Monday 9 December

Reveal among us the light of your presence, that we may behold your power and glory.

Readings (Click the links to see the readings)

Isaiah 35.1-10 | Psalm 85.8-13 | Luke 5.17-26 |

May Christmas Come
by Alan Jones

The rough beast slouching
toward Bethlehem,
still waits to come to term.
Christmas comes and goes
as we expect.
Nothing changes.
This year in New York, Jerusalem
and Kabul,
the Innocents are slaughtered
according to Herod's schedule.
His rage, unchecked,
still does its work.
Yet this year
things could be different.
September 11th adds urgency
to the
making this the time of choosing.
The choice is ours
to miss the point or
see Mary and her child
in every mother and her baby,
and adore, absorbing
the rage and terror
and with a loving heart
rebuild the world,
making peace our gift.
May Christmas come.


In God's power, in his peace, in his presence,
we place ourselves today.
Holy God, Holy and Strong One, Holy and Mighty One,
protect us by your power, provide us with your peace,
fill our lives with your presence,
and awaken us to your coming;
through Jesus Christ the King of Glory,
who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
now and for ever. Amen.
— David Adman

Justice, mercy and peace

Anti Corruption

Today is UN International Anti-Corruption Day, a day to campaign for government transparency, checks on government powers, and uniform enforcement of law.

Leah Chang Desert Spirits Fire.
"For waters shall break forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert." (Isaiah 35.6)

James MacMillan. Data est mihi omnis potestas [All authority has been given to me] (Matt 28.18): communion motet for the Ascension (2007) — from The Strathclyde Motets. The Westminster Choir, conducted by Joe Miller, 2011.

May the Lord, when he comes, find us watching and waiting. Amen.

St Philip's Anglican Church, corner Moorhouse and Macpherson Streets, O'Connor, ACT 2602