Antiphon: Shower, O heavens, from above, and let the skies rain down righteousness.
Nativity scene
by Sister Marie Claire SMMI (Bangalore, India, 1937–2018)
Nativity thought, 1995
Bill Stadick
They knew.
The famous always know they are watched.
They understood their positions
around the manger mattered, that even
in an unlit cranny of creation, someone
somewhere would record with pen or paint
every head tilt and cow grunt.
Mary, for example, knew. She wrinkled
her pink gown just so, joyed up her eyes just so
and squared her biceps around him just so
for the benefit of Rubens. Then she scurried
over straw for Botticelli's sake and lined up
steer, then steed, then herself, remembering
to clasp her hand just in time above the Lord-Is-Come.
Joseph also knew. He shifted with mock
stagefright from foot to foot,
glancing at the Messiah as though
he were a plastic-faced doll
because someday this would serve as model
for Sunday school pageants everywhere.
Even the holy infant knew,
as he squinched his eyes tighter
and tighter, gushing a nimbus
with museum-worthy brilliance
from his pores (Rubens would need
a light source and it might as well be him).
Taking advantage of his useless,
newborn neck muscles, the little
Lord Jesus next experimented
with a series of head flops
to be perfected at a later date
on a hill far away.
The Christian Century 113, no. 37, 18-25 Dec. 1996, p. 1254
Isaiah 45:6-8, 18, 21-26
So that they may know, from the rising of the sun and from the west, that there is no one besides me; I am the Lord, and there is no other. I form light and create darkness, I make weal and create woe; I the Lord do all these things.
Shower, O heavens, from above, and let the skies rain down righteousness; let the earth open, that salvation may spring up, and let it cause righteousness to sprout up also; I the Lord have created it.
For thus says the Lord, who created the heavens (he is God!), who formed the earth and made it (he established it; he did not create it a chaos, he formed it to be inhabited!): I am the Lord, and there is no other. Declare and present your case; let them take counsel together! Who told this long ago? Who declared it of old? Was it not I, the Lord? There is no other god besides me, a righteous God and a Saviour; there is no one besides me.
Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other. By myself I have sworn, from my mouth has gone forth in righteousness a word that shall not return: ‘To me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.’
Only in the Lord, it shall be said of me, are righteousness and strength; all who were incensed against him shall come to him and be ashamed. In the Lord all the offspring of Israel shall triumph and glory.
Psalm 85.8-13
8. Let me hear what God the Lord will speak, for he will speak peace to his people, to his faithful, to those who turn to him in their hearts.
9. Surely his salvation is at hand for those who fear him, that his glory may dwell in our land.
10. Steadfast love and faithfulness will meet; righteousness and peace will kiss each other.
11. Faithfulness will spring up from the ground, and righteousness will look down from the sky.
12. The Lord will give what is good, and our land will yield its increase.
13. Righteousness will go before him, and will make a path for his steps.
Luke 7:19-23
and sent them to the Lord to ask, ‘Are you the one who is to come, or are we to wait for another?’ When the men had come to him, they said, ‘John the Baptist has sent us to you to ask, “Are you the one who is to come, or are we to wait for another?”’ Jesus had just then cured many people of diseases, plagues, and evil spirits, and had given sight to many who were blind. And he answered them, ‘Go and tell John what you have seen and heard: the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have good news brought to them. And blessed is anyone who takes no offence at me.’
Gracious God, you have done so much for us
And we so little in return
You ask for humility
And we are often a proud people
You ask for willingness
And we are often a stubborn people
You ask for repentance
And we are often a deaf people
You ask for service
And we are often a busy people
Gracious God, you want the best for us
Teach us obedience
Grant us forgiveness
That we, like Mary
Might be your willing servants. Amen.
Cecilia McDowall. Now May We Singen. Genesis Sixteen, Ftyzrovia Cpel, London. 2019