Remember George Herbert, parish priest and poet. (1593 - 1633)
TIS 552
Come, my way, my truth, my life
such a way as gives us breath,
such a truth as ends all strife
such a life as killeth death.
Come, my light, my feast, my strength
such a light as shows a feast,
such a feast as mends in length,
such a heart as joys in love.
Come, my joy, my love, my heart,
such a joy as none can move,
such a love as none can part,
such a heart as joys in love.
(see also: TIS 105 Let all the world in every corner sing; and 201 King of Glory)
"George Herbert began to pursue an academic career at Cambridge; but in 1625 he was persuaded by Nicholas Ferrar to study for ordination. In 1630 he became rector of Bemerton, Wiltshire. He was a poet and writer on pastoral duty. His poems and writings breathe the spirit of simple piety and pastoral devotion which characterised his ministry." from "Times and Seasons" by Gilbert Sinden SSM 1980