Deacons at St Philip's


Revd Robin Moore

Robin Moore

The Revd Robin Moore has been a member of St Philip's parish for many years. She undertakes many tasks as deacon, especially in pastoral care and St Philip's aged care ministry. From 1996 to 2018, Robin and a small team of volunteer helpers operated the Northbourne Community Centre — work that was honoured when Robin received a 2011 National Volunteer Award.


Revd Linda Anchell

Linda Anchell

The Revd Linda Anchell, BA(Hons), DipEd, BTh, was an honorary deacon at St Philip's for many years until her death in 2019. Read more about Linda, and her life and ministry. You can also read some of Linda's sermons at St Philips.. Linda also initated this website!

Revd Andrea de Vaal Horciu

Andrea de Vaal Horciu

The Revd Andrea de Vaal Horciu was ordained deacon on 23 March 2013 while working at St Philip's to establish a cross-cultural family ministry at St Philip's. We farewelled her on 4 September 2016. Here is her farewell address. Andrea is now a priest, school chaplain, disability chaplain for Anglicare, and director of Embracing Ministries here in Canberra. Read more of her story.

Revd Peter Kuot

Peter Kuot

The Revd Peter Kuot was leader of the South Sudanese Dinka congregation that was an integral part of St Philip's from 2011 to 2015. He was ordained deacon on 28 February 2015 and is now Deacon-in-charge of the South Sudanese Anglican Mission, Ginninderra.