St Philip Symbol

Symbols of St Philip the Apostle

The loaves and fish

St Philip panel

Traditional symbols of Philip include the loaves and fish (Mark 6.41). Philip was present at the feeding of the five thousand (John 6.4-14. When Jesus asked Philip, "Where are we to buy bread for these people to eat?" Philip replied, "Two hundred denarii would not buy enough bread for each of them to get a little" Yet Jesus did not rebuke him for any lack of faith.

The badge of our Parish of St Philip's depicts the loaves and fish. The cathedral of St Saviour in Goulburn has an altar cloth made up of small panels contributed by ministries from across the Diocese. This design was used for our panel in that cloth.

The badge on the right, with the loaves and fish, is from one of our altar frontals, designed by Ruth McGorman-Mann.

The cross and book

St Philip by DurerSt Philip by del la Tour

Another symbol of St Philip the Apostle is a long cross or a staff with a small cross on it. Such crosses appear on the wall of our building and in the grounds. The staff/cross of St Philip is also seen in works of art depicting the apostle, as in these details from works by Dürer and by de la Tour. Philip is sometimes shown also holding the book of the gospels.

St Philips CrossSt Philip stone

At left is the St Philip's cross on our building. An Irish stonework of St Philip again shows him with the long cross and the book of the gospels.