Week Five : introduction

Joan Chittister
Sister Joan D. Chittister, PhD OSB (1936- )

Joan Chittister OSB

Joan Chittister is a Benedictine nun, academic, author, lecturer and broadcaster. She is one of the Benedictine Sisters of Erie, Pennsylvania, and was prioress of the community for 12 years. A prolific and much-awarded author, Sister Joan writes and speaks on women in the church and society, human rights, and peace and justice, religious life and spirituality. She is co-chair of the Global Peace Initiative of Women, a UN-sponsored organization creating a worldwide network of women peacemakers.

Sister Joan's writing includes a number of readable books applying the Rule of St Benedict and Benedictine spirituality to everyday life. Among these is The monastery of the heart: an invitation to a meaningful life. (Blue Bridge, 2011), which is a reflection in verse-like form on part of Benedict's rule. Our readings for this week of Lent are Chittister's reflections on Chapter Seven of the Rule, on humility—hopefully a suitable Lenten topic! At each of the twelve steps described, there is a link to a page with the Chittister's translation of the Rule itself.

This week's music is choral works from the Slavic Orthodox churches of Russia and Bulgaria.

St Philip's Anglican Church, cnr Moorhouse and Macpherson Streets, O'Connor, ACT 2602
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