Hope 25

God of Hope
you call on us to be your witnesses in this uncertain world;
by your Spirit, awaken in us
    a true vision of your kingdom,
    a greater certainty of our salvation, and
    a deeper dedication to your service;
that through our words and actions the same Spirit may
bring many who are lost to be found,
to celebrate the hope that we can have only in Jesus Christ,
in whose name we pray. Amen.

Bishop Mark has written to Parishes in our diocese encouraging us to participate in the Hope25 initiative launched by General Synod. Hope25 is a season of parish-based evangelism for all of the Anglican Church of Australia. You can read about it at hope25.com.au. It will be an intentional time of sharing hope in Jesus. Each parish is asked to commit itself to doing (at least) one thing to share that hope—between Easter Day (20 April) and to Pentecost Sunday (8 June) 2025—and to start praying and planning now.

Hope in an uncertain world, with Glen Scrivener
Saturday 17 August 2024, 10am to 4pm
St Saviour’s Cathedral, Goulburn

This gathering will be an opportunity to hear from evangelist Glen Scrivener (speaklife.org.uk) about how the good news of Jesus connects with our deepest needs.
There will also be opportunities to learn from each other and be introduced to resources that will help us join the Hope25 initiative. Register at: https://forms.gle/pvJJDfqehaTX6FE18.
Morning tea provided. Please BYO lunch.