Pastoral care

Pastoral care is a vital part of life as a Christian community. St Philip's has a team of people, led by the Rector, that offers pastoral care to Parish members and others connected with St Philip's who need fellowship and a helping hand.

When you talk to a team member, she or he will discuss with you the best way to help you and how urgent your need is.

The pastoral carer will never tell anyone else about your request for help without your permission. Usually, however, the carer will ask your permission to tell our Parish Priest. They have lots of knowledge and experience about the best ways to help people. Perhaps, also, another member of the care team or someone else in the Parish may be the best person to help you. The team member may be able advise you on other sources that will help you.

What is pastoral care?

Pastoral care is the care for church members and those connected with the church in some way. The word 'pastor' comes from a Latin word which means shepherd, the one who cares for the flock. (But it doesn't mean lack of care for others! We just use different names for that.) Jesus is called the 'Good Shepherd'. A good shepherd offers gentleness and loving-kindness.

Pastoral carers 'walk alongside' others in a spirit of gentleness, loving-care, respect and friendship. Sometimes this can be very simple.


If you need the help of a Priest, call the Parish Office on (02) 6161 7334 and leave a message or contact the Revd Martin Johnson 0478 619 911.