We open on Saturdays from 10am to 1pm. We would love to see you soon!
We have great buys from our wonderful selection of pre-loved clothing. We can find something to suit everybody including our special cuddlies (sizes 18+). There are also lots of 'as new' handbags, shoes, scarves and accessories at cheap, cheap prices. EFTPOS is available. Take a look at our Summer collection!We will be strictly following our COVIDSafe plan while keeping the friendly welcome for which our little shop is famous! We will need to do a few things differently, so please be patient.
We welcome any donations of good quality clothes and goods. Please drop in during our trading hours.
Pandora's is staffed by wonderful volunteers from both St Philip's and the community. Perhaps you might like to join our friendly group. Please give your contact details to one of the staff at the shop or contact us via email comeandsee@stphilipsoconnor.org.au and we will be in touch.
Money raised by Pandora's is given to local, Australian, and overseas projects. Click here to view a list of recent projects. Some of the money also supports our Parish in its ministry.