Day Thirty Seven — 27 March

Hear our voice, O Lord, according to your faithful love.

Lectionary readings (Click the links to see the readings):
Isaiah 50.4-9 | Psalm 70 | Hebrews 12.1-3 | John 13.21-32

For sins against others

Hear me Father, as I make my confessions. I thank you that you receive me as I am—not as I pretend to be. I am so tired of pretending.

Forgive me for the times I have succeeded in deceiving my friends and loved ones, for I knew I did not deceive you. In sinning against others, I know that I have sinned against you. For have you not said plainly that those who claim to love God, and yet hate their brothers and sisters, are liars?

Father, I know that in my ignorance I have cast a shadow upon many. I have stood in the way of their discovery of your way and your presence. Oh God, forgive me.
I have thought often of myself and my own deeds, seldom of my fellow human beings and of their needs. O God give me selflessness.
I have been unwilling to forgive others, yet have had the audacity to ask you to forgive me. I ask you for an understanding heart.
I have criticised other people in order to inflate my own importance. I ask you, O God, for a generous heart.
I have tried by reason and the twisting of my conscience to rationalise wrong into right.
There have been times when I told the truth only because I believed it was expedient to do so. O God, help me to love truth and honesty for their own sakes, that I may do right simply because I know it is right to do right.
I have sought the spotlight, yet am not big enough to stand in it. I want to be renowned for great deeds, and all the while am notorious for small performances.

I know that love for others is a gift of yours. How much I desire it! Yet I cannot manufacture it. Increase, I pray, your giving to me, that I may have more love toward other people.

So may I go from this place to live my Christianity every day, in the things I shall say to others, in the things I shall do for others, in the way I shall live with others, that my own witness may be made to the love of Christ Jesus, my Lord.

The Prayers of Peter Marshall, edited by Catherine Marshall. London: Peter Davies, 1955.

Day 37Jesus falls under the weight of the cross.

J.S. Bach. In meines Herzens Grunde [Within my heart's foundation]; chorale no. 8 from the St. John Passion (BWV 245, 1724). The Monteverdi Choir and The English Baroque Soloists, dir. John Eliot Gardiner.

In meines Herzens Grunde
Dein Nam und Kreuz allein
Funkelt all Zeit und Stunde,
Drauf kann ich fröhlich sein.
Erschein mir in dem Bilde
Zu Trost in meiner Not,
Wie du, Herr Christ, so milde
Dich hast geblut' zu Tod!
(Valerius Herberger, 1613)
Within my heart's foundation
Thy name and cross alone
Shine forth each day and hour,
For which I can rejoice.
Appear to me the vision,
For strength in my distress,
How thou, Lord Christ, so gently
Didst give thy blood till death!

May God our Redeemer show us compassion and love. Amen.

St Philip's Anglican Church, cnr Moorhouse and Macpherson Streets, O'Connor, ACT 2602