December 2024First Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Rob MinersBe Prepared audio
28 November 2024Midweek EucharistYear CRevd Rob MinersWaiting audio
24 November 2024Christ the King / The Reign of ChristYear BRevd Rob MinersThe Good News: Christ is King audio
17 November 2024Twenty-sixth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersA Grief observed audio
10 November 2024Twenty-fifth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersShe gave all she had audio
3 November 2024All SaintsYear BRevd Rob MinersThe Death Experience audio
27 October 2024Twenty-third Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersWhat do you want Christ to do for you? audio
6 October 2024Twentieth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersDivorce audio
29 September 2024Michael and All AngelsYear BRevd Rob MinersAngels audio
22 September 2024Eighteenth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersOn Prayer - Part 2 audio
15 September 2024Seventeenth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersOn Prayer - Part 1 audio
8 September 2024Sixteenth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersJesus Heals the Deaf and Dumb audio
1 September 2024Fifteenth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersClean or Unclean? audio
25 August 2024Fourteenth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersFears audio
18 August 2024Thirteenth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersFaith audio
17 March 2024Fifth Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellParting Words: Last Sermon as an Anglican Priest audio
3 March 2024Third Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThis is Weird, but in a Good Way audio
18 February 2024First Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellLent is About Jesus audio
14 February 2024Ash WednesdayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAsh Wednesday: Dust, Creation, New Creation audio
4 February 2024Fifth Sunday after the EpiphanyYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Powers Put on Notice audio
21 January 2024Third Sunday after the EpiphanyYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellUnderstanding God's Outreach audio
5 November 2023All SaintsYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellOn Sanctity and Temperament audio
24 September 2023The Seventeenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFreed from Anger and Resentment audio
3 September 2023The Fourteenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellVindication audio
20 August 2023The Twelfth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellIt's Just Not Natural! audio
6 August 2023The Tenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellVery Different Miracles in the Wilderness audio
3 August 2023Anglican Schools Australia Conference, Sermon for Morning PrayerYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Man Born Blind and the Anglican School audio
16 July 2023The Seventh Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellLearning to Speak Christian audio
2 July 2023The Fifth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellReassurance for the Challenged audio
18 June 2023The Third Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Voice Debate, the Zero-Sum Game, and the Christian Alternative audio
28 May 2023Pentecost SundayYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellPentecost: The Organ, the Wind and the Organist; preached at St Paul's Manuka audio
27 March 2023Morning Prayer, Virginia Theol. SeminaryYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellWhoever believes in him will not be put to shame ... audio
22 January 2023Third Sunday after EpiphanyYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellWhat's it Like When God is Revealed? audio
11th December 2022Third Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellIt's True, and We'll Show You audio
27th November 2022First Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellJesus Comes to Disrupt and to Liberate audio
16th October 2022Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellStruggling with God audio
2nd October 2022St Francis' Day Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Gift and Task of Creation audio
11th September 2022Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Queen's Passing and the Christian Vision audio
4th September 2022Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Cost of Discipleship audio
21st August 2022Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellMeet the Antichrist audio
7th August 2022Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFear of Loss audio
17th July 2022Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellOra et Labora audio
10th July 2022Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFrom Grudging Morality to Divine Compassion audio
3rd July 2022Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellDelightful Urgency audio
5th June 2022PentecostYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellEnlisted by the Spirit of Truth audio
17th April 2022Easter Day 2022Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAlive to God in Jesus Christ audio
27th March 2022Fourth Sunday in Lent 2022Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellProdigal Love Meets Shared Delusion audio
6th March 2022First Sunday in Lent 2022Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellDesert Challenge 2: The New Israel audio
20th February 2022Seventh Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |07|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellInvited to Become Like God audio
6th February 2022Fifth Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |05|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Calling audio
16th January 2022Second Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |02|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellMy Big Fat Gospel Wedding audio
2nd January 2022Second Sunday after Christmas 2022Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Problem with New Year's Resolutions audio
25th December 2021Christmas DayYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellChristmas: Festival of Enchantment audio
19th December 2021Fourth Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Visitation: Free at Last audio
5th December 2021Second Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAdvent and Lockdown audio
7th November 2021Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellJoining the Silent Revolution audio
3rd November 2021Funeral of Dr Rosamund DalziellFuneralRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFuneral of Dr Rosamund Dalziell audio
17th October 2021Twenty First Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAchieving Recognition, Securing Differentiation audio
19th September 2021Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellForming Christian Character audio
5th September 2021Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAfter God's Heart audio
1st August 2021Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellI am the bread of life audio
18th July 2021Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAlternative Reality audio
4th July 2021Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellTo Comfort the Afflicted and Afflict the Comfortable audio
27th June 2021Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGod's Gift To Women audio
6th June 2021Second Sunday after Pentecost |10|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellBinding the Strong Man audio
16th May 2021Ascension DayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellCaught in the Updraft audio
2nd May 2021St Philip and St James Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellPhilip, James and Knowing God audio
25th April 2021Fourth Sunday of Easter & ANZAC DayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellKnown unto God audio
4th April 2021Easter DayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Resurrection: But What about the Eggs? audio
1st April 2021Maundy Thursday Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellBrave New World audio
29th March 2021Funeral of Bishop Bruce Wilson,|br /|delivered at St James King Street SydneyFuneralRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFuneral of Bishop Bruce Wilson audio
21st March 2021Fifth Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Good News of the Cross audio
7th March 2021Third Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellMarching to a Different Drummer audio
28th February 2021Second Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGiving Up and Taking Up in Lent audio
7th February 2021Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellExorcising Demonic Rivalry audio
17th January 2021Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellEpiphany: Knowing and Being Known audio
3rd January 2021The Epiphany Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellStarlight, Star Bright audio
25th December 2020Christmas Day Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGod is Like Alfred Hitchcock audio
20th December 2020Fourth Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Virtues and Disciplines of Advent audio
6th December 2020Second Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAdvent Hope audio
15th November 2020Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellDe-Toxifying God: Re-Reading the Parable of the Talents audio
1st November 2020All SaintsYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAll Saints, and just in time. . .  audio
18th October 2020St Luke's DayYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellSt Luke: There is balm in Gilead, there is a physician there audio
4th October 2020St Francis's DayYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellRecapturing St Francis' Form of Life audio
20th September 2020Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellBeyond Christian Values audio
6th September 2020Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellUnder Authority audio
23rd August 2020Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Church: Admirers of Jesus or Members of Christ? audio
2nd August 2020Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Detox of our Nuremberged Imaginations audio
19th July 2020Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellMistrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful audio
5th July 2020Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me . . ." audio
14th June 2020Thanksgiving for the Holy Communion Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellCorpus Christi: Body, Matter, Violence audio
31st May 2020Day of PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellPentecost: Riding the Big Red Tricycle audio
17th May 2020Sixth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellEaster Means Liberation audio
26th April 2020Third Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGrown-up Resurrection Faith audio
12th April 2020Easter DayYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Resurrection is a Game Changer audio
29th March 2020Fifth Sunday in LentYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellI am the Resurrection and the Life audio
15th March 2020Third Sunday in LentYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellIs the Lord among us or not? audio
1st March 2020First Sunday in LentYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellNot Failing in the Wilderness audio
16th February 2020Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellChristian Moral Imagination audio
2nd February 2020The Presentation of Christ in the Temple Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellCandlemas: What is the Speed of Light? audio
19th January 2020Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellOur Epiphany audio
25th December 2019Christmas Day Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellComforted and Confronted by the Word Made Flesh audio
25 December 2024Christmas DayYear CRevd Rob MinersWhat Does Christmas Mean to You? audio
8 December 2024Second Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Rob MinersAre We Welcomers? audio
1 December 2024First Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Rob MinersBe Prepared audio
28 November 2024Midweek EucharistYear CRevd Rob MinersWaiting audio
24 November 2024Christ the King / The Reign of ChristYear BRevd Rob MinersThe Good News: Christ is King audio
17 November 2024Twenty-sixth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersA Grief observed audio
10 November 2024Twenty-fifth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersShe gave all she had audio
3 November 2024All SaintsYear BRevd Rob MinersThe Death Experience audio
27 October 2024Twenty-third Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersWhat do you want Christ to do for you? audio
6 October 2024Twentieth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersDivorce audio
29 September 2024Michael and All AngelsYear BRevd Rob MinersAngels audio
22 September 2024Eighteenth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersOn Prayer - Part 2 audio
15 September 2024Seventeenth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersOn Prayer - Part 1 audio
8 September 2024Sixteenth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersJesus Heals the Deaf and Dumb audio
1 September 2024Fifteenth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersClean or Unclean? audio
25 August 2024Fourteenth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersFears audio
18 August 2024Thirteenth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersFaith audio
17 March 2024Fifth Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellParting Words: Last Sermon as an Anglican Priest audio
3 March 2024Third Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThis is Weird, but in a Good Way audio
18 February 2024First Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellLent is About Jesus audio
14 February 2024Ash WednesdayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAsh Wednesday: Dust, Creation, New Creation audio
4 February 2024Fifth Sunday after the EpiphanyYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Powers Put on Notice audio
21 January 2024Third Sunday after the EpiphanyYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellUnderstanding God's Outreach audio
5 November 2023All SaintsYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellOn Sanctity and Temperament audio
24 September 2023The Seventeenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFreed from Anger and Resentment audio
3 September 2023The Fourteenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellVindication audio
20 August 2023The Twelfth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellIt's Just Not Natural! audio
6 August 2023The Tenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellVery Different Miracles in the Wilderness audio
3 August 2023Anglican Schools Australia Conference, Sermon for Morning PrayerYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Man Born Blind and the Anglican School audio
16 July 2023The Seventh Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellLearning to Speak Christian audio
2 July 2023The Fifth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellReassurance for the Challenged audio
18 June 2023The Third Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Voice Debate, the Zero-Sum Game, and the Christian Alternative audio
28 May 2023Pentecost SundayYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellPentecost: The Organ, the Wind and the Organist; preached at St Paul's Manuka audio
27 March 2023Morning Prayer, Virginia Theol. SeminaryYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellWhoever believes in him will not be put to shame ... audio
22 January 2023Third Sunday after EpiphanyYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellWhat's it Like When God is Revealed? audio
11th December 2022Third Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellIt's True, and We'll Show You audio
27th November 2022First Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellJesus Comes to Disrupt and to Liberate audio
16th October 2022Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellStruggling with God audio
2nd October 2022St Francis' Day Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Gift and Task of Creation audio
11th September 2022Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Queen's Passing and the Christian Vision audio
4th September 2022Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Cost of Discipleship audio
21st August 2022Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellMeet the Antichrist audio
7th August 2022Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFear of Loss audio
17th July 2022Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellOra et Labora audio
10th July 2022Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFrom Grudging Morality to Divine Compassion audio
3rd July 2022Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellDelightful Urgency audio
5th June 2022PentecostYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellEnlisted by the Spirit of Truth audio
17th April 2022Easter Day 2022Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAlive to God in Jesus Christ audio
27th March 2022Fourth Sunday in Lent 2022Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellProdigal Love Meets Shared Delusion audio
6th March 2022First Sunday in Lent 2022Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellDesert Challenge 2: The New Israel audio
20th February 2022Seventh Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |07|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellInvited to Become Like God audio
6th February 2022Fifth Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |05|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Calling audio
16th January 2022Second Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |02|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellMy Big Fat Gospel Wedding audio
2nd January 2022Second Sunday after Christmas 2022Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Problem with New Year's Resolutions audio
25th December 2021Christmas DayYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellChristmas: Festival of Enchantment audio
19th December 2021Fourth Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Visitation: Free at Last audio
5th December 2021Second Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAdvent and Lockdown audio
7th November 2021Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellJoining the Silent Revolution audio
3rd November 2021Funeral of Dr Rosamund DalziellFuneralRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFuneral of Dr Rosamund Dalziell audio
17th October 2021Twenty First Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAchieving Recognition, Securing Differentiation audio
19th September 2021Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellForming Christian Character audio
5th September 2021Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAfter God's Heart audio
1st August 2021Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellI am the bread of life audio
18th July 2021Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAlternative Reality audio
4th July 2021Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellTo Comfort the Afflicted and Afflict the Comfortable audio
27th June 2021Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGod's Gift To Women audio
6th June 2021Second Sunday after Pentecost |10|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellBinding the Strong Man audio
16th May 2021Ascension DayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellCaught in the Updraft audio
2nd May 2021St Philip and St James Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellPhilip, James and Knowing God audio
25th April 2021Fourth Sunday of Easter & ANZAC DayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellKnown unto God audio
4th April 2021Easter DayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Resurrection: But What about the Eggs? audio
1st April 2021Maundy Thursday Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellBrave New World audio
29th March 2021Funeral of Bishop Bruce Wilson,|br /|delivered at St James King Street SydneyFuneralRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFuneral of Bishop Bruce Wilson audio
21st March 2021Fifth Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Good News of the Cross audio
7th March 2021Third Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellMarching to a Different Drummer audio
28th February 2021Second Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGiving Up and Taking Up in Lent audio
7th February 2021Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellExorcising Demonic Rivalry audio
17th January 2021Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellEpiphany: Knowing and Being Known audio
3rd January 2021The Epiphany Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellStarlight, Star Bright audio
25th December 2020Christmas Day Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGod is Like Alfred Hitchcock audio
20th December 2020Fourth Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Virtues and Disciplines of Advent audio
6th December 2020Second Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAdvent Hope audio
15th November 2020Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellDe-Toxifying God: Re-Reading the Parable of the Talents audio
1st November 2020All SaintsYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAll Saints, and just in time. . .  audio
18th October 2020St Luke's DayYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellSt Luke: There is balm in Gilead, there is a physician there audio
4th October 2020St Francis's DayYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellRecapturing St Francis' Form of Life audio
20th September 2020Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellBeyond Christian Values audio
6th September 2020Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellUnder Authority audio
23rd August 2020Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Church: Admirers of Jesus or Members of Christ? audio
2nd August 2020Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Detox of our Nuremberged Imaginations audio
19th July 2020Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellMistrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful audio
5th July 2020Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me . . ." audio
14th June 2020Thanksgiving for the Holy Communion Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellCorpus Christi: Body, Matter, Violence audio
31st May 2020Day of PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellPentecost: Riding the Big Red Tricycle audio
17th May 2020Sixth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellEaster Means Liberation audio
26th April 2020Third Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGrown-up Resurrection Faith audio
12th April 2020Easter DayYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Resurrection is a Game Changer audio
29th March 2020Fifth Sunday in LentYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellI am the Resurrection and the Life audio
15th March 2020Third Sunday in LentYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellIs the Lord among us or not? audio
1st March 2020First Sunday in LentYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellNot Failing in the Wilderness audio
16th February 2020Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellChristian Moral Imagination audio
2nd February 2020The Presentation of Christ in the Temple Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellCandlemas: What is the Speed of Light? audio
19th January 2020Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellOur Epiphany audio
25th December 2019Christmas Day Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellComforted and Confronted by the Word Made Flesh audio