Day Six — Monday 30 December 2018

The Word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us. O come, let us worship. Alleluia


1 John 2.12-17 | Psalm 96.7-9 | Luke 2.36-40


Charles Eamer Kempe (1837-1907). Anna the Prophetess,
detail from a window of All Saints Church in Bishop Burton, a village in East Yorkshire.

by Sitabz Garg (2014)

What do the heavenly eyes gaze upon?
A squall hurdles
As silence, descend to rain
her temple doors rattle
Winds dim her temple lights,
Amid the thunder a vista
remains evanescent,
Reverberate, a flickering sight.

What does the darkness-the world of light conceal?
The prophetess,
Of heavenly light o blessed Asher
The rain rattles her temple roofs
The night darkens further
All voices deprived of sound
It rains, retards the morning bright
Behold, a prayer that to the heavens
Flows and shakes the thundering clouds
What earthly rain, of gales and storms,
What forces in heavens could deprive
The lord her soul embraces.
An inferno embodies her spirit
Ascertain him o true messiah
Tonight she stays awake
She fasts to the lord
Says his prayers
For the morning tomorrow
She shall stay, and lie awake the night
Tomorrow she shall drape the truth
For the good news is here
Listen before it ebbs
Today she lies awake
Not alone, her lord is not sleeping
In her womb her faith is born
And stays awake, and spends the night
With her it fasts and pray
The saviour is coming, lord Jesus Christ
Waiting for him to come, for her to see the day
She stays awake …


We pray you, Lord, to purify our hearts that they may be worthy to become your dwelling place. Let us never fail to find room for you, but come and abide in us that we also may abide in you, who as at this time was born into the world for us, and lives and reigns, King of kings and Lord of lords, now and for evermore.
—William Temple.

J. S. Bach. Weihnachtsoratorium [The Christmas Oratorio] BWV 248, 1733–4
Lucerne Chamber Circle: Frieberg Baroque Orchestra and the RIAS Chamber choir, dir. Hans-Christoph Rademan

May the Lord, who has called out of darkness into his marvellous light, bless us and fill us with peace. Amen.

St Philip's Anglican Church,
cnr Moorhouse and Macpherson Streets, O'Connor, ACT 2602.