Sermons: 2003 to 2025

16 January 2025Induction of Revd Christine CargillYear CRt Revd Mark Short
12 January 2025The Baptism of Our LordYear CEphrem the Syrian on the Baptism of Our Lord
25 December 2024Christmas DayYear CRevd Rob MinersWhat Does Christmas Mean to You? audio
24 December 2024Christmas EveYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonLove Strikes Back: the Empire Reels
8 December 2024Second Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Rob MinersAre We Welcomers? audio
1 December 2024First Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Rob MinersBe Prepared audio
28 November 2024Midweek EucharistYear CRevd Rob MinersWaiting audio
24 November 2024Christ the King / The Reign of ChristYear BRevd Rob MinersThe Good News: Christ is King audio
17 November 2024Twenty-sixth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersA Grief observed audio
10 November 2024Twenty-fifth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersShe gave all she had audio
3 November 2024All SaintsYear BRevd Rob MinersThe Death Experience audio
27 October 2024Twenty-third Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersWhat do you want Christ to do for you? audio
20 October 2024Twenty-second Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Dr Colin DundonFollowing Jesus: Leadership of Suffering
17 October 2024Mid-week CommunionYear BDr Brian McKinlayTo behold the Lord
6 October 2024Twentieth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersDivorce audio
29 September 2024Michael and All AngelsYear BRevd Rob MinersAngels audio
22 September 2024Eighteenth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersOn Prayer - Part 2 audio
15 September 2024Seventeenth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersOn Prayer - Part 1 audio
8 September 2024Sixteenth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersJesus Heals the Deaf and Dumb audio
1 September 2024Fifteenth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersClean or Unclean? audio
25 August 2024Fourteenth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersFears audio
18 August 2024Thirteenth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersFaith audio
4 August 2024Eleventh Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Dr Chris SimonGifts for Building up the Church
1 August 2024Mid-week communionYear BDr Brian McKinlayTreasures Old and New
21 July 2024Ninth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Susanna PainHealing and Rest
14 July 2024Eighth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Dr Colin DundonFollowing Jesus: The Powers Display their Wares
7 July 2024Seventh Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Dr Colin DundonFollowing Jesus: Disciples of a Rejected Prophet Take the Road
23 June 2024Fifth Sunday after PentecostYear BDr Brian McKinlayPeace! Be Still
2 June 2024Second Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Dr Colin DundonFollowing Jesus: The Training Takes a Dangerous Turn
19 May 2024Pentecost SundayYear BRevd Christine CargillLeave us not Comfortless
19 May 2024Pentecost SundayYear BRevd Dr Colin DundonCome and See the Divine Future
21 April 2024Fourth Sunday in EasterYear BRevd Dr Colin DundonNot for our own sake
7 April 2024Second Sunday in EasterYear BRevd Dr Colin DundonAct Five, Scene One
17 March 2024Fifth Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellParting Words: Last Sermon as an Anglican Priest audio
3 March 2024Third Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThis is Weird, but in a Good Way audio
18 February 2024First Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellLent is About Jesus audio
14 February 2024Ash WednesdayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAsh Wednesday: Dust, Creation, New Creation audio
4 February 2024Fifth Sunday after the EpiphanyYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Powers Put on Notice audio
21 January 2024Third Sunday after the EpiphanyYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellUnderstanding God's Outreach audio
7 January 2024Baptism of The Lord - First Sunday after the EpiphanyYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellJesus' Baptism: God With Us in the Struggle
25 December 2023Christmas DayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellChristmas Morning and the Hidden God
19 December 2023Funeral of James Kim 1946-2023Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell
17 December 2023Third Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellWitnesses to Jesus Christ
3 December 2023Advent SundayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellWhat's it to Be?
26 November 2023Christ the KingYear ARevd Martin JohnsonFrom the cosmic to the sheepfold
19 November 2023The Twenty-fifth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Wealth of the Kingdom
12 November 2023The Twenty-fourth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonRemembrance Sunday: Living in Hope
5 November 2023All SaintsYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellOn Sanctity and Temperament audio
29 October 2023The Twenty-second Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonKnowledge and Love
22 October 2023The Twenty-first Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonFaith and Politics
15 October 2023The Twentieth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Wedding Garment
8 October 2023The Nineteenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonIt's all about Christ
1 October 2023St Francis, friar and preacher, patron of ecologyYear ARevd Martin JohnsonPatron of ecology
24 September 2023The Seventeenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFreed from Anger and Resentment audio
17 September 2023The Sixteenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonOur Vision of the Kingdom
10 September 2023The Fifteenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonRecognise one another
3 September 2023The Fourteenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellVindication audio
20 August 2023The Twelfth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellIt's Just Not Natural! audio
6 August 2023The Tenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellVery Different Miracles in the Wilderness audio
3 August 2023Anglican Schools Australia Conference, Sermon for Morning PrayerYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Man Born Blind and the Anglican School audio
30 July 2023Ninth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonParables
23 July 2023Eighth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonEcclesia
16 July 2023The Seventh Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellLearning to Speak Christian audio
9 July 2023Sixth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonComfortable words
3 July 2023St Thomas's Day; Sermon at Mount Carmel PrioryYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellTouching Christ's Wounds
2 July 2023The Fifth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellReassurance for the Challenged audio
25 June 2023Fourth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonLoyal to a Future
18 June 2023The Third Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Voice Debate, the Zero-Sum Game, and the Christian Alternative audio
11 June 2023Second Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonSacramental Imagination
28 May 2023Pentecost SundayYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Pentecostal Spirit
28 May 2023Pentecost SundayYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellPentecost: The Organ, the Wind and the Organist; preached at St Paul's Manuka audio
21 May 2023Ascension SundayYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellJesus's Ascension: A Proclamation not a Projectile
14 May 2023Sixth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Martin JohnsonRenewing the ANU Chaplaincy
7 May 2023St Philip and St JamesYear ARevd Martin JohnsonWhy do we have a Patron?
30 April 2023Fourth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Martin JohnsonKoinonia and a Reserve Bank Theologian
23 April 2023Third Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Martin JohnsonA Road to Nowhere?
16 April 2023Second Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThrough hope our lives are blessed
9 April 2023Easter SundayYear ARevd Martin JohnsonKeep moving
9 April 2023Easter VigilYear ARevd Martin JohnsonA Celebration of Life
2 April 2023Palm Sunday of the Lord's PassionYear ARevd Martin JohnsonHosanna!
27 March 2023Morning Prayer, Virginia Theol. SeminaryYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellWhoever believes in him will not be put to shame ... audio
26 March 2023Fifth Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Threat of Resurrection
19 March 2023Fourth Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonSight, Insight, and Light
12 March 2023Third Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonSelf-justication's barriers
5 March 2023Second Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonAre we Prepared to Travel?
26 February 2023First Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonOnly when we trust can we begin to obey
22 February 2023Ash WednesdayYear ARevd Martin JohnsonWhere your treasure is, there will your heart be
19 February 2023TransfigurationYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Point of Being Christian
12 February 2023Sixth Sunday after EpiphanyYear ARevd Martin JohnsonReconciliation
5 February 2023Fifth Sunday after EpiphanyYear ARevd Martin JohnsonA Generous Orthodoxy
29 January 2023Fourth Sunday after EpiphanyYear ARevd Martin JohnsonA Place to Find Jesus
22 January 2023Third Sunday after EpiphanyYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellWhat's it Like When God is Revealed? audio
15 January 2023Second Sunday after EpiphanyYear ARevd Martin JohnsonMissional spirituality
1 January 2023The Naming and Circumcision of JesusYear ARevd Martin JohnsonTo know him that we may make him known
25th December 2022Christmas DayYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellJoy of Heaven to Earth Come Down
18th November 2022Christmas EveYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Divine Dance
18th November 2022Fourth Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Martin JohnsonGod comes among us
11th December 2022Third Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellIt's True, and We'll Show You audio
4th November 2022Second Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Unexpected Coming
27th November 2022First Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellJesus Comes to Disrupt and to Liberate audio
20th November 2022Christ the King |34|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonThe Power of a True King
13th November 2022Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellPreparing for the Apocalypse
13th November 2022Sermon for Remembrance Sunday at St John's CamberwellYear CRevd Martin JohnsonRemembrance Sunday
6th November 2022All Saints SundayYear CRevd Martin JohnsonSaints between Cross and Resurrection
3rd November 2022All Souls 2022Year CRevd Martin JohnsonIn God's Merciful Keeping
30th October 2022Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost |31|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonStrong in Identity, At one in Christ
23rd October 2022Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonAnglicare Sunday
22nd October 2022Parish Day of ReflectionRevd Dr Colin DundonCome and See: Missiology and St Philip's O'Connor
22nd October 2022Parish Day of ReflectionRevd Martin JohnsonRector's Introduction and Address
16th October 2022Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellStruggling with God audio
9th October 2022Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonGrace and Gratitude
2nd October 2022St Francis' Day Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Gift and Task of Creation audio
25th September 2022Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonGreed and isolation
18th September 2022Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonWhat are we to make of all this?
15th September 2022Mid-week EucharistYear CRevd Martin JohnsonHomily for Requiem for HM Queen Elizabeth
11th September 2022Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Queen's Passing and the Christian Vision audio
4th September 2022Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Cost of Discipleship audio
28th August 2022Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonHospitality and losing your religion
21st August 2022Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellMeet the Antichrist audio
14th August 2022Mary, Mother of Our LordYear CRevd Martin JohnsonMary: Her life and ours
7th August 2022Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFear of Loss audio
31st July 2022Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonA radical new way of thinking
24th July 2022Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonAbounding in Thanksgiving
17th July 2022Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellOra et Labora audio
10th July 2022Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonSharing in Common Grace
10th July 2022Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFrom Grudging Morality to Divine Compassion audio
3rd July 2022Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellDelightful Urgency audio
26th June 2022Third Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonThe Journey of Faith
19th June 2022Second Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonTrue Identity
5th June 2022PentecostYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellEnlisted by the Spirit of Truth audio
22nd May 2022Sixth Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonLet the peoples praise You
8th May 2022Fourth Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Martin JohnsonAn Authentic Easter Church
1st May 2022St Philip and St JamesYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFinding our Way with St Philip
24th May 2022Second Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Martin JohnsonGetting Physical
17th April 2022Easter Day 2022Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAlive to God in Jesus Christ audio
15th April 2022Good Friday 2022Year CRevd Martin JohnsonPower in love
14th April 2022Maundy Thursday 2022Year CRevd Martin JohnsonThe Passover of Gladness
10th April 2022Sixth Sunday in LentYear CRevd Martin JohnsonPalm Sunday of the Lord's Passion
3rd April 2022Fifth Sunday in Lent 2022Year CRevd Martin JohnsonThe Sweet Aroma of Gratitude
27th March 2022Fourth Sunday in Lent 2022Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellProdigal Love Meets Shared Delusion audio
20th March 2022Third Sunday in Lent 2022Year CRevd Martin JohnsonSuffering and Time
13th March 2022Second Sunday in Lent 2022Year CRevd Martin JohnsonTrust
6th March 2022First Sunday in Lent 2022Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellDesert Challenge 2: The New Israel audio
27th February 2022Transfiguration 2022Year CRevd Martin JohnsonLife of the Church
20th February 2022Seventh Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |07|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellInvited to Become Like God audio
13th February 2022Sixth Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |06|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonAlas not Grantchester
6th February 2022Fifth Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |05|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Calling audio
30th January 2022Fourth Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |04|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonDon't Look Up
16th January 2022Second Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |02|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellMy Big Fat Gospel Wedding audio
2nd January 2022Second Sunday after Christmas 2022Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Problem with New Year's Resolutions audio
26th December 2021St Stephen's Day 2021Year CRevd Martin JohnsonSentimentality
25th December 2021Christmas DayYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellChristmas: Festival of Enchantment audio
24th December 2021Christmass Eve 2021Year CRevd Martin JohnsonA Christmas Carol
19th December 2021Fourth Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Visitation: Free at Last audio
12th December 2021Third Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Martin JohnsonJoy and Expectations
5th December 2021Second Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAdvent and Lockdown audio
28th November 2021First Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Martin JohnsonRecognising God in a Strange Land
21st November 2021Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34| Year BRevd Martin JohnsonChrist the King 2021
7th November 2021Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellJoining the Silent Revolution audio
3rd November 2021Funeral of Dr Rosamund DalziellFuneralRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFuneral of Dr Rosamund Dalziell audio
2nd November 2021All Souls 2021 |30|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonAll Souls 2021
31st October 2021Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonAll Saints 2021
24th October 2021Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonStumbling Blocks to Faith
17th October 2021Twenty First Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAchieving Recognition, Securing Differentiation audio
10th October 2021Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonGoodness needs humility
26th September 2021Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonJustice and Ecological Conversion
19th September 2021Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellForming Christian Character audio
12th September 2021Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonLooking for questions
5th September 2021Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAfter God's Heart audio
29th August 2021Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonNo place for ideology
22nd August 2021Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonGod-talk
15th August 2021Mary, Mother of Our Lord Revd Martin JohnsonCelebrating Mary
8th August 2021Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonThe God who satisfies
25th July 2021Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonBread sanctified
1st August 2021Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellI am the bread of life audio
18th July 2021Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAlternative Reality audio
11th July 2021Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonSpeaking Truth With Courage
4th July 2021Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellTo Comfort the Afflicted and Afflict the Comfortable audio
27th June 2021Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGod's Gift To Women audio
20th June 2021Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonStoicism
13th June 2021Third Sunday after Pentecost |11|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonBirds of a Feather
6th June 2021Second Sunday after Pentecost |10|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellBinding the Strong Man audio
30th May 2021Trinity SundayYear BRevd Martin JohnsonImportance of the Trinity
23rd May 2021Day of PentecostYear BRevd Martin JohnsonKoinonia
16th May 2021Ascension DayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellCaught in the Updraft audio
9th May 2021Sixth Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Martin JohnsonLinkages
2nd May 2021St Philip and St James Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellPhilip, James and Knowing God audio
25th April 2021Fourth Sunday of Easter & ANZAC DayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellKnown unto God audio
18th April 2021Third Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Martin JohnsonResurrection and Identity
11th April 2021Second Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Martin JohnsonResurrection and Forgiveness
4th April 2021Easter DayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Resurrection: But What about the Eggs? audio
4th April 2021Easter VigilYear BRevd Martin JohnsonParticipating in the Resurrection
1st April 2021Maundy Thursday Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellBrave New World audio
29th March 2021Funeral of Bishop Bruce Wilson,|br /|delivered at St James King Street SydneyFuneralRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFuneral of Bishop Bruce Wilson audio
28th March 2021Palm Sunday or Passion SundayYear BRevd Martin JohnsonProcessions
21st March 2021Fifth Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Good News of the Cross audio
14th March 2021Fourth Sunday in LentYear BRevd Martin JohnsonCourage to await the Cross
7th March 2021Third Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellMarching to a Different Drummer audio
28th February 2021Second Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGiving Up and Taking Up in Lent audio
21st February 2021First Sunday in LentYear BRevd Martin JohnsonLenten trials
14th February 2021TransfigurationYear BRevd Martin JohnsonOur plans and God's plans
7th February 2021Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellExorcising Demonic Rivalry audio
31st January 2021Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonAnglican authority
24th January 2021Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonCommunal Sin, Communal Repentance
17th January 2021Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellEpiphany: Knowing and Being Known audio
10th January 2021Baptism of the Lord |01|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonTheophany and the Church Militant
3rd January 2021The Epiphany Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellStarlight, Star Bright audio
27th December 2020First Sunday after ChristmasYear BRevd Martin JohnsonHow Silently The Truth Is Given
25th December 2020Christmas Day Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGod is Like Alfred Hitchcock audio
24th December 2020Christmas Eve MidnightYear BRevd Martin JohnsonChristmas: Participation not escapism
20th December 2020Fourth Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Virtues and Disciplines of Advent audio
13th December 2020Third Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Martin JohnsonChara
6th December 2020Second Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAdvent Hope audio
29th November 2020First Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Martin JohnsonBefore and After
22nd November 2020Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonControl
15th November 2020Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellDe-Toxifying God: Re-Reading the Parable of the Talents audio
8th November 2020Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonLest We Forget
1st November 2020All SaintsYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAll Saints, and just in time. . .  audio
25th October 2020Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonHoliness
18th October 2020St Luke's DayYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellSt Luke: There is balm in Gilead, there is a physician there audio
11th October 2020Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Wedding Garment
4th October 2020St Francis's DayYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellRecapturing St Francis' Form of Life audio
20th September 2020Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellBeyond Christian Values audio
13th September 2020Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonEcclesia and Authority
6th September 2020Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellUnder Authority audio
30th August 2020Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonOn 'Spiritual not Religious'
23rd August 2020Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Church: Admirers of Jesus or Members of Christ? audio
16th August 2020Mary, Mother of Our Lord Revd Martin JohnsonHail Mary, Full of Grace
9th August 2020Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonValues and Faith
2nd August 2020Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Detox of our Nuremberged Imaginations audio
26th July 2020Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Antidote to Indifference
19th July 2020Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellMistrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful audio
12th July 2020Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonSowing in Tears
5th July 2020Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me . . ." audio
28th June 2020Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonReimagining the world
21st June 2020Third Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonCaring and Relationships
14th June 2020Thanksgiving for the Holy Communion Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellCorpus Christi: Body, Matter, Violence audio
7th June 2020Trinity SundayYear ARevd Martin JohnsonTrinity and Worshipping Community
31st May 2020Day of PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellPentecost: Riding the Big Red Tricycle audio
17th May 2020Sixth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellEaster Means Liberation audio
10th May 2020Fifth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Jeannette McHughDo not let your hearts be troubled
3rd May 2020St Philip and St James Revd Martin JohnsonMeeting and Mending
26th April 2020Third Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGrown-up Resurrection Faith audio
19th April 2020Second Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Martin JohnsonMy Lord and My God
12th April 2020Easter DayYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Resurrection is a Game Changer audio
10th April 2020Good Friday Revd Martin JohnsonChrist Crowned
5th April 2020Palm Sunday or Passion SundayYear ARevd Martin JohnsonEngaging With Reality
29th March 2020Fifth Sunday in LentYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellI am the Resurrection and the Life audio
15th March 2020Third Sunday in LentYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellIs the Lord among us or not? audio
8th March 2020Second Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonCultivating the Land of Promise
1st March 2020First Sunday in LentYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellNot Failing in the Wilderness audio
23rd February 2020TransfigurationYear ARevd Martin JohnsonChristian Identity
16th February 2020Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellChristian Moral Imagination audio
9th February 2020Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonOur Calling
2nd February 2020The Presentation of Christ in the Temple Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellCandlemas: What is the Speed of Light? audio
26th January 2020Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonChurch Unity
19th January 2020Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellOur Epiphany audio
12th January 2020Baptism of the Lord |01|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonChaos, and Hope
5th January 2020The Epiphany Revd Martin JohnsonRevealings
29th December 2019First Sunday after ChristmasYear ARevd Martin JohnsonLiving Christmas Unreservedly
25th December 2019Christmas Day Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellComforted and Confronted by the Word Made Flesh audio
24th December 2019Christmas Eve MidnightYear ARevd Martin JohnsonHope Subverting Politics
22nd December 2019Fourth Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Martin JohnsonRenewal
15th December 2019Third Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellNo Season for Hard Men
17th November 2019Twenty Third Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellBurning Issues
13th October 2019Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonFaith in us
13th October 2019Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellSensible Radicalism
6th October 2019Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Wreck of the Deutschland
22nd September 2019Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonConsumption
15th September 2019Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonHow God Acts
8th September 2019Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellReal Religious Freedom
1st September 2019Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGod's Alarming Hospitality and Our Fragile Identity
25th August 2019Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonLift Up Your Hearts To The Lord
18th August 2019Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellEvensong at St Paul's Manuka - Mary in a Social Media Age
18th August 2019Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonJustice and Mercy
11th August 2019Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonFaith
4th August 2019Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellTrue Wisdom
28th July 2019Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonCourage in Prayer
21st July 2019Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonHospitality
14th July 2019Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonThe Outside Showing The Way
7th July 2019Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonReligious Freedom 8 AM; The Lamb of God 10AM
30th June 2019Third Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonSacramentality
23rd June 2019Second Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year CRevd Martin Johnson'The Powers That Be'
16th June 2019Trinity SundayYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellA Hybrid Divinity
9th June 2019Day of PentecostYear CRevd Martin JohnsonA Different Perspective on the World
2nd June 2019Ascension DayYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellCaught Up
26th May 2019Sixth Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe Holy City the New Jerusalem
19th May 2019Fifth Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellOn Our Being the Glory of God
12th May 2019Fourth Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe Lamb Will Be Their Shepherd
5th May 2019St Philip and St James Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellKnowing God by Knowing Jesus
28th April 2019Second Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Martin JohnsonResurrection Hope
21st April 2019Easter DayYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellHope Plus
21st April 2019Easter VigilYear CRevd Martin JohnsonLet go and Rejoice
19th April 2019Good Friday Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellMass of the Pre-Sanctified: Israel Folau Has Got It Wrong
18th April 2019Maundy Thursday Revd Martin JohnsonOn the night He was betrayed
14th April 2019Palm Sunday or Passion SundayYear CRevd Martin JohnsonIdentity in Christ
7th April 2019Fifth Sunday in LentYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellScandalous!
31st March 2019Fourth Sunday in LentYear CRevd Martin JohnsonBreaking Down the Barriers
24th March 2019Third Sunday in LentYear CRevd Martin JohnsonFaith and Imaginative Vision
17th March 2019Second Sunday in LentYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Judgement of our Anxieties
10th March 2019First Sunday in LentYear CRevd Martin JohnsonNarratives and Trust
6th March 2019Ash Wednesday Revd Martin JohnsonLenten Renewal
3rd March 2019TransfigurationYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGeorge Pell and the Transfiguration
24th February 2019Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany |07|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonLoving Our Enemies
17th February 2019Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellNothing Need Ever be the Same
10th February 2019Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonThe Nature of our Calling
3rd February 2019The Presentation of Christ in the Temple Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellCandlemas: Outshining the Power of Death
27th January 2019Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonLiving by our Creed
20th January 2019Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellSharing Christ's Glory
6th January 2019The Epiphany Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Epiphany and the Catholic Faith
30th December 2018First Sunday after ChristmasYear CRevd Martin JohnsonHoly Family
24th December 2018Christmas Eve MidnightYear CRevd Martin JohnsonChristmas and Right Brain Thinking
23rd December 2018Fourth Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Martin JohnsonAdvent Vulnerability
16th December 2018Third Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Robert Willson, Rector of St Philip's 1979-1985Reflection on the Anniversary of the dedication of the Church Building
16th December 2018Third Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellWhat is St Philip's here For?
2nd December 2018First Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAdvent, Apocalypse, and Good News
25th November 2018Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonA Kingdom Founded on Truth
4th November 2018All SaintsYear BRevd Martin JohnsonAll Saints
28th October 2018Twenty Third Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonLooking Up
21st October 2018Twenty Second Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonAnglicare Sunday
18th October 2018Feast of St Luke, Apostle and MartyrYear BRevd Martin JohnsonSt Luke and Healing
14th October 2018Twenty First Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonBarriers to Becoming
7th October 2018Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellMade For Each Other
30th September 2018Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year BRevd Martin Johnson"In My Name"
23rd September 2018Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonGreatness and Little Children
16th September 2018Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonSermon Given At Evensong at St Paul's Manuka
16th September 2018Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellIt's Not about Success
9th September 2018Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year BRevd Jeannette McHughJesus and the Syrophonoecian Woman
2nd September 2018Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellChrétiens Sans Frontières
19th August 2018Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFear the Lord or Follow the Crowd?
12th August 2018Twelfth Sunday after Eighth Sunday after Pentecost AM |19|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonThe Body of Christ and Community
5th August 2018Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellDr Atomic and the Bread of Life
29th July 2018Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonThe Body of Christ
22nd July 2018Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonSalvation and Hope
8th July 2018Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonCivility
1st July 2018Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonPatience
24th June 2018Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year BRevd Jeannette McHughQuantum Universe
17th June 2018Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |11|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Difference God Makes
10th June 2018Third Sunday after Pentecost |10|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonNot losing heart and mental wellbeing.
3rd June 2018Thanksgiving for the Holy Communion Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellOn Corpus Christi: Christ's Thankful, Forward-Looking People
27th May 2018Trinity SundayYear BRevd Martin JohnsonProfound communion, the grammar of the Trinity.
20th May 2018Day of PentecostYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellPentecost: Beyond Cynicism, Fatalism and Groupthink
13th May 2018Seventh Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Martin JohnsonChristian Unity and Faithfulness
6th May 2018St Philip and St James Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellPhilip, James, and the Apostolic Reality
29th April 2018Fifth Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Martin JohnsonRepentance and Hope
22nd April 2018Fourth Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Good Shepherd or the Meat Industry, Take Your Pick …
15th April 2018Third Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Martin JohnsonThe Easter Revolution
8th April 2018Second Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Martin JohnsonReconciling the earthly and the spiritual
1st April 2018Easter DayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellCaught up in the New Creation
31st March 2018Easter VigilYear BRevd Martin JohnsonThe Angel of the Future
30th March 2018Year BRevd Martin JohnsonReflections
29th March 2018Maundy Thursday Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellA Tough and Genuine Alternative
11th March 2018Fourth Sunday in LentYear BRevd Martin JohnsonHealing the serpent's bite
4th March 2018Third Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGood and Bad Religion
25th February 2018Second Sunday in LentYear BRevd Martin JohnsonLiving together with quiet confidence in the in-between space
18th February 2018First Sunday in LentYear BRevd Martin JohnsonLent and Engagement
14th February 2018Ash Wednesday Revd Martin JohnsonSorrowful Rejoicing ... and Scooters
11th February 2018TransfigurationYear BRevd Martin JohnsonBeyond Words
4th February 2018The Presentation of Christ in the Temple Revd Martin JohnsonParadox and Potential
28th January 2018Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year BRevd Jeannette McHughWhat to do with food dedicated to idols
21st January 2018Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellJesus' Call: Good News Not Bad
31st December 2017The Epiphany Revd Martin JohnsonWhat were the magi seeking?
25th December 2017Christmas Day Revd Martin JohnsonThe Spiritual and the Material
24th December 2017Christmas Eve Revd Martin Johnson'Relevance' and Wonder
24th December 2017Fourth Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Martin JohnsonThe Virgin Birth
17th December 2017Third Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Martin JohnsonThe Nature of Advent Hope and Joy
10th December 2017Second Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Martin JohnsonListening and Mark's Gospel
3rd December 2017First Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Martin JohnsonWaiting for the second marshmallow
26th November 2017Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonChrist the King, names and Taryn's Baptism
19th November 2017Twenty fourth Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonInvesting in Relationships
12th November 2017Twenty third Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonAttend!
5th November 2017Twenty second Sunday after Pentecost |31|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonBelieving, trusting, doing
4th November 2017All SaintsYear ARevd Martin JohnsonAll Saints 2017
29th October 2017Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonA Twitch upon the Thread
22nd October 2017Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonConform or Reform?
8th October 2017Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year ARevd Jeannette McHughIn Perpetual Spring
1st October 2017Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonVulnerability
24th September 2017Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonEquality of Treatment ...
17th September 2017Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonForgiveness
10th September 2017Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonTo preserve the rights of others
3rd September 2017Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonRedefinition
27th August 2017Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonEntering in
20th August 2017Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonConscience
13th August 2017Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonWho do you say that I am?
6th August 2017Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonAll are fed
30th July 2017Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonFamily membership open to all
23rd July 2017Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Kingdom of Heaven and the Groan of Salvation
16th July 2017Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonIs religion the cause of warfare?
9th July 2017Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonWisdom
2nd July 2017Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonA free life of obedience
2nd July 2017Fourth Sunday after Pentecost: Family Eucharist |13|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonChildren's talk: God's family
25th June 2017Third Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonControl the tiger and live
18th June 2017Thanksgiving for the Holy Communion Revd Martin JohnsonCorpus Christi: The one true sacrifice
11th June 2017Trinity SundayYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe strong name of the Trinity
4th June 2017Day of PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonPentecost is the future
28th May 2017Ascension DayYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Ascension of Christ
21st May 2017Sixth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Martin JohnsonRitual, moral, intellectual
14th May 2017Fifth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Martin JohnsonFifth Sunday of Easter 2017
7th May 2017St Philip and St James Revd Martin JohnsonSt Philip and St James 2017
30th April 2017Third Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThird Sunday of Easter 2017
23rd April 2017Second Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Martin JohnsonSecond Sunday of Easter 2017
16th April 2017Easter DayYear ARevd Martin JohnsonSecond Sunday of Easter017
15th April 2017Easter VigilYear ARevd Martin JohnsonEaster Vigil 2017
14th April 2017Good Friday Revd Martin JohnsonGood Friday 2017
13th April 2017Maundy Thursday Revd Martin JohnsonMaundy Thursday 2017
9th April 2017Palm Sunday or Passion SundayYear ARevd Martin JohnsonPassion Sunday 2017
2nd April 2017Fifth Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonFifth Sunday in Lent 2017
26th March 2017Fourth Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonFourth Sunday in Lent 2017
19th March 2017Third Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThird Sunday in Lent 2017
12th March 2017Second Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonSecond Sunday in Lent 2017
5th March 2017First Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonFirst Sunday in Lent 2017
1st March 2017Ash Wednesday Revd Martin JohnsonAsh Wednesday 2017
26th February 2017TransfigurationYear ARevd Martin JohnsonTransfiguration 2017
19th February 2017Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany |07|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonSeventh Sunday after the Epiphany 2017
12th February 2017Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonSixth Sunday after the Epiphany 2017
5th February 2017Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonFifth Sunday after the Epiphany 2017
2nd February 2017The Presentation of Christ in the Temple Revd Martin JohnsonCandlemas
29th January 2017Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonFourth Sunday after the Epiphany 2017
22nd January 2017Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonThird Sunday after the Epiphany 2017
15th January 2017Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonSecond Sunday after the Epiphany 2017
8th January 2017Baptism of the Lord |01|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Baptism of Jesus
1st January 2017The Epiphany Revd Martin JohnsonSecond Sunday after the Epiphany 2017
25th December 2016Christmas Day Revd Martin JohnsonChristmas Day Eucharist 2016
24th December 2016Christmas Eve MidnightYear ARevd Martin JohnsonChristmas Midnight 2016
18th December 2016Fourth Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Martin JohnsonIn Emmanuel … everything!
11th December 2016Third Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe journey toward justice: joy awaits!
4th December 2016Second Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Dr Colin DundonThe King returns
27th November 2016First Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Dr Colin DundonThe Hour That No-one Knows
20th November 2016Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe God of the Cross becomes King
13th November 2016Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe coming of the end: the final summons
6th November 2016All SaintsYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonPraise to the God of power and life
30th October 2016Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |31|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonZacchaeus: salvation comes
23rd October 2016Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe powerless and the powerful: entry into the age to come
16th October 2016Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonPrayer, justice and mercy: the wonder and danger of prayer
9th October 2016Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonTen lepers healed: The joy of thanksgiving
2nd October 2016Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonHumble believing: Trusting the God who Loves Us
18th September 2016Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonGive an Account of your Management
11th September 2016Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonLost Sheep, Lost Coins
4th September 2016Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year CRevd Andrea de Vaal HorciuReflection on my time at St Philip's
28th August 2016Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonWalking Humbly With Your God
21st August 2016Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonBent Becomes Straight
14th August 2016Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe Call For Decision
7th August 2016Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe Serving Master
31st July 2016Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonHe Was Rich
24th July 2016Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonDisciples' Prayer
17th July 2016Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonMartha and Mary
10th July 2016Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe Good Samaritan
3rd July 2016Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe Commissioning of the Seventy Two
26th June 2016Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonTurning Towards Jerusalem
19th June 2016Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonJesus Heals the Gerasene Demoniac
12th June 2016Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |11|Year CRevd Pamela PhillipsThe Disconcerting Dinner Guest
5th June 2016Third Sunday after Pentecost |10|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe raising of the widow's son at Nain - The Kingdom, compassion, new creation and social dislocation
29th May 2016Second Sunday after Pentecost |09|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonHealing of the Centurion's Slave
22nd May 2016Trinity SundayYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonFather, Son and Holy Spirit
15th May 2016Day of PentecostYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe Breath of Life - Pentecost
8th May 2016Seventh Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonCome, Lord Jesus
1st May 2016Sixth Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe Holy City
24th April 2016Fifth Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonNew Heaven and a New Earth
17th April 2016Fourth Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonShepherds
10th April 2016Third Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Jeannette McHughChrist, Resurrection, Grace: The Gospel of Paul
27th March 2016Easter DayYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonEaster
25th March 2016Good Friday Revd Dr Colin DundonGood Friday
24th March 2016Maundy Thursday Revd Dr Colin DundonThe Foot Washing
13th March 2016Fifth Sunday in LentYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe anointing at Bethany: God's new thing
6th March 2016Fourth Sunday in LentYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonA Waiting Father
28th February 2016Third Sunday in LentYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonGrief and Hope
21st February 2016Second Sunday in LentYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonReal Change
14th February 2016First Sunday in LentYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe Testing of Jesus
10th February 2016Ash Wednesday Revd Dr Colin DundonThe Freedom of Forgiveness
7th February 2016TransfigurationYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe Transfiguration
31st January 2016Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonA Kingdom for All #2
24th January 2016Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonA Kingdom for All #1
17th January 2016Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonTransformations
10th January 2016Baptism of the Lord |01|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonJesus' Baptism: Power, Prayer, The Spirit
27th December 2015First Sunday after ChristmasYear CRevd Jeannette McHughA New Hope
25th December 2015Christmas Day Revd Dr Colin DundonGood News of Great Joy
20th December 2015Fourth Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonA ruler from Bethlehem
6th December 2015Second Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe River of Fiery Spirit
29th November 2015First Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonSeason of Waiting
8th November 2015Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year BRevd Dr Colin DundonRich scribe versus poor widow
20th September 2015Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year BRevd Dr Colin DundonWho is the greatest?
6th September 2015Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year BRevd Andrea De Vaal HorciuHealing deafness
9th August 2015Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandSt Philip's Farewell Sermon
26th July 2015Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year BRevd Anne DudzinskiTransition at O'Connor
28th June 2015Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year BRevd Jeannette McHughThe Celtic Way of Evangelism - Part 2
21st June 2015Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year BRevd Jeannette McHughThe Celtic Way of Evangelism
14th June 2015Third Sunday after Pentecost |11|Year BDr Ros J. DalziellRefugee Week Address
22nd March 2015Fifth Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellSome Gays come to Jesus
22nd February 2015First Sunday in LentYear BRevd Jeannette McHughLent
15th February 2015TransfigurationYear BRevd Jeannette McHughThe Transfiguration of our Lord
25th January 2015Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandOur first allegiance is to the Kingdom of God
18th January 2015Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year BRevd Robin MooreFollow me!
11th January 2015Baptism of the Lord |01|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandThree realms of the Spirit
4th January 2015The Epiphany Revd Rebecca NewlandThe Light at the heart of everything
21st December 2014Fourth Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandSay "Yes" to Jesus
7th December 2014Second Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandMake his paths straight
30th November 2014First Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Sonia NevilleLiving in Christ in transition with the certainty of uncertainty
23rd November 2014Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34|Year ADr David NevilleReal presence and the hope of judgement
16th November 2014Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year ARevd Sonia NevilleTaking responsbility
26th October 2014Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellA Holiness worth having
28th September 2014Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandGod is a God of Abundance
24th August 2014Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandYou are Peter
10th August 2014Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandLamentation Sunday
27th July 2014Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandNothing can separate us from God's love
20th July 2014Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandThe grace of doing nothing
13th July 2014Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandThe Sower
6th July 2014Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year ARevd Andrea de Vaal HorciuPsalms of Praise
22nd June 2014Second Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandJesus' subversive message
15th June 2014Trinity SundayYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandKnowledge and love of the triune God
8th June 2014Day of PentecostYear ABrian McKinlayPeace and power
18th May 2014Fifth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandThe way of Jesus
11th May 2014Fourth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Canon Dr Scott Cowdell'I am the Gate', but what sort of gate?
4th May 2014Third Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Canon Dr Scott CowdellThe Road to Emmaus and back
27th April 2014Second Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Canon Dr Scott CowdellDoubt and faith
20th April 2014Easter DayYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandHe is risen indeed! Alleluiah!
17th April 2014Maundy Thursday Revd Rebecca NewlandLoving as Jesus loves
6th April 2014Fifth Sunday in LentYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandOut of the depths … Lenten series on prayer; 5
30th March 2014Fourth Sunday in LentYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandShine as a light in the world … Lenten series on prayer; 4
23rd March 2014Third Sunday in LentYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandGet close to Jesus and discover the truth … Lenten series on prayer; 3
16th March 2014Second Sunday in LentYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandWhen you pray let go and start from nowhere … Lenten series on prayer; 2
9th March 2014First Sunday in LentYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandThe first prayer: O Lord have mercy … Lenten series on prayer; 1
5th March 2014Ash Wednesday Revd Rebecca NewlandCome back to Centre
2nd March 2014TransfigurationYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandThis is my Son, the Beloved
16th February 2014Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06|Year ARevd Linda Anchell"But I say to you …"
9th February 2014Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year ARevd Canon Dr Scott CowdellThe Gospel, not religion
5th February 2014FuneralRevd Linda AnchellJean May Pound, 1920-2014
2nd February 2014The Presentation of Christ in the Temple Revd Canon Dr Scott Cowdell
19th January 2014Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandJesus invites us into a relationship where he becomes known
12th January 2014Baptism of the Lord |01|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandJustice in service
5th January 2014The Epiphany Revd Rebecca NewlandGod's answer to our tribalism
29th December 2013First Sunday after ChristmasYear ARevd Canon Dr Scott CowdellGod among us
25th December 2013Christmas Day Revd Rebecca NewlandCome to God
22nd December 2013Fourth Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Linda AnchellShattered
8th December 2013Second Sunday of AdventYear ABrian McKinlayHearing the prophet
23rd November 2013ConfirmationRevd Rebecca NewlandHomily for a Baptism and confirmation
3rd November 2013All SaintsYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandWhat makes a saint?
27th October 2013Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year CRevd Steve ClarkeThe last and best word
20th October 2013Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year CRevd Canon Dr Scott CowdellNot like religion at all
13th October 2013Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year CRevd Rebecca NewlandLove that springs from gratitude
12th October 2013WeddingRevd Rebecca NewlandTim and Mel's wedding
15th September 2013Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year CRevd Rebecca NewlandOur very strange God
1st September 2013Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year CRevd Rebecca NewlandJesus' party
25 August 2013Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year CRevd Rebecca NewlandSabbath
18 August 2013Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year CBrian McKinlayThe well-founded city
04 August 2013Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year CRevd Linda AnchellA Sermon for Deacon Sunday
28 July 2013Mary MagdaleneYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandMary Magdalene
4 July 2013FuneralRevd Rebecca NewlandBarbara Matthews 1925-2013
30 June 2013Peter and Paul, Apostles and MartyrsYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandSt Peter and St Paul
25 June 2013FuneralRevd Rebecca NewlandVal Reeves 1933-2013
23 June 2013Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year CRevd Rebecca NewlandAn uncomfortable story
16 June 2013Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |11|Year CRevd Rebecca NewlandThe Centre forgives
9 June 2013Barnabas, Apostle and MartyrYear CBrian McKinlayBarnabas, Son of Encouragement
2 June 2013Pentecost 2 |09|Year CRevd Rebecca NewlandUnity in diversity
26 May 2013Trinity SundayYear CRevd Ian ChaplinThe Trinity
19 May 2013Day of PentecostYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandPentecost
12 May 2013Seventh Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandBe one as God is one
14 April 2013Third Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandJesus is the way; follow him to fullness of life
7 April 2013Second Sunday of EasterYear CDi PriestPictures of peace
17 March 2013Fifth Sunday in LentYear CBrian McKinlayThe passionate life
24 February 2013Second Sunday in LentYear CRevd Linda AnchellA darkness
10 February 2013TransfigurationYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandShine as a Light
27 January 2013Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year CRevd Rebecca NewlandThe Church is a new vision: unity in diversity
6 January 2013The Epiphany Revd Rebecca NewlandThe Epiphany of Christ moment by moment
30 December 2012First Sunday after ChristmasYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandHoly and beloved
25 December 2012Christmas Day Revd Rebecca NewlandOur longing is over
23 December 2012Fourth Sunday of AdventYear CBrian McKinlayChrist-like revolution
9 December 2012Second Sunday of AdventYear CChris CheahThe Benedictus backstory
2 December 2012First Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandWhen apocalyptic confronts us stand up and embrace hope
18 November 2012Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandThe Psalms
11 November 2012Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandHave faith and trust that your giving will be blessed
28 October 2012Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year BRevd Canon Dr Scott CowdellJesus changes lives
21 October 2012Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year BRevd Canon Dr Scott CowdellWhere is God?
14 October 2012Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year BRevd Canon Dr Scott CowdellStatus anxiety
23 September 2012Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandOur words create: take care
9 September 2012Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandGod is on the side of the poor and so should we be
19 August 2012Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandWisdom and the heart for hospitality
12 August 2012Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year BBrian McKinlayTaste and See
22 July 2012Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandCome and See
1 July 2012Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year BRevd Steve ClarkeThe Healing touch
24 June 2012Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandWe are not in control
17 June 2012Third Sunday after Pentecost |11|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandWhen we abide in Christ we flourish
10 June 2012Pentecost 2 |10|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandThere is the lie but we live in the truth
3 June 2012Trinity SundayYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandKnowing God by loving God
20 May 2012Seventh Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Jeannette McHughEternal life
13 May 2012Sixth Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandGod's salvation is love
6 May 2012Fifth Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandThe Good Shepherd
29 April 2012Fourth Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Robin MooreBringing people to Jesus
22 April 2012Third Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandResurrection and reconciliation
15 April 2012Second Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandResurrection in the life of the believer
8 April 2012Easter DayYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandEaster Day: we are Easter people
6 April 2012Good Friday Revd Rebecca NewlandGood Friday: non-violence
5 April 2012Maundy Thursday Revd Rebecca NewlandMaundy Thursday
25 March 2012Fifth Sunday in LentYear BRevd Linda AnchellAnd I, when I am lifted up
18 March 2012Fourth Sunday in LentYear BRevd Dr Catherine HoltLent is a journey
11 March 2012Third Sunday in LentYear BBrian McKinlayJesus breaks the barriers
4 March 2012Second Sunday in LentYear BChris CheahSmall bad habits
26 February 2012First Sunday in LentYear BPerseverance: an introduction to Lent — essay by Kym Harris OSB.
19 February 2012TransfigurationYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandWalking in the light
12 February 2012Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandHealing and faith
5 February 2012Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandGrowing in Christ-like love
29 January 2012Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandJesus Christ has true authority
22 January 2012Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandOur first allegiance is to the Kingdom of God
15 January 2012Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandJesus invites us into a relationship where he becomes known
8 January 2012Baptism of the Lord |01|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandWater and the Holy Spirit: three realms of the Spirit
1 January 2012First Sunday after ChristmasYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandJesus is the light of all people
25 December 2011Christmas Day Revd Rebecca NewlandLook for the light
18 December 2011Fourth Sunday of AdventYear BRt Revd Stuart RobinsonFiftieth anniversary
11 December 2011Third Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Linda AnchellWhere are the prophets?
4 December 2011Second Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandMaking a highway in the wilderness
27 November 2011First Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandPrepare for the beginning: stay awake
27 November 2011First Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Canon Dr Scott CowdellAdvent begins
20 November 2011Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandChrist the King / The Reign of Christ & Ability
13 November 2011Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandDeborah and Rael
30 October 2011Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |31|Year AVen Dr Sarah MacneilDo we show people what God is like?
9 October 2011Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year ARevd Steve ClarkeCreation anxiety and the Sabbath voice of Jesus
2 October 2011Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandIn a world of violence Jesus is the unexpected cornerstone
25 September 2011Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandMission: Romans 12
18 September 2011Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandMission: Romans 10
21 August 2011 8amTenth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandA new name
21 August 2011 10amTenth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year ARt Revd Trevor EdwardsAcknowledge Christ, worship Christ
14 August 2011Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year ARevd Steve ClarkeThe Prophet Mary
31 July 2011Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year ARevd Dr Ray WilliamsonGive them something to eat yourselves.
17 July 2011Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandBe patient gardeners
10 July 2011Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandNurture the seed
3 July 2011Third Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandSurrender to the yolk
26 June 2011Second Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year ARevd Linda AnchellAkedah: the Binding of Isaac and story
19 June 2011Trinity SundayYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandA wondrous doctrine
5 June 2011Seventh Sunday of Easter |10|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandPentecost
22 May 2011Fifth Sunday of EasterYear AChris CheahThe Journey and the destination
15 May 2011Fourth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Linda AnchellGood Shepherd Sunday
1 May 2011Second Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandHe is Risen indeed! Alleluia!
24 April 2011Easter DayYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandJesus Christ is risen! Easter
21 April 2011Maundy Thursday Revd Rebecca NewlandMaundy Thursday
10 April 2011Fifth Sunday in LentYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandWho is Christ for you?
3 April 2011Fourth Sunday in LentYear ABrian McKinlayHealing and the work of God
27 March 2011Third Sunday in LentYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandGo to the well
20 March 2011Second Sunday in LentYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandStart from nowhere
13 March 2011First Sunday in LentYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandA relationship fractured by disobedience
20 February 2011Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandGet out of the way
13 February 2011Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandIt's about the relationship
6 February 2011Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandCourage and Continuity
30 January 2011Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandThe Manifesto of the King
9 January 2011Baptism of the Lord |01|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandOur identity is in Christ Jesus
2 January 2011The Epiphany Revd Linda AnchellAll are included
25 December 2010Christmas Day Revd Rebecca NewlandIn Jesus we know God and are known by Him?
19 December 2010Fourth Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandThe Music of God
12 December 2010Third Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandHe comes to us where we are
5 December 2010Second Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandGod's judgement shines a light
28 November 2010First Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandFrom darkness to light
15 November 2010FuneralRevd Doug BannermanFuneral of Joyce Webster
7 November 2010Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year CBrian McKinlayHaggai ch 2
10 October 2010Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year CBrian McKinlayHealing prayer
23 September 2010FuneralRevd Rebecca NewlandFuneral of Ann Williams
29 August 2010Day of Prayer for RefugeesYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandDay of Prayer for Refugees
1 August 2010Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year CRevd Linda AnchellSt Stephen: Deacon Sunday
27 June 2010Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year CChris CheahNest or quest?
16 May 2010Seventh Sunday of EasterYear CDr Heather ThomsonBecoming one
25 April 2010ANZAC DayYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandANZAC Day
18 April 2010Third Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandGod revealed
11 April 2010Year CRevd Rebecca NewlandThe resurrection of Christ
10 April 2010FuneralRevd Rebecca NewlandFuneral of Rose Anchell
4 April 2010Easter DayYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandSo what? It changes everything
28 March 2010Palm Sunday or Passion SundayYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandThe crucifixion reveals our own violence
14 March 2010Fourth Sunday in LentYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandWe are entrusted with the ministry of reconciliation
28 February 2010Second Sunday in LentYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandThe Cross is the key
21 February 2010First Sunday in LentYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandThis Lent, let's be human
14 February 2010TransfigurationYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandChoose your direction of change
7 February 2010Year CRevd Rebecca NewlandAnd the bait is…?
31 January 2010Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year CRevd Rebecca NewlandLove is the way
24 January 2010Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year CRevd Rebecca NewlandThe Church is a new vision = unity in diversity
17 January 2010Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year CRevd Jeannette McHughJesus at a wedding
3 January 2010The Epiphany Revd Rebecca NewlandWho is Jesus?
13 December 2009Third Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandDo not fear the judgment — Rejoice!!
6 December 2009Second Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandPrepare the way of the Lord
6 December 2009Second Sunday of AdventYear CChris CheahZacharias' Story
29 November 2009First Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonWords of hope and expectancy: farewell sermon
16 August 2009Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonAddresses on the Liturgy: Part 3
9 August 2009Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonAddresses on the Liturgy: Part 2
2 August 2009Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonAddresses on the Liturgy: Part 1
7 June 2009Trinity SundayYear BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonThe mystery of God
31 May 2009Day of PentecostYear BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonPentecost in action
10 May 2009Fifth Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonLiving in faith and love
26 April 2009Third Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonMinds opened to understand
15 March 2009Third Sunday in LentYear BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonWhere anger and courage meet
8 March 2009Second Sunday in LentYear BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonLosing our life to gain it
1 March 2009First Sunday in LentYear BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonThe journey of discipleship
22 February 2009TransfigurationYear BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonTransfiguration 
15 February 2009Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonTouch the world with life
8 February 2009Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonHave you not known? Have you not heard?
25 January 2009Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonJonah and empire
11 January 2009Baptism of the Lord |01|Year BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonBaptism of Jesus
4 January 2009The Epiphany Revd Dr Ray WilliamsonEpiphany
28 December 2008First Sunday after ChristmasYear BRevd Jeannette McHughTwo old people
14 December 2008Third Sunday of AdventYear BChris CheahAdvent repentance
7 December 2008Second Sunday of AdventYear BBrian McKinlayAdvent restoration
30 November 2008First Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Linda AnchellAdvent Sunday
9 November 2008Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year ARevd Dr Ray WilliamsonExpectations! Being ready!
2 November 2008All SaintsYear ARevd Dr Ray WilliamsonA community of faith and commitment
19 October 2008Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year ARevd Dr Ray WilliamsonLife that transcends death
12 October 2008Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year ARevd Dr Ray WilliamsonWe're invited to a feast
5 October 2008Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year ARevd Dr Ray WilliamsonThe fruitless vineyard
28 September 2008Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year ARevd Dr Ray WilliamsonJesus' response to his critics
7 September 2008Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year ARevd Dr Ray WilliamsonA merciful, inclusive community
27 July 2008Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year ARevd Linda AnchellTreasure
20 July 2008Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year ABrian McKinlayFear not
22 June 2008Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year AConnie GerrityContradiction and opposition
8 June 2008Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |10|Year ARevd Rob LamertonGod's openness to all people
1 June 2008Third Sunday after Pentecost |09|Year ARevd Rob LamertonPrayer demands action
18 May 2008Trinity SundayYear AChris CheahIcons and the Hospitality of Abraham
11 May 2008Day of PentecostYear ABrian McKinlayWhat says The Spirit?
4 May 2008St Philip and St JamesYear ARt Revd Alan EwingConfirmation
27 April 2008Ascension DayYear ARevd Rob LamertonAscension
30 March 2008Second Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Rob LamertonIs the glass half full or half empty?
23 March 2008Easter DayYear ARevd Rob LamertonEaster
21 March 2008Good Friday Brian McKinlayBy his wounds we are healed
21 March 2008Good Friday Chris CheahWhen our life began again
21 March 2008Good Friday Revd Linda AnchellChristmas and Easter are close
21 March 2008Good Friday Revd Jeannette McHughPry me off dead centre
2 March 2008Fourth Sunday in LentYear AChris CheahLearning to see
24 February 2008Third Sunday in LentYear ARevd Doug BannermanThe woman at the well
17 February 2008Second Sunday in LentYear ARevd Rob LamertonHome Groups
10 February 2008First Sunday in LentYear ARevd Rob LamertonTemptations
3 February 2008TransfigurationYear ARevd Rob LamertonSeeing each other in a new light
27 January 2008Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year ARevd Ian ChaplinLight
20 January 2008Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year ARevd Jeannette McHughWrestle with questions of faith
13 January 2008Baptism of the Lord |01|Year ARevd Rob LamertonThe Baptism of Jesus
6 January 2008The Epiphany Revd Linda AnchellEpiphany
30 December 2007First Sunday after ChristmasYear ARevd Rob LamertonJesus, Lord and King from his birth
23 December 2007Fourth Sunday of AdventYear AChris CheahJoseph's Kairos Encounter
16 December 2007Third Sunday of AdventYear ASarah GowtyMary's joy
9 December 2007Second Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Rob LamertonPrepare the Way
2 December 2007First Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Rob LamertonAdvent
25 November 2007Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34|Year CBrian McKinlayOf cabbages and kings
4 November 2007All SaintsYear CRevd Rob LamertonAll Saints
28 October 2007Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year CRevd Rob LamertonReceiving the grace of eternal life
21 October 2007Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year CRevd Rob LamertonGiving
14 October 2007Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year CRevd Rob LamertonThe place where we are
7 October 2007Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year CRevd Rob LamertonFaith and faithfulness
30 September 2007Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year CRevd Linda AnchellCreation Sunday
23 September 2007Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year CRevd Rob LamertonLearning to pray? Just do it
9 September 2007Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year CRevd Doug BannermanCalled to be potters
2 September 2007Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year CRevd Jeannette McHughSt Columba: part 2
26 August 2007Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year CRevd Rob LamertonWe begin where we are
19 August 2007Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year CBrian McKinlayOur journey to the heavenly city
12 August 2007Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year CRevd Rob LamertonWhat is our treasure?
5 August 2007Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year CRevd Rob LamertonThe best things in life are not free
29 July 2007Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year CChris CheahPersistence in prayer
15 July 2007Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year CRevd Rob LamertonTo be a neighbour
8 July 2007Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year CRevd Rob LamertonGod works in the bafflingly simple
1 July 2007Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year CRevd Rob LamertonNot looking back
24 June 2007Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year CRevd Rob LamertonThe man with many demons
17 June 2007Third Sunday after Pentecost |11|Year CRevd Rob LamertonForgiveness
10 June 2007Pentecost 2 |10|Year CRevd Jeannette McHughSt Columba
3 June 2007Trinity SundayYear CRevd Linda AnchellWhat are we?
27 May 2007Day of PentecostYear CRevd Rob LamertonWhat it costs to keep this family
20 May 2007Seventh Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Linda AnchellEssential unity
13 May 2007Sixth Sunday of EasterYear CBrian McKinlayWe have heard from God. Have we obeyed?
6 May 2007St Philip and St James Revd Robert WillsonSt Philip's fiftieth anniversary
29 April 2007Fourth Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Rob LamertonHow are we of value to the local community?
22 April 2007Third Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Rob LamertonA week for terrible events
15 April 2007Second Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Rob LamertonBelieve that you may have life
8 April 2007Easter DayYear CRevd Rob LamertonGod gives life!
6 April 2007Good Friday Revd Linda AnchellGood Friday reflection
6 April 2007Good Friday Brian McKinlayGood Friday reflection
6 April 2007Good Friday Stephen BillettGood Friday reflection
6 April 2007Good Friday Revd Jeannette McHughGood Friday reflection
1 April 2007Palm Sunday or Passion SundayYear CRevd Linda AnchellPalms … folded into crosses
25 March 2007Fifth Sunday in LentYear CRevd Jeannette McHughIona sacred island of pilgrimage
18 March 2007Fourth Sunday in LentYear CRevd Rob LamertonThe prodigal son
11 March 2007Third Sunday in LentYear CRevd Rob LamertonJesus' mission journey
4 March 2007Second Sunday in LentYear CRevd Rob LamertonThorpey
21 February 2007Ash Wednesday Revd Rob LamertonAsh Wednesday
18 February 2007Last Sunday after the Epiphany |07|Year CRevd Rob LamertonAn epiphany of God's glory
11 February 2007Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06|Year CRevd Rob LamertonJesus on a level place
4 February 2007Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year CRevd Rob LamertonThe call of God
28 January 2007Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year CRevd Rob LamertonBeyond the boundaries
21 January 2007Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year CRevd Rob LamertonMinistries of care
14 January 2007Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year CRevd Rob LamertonJesus, the cause of great celebration
2 January 2007Baptism of the Lord |01|Year CRevd Rebecca NewlandThe new year needs the Holy Spirit and prayer
25 December 2006Christmas Day Revd Rebecca NewlandChristmas is for adults
24 December 2006Fourth Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Linda AnchellGod gazes at us
17 December 2006Third Sunday of AdventYear CChris CheahJoy
10 December 2006Second Sunday of AdventYear CBrian McKinlayWalking and working in the ways of peace
3 December 2006First Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandWhen apocalyptic confronts us, stand up and embrace hope
26 November 2006Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandDo what ever he tells you and let the Kingdom come
19 November 2006Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandInvite others to "Come and See" our hope
12 November 2006Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandHave faith and trust that your giving will be blessed.
5 November 2006Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost |31|Year BBrian McKinlayThe raising of Lazarus
29 October 2006Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandWe are blind and we need healing
22 October 2006Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandBe in awe and wonder as we love and serve creation.
15 October 2006Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandGot questions? There is a story
8 October 2006Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year BBrian McKinlayOne flesh
1 October 2006Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year BRevd Doug BannermanSacredness
24 September 2006Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandOur words create; take care
17 September 2006Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandTake up the cross and be free.
10 September 2006Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year BRevd Jeannette McHughWalking in the light of God
3 September 2006Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandLet the Word go to your heart
27 August 2006Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandJesus has the words of eternal life; stand firm
20 August 2006Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year BRevd Linda AnchellTurn on the light
13 August 2006Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year BBrian McKinlayHungry for bread
6 August 2006Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandOur moments of truth
30 July 2006Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year BChris CheahGrand narratives
23 July 2006Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandIn Jesus Christ there are no walls
16 July 2006Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandPut God first, second and third
9 July 2006Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandFailure
2 July 2006Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year BRevd Linda AnchellUnclean!
25 June 2006Third Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year BChris CheahFear
18 June 2006Pentecost 2 |11|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandThe Kingdom of God is surprising
11 June 2006Trinity SundayYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandLove as the Trinity dances
4 June 2006Day of PentecostYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandOpen your heart to the Spirit of God
28 May 2006Seventh Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandBe one as God is one
21 May 2006Sixth Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandLove as Jesus commands
14 May 2006Fifth Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandAbide in Jesus and bear fruit
7 May 2006Fourth Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandLook around and God will show you the way
30 April 2006Third Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandKnow Jesus
23 April 2006Second Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Rob LamertonThere is no substitute for telling our own story
16 April 2006Easter DayYear BRevd Rob LamertonHe is Risen indeed! Alleluia!
9 April 2006Palm Sunday or Passion SundayYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandGod knows
2 April 2006Fifth Sunday in LentYear BRevd Rob LamertonThe Greeks did not get an answer!
26 March 2006Fourth Sunday in LentYear BRevd Rob LamertonGod so loved the world
19 March 2006Third Sunday in LentYear BRevd Rob LamertonJesus cleanses the temple
12 March 2006Second Sunday in LentYear BWashington OlooFarewell address
12 March 2006Second Sunday in LentYear BRevd Rob LamertonGod gives life against the odds
5 March 2006First Sunday in LentYear BRevd Rob LamertonThe Covenant
26 February 2006TransfigurationYear BRevd Rob LamertonGod's glory in Jesus
19 February 2006Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany |07|Year BRevd Rob LamertonHealing and forgiveness
12 February 2006Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06|Year BRevd Rob LamertonJesus cleanses the leper
5 February 2006Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year BRt Revd Dr George BrowningCompelled to preach the gospel
29 January 2006Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year BRevd Rob LamertonJesus heals and preaches with authority
22 January 2006Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year BRevd Rob LamertonAnniversaries
15 January 2006Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year BRevd Doug BannermanCalling the Earth to witness
8 January 2006The Epiphany Revd Jeannette McHughEpiphany
1 January 2006Naming and Circumcision of JesusYear BRevd Rob LamertonBaptism
25 December 2005Christmas Day Revd Rob LamertonThe potential to be Christ-like
18 December 2005Fourth Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Rob LamertonBlessed and fragile
11 December 2005Third Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Rob LamertonThe message of joy has a hard edge
4 December 2005Second Sunday of AdventYear BChris CheahRepentance and salvation
27 November 2005First Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Linda AnchellHow will it all end?
20 November 2005Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34|Year ARevd Rob LamertonChrist's rulership
13 November 2005Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandUse your gifts without fear
6 November 2005Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year ABrian McKinlayGunpowder, treason and plot
6 November 2005Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year ARevd Rob LamertonThe bridegroom comes
30 October 2005All SaintsYear ARevd Rob LamertonWhat I'm looking for
23 October 2005Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year ARevd Rob LamertonWhat do you think of the Messiah?
9 October 2005Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year ARevd Rob LamertonThe wedding banquet
2 October 2005Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year ABrian McKinlayThe power of greeting
2 October 2005Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year ARevd Rob LamertonThe fruit of the vineyard
25 September 2005Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year AStephen PalethorpeChristians, water and petrol
11 September 2005Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year ARevd Doug BannermanForgiveness
4 September 2005Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year ABrian McKinlayGod's love poem
4 September 2005Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year ARevd Rob LamertonRelationships in the community of faith
28 August 2005Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year AWarwick BrainThe Bible Society
21 August 2005Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year AChris CheahWho do you say that I am?
14 August 2005Mary, Mother of Our Lord Revd Rebecca NewlandWe matter and how we respond matters
7 August 2005Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year ABrian McKinlayPrayer for healing
7 August 2005Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year ARevd Rob LamertonWe either try too hard, or we sit in the boat
31 July 2005Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year ARevd Rob LamertonYou give them something to eat!
24 July 2005Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year ARevd Rob LamertonDrought
17 July 2005Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year ARevd Rob LamertonWheat and weeds growing together
10 July 2005Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year ARevd Rob LamertonWords, words, words!
3 July 2005Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year ABrian McKinlayFreedom and the pillar of fire
3 July 2005Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year ARevd Rob LamertonJesus carries the burden
26 June 2005Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year ARevd Rob LamertonWhat goes around comes around
19 June 2005Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year ARevd Rob LamertonLetting go
12 June 2005Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |11|Year ARevd Rob LamertonHard graft
5 June 2005Third Sunday after Pentecost |10|Year ABrian McKinlayConfidence in Christ
5 June 2005Third Sunday after Pentecost |10|Year ARevd Rob LamertonAbram's journey
29 May 2005Second Sunday after Pentecost |09|Year AChris CheahRefuges and Foundations
22 May 2005Trinity SundayYear AVen. Ian MarshallThe Trinity
15 May 2005Day of PentecostYear ARevd Rob LamertonThe mission of the church and the ministry of the people
8 May 2005Ascension DayYear ARevd Rob LamertonThe Kingdom of Heaven - resurrection and ascension
1 May 2005St Philip and St James Revd Rob LamertonSt Philip and St James
24 April 2005Fifth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Rob LamertonThe Risen Christ in the midst of the world
17 April 2005Fourth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Rob LamertonJesus, the gate for the sheep
10 April 2005Third Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Rob LamertonEmmaus
3 April 2005Second Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Rob LamertonWe have seen the Lord!
27 March 2005Easter DayYear ARevd Rob LamertonBelieve, share, rejoice, worship
25 March 2005Good Friday Chris CheahReflection on John 13.1-17,31
25 March 2005Good Friday Revd Linda AnchellReflection on John 13.21-32
20 March 2005Palm Sunday or Passion SundayYear ARevd Linda AnchellHe did not answer
13 March 2005Fifth Sunday in LentYear ARevd Rob LamertonAs good as dead, but alive!
27 February 2005Third Sunday in LentYear ARevd Rob LamertonHardness of heart
20 February 2005Second Sunday in LentYear ASarah GowtyConfidence in Christ
13 February 2005First Sunday in LentYear AChris CheahDesert walking
6 February 2005TransfigurationYear ARevd Rob LamertonFace to face with Jesus
30 January 2005Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year ARevd Rob LamertonOur poverty
23 January 2005Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year ARevd Rob LamertonThe Light for the Nations
16 January 2005Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year AChris CheahWhat are you looking for?
9 January 2005Baptism of the Lord |01|Year ARevd Ian ChaplinA voice from heaven
2 January 2005Second Sunday after Christmas Revd Jeannette McHughTwo faithful old folk
25 December 2004Christmas Day Revd Rob LamertonChristmas
12 December 2004Third Sunday of AdventYear AChris CheahA flower in the desert
5 December 2004Second Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Linda AnchellThe tasks before us
28 November 2004First Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Rob LamertonReadiness for new beginnings
14 November 2004Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year CRevd Rob LamertonWhat is it you hope for?
7 November 2004Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year CRevd Rob LamertonGod is the God of the living
31 October 2004All SaintsYear CRevd Rob LamertonA confident celebration
24 October 2004Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year CRevd Rob LamertonBe like children
17 October 2004Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year CRevd Rob LamertonCreating relevance
10 October 2004Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year CRevd Rob LamertonLeprosy healed
3 October 2004Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year CRevd Rob LamertonThe assurance of things hoped for
26 September 2004Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year CRevd Rob LamertonInvest in life
12 September 2004Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year CRevd Rob LamertonChrist Jesus came into the world to save sinners
5 September 2004Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year CRevd Rob LamertonFacing up to our real selves
29 August 2004Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year CRevd Rob LamertonHumility
22 August 2004Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year CRevd Rob LamertonThe synagogue worship
8 August 2004Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year CRevd Rob LamertonHiroshima and the horrors of destruction
1 August 2004Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year CRevd Rob LamertonPossessing munch but lacking everything
25 July 2004Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year CRevd Rob LamertonOur prayers are indeed answered
18 July 2004Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year CRevd Rob LamertonBeing with Jesus
11 July 2004Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year CRevd Linda AnchellMeasurement
4 July 2004Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year CRevd Jeannette McHughBrave and free
27 June 2004Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year CRevd Rob LamertonFriendship, family and frustration
20 June 2004Third Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year CRevd Rob LamertonWhat are you doing here?
13 June 2004Pentecost 2 |11|Year CRevd Rob LamertonThe post-Pentecost journey
6 June 2004Trinity SundayYear CRevd Rob LamertonD-Day and the divine mystery of God
30 May 2004Day of PentecostYear CChris CheahAir and fire
23 May 2004Seventh Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Rob LamertonThe healing of a slave girl
16 May 2004Sixth Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Rob LamertonAnglicare Sunday
9 May 2004Fifth Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Rob LamertonJesus doesn't play golf
2 May 2004St Philip and St James Revd Rob LamertonSaint Philip, apostle and martyr
25 April 2004Third Sunday of EasterYear CChris CheahResurrection resonances
18 April 2004Second Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Rob LamertonReassurance in doubt
11 April 2004Easter DayYear CRevd Rob LamertonThe Lord is Risen! What does it all mean?
4 April 2004Palm Sunday or Passion SundayYear CRevd Rob LamertonEaster
28 March 2004Fifth Sunday in LentYear CKen BatterhamOffering ourselves
21 March 2004Fourth Sunday in LentYear CRevd Rob LamertonReconciliation
14 March 2004Third Sunday in LentYear CRevd Rob LamertonToo much stuff
7 March 2004Second Sunday in LentYear CRevd Rob LamertonDiscover God's light in unusual places
22 February 2004TransfigurationYear CChris CheahJudging and measuring
15 February 2004Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06|Year CRevd Rob LamertonJesus on a level place
8 February 2004Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year CRevd Rob LamertonCouldn't God find someone else?
1 February 2004Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year CRevd Rob LamertonJesus' policy speech
25 January 2004Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year CRevd Rob LamertonAustralia Day: challenges to a free and open society
18 January 2004Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year CRevd Rob LamertonWater into wine
4 January 2004The Epiphany Revd Jeannette McHughEpiphany
28 December 2003First Sunday after ChristmasYear CRevd Rob LamertonThe twelve days of Christmas
25 December 2003Christmas Day Revd Rob LamertonChristmas
24 December 2003Christmas Eve Revd Rob LamertonChristmas Eve
21 December 2003Fourth Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Linda AnchellBe the change you wish to see
14 December 2003Third Sunday of AdventYear CChris CheahPeace and repentance
7 December 2003Second Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Jeannette McHughIt's Time
30 November 2003First Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Rob LamertonHope
23 November 2003Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandJesus as Lord is the way to freedom
16 November 2003Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year BRevd Rob LamertonOur work must serve the mission
9 November 2003Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year BRevd Rob LamertonRuth's commitment
2 November 2003All SaintsYear BRevd Rob LamertonThe saints' life with God
26 October 2003Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year BRevd Rob LamertonOur place before God as community
19 October 2003Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year BRevd Rob LamertonGreatness is in service
12 October 2003Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year BChris CheahPosessions
24 August 2003Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year BRevd Rob LamertonThe armour of God
17 August 2003Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year BRevd Rob LamertonThe life of heaven in our midst
10 August 2003Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year BRevd Linda AnchellDe Profondis
3 August 2003Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year BRevd Rob LamertonA welcoming and safe place
27 July 2003Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year BChris CheahLectio Divina
16 January 2025Induction of Revd Christine CargillYear CRt Revd Mark Short
12 January 2025The Baptism of Our LordYear CEphrem the Syrian on the Baptism of Our Lord
25 December 2024Christmas DayYear CRevd Rob MinersWhat Does Christmas Mean to You? audio
24 December 2024Christmas EveYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonLove Strikes Back: the Empire Reels
8 December 2024Second Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Rob MinersAre We Welcomers? audio
1 December 2024First Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Rob MinersBe Prepared audio
28 November 2024Midweek EucharistYear CRevd Rob MinersWaiting audio
24 November 2024Christ the King / The Reign of ChristYear BRevd Rob MinersThe Good News: Christ is King audio
17 November 2024Twenty-sixth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersA Grief observed audio
10 November 2024Twenty-fifth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersShe gave all she had audio
3 November 2024All SaintsYear BRevd Rob MinersThe Death Experience audio
27 October 2024Twenty-third Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersWhat do you want Christ to do for you? audio
20 October 2024Twenty-second Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Dr Colin DundonFollowing Jesus: Leadership of Suffering
17 October 2024Mid-week CommunionYear BDr Brian McKinlayTo behold the Lord
6 October 2024Twentieth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersDivorce audio
29 September 2024Michael and All AngelsYear BRevd Rob MinersAngels audio
22 September 2024Eighteenth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersOn Prayer - Part 2 audio
15 September 2024Seventeenth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersOn Prayer - Part 1 audio
8 September 2024Sixteenth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersJesus Heals the Deaf and Dumb audio
1 September 2024Fifteenth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersClean or Unclean? audio
25 August 2024Fourteenth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersFears audio
18 August 2024Thirteenth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Rob MinersFaith audio
4 August 2024Eleventh Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Dr Chris SimonGifts for Building up the Church
1 August 2024Mid-week communionYear BDr Brian McKinlayTreasures Old and New
21 July 2024Ninth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Susanna PainHealing and Rest
14 July 2024Eighth Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Dr Colin DundonFollowing Jesus: The Powers Display their Wares
7 July 2024Seventh Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Dr Colin DundonFollowing Jesus: Disciples of a Rejected Prophet Take the Road
23 June 2024Fifth Sunday after PentecostYear BDr Brian McKinlayPeace! Be Still
2 June 2024Second Sunday after PentecostYear BRevd Dr Colin DundonFollowing Jesus: The Training Takes a Dangerous Turn
19 May 2024Pentecost SundayYear BRevd Christine CargillLeave us not Comfortless
19 May 2024Pentecost SundayYear BRevd Dr Colin DundonCome and See the Divine Future
21 April 2024Fourth Sunday in EasterYear BRevd Dr Colin DundonNot for our own sake
7 April 2024Second Sunday in EasterYear BRevd Dr Colin DundonAct Five, Scene One
17 March 2024Fifth Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellParting Words: Last Sermon as an Anglican Priest audio
3 March 2024Third Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThis is Weird, but in a Good Way audio
18 February 2024First Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellLent is About Jesus audio
14 February 2024Ash WednesdayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAsh Wednesday: Dust, Creation, New Creation audio
4 February 2024Fifth Sunday after the EpiphanyYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Powers Put on Notice audio
21 January 2024Third Sunday after the EpiphanyYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellUnderstanding God's Outreach audio
7 January 2024Baptism of The Lord - First Sunday after the EpiphanyYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellJesus' Baptism: God With Us in the Struggle
25 December 2023Christmas DayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellChristmas Morning and the Hidden God
19 December 2023Funeral of James Kim 1946-2023Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell
17 December 2023Third Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellWitnesses to Jesus Christ
3 December 2023Advent SundayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellWhat's it to Be?
26 November 2023Christ the KingYear ARevd Martin JohnsonFrom the cosmic to the sheepfold
19 November 2023The Twenty-fifth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Wealth of the Kingdom
12 November 2023The Twenty-fourth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonRemembrance Sunday: Living in Hope
5 November 2023All SaintsYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellOn Sanctity and Temperament audio
29 October 2023The Twenty-second Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonKnowledge and Love
22 October 2023The Twenty-first Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonFaith and Politics
15 October 2023The Twentieth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Wedding Garment
8 October 2023The Nineteenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonIt's all about Christ
1 October 2023St Francis, friar and preacher, patron of ecologyYear ARevd Martin JohnsonPatron of ecology
24 September 2023The Seventeenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFreed from Anger and Resentment audio
17 September 2023The Sixteenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonOur Vision of the Kingdom
10 September 2023The Fifteenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonRecognise one another
3 September 2023The Fourteenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellVindication audio
20 August 2023The Twelfth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellIt's Just Not Natural! audio
6 August 2023The Tenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellVery Different Miracles in the Wilderness audio
3 August 2023Anglican Schools Australia Conference, Sermon for Morning PrayerYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Man Born Blind and the Anglican School audio
30 July 2023Ninth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonParables
23 July 2023Eighth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonEcclesia
16 July 2023The Seventh Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellLearning to Speak Christian audio
9 July 2023Sixth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonComfortable words
3 July 2023St Thomas's Day; Sermon at Mount Carmel PrioryYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellTouching Christ's Wounds
2 July 2023The Fifth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellReassurance for the Challenged audio
25 June 2023Fourth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonLoyal to a Future
18 June 2023The Third Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Voice Debate, the Zero-Sum Game, and the Christian Alternative audio
11 June 2023Second Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonSacramental Imagination
28 May 2023Pentecost SundayYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Pentecostal Spirit
28 May 2023Pentecost SundayYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellPentecost: The Organ, the Wind and the Organist; preached at St Paul's Manuka audio
21 May 2023Ascension SundayYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellJesus's Ascension: A Proclamation not a Projectile
14 May 2023Sixth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Martin JohnsonRenewing the ANU Chaplaincy
7 May 2023St Philip and St JamesYear ARevd Martin JohnsonWhy do we have a Patron?
30 April 2023Fourth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Martin JohnsonKoinonia and a Reserve Bank Theologian
23 April 2023Third Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Martin JohnsonA Road to Nowhere?
16 April 2023Second Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThrough hope our lives are blessed
9 April 2023Easter SundayYear ARevd Martin JohnsonKeep moving
9 April 2023Easter VigilYear ARevd Martin JohnsonA Celebration of Life
2 April 2023Palm Sunday of the Lord's PassionYear ARevd Martin JohnsonHosanna!
27 March 2023Morning Prayer, Virginia Theol. SeminaryYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellWhoever believes in him will not be put to shame ... audio
26 March 2023Fifth Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Threat of Resurrection
19 March 2023Fourth Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonSight, Insight, and Light
12 March 2023Third Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonSelf-justication's barriers
5 March 2023Second Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonAre we Prepared to Travel?
26 February 2023First Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonOnly when we trust can we begin to obey
22 February 2023Ash WednesdayYear ARevd Martin JohnsonWhere your treasure is, there will your heart be
19 February 2023TransfigurationYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Point of Being Christian
12 February 2023Sixth Sunday after EpiphanyYear ARevd Martin JohnsonReconciliation
5 February 2023Fifth Sunday after EpiphanyYear ARevd Martin JohnsonA Generous Orthodoxy
29 January 2023Fourth Sunday after EpiphanyYear ARevd Martin JohnsonA Place to Find Jesus
22 January 2023Third Sunday after EpiphanyYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellWhat's it Like When God is Revealed? audio
15 January 2023Second Sunday after EpiphanyYear ARevd Martin JohnsonMissional spirituality
1 January 2023The Naming and Circumcision of JesusYear ARevd Martin JohnsonTo know him that we may make him known
25th December 2022Christmas DayYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellJoy of Heaven to Earth Come Down
18th November 2022Christmas EveYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Divine Dance
18th November 2022Fourth Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Martin JohnsonGod comes among us
11th December 2022Third Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellIt's True, and We'll Show You audio
4th November 2022Second Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Unexpected Coming
27th November 2022First Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellJesus Comes to Disrupt and to Liberate audio
20th November 2022Christ the King |34|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonThe Power of a True King
13th November 2022Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellPreparing for the Apocalypse
13th November 2022Sermon for Remembrance Sunday at St John's CamberwellYear CRevd Martin JohnsonRemembrance Sunday
6th November 2022All Saints SundayYear CRevd Martin JohnsonSaints between Cross and Resurrection
3rd November 2022All Souls 2022Year CRevd Martin JohnsonIn God's Merciful Keeping
30th October 2022Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost |31|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonStrong in Identity, At one in Christ
23rd October 2022Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonAnglicare Sunday
22nd October 2022Parish Day of ReflectionRevd Dr Colin DundonCome and See: Missiology and St Philip's O'Connor
22nd October 2022Parish Day of ReflectionRevd Martin JohnsonRector's Introduction and Address
16th October 2022Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellStruggling with God audio
9th October 2022Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonGrace and Gratitude
2nd October 2022St Francis' Day Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Gift and Task of Creation audio
25th September 2022Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonGreed and isolation
18th September 2022Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonWhat are we to make of all this?
15th September 2022Mid-week EucharistYear CRevd Martin JohnsonHomily for Requiem for HM Queen Elizabeth
11th September 2022Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Queen's Passing and the Christian Vision audio
4th September 2022Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Cost of Discipleship audio
28th August 2022Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonHospitality and losing your religion
21st August 2022Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellMeet the Antichrist audio
14th August 2022Mary, Mother of Our LordYear CRevd Martin JohnsonMary: Her life and ours
7th August 2022Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFear of Loss audio
31st July 2022Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonA radical new way of thinking
24th July 2022Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonAbounding in Thanksgiving
17th July 2022Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellOra et Labora audio
10th July 2022Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonSharing in Common Grace
10th July 2022Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFrom Grudging Morality to Divine Compassion audio
3rd July 2022Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellDelightful Urgency audio
26th June 2022Third Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonThe Journey of Faith
19th June 2022Second Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonTrue Identity
5th June 2022PentecostYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellEnlisted by the Spirit of Truth audio
22nd May 2022Sixth Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonLet the peoples praise You
8th May 2022Fourth Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Martin JohnsonAn Authentic Easter Church
1st May 2022St Philip and St JamesYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFinding our Way with St Philip
24th May 2022Second Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Martin JohnsonGetting Physical
17th April 2022Easter Day 2022Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAlive to God in Jesus Christ audio
15th April 2022Good Friday 2022Year CRevd Martin JohnsonPower in love
14th April 2022Maundy Thursday 2022Year CRevd Martin JohnsonThe Passover of Gladness
10th April 2022Sixth Sunday in LentYear CRevd Martin JohnsonPalm Sunday of the Lord's Passion
3rd April 2022Fifth Sunday in Lent 2022Year CRevd Martin JohnsonThe Sweet Aroma of Gratitude
27th March 2022Fourth Sunday in Lent 2022Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellProdigal Love Meets Shared Delusion audio
20th March 2022Third Sunday in Lent 2022Year CRevd Martin JohnsonSuffering and Time
13th March 2022Second Sunday in Lent 2022Year CRevd Martin JohnsonTrust
6th March 2022First Sunday in Lent 2022Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellDesert Challenge 2: The New Israel audio
27th February 2022Transfiguration 2022Year CRevd Martin JohnsonLife of the Church
20th February 2022Seventh Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |07|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellInvited to Become Like God audio
13th February 2022Sixth Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |06|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonAlas not Grantchester
6th February 2022Fifth Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |05|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Calling audio
30th January 2022Fourth Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |04|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonDon't Look Up
16th January 2022Second Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |02|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellMy Big Fat Gospel Wedding audio
2nd January 2022Second Sunday after Christmas 2022Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Problem with New Year's Resolutions audio
26th December 2021St Stephen's Day 2021Year CRevd Martin JohnsonSentimentality
25th December 2021Christmas DayYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellChristmas: Festival of Enchantment audio
24th December 2021Christmass Eve 2021Year CRevd Martin JohnsonA Christmas Carol
19th December 2021Fourth Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Visitation: Free at Last audio
12th December 2021Third Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Martin JohnsonJoy and Expectations
5th December 2021Second Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAdvent and Lockdown audio
28th November 2021First Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Martin JohnsonRecognising God in a Strange Land
21st November 2021Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34| Year BRevd Martin JohnsonChrist the King 2021
7th November 2021Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellJoining the Silent Revolution audio
3rd November 2021Funeral of Dr Rosamund DalziellFuneralRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFuneral of Dr Rosamund Dalziell audio
2nd November 2021All Souls 2021 |30|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonAll Souls 2021
31st October 2021Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonAll Saints 2021
24th October 2021Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonStumbling Blocks to Faith
17th October 2021Twenty First Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAchieving Recognition, Securing Differentiation audio
10th October 2021Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonGoodness needs humility
26th September 2021Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonJustice and Ecological Conversion
19th September 2021Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellForming Christian Character audio
12th September 2021Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonLooking for questions
5th September 2021Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAfter God's Heart audio
29th August 2021Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonNo place for ideology
22nd August 2021Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonGod-talk
15th August 2021Mary, Mother of Our Lord Revd Martin JohnsonCelebrating Mary
8th August 2021Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonThe God who satisfies
25th July 2021Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonBread sanctified
1st August 2021Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellI am the bread of life audio
18th July 2021Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAlternative Reality audio
11th July 2021Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonSpeaking Truth With Courage
4th July 2021Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellTo Comfort the Afflicted and Afflict the Comfortable audio
27th June 2021Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGod's Gift To Women audio
20th June 2021Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonStoicism
13th June 2021Third Sunday after Pentecost |11|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonBirds of a Feather
6th June 2021Second Sunday after Pentecost |10|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellBinding the Strong Man audio
30th May 2021Trinity SundayYear BRevd Martin JohnsonImportance of the Trinity
23rd May 2021Day of PentecostYear BRevd Martin JohnsonKoinonia
16th May 2021Ascension DayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellCaught in the Updraft audio
9th May 2021Sixth Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Martin JohnsonLinkages
2nd May 2021St Philip and St James Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellPhilip, James and Knowing God audio
25th April 2021Fourth Sunday of Easter & ANZAC DayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellKnown unto God audio
18th April 2021Third Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Martin JohnsonResurrection and Identity
11th April 2021Second Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Martin JohnsonResurrection and Forgiveness
4th April 2021Easter DayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Resurrection: But What about the Eggs? audio
4th April 2021Easter VigilYear BRevd Martin JohnsonParticipating in the Resurrection
1st April 2021Maundy Thursday Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellBrave New World audio
29th March 2021Funeral of Bishop Bruce Wilson,|br /|delivered at St James King Street SydneyFuneralRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFuneral of Bishop Bruce Wilson audio
28th March 2021Palm Sunday or Passion SundayYear BRevd Martin JohnsonProcessions
21st March 2021Fifth Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Good News of the Cross audio
14th March 2021Fourth Sunday in LentYear BRevd Martin JohnsonCourage to await the Cross
7th March 2021Third Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellMarching to a Different Drummer audio
28th February 2021Second Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGiving Up and Taking Up in Lent audio
21st February 2021First Sunday in LentYear BRevd Martin JohnsonLenten trials
14th February 2021TransfigurationYear BRevd Martin JohnsonOur plans and God's plans
7th February 2021Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellExorcising Demonic Rivalry audio
31st January 2021Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonAnglican authority
24th January 2021Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonCommunal Sin, Communal Repentance
17th January 2021Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellEpiphany: Knowing and Being Known audio
10th January 2021Baptism of the Lord |01|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonTheophany and the Church Militant
3rd January 2021The Epiphany Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellStarlight, Star Bright audio
27th December 2020First Sunday after ChristmasYear BRevd Martin JohnsonHow Silently The Truth Is Given
25th December 2020Christmas Day Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGod is Like Alfred Hitchcock audio
24th December 2020Christmas Eve MidnightYear BRevd Martin JohnsonChristmas: Participation not escapism
20th December 2020Fourth Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Virtues and Disciplines of Advent audio
13th December 2020Third Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Martin JohnsonChara
6th December 2020Second Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAdvent Hope audio
29th November 2020First Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Martin JohnsonBefore and After
22nd November 2020Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonControl
15th November 2020Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellDe-Toxifying God: Re-Reading the Parable of the Talents audio
8th November 2020Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonLest We Forget
1st November 2020All SaintsYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAll Saints, and just in time. . .  audio
25th October 2020Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonHoliness
18th October 2020St Luke's DayYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellSt Luke: There is balm in Gilead, there is a physician there audio
11th October 2020Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Wedding Garment
4th October 2020St Francis's DayYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellRecapturing St Francis' Form of Life audio
20th September 2020Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellBeyond Christian Values audio
13th September 2020Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonEcclesia and Authority
6th September 2020Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellUnder Authority audio
30th August 2020Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonOn 'Spiritual not Religious'
23rd August 2020Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Church: Admirers of Jesus or Members of Christ? audio
16th August 2020Mary, Mother of Our Lord Revd Martin JohnsonHail Mary, Full of Grace
9th August 2020Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonValues and Faith
2nd August 2020Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Detox of our Nuremberged Imaginations audio
26th July 2020Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Antidote to Indifference
19th July 2020Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellMistrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful audio
12th July 2020Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonSowing in Tears
5th July 2020Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me . . ." audio
28th June 2020Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonReimagining the world
21st June 2020Third Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonCaring and Relationships
14th June 2020Thanksgiving for the Holy Communion Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellCorpus Christi: Body, Matter, Violence audio
7th June 2020Trinity SundayYear ARevd Martin JohnsonTrinity and Worshipping Community
31st May 2020Day of PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellPentecost: Riding the Big Red Tricycle audio
17th May 2020Sixth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellEaster Means Liberation audio
10th May 2020Fifth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Jeannette McHughDo not let your hearts be troubled
3rd May 2020St Philip and St James Revd Martin JohnsonMeeting and Mending
26th April 2020Third Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGrown-up Resurrection Faith audio
19th April 2020Second Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Martin JohnsonMy Lord and My God
12th April 2020Easter DayYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Resurrection is a Game Changer audio
10th April 2020Good Friday Revd Martin JohnsonChrist Crowned
5th April 2020Palm Sunday or Passion SundayYear ARevd Martin JohnsonEngaging With Reality
29th March 2020Fifth Sunday in LentYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellI am the Resurrection and the Life audio
15th March 2020Third Sunday in LentYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellIs the Lord among us or not? audio
8th March 2020Second Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonCultivating the Land of Promise
1st March 2020First Sunday in LentYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellNot Failing in the Wilderness audio
23rd February 2020TransfigurationYear ARevd Martin JohnsonChristian Identity
16th February 2020Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellChristian Moral Imagination audio
9th February 2020Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonOur Calling
2nd February 2020The Presentation of Christ in the Temple Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellCandlemas: What is the Speed of Light? audio
26th January 2020Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonChurch Unity
19th January 2020Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellOur Epiphany audio
12th January 2020Baptism of the Lord |01|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonChaos, and Hope
5th January 2020The Epiphany Revd Martin JohnsonRevealings
29th December 2019First Sunday after ChristmasYear ARevd Martin JohnsonLiving Christmas Unreservedly
25th December 2019Christmas Day Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellComforted and Confronted by the Word Made Flesh audio
24th December 2019Christmas Eve MidnightYear ARevd Martin JohnsonHope Subverting Politics
22nd December 2019Fourth Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Martin JohnsonRenewal
15th December 2019Third Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellNo Season for Hard Men
17th November 2019Twenty Third Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellBurning Issues
13th October 2019Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonFaith in us
13th October 2019Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellSensible Radicalism
6th October 2019Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Wreck of the Deutschland
22nd September 2019Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonConsumption
15th September 2019Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonHow God Acts
8th September 2019Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellReal Religious Freedom
1st September 2019Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGod's Alarming Hospitality and Our Fragile Identity
25th August 2019Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonLift Up Your Hearts To The Lord
18th August 2019Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellEvensong at St Paul's Manuka - Mary in a Social Media Age
18th August 2019Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonJustice and Mercy
11th August 2019Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonFaith
4th August 2019Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellTrue Wisdom
28th July 2019Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonCourage in Prayer
21st July 2019Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonHospitality
14th July 2019Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonThe Outside Showing The Way
7th July 2019Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonReligious Freedom 8 AM; The Lamb of God 10AM
30th June 2019Third Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonSacramentality
23rd June 2019Second Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year CRevd Martin Johnson'The Powers That Be'
16th June 2019Trinity SundayYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellA Hybrid Divinity
9th June 2019Day of PentecostYear CRevd Martin JohnsonA Different Perspective on the World
2nd June 2019Ascension DayYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellCaught Up
26th May 2019Sixth Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe Holy City the New Jerusalem
19th May 2019Fifth Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellOn Our Being the Glory of God
12th May 2019Fourth Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe Lamb Will Be Their Shepherd
5th May 2019St Philip and St James Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellKnowing God by Knowing Jesus
28th April 2019Second Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Martin JohnsonResurrection Hope
21st April 2019Easter DayYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellHope Plus
21st April 2019Easter VigilYear CRevd Martin JohnsonLet go and Rejoice
19th April 2019Good Friday Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellMass of the Pre-Sanctified: Israel Folau Has Got It Wrong
18th April 2019Maundy Thursday Revd Martin JohnsonOn the night He was betrayed
14th April 2019Palm Sunday or Passion SundayYear CRevd Martin JohnsonIdentity in Christ
7th April 2019Fifth Sunday in LentYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellScandalous!
31st March 2019Fourth Sunday in LentYear CRevd Martin JohnsonBreaking Down the Barriers
24th March 2019Third Sunday in LentYear CRevd Martin JohnsonFaith and Imaginative Vision
17th March 2019Second Sunday in LentYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Judgement of our Anxieties
10th March 2019First Sunday in LentYear CRevd Martin JohnsonNarratives and Trust
6th March 2019Ash Wednesday Revd Martin JohnsonLenten Renewal
3rd March 2019TransfigurationYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGeorge Pell and the Transfiguration
24th February 2019Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany |07|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonLoving Our Enemies
17th February 2019Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellNothing Need Ever be the Same
10th February 2019Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonThe Nature of our Calling
3rd February 2019The Presentation of Christ in the Temple Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellCandlemas: Outshining the Power of Death
27th January 2019Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonLiving by our Creed
20th January 2019Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellSharing Christ's Glory
6th January 2019The Epiphany Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Epiphany and the Catholic Faith
30th December 2018First Sunday after ChristmasYear CRevd Martin JohnsonHoly Family
24th December 2018Christmas Eve MidnightYear CRevd Martin JohnsonChristmas and Right Brain Thinking
23rd December 2018Fourth Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Martin JohnsonAdvent Vulnerability
16th December 2018Third Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Robert Willson, Rector of St Philip's 1979-1985Reflection on the Anniversary of the dedication of the Church Building
16th December 2018Third Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellWhat is St Philip's here For?
2nd December 2018First Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAdvent, Apocalypse, and Good News
25th November 2018Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonA Kingdom Founded on Truth
4th November 2018All SaintsYear BRevd Martin JohnsonAll Saints
28th October 2018Twenty Third Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonLooking Up
21st October 2018Twenty Second Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonAnglicare Sunday
18th October 2018Feast of St Luke, Apostle and MartyrYear BRevd Martin JohnsonSt Luke and Healing
14th October 2018Twenty First Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonBarriers to Becoming
7th October 2018Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellMade For Each Other
30th September 2018Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year BRevd Martin Johnson"In My Name"
23rd September 2018Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonGreatness and Little Children
16th September 2018Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonSermon Given At Evensong at St Paul's Manuka
16th September 2018Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellIt's Not about Success
9th September 2018Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year BRevd Jeannette McHughJesus and the Syrophonoecian Woman
2nd September 2018Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellChrétiens Sans Frontières
19th August 2018Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFear the Lord or Follow the Crowd?
12th August 2018Twelfth Sunday after Eighth Sunday after Pentecost AM |19|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonThe Body of Christ and Community
5th August 2018Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellDr Atomic and the Bread of Life
29th July 2018Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonThe Body of Christ
22nd July 2018Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonSalvation and Hope
8th July 2018Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonCivility
1st July 2018Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonPatience
24th June 2018Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year BRevd Jeannette McHughQuantum Universe
17th June 2018Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |11|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Difference God Makes
10th June 2018Third Sunday after Pentecost |10|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonNot losing heart and mental wellbeing.
3rd June 2018Thanksgiving for the Holy Communion Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellOn Corpus Christi: Christ's Thankful, Forward-Looking People
27th May 2018Trinity SundayYear BRevd Martin JohnsonProfound communion, the grammar of the Trinity.
20th May 2018Day of PentecostYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellPentecost: Beyond Cynicism, Fatalism and Groupthink
13th May 2018Seventh Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Martin JohnsonChristian Unity and Faithfulness
6th May 2018St Philip and St James Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellPhilip, James, and the Apostolic Reality
29th April 2018Fifth Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Martin JohnsonRepentance and Hope
22nd April 2018Fourth Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Good Shepherd or the Meat Industry, Take Your Pick …
15th April 2018Third Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Martin JohnsonThe Easter Revolution
8th April 2018Second Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Martin JohnsonReconciling the earthly and the spiritual
1st April 2018Easter DayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellCaught up in the New Creation
31st March 2018Easter VigilYear BRevd Martin JohnsonThe Angel of the Future
30th March 2018Year BRevd Martin JohnsonReflections
29th March 2018Maundy Thursday Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellA Tough and Genuine Alternative
11th March 2018Fourth Sunday in LentYear BRevd Martin JohnsonHealing the serpent's bite
4th March 2018Third Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGood and Bad Religion
25th February 2018Second Sunday in LentYear BRevd Martin JohnsonLiving together with quiet confidence in the in-between space
18th February 2018First Sunday in LentYear BRevd Martin JohnsonLent and Engagement
14th February 2018Ash Wednesday Revd Martin JohnsonSorrowful Rejoicing ... and Scooters
11th February 2018TransfigurationYear BRevd Martin JohnsonBeyond Words
4th February 2018The Presentation of Christ in the Temple Revd Martin JohnsonParadox and Potential
28th January 2018Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year BRevd Jeannette McHughWhat to do with food dedicated to idols
21st January 2018Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellJesus' Call: Good News Not Bad
31st December 2017The Epiphany Revd Martin JohnsonWhat were the magi seeking?
25th December 2017Christmas Day Revd Martin JohnsonThe Spiritual and the Material
24th December 2017Christmas Eve Revd Martin Johnson'Relevance' and Wonder
24th December 2017Fourth Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Martin JohnsonThe Virgin Birth
17th December 2017Third Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Martin JohnsonThe Nature of Advent Hope and Joy
10th December 2017Second Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Martin JohnsonListening and Mark's Gospel
3rd December 2017First Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Martin JohnsonWaiting for the second marshmallow
26th November 2017Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonChrist the King, names and Taryn's Baptism
19th November 2017Twenty fourth Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonInvesting in Relationships
12th November 2017Twenty third Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonAttend!
5th November 2017Twenty second Sunday after Pentecost |31|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonBelieving, trusting, doing
4th November 2017All SaintsYear ARevd Martin JohnsonAll Saints 2017
29th October 2017Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonA Twitch upon the Thread
22nd October 2017Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonConform or Reform?
8th October 2017Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year ARevd Jeannette McHughIn Perpetual Spring
1st October 2017Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonVulnerability
24th September 2017Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonEquality of Treatment ...
17th September 2017Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonForgiveness
10th September 2017Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonTo preserve the rights of others
3rd September 2017Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonRedefinition
27th August 2017Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonEntering in
20th August 2017Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonConscience
13th August 2017Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonWho do you say that I am?
6th August 2017Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonAll are fed
30th July 2017Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonFamily membership open to all
23rd July 2017Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Kingdom of Heaven and the Groan of Salvation
16th July 2017Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonIs religion the cause of warfare?
9th July 2017Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonWisdom
2nd July 2017Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonA free life of obedience
2nd July 2017Fourth Sunday after Pentecost: Family Eucharist |13|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonChildren's talk: God's family
25th June 2017Third Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonControl the tiger and live
18th June 2017Thanksgiving for the Holy Communion Revd Martin JohnsonCorpus Christi: The one true sacrifice
11th June 2017Trinity SundayYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe strong name of the Trinity
4th June 2017Day of PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonPentecost is the future
28th May 2017Ascension DayYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Ascension of Christ
21st May 2017Sixth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Martin JohnsonRitual, moral, intellectual
14th May 2017Fifth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Martin JohnsonFifth Sunday of Easter 2017
7th May 2017St Philip and St James Revd Martin JohnsonSt Philip and St James 2017
30th April 2017Third Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThird Sunday of Easter 2017
23rd April 2017Second Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Martin JohnsonSecond Sunday of Easter 2017
16th April 2017Easter DayYear ARevd Martin JohnsonSecond Sunday of Easter017
15th April 2017Easter VigilYear ARevd Martin JohnsonEaster Vigil 2017
14th April 2017Good Friday Revd Martin JohnsonGood Friday 2017
13th April 2017Maundy Thursday Revd Martin JohnsonMaundy Thursday 2017
9th April 2017Palm Sunday or Passion SundayYear ARevd Martin JohnsonPassion Sunday 2017
2nd April 2017Fifth Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonFifth Sunday in Lent 2017
26th March 2017Fourth Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonFourth Sunday in Lent 2017
19th March 2017Third Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThird Sunday in Lent 2017
12th March 2017Second Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonSecond Sunday in Lent 2017
5th March 2017First Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonFirst Sunday in Lent 2017
1st March 2017Ash Wednesday Revd Martin JohnsonAsh Wednesday 2017
26th February 2017TransfigurationYear ARevd Martin JohnsonTransfiguration 2017
19th February 2017Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany |07|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonSeventh Sunday after the Epiphany 2017
12th February 2017Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonSixth Sunday after the Epiphany 2017
5th February 2017Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonFifth Sunday after the Epiphany 2017
2nd February 2017The Presentation of Christ in the Temple Revd Martin JohnsonCandlemas
29th January 2017Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonFourth Sunday after the Epiphany 2017
22nd January 2017Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonThird Sunday after the Epiphany 2017
15th January 2017Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonSecond Sunday after the Epiphany 2017
8th January 2017Baptism of the Lord |01|Year ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Baptism of Jesus
1st January 2017The Epiphany Revd Martin JohnsonSecond Sunday after the Epiphany 2017
25th December 2016Christmas Day Revd Martin JohnsonChristmas Day Eucharist 2016
24th December 2016Christmas Eve MidnightYear ARevd Martin JohnsonChristmas Midnight 2016
18th December 2016Fourth Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Martin JohnsonIn Emmanuel … everything!
11th December 2016Third Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe journey toward justice: joy awaits!
4th December 2016Second Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Dr Colin DundonThe King returns
27th November 2016First Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Dr Colin DundonThe Hour That No-one Knows
20th November 2016Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe God of the Cross becomes King
13th November 2016Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe coming of the end: the final summons
6th November 2016All SaintsYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonPraise to the God of power and life
30th October 2016Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |31|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonZacchaeus: salvation comes
23rd October 2016Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe powerless and the powerful: entry into the age to come
16th October 2016Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonPrayer, justice and mercy: the wonder and danger of prayer
9th October 2016Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonTen lepers healed: The joy of thanksgiving
2nd October 2016Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonHumble believing: Trusting the God who Loves Us
18th September 2016Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonGive an Account of your Management
11th September 2016Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonLost Sheep, Lost Coins
4th September 2016Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year CRevd Andrea de Vaal HorciuReflection on my time at St Philip's
28th August 2016Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonWalking Humbly With Your God
21st August 2016Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonBent Becomes Straight
14th August 2016Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe Call For Decision
7th August 2016Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe Serving Master
31st July 2016Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonHe Was Rich
24th July 2016Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonDisciples' Prayer
17th July 2016Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonMartha and Mary
10th July 2016Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe Good Samaritan
3rd July 2016Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe Commissioning of the Seventy Two
26th June 2016Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonTurning Towards Jerusalem
19th June 2016Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonJesus Heals the Gerasene Demoniac
12th June 2016Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |11|Year CRevd Pamela PhillipsThe Disconcerting Dinner Guest
5th June 2016Third Sunday after Pentecost |10|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe raising of the widow's son at Nain - The Kingdom, compassion, new creation and social dislocation
29th May 2016Second Sunday after Pentecost |09|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonHealing of the Centurion's Slave
22nd May 2016Trinity SundayYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonFather, Son and Holy Spirit
15th May 2016Day of PentecostYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe Breath of Life - Pentecost
8th May 2016Seventh Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonCome, Lord Jesus
1st May 2016Sixth Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe Holy City
24th April 2016Fifth Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonNew Heaven and a New Earth
17th April 2016Fourth Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonShepherds
10th April 2016Third Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Jeannette McHughChrist, Resurrection, Grace: The Gospel of Paul
27th March 2016Easter DayYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonEaster
25th March 2016Good Friday Revd Dr Colin DundonGood Friday
24th March 2016Maundy Thursday Revd Dr Colin DundonThe Foot Washing
13th March 2016Fifth Sunday in LentYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe anointing at Bethany: God's new thing
6th March 2016Fourth Sunday in LentYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonA Waiting Father
28th February 2016Third Sunday in LentYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonGrief and Hope
21st February 2016Second Sunday in LentYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonReal Change
14th February 2016First Sunday in LentYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe Testing of Jesus
10th February 2016Ash Wednesday Revd Dr Colin DundonThe Freedom of Forgiveness
7th February 2016TransfigurationYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe Transfiguration
31st January 2016Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonA Kingdom for All #2
24th January 2016Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonA Kingdom for All #1
17th January 2016Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonTransformations
10th January 2016Baptism of the Lord |01|Year CRevd Dr Colin DundonJesus' Baptism: Power, Prayer, The Spirit
27th December 2015First Sunday after ChristmasYear CRevd Jeannette McHughA New Hope
25th December 2015Christmas Day Revd Dr Colin DundonGood News of Great Joy
20th December 2015Fourth Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonA ruler from Bethlehem
6th December 2015Second Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe River of Fiery Spirit
29th November 2015First Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonSeason of Waiting
8th November 2015Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year BRevd Dr Colin DundonRich scribe versus poor widow
20th September 2015Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year BRevd Dr Colin DundonWho is the greatest?
6th September 2015Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year BRevd Andrea De Vaal HorciuHealing deafness
9th August 2015Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandSt Philip's Farewell Sermon
26th July 2015Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year BRevd Anne DudzinskiTransition at O'Connor
28th June 2015Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year BRevd Jeannette McHughThe Celtic Way of Evangelism - Part 2
21st June 2015Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year BRevd Jeannette McHughThe Celtic Way of Evangelism
14th June 2015Third Sunday after Pentecost |11|Year BDr Ros J. DalziellRefugee Week Address
22nd March 2015Fifth Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellSome Gays come to Jesus
22nd February 2015First Sunday in LentYear BRevd Jeannette McHughLent
15th February 2015TransfigurationYear BRevd Jeannette McHughThe Transfiguration of our Lord
25th January 2015Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandOur first allegiance is to the Kingdom of God
18th January 2015Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year BRevd Robin MooreFollow me!
11th January 2015Baptism of the Lord |01|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandThree realms of the Spirit
4th January 2015The Epiphany Revd Rebecca NewlandThe Light at the heart of everything
21st December 2014Fourth Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandSay "Yes" to Jesus
7th December 2014Second Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandMake his paths straight
30th November 2014First Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Sonia NevilleLiving in Christ in transition with the certainty of uncertainty
23rd November 2014Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34|Year ADr David NevilleReal presence and the hope of judgement
16th November 2014Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year ARevd Sonia NevilleTaking responsbility
26th October 2014Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellA Holiness worth having
28th September 2014Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandGod is a God of Abundance
24th August 2014Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandYou are Peter
10th August 2014Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandLamentation Sunday
27th July 2014Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandNothing can separate us from God's love
20th July 2014Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandThe grace of doing nothing
13th July 2014Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandThe Sower
6th July 2014Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year ARevd Andrea de Vaal HorciuPsalms of Praise
22nd June 2014Second Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandJesus' subversive message
15th June 2014Trinity SundayYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandKnowledge and love of the triune God
8th June 2014Day of PentecostYear ABrian McKinlayPeace and power
18th May 2014Fifth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandThe way of Jesus
11th May 2014Fourth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Canon Dr Scott Cowdell'I am the Gate', but what sort of gate?
4th May 2014Third Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Canon Dr Scott CowdellThe Road to Emmaus and back
27th April 2014Second Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Canon Dr Scott CowdellDoubt and faith
20th April 2014Easter DayYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandHe is risen indeed! Alleluiah!
17th April 2014Maundy Thursday Revd Rebecca NewlandLoving as Jesus loves
6th April 2014Fifth Sunday in LentYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandOut of the depths … Lenten series on prayer; 5
30th March 2014Fourth Sunday in LentYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandShine as a light in the world … Lenten series on prayer; 4
23rd March 2014Third Sunday in LentYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandGet close to Jesus and discover the truth … Lenten series on prayer; 3
16th March 2014Second Sunday in LentYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandWhen you pray let go and start from nowhere … Lenten series on prayer; 2
9th March 2014First Sunday in LentYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandThe first prayer: O Lord have mercy … Lenten series on prayer; 1
5th March 2014Ash Wednesday Revd Rebecca NewlandCome back to Centre
2nd March 2014TransfigurationYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandThis is my Son, the Beloved
16th February 2014Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06|Year ARevd Linda Anchell"But I say to you …"
9th February 2014Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year ARevd Canon Dr Scott CowdellThe Gospel, not religion
5th February 2014FuneralRevd Linda AnchellJean May Pound, 1920-2014
2nd February 2014The Presentation of Christ in the Temple Revd Canon Dr Scott Cowdell
19th January 2014Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandJesus invites us into a relationship where he becomes known
12th January 2014Baptism of the Lord |01|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandJustice in service
5th January 2014The Epiphany Revd Rebecca NewlandGod's answer to our tribalism
29th December 2013First Sunday after ChristmasYear ARevd Canon Dr Scott CowdellGod among us
25th December 2013Christmas Day Revd Rebecca NewlandCome to God
22nd December 2013Fourth Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Linda AnchellShattered
8th December 2013Second Sunday of AdventYear ABrian McKinlayHearing the prophet
23rd November 2013ConfirmationRevd Rebecca NewlandHomily for a Baptism and confirmation
3rd November 2013All SaintsYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandWhat makes a saint?
27th October 2013Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year CRevd Steve ClarkeThe last and best word
20th October 2013Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year CRevd Canon Dr Scott CowdellNot like religion at all
13th October 2013Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year CRevd Rebecca NewlandLove that springs from gratitude
12th October 2013WeddingRevd Rebecca NewlandTim and Mel's wedding
15th September 2013Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year CRevd Rebecca NewlandOur very strange God
1st September 2013Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year CRevd Rebecca NewlandJesus' party
25 August 2013Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year CRevd Rebecca NewlandSabbath
18 August 2013Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year CBrian McKinlayThe well-founded city
04 August 2013Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year CRevd Linda AnchellA Sermon for Deacon Sunday
28 July 2013Mary MagdaleneYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandMary Magdalene
4 July 2013FuneralRevd Rebecca NewlandBarbara Matthews 1925-2013
30 June 2013Peter and Paul, Apostles and MartyrsYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandSt Peter and St Paul
25 June 2013FuneralRevd Rebecca NewlandVal Reeves 1933-2013
23 June 2013Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year CRevd Rebecca NewlandAn uncomfortable story
16 June 2013Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |11|Year CRevd Rebecca NewlandThe Centre forgives
9 June 2013Barnabas, Apostle and MartyrYear CBrian McKinlayBarnabas, Son of Encouragement
2 June 2013Pentecost 2 |09|Year CRevd Rebecca NewlandUnity in diversity
26 May 2013Trinity SundayYear CRevd Ian ChaplinThe Trinity
19 May 2013Day of PentecostYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandPentecost
12 May 2013Seventh Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandBe one as God is one
14 April 2013Third Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandJesus is the way; follow him to fullness of life
7 April 2013Second Sunday of EasterYear CDi PriestPictures of peace
17 March 2013Fifth Sunday in LentYear CBrian McKinlayThe passionate life
24 February 2013Second Sunday in LentYear CRevd Linda AnchellA darkness
10 February 2013TransfigurationYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandShine as a Light
27 January 2013Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year CRevd Rebecca NewlandThe Church is a new vision: unity in diversity
6 January 2013The Epiphany Revd Rebecca NewlandThe Epiphany of Christ moment by moment
30 December 2012First Sunday after ChristmasYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandHoly and beloved
25 December 2012Christmas Day Revd Rebecca NewlandOur longing is over
23 December 2012Fourth Sunday of AdventYear CBrian McKinlayChrist-like revolution
9 December 2012Second Sunday of AdventYear CChris CheahThe Benedictus backstory
2 December 2012First Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandWhen apocalyptic confronts us stand up and embrace hope
18 November 2012Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandThe Psalms
11 November 2012Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandHave faith and trust that your giving will be blessed
28 October 2012Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year BRevd Canon Dr Scott CowdellJesus changes lives
21 October 2012Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year BRevd Canon Dr Scott CowdellWhere is God?
14 October 2012Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year BRevd Canon Dr Scott CowdellStatus anxiety
23 September 2012Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandOur words create: take care
9 September 2012Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandGod is on the side of the poor and so should we be
19 August 2012Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandWisdom and the heart for hospitality
12 August 2012Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year BBrian McKinlayTaste and See
22 July 2012Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandCome and See
1 July 2012Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year BRevd Steve ClarkeThe Healing touch
24 June 2012Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandWe are not in control
17 June 2012Third Sunday after Pentecost |11|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandWhen we abide in Christ we flourish
10 June 2012Pentecost 2 |10|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandThere is the lie but we live in the truth
3 June 2012Trinity SundayYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandKnowing God by loving God
20 May 2012Seventh Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Jeannette McHughEternal life
13 May 2012Sixth Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandGod's salvation is love
6 May 2012Fifth Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandThe Good Shepherd
29 April 2012Fourth Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Robin MooreBringing people to Jesus
22 April 2012Third Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandResurrection and reconciliation
15 April 2012Second Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandResurrection in the life of the believer
8 April 2012Easter DayYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandEaster Day: we are Easter people
6 April 2012Good Friday Revd Rebecca NewlandGood Friday: non-violence
5 April 2012Maundy Thursday Revd Rebecca NewlandMaundy Thursday
25 March 2012Fifth Sunday in LentYear BRevd Linda AnchellAnd I, when I am lifted up
18 March 2012Fourth Sunday in LentYear BRevd Dr Catherine HoltLent is a journey
11 March 2012Third Sunday in LentYear BBrian McKinlayJesus breaks the barriers
4 March 2012Second Sunday in LentYear BChris CheahSmall bad habits
26 February 2012First Sunday in LentYear BPerseverance: an introduction to Lent — essay by Kym Harris OSB.
19 February 2012TransfigurationYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandWalking in the light
12 February 2012Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandHealing and faith
5 February 2012Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandGrowing in Christ-like love
29 January 2012Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandJesus Christ has true authority
22 January 2012Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandOur first allegiance is to the Kingdom of God
15 January 2012Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandJesus invites us into a relationship where he becomes known
8 January 2012Baptism of the Lord |01|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandWater and the Holy Spirit: three realms of the Spirit
1 January 2012First Sunday after ChristmasYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandJesus is the light of all people
25 December 2011Christmas Day Revd Rebecca NewlandLook for the light
18 December 2011Fourth Sunday of AdventYear BRt Revd Stuart RobinsonFiftieth anniversary
11 December 2011Third Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Linda AnchellWhere are the prophets?
4 December 2011Second Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandMaking a highway in the wilderness
27 November 2011First Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandPrepare for the beginning: stay awake
27 November 2011First Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Canon Dr Scott CowdellAdvent begins
20 November 2011Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandChrist the King / The Reign of Christ & Ability
13 November 2011Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandDeborah and Rael
30 October 2011Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |31|Year AVen Dr Sarah MacneilDo we show people what God is like?
9 October 2011Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year ARevd Steve ClarkeCreation anxiety and the Sabbath voice of Jesus
2 October 2011Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandIn a world of violence Jesus is the unexpected cornerstone
25 September 2011Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandMission: Romans 12
18 September 2011Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandMission: Romans 10
21 August 2011 8amTenth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandA new name
21 August 2011 10amTenth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year ARt Revd Trevor EdwardsAcknowledge Christ, worship Christ
14 August 2011Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year ARevd Steve ClarkeThe Prophet Mary
31 July 2011Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year ARevd Dr Ray WilliamsonGive them something to eat yourselves.
17 July 2011Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandBe patient gardeners
10 July 2011Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandNurture the seed
3 July 2011Third Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandSurrender to the yolk
26 June 2011Second Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year ARevd Linda AnchellAkedah: the Binding of Isaac and story
19 June 2011Trinity SundayYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandA wondrous doctrine
5 June 2011Seventh Sunday of Easter |10|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandPentecost
22 May 2011Fifth Sunday of EasterYear AChris CheahThe Journey and the destination
15 May 2011Fourth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Linda AnchellGood Shepherd Sunday
1 May 2011Second Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandHe is Risen indeed! Alleluia!
24 April 2011Easter DayYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandJesus Christ is risen! Easter
21 April 2011Maundy Thursday Revd Rebecca NewlandMaundy Thursday
10 April 2011Fifth Sunday in LentYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandWho is Christ for you?
3 April 2011Fourth Sunday in LentYear ABrian McKinlayHealing and the work of God
27 March 2011Third Sunday in LentYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandGo to the well
20 March 2011Second Sunday in LentYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandStart from nowhere
13 March 2011First Sunday in LentYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandA relationship fractured by disobedience
20 February 2011Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandGet out of the way
13 February 2011Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandIt's about the relationship
6 February 2011Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandCourage and Continuity
30 January 2011Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandThe Manifesto of the King
9 January 2011Baptism of the Lord |01|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandOur identity is in Christ Jesus
2 January 2011The Epiphany Revd Linda AnchellAll are included
25 December 2010Christmas Day Revd Rebecca NewlandIn Jesus we know God and are known by Him?
19 December 2010Fourth Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandThe Music of God
12 December 2010Third Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandHe comes to us where we are
5 December 2010Second Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandGod's judgement shines a light
28 November 2010First Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Rebecca NewlandFrom darkness to light
15 November 2010FuneralRevd Doug BannermanFuneral of Joyce Webster
7 November 2010Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year CBrian McKinlayHaggai ch 2
10 October 2010Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year CBrian McKinlayHealing prayer
23 September 2010FuneralRevd Rebecca NewlandFuneral of Ann Williams
29 August 2010Day of Prayer for RefugeesYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandDay of Prayer for Refugees
1 August 2010Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year CRevd Linda AnchellSt Stephen: Deacon Sunday
27 June 2010Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year CChris CheahNest or quest?
16 May 2010Seventh Sunday of EasterYear CDr Heather ThomsonBecoming one
25 April 2010ANZAC DayYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandANZAC Day
18 April 2010Third Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandGod revealed
11 April 2010Year CRevd Rebecca NewlandThe resurrection of Christ
10 April 2010FuneralRevd Rebecca NewlandFuneral of Rose Anchell
4 April 2010Easter DayYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandSo what? It changes everything
28 March 2010Palm Sunday or Passion SundayYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandThe crucifixion reveals our own violence
14 March 2010Fourth Sunday in LentYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandWe are entrusted with the ministry of reconciliation
28 February 2010Second Sunday in LentYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandThe Cross is the key
21 February 2010First Sunday in LentYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandThis Lent, let's be human
14 February 2010TransfigurationYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandChoose your direction of change
7 February 2010Year CRevd Rebecca NewlandAnd the bait is…?
31 January 2010Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year CRevd Rebecca NewlandLove is the way
24 January 2010Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year CRevd Rebecca NewlandThe Church is a new vision = unity in diversity
17 January 2010Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year CRevd Jeannette McHughJesus at a wedding
3 January 2010The Epiphany Revd Rebecca NewlandWho is Jesus?
13 December 2009Third Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandDo not fear the judgment — Rejoice!!
6 December 2009Second Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandPrepare the way of the Lord
6 December 2009Second Sunday of AdventYear CChris CheahZacharias' Story
29 November 2009First Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonWords of hope and expectancy: farewell sermon
16 August 2009Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonAddresses on the Liturgy: Part 3
9 August 2009Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonAddresses on the Liturgy: Part 2
2 August 2009Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonAddresses on the Liturgy: Part 1
7 June 2009Trinity SundayYear BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonThe mystery of God
31 May 2009Day of PentecostYear BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonPentecost in action
10 May 2009Fifth Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonLiving in faith and love
26 April 2009Third Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonMinds opened to understand
15 March 2009Third Sunday in LentYear BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonWhere anger and courage meet
8 March 2009Second Sunday in LentYear BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonLosing our life to gain it
1 March 2009First Sunday in LentYear BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonThe journey of discipleship
22 February 2009TransfigurationYear BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonTransfiguration 
15 February 2009Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonTouch the world with life
8 February 2009Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonHave you not known? Have you not heard?
25 January 2009Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonJonah and empire
11 January 2009Baptism of the Lord |01|Year BRevd Dr Ray WilliamsonBaptism of Jesus
4 January 2009The Epiphany Revd Dr Ray WilliamsonEpiphany
28 December 2008First Sunday after ChristmasYear BRevd Jeannette McHughTwo old people
14 December 2008Third Sunday of AdventYear BChris CheahAdvent repentance
7 December 2008Second Sunday of AdventYear BBrian McKinlayAdvent restoration
30 November 2008First Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Linda AnchellAdvent Sunday
9 November 2008Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year ARevd Dr Ray WilliamsonExpectations! Being ready!
2 November 2008All SaintsYear ARevd Dr Ray WilliamsonA community of faith and commitment
19 October 2008Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year ARevd Dr Ray WilliamsonLife that transcends death
12 October 2008Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year ARevd Dr Ray WilliamsonWe're invited to a feast
5 October 2008Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year ARevd Dr Ray WilliamsonThe fruitless vineyard
28 September 2008Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year ARevd Dr Ray WilliamsonJesus' response to his critics
7 September 2008Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year ARevd Dr Ray WilliamsonA merciful, inclusive community
27 July 2008Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year ARevd Linda AnchellTreasure
20 July 2008Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year ABrian McKinlayFear not
22 June 2008Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year AConnie GerrityContradiction and opposition
8 June 2008Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |10|Year ARevd Rob LamertonGod's openness to all people
1 June 2008Third Sunday after Pentecost |09|Year ARevd Rob LamertonPrayer demands action
18 May 2008Trinity SundayYear AChris CheahIcons and the Hospitality of Abraham
11 May 2008Day of PentecostYear ABrian McKinlayWhat says The Spirit?
4 May 2008St Philip and St JamesYear ARt Revd Alan EwingConfirmation
27 April 2008Ascension DayYear ARevd Rob LamertonAscension
30 March 2008Second Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Rob LamertonIs the glass half full or half empty?
23 March 2008Easter DayYear ARevd Rob LamertonEaster
21 March 2008Good Friday Brian McKinlayBy his wounds we are healed
21 March 2008Good Friday Chris CheahWhen our life began again
21 March 2008Good Friday Revd Linda AnchellChristmas and Easter are close
21 March 2008Good Friday Revd Jeannette McHughPry me off dead centre
2 March 2008Fourth Sunday in LentYear AChris CheahLearning to see
24 February 2008Third Sunday in LentYear ARevd Doug BannermanThe woman at the well
17 February 2008Second Sunday in LentYear ARevd Rob LamertonHome Groups
10 February 2008First Sunday in LentYear ARevd Rob LamertonTemptations
3 February 2008TransfigurationYear ARevd Rob LamertonSeeing each other in a new light
27 January 2008Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year ARevd Ian ChaplinLight
20 January 2008Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year ARevd Jeannette McHughWrestle with questions of faith
13 January 2008Baptism of the Lord |01|Year ARevd Rob LamertonThe Baptism of Jesus
6 January 2008The Epiphany Revd Linda AnchellEpiphany
30 December 2007First Sunday after ChristmasYear ARevd Rob LamertonJesus, Lord and King from his birth
23 December 2007Fourth Sunday of AdventYear AChris CheahJoseph's Kairos Encounter
16 December 2007Third Sunday of AdventYear ASarah GowtyMary's joy
9 December 2007Second Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Rob LamertonPrepare the Way
2 December 2007First Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Rob LamertonAdvent
25 November 2007Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34|Year CBrian McKinlayOf cabbages and kings
4 November 2007All SaintsYear CRevd Rob LamertonAll Saints
28 October 2007Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year CRevd Rob LamertonReceiving the grace of eternal life
21 October 2007Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year CRevd Rob LamertonGiving
14 October 2007Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year CRevd Rob LamertonThe place where we are
7 October 2007Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year CRevd Rob LamertonFaith and faithfulness
30 September 2007Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year CRevd Linda AnchellCreation Sunday
23 September 2007Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year CRevd Rob LamertonLearning to pray? Just do it
9 September 2007Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year CRevd Doug BannermanCalled to be potters
2 September 2007Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year CRevd Jeannette McHughSt Columba: part 2
26 August 2007Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year CRevd Rob LamertonWe begin where we are
19 August 2007Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year CBrian McKinlayOur journey to the heavenly city
12 August 2007Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year CRevd Rob LamertonWhat is our treasure?
5 August 2007Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year CRevd Rob LamertonThe best things in life are not free
29 July 2007Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year CChris CheahPersistence in prayer
15 July 2007Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year CRevd Rob LamertonTo be a neighbour
8 July 2007Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year CRevd Rob LamertonGod works in the bafflingly simple
1 July 2007Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year CRevd Rob LamertonNot looking back
24 June 2007Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year CRevd Rob LamertonThe man with many demons
17 June 2007Third Sunday after Pentecost |11|Year CRevd Rob LamertonForgiveness
10 June 2007Pentecost 2 |10|Year CRevd Jeannette McHughSt Columba
3 June 2007Trinity SundayYear CRevd Linda AnchellWhat are we?
27 May 2007Day of PentecostYear CRevd Rob LamertonWhat it costs to keep this family
20 May 2007Seventh Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Linda AnchellEssential unity
13 May 2007Sixth Sunday of EasterYear CBrian McKinlayWe have heard from God. Have we obeyed?
6 May 2007St Philip and St James Revd Robert WillsonSt Philip's fiftieth anniversary
29 April 2007Fourth Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Rob LamertonHow are we of value to the local community?
22 April 2007Third Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Rob LamertonA week for terrible events
15 April 2007Second Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Rob LamertonBelieve that you may have life
8 April 2007Easter DayYear CRevd Rob LamertonGod gives life!
6 April 2007Good Friday Revd Linda AnchellGood Friday reflection
6 April 2007Good Friday Brian McKinlayGood Friday reflection
6 April 2007Good Friday Stephen BillettGood Friday reflection
6 April 2007Good Friday Revd Jeannette McHughGood Friday reflection
1 April 2007Palm Sunday or Passion SundayYear CRevd Linda AnchellPalms … folded into crosses
25 March 2007Fifth Sunday in LentYear CRevd Jeannette McHughIona sacred island of pilgrimage
18 March 2007Fourth Sunday in LentYear CRevd Rob LamertonThe prodigal son
11 March 2007Third Sunday in LentYear CRevd Rob LamertonJesus' mission journey
4 March 2007Second Sunday in LentYear CRevd Rob LamertonThorpey
21 February 2007Ash Wednesday Revd Rob LamertonAsh Wednesday
18 February 2007Last Sunday after the Epiphany |07|Year CRevd Rob LamertonAn epiphany of God's glory
11 February 2007Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06|Year CRevd Rob LamertonJesus on a level place
4 February 2007Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year CRevd Rob LamertonThe call of God
28 January 2007Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year CRevd Rob LamertonBeyond the boundaries
21 January 2007Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year CRevd Rob LamertonMinistries of care
14 January 2007Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year CRevd Rob LamertonJesus, the cause of great celebration
2 January 2007Baptism of the Lord |01|Year CRevd Rebecca NewlandThe new year needs the Holy Spirit and prayer
25 December 2006Christmas Day Revd Rebecca NewlandChristmas is for adults
24 December 2006Fourth Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Linda AnchellGod gazes at us
17 December 2006Third Sunday of AdventYear CChris CheahJoy
10 December 2006Second Sunday of AdventYear CBrian McKinlayWalking and working in the ways of peace
3 December 2006First Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Rebecca NewlandWhen apocalyptic confronts us, stand up and embrace hope
26 November 2006Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandDo what ever he tells you and let the Kingdom come
19 November 2006Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandInvite others to "Come and See" our hope
12 November 2006Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandHave faith and trust that your giving will be blessed.
5 November 2006Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost |31|Year BBrian McKinlayThe raising of Lazarus
29 October 2006Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandWe are blind and we need healing
22 October 2006Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandBe in awe and wonder as we love and serve creation.
15 October 2006Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandGot questions? There is a story
8 October 2006Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year BBrian McKinlayOne flesh
1 October 2006Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year BRevd Doug BannermanSacredness
24 September 2006Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandOur words create; take care
17 September 2006Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandTake up the cross and be free.
10 September 2006Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year BRevd Jeannette McHughWalking in the light of God
3 September 2006Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandLet the Word go to your heart
27 August 2006Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandJesus has the words of eternal life; stand firm
20 August 2006Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year BRevd Linda AnchellTurn on the light
13 August 2006Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year BBrian McKinlayHungry for bread
6 August 2006Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandOur moments of truth
30 July 2006Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year BChris CheahGrand narratives
23 July 2006Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandIn Jesus Christ there are no walls
16 July 2006Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandPut God first, second and third
9 July 2006Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandFailure
2 July 2006Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year BRevd Linda AnchellUnclean!
25 June 2006Third Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year BChris CheahFear
18 June 2006Pentecost 2 |11|Year BRevd Rebecca NewlandThe Kingdom of God is surprising
11 June 2006Trinity SundayYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandLove as the Trinity dances
4 June 2006Day of PentecostYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandOpen your heart to the Spirit of God
28 May 2006Seventh Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandBe one as God is one
21 May 2006Sixth Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandLove as Jesus commands
14 May 2006Fifth Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandAbide in Jesus and bear fruit
7 May 2006Fourth Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandLook around and God will show you the way
30 April 2006Third Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandKnow Jesus
23 April 2006Second Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Rob LamertonThere is no substitute for telling our own story
16 April 2006Easter DayYear BRevd Rob LamertonHe is Risen indeed! Alleluia!
9 April 2006Palm Sunday or Passion SundayYear BRevd Rebecca NewlandGod knows
2 April 2006Fifth Sunday in LentYear BRevd Rob LamertonThe Greeks did not get an answer!
26 March 2006Fourth Sunday in LentYear BRevd Rob LamertonGod so loved the world
19 March 2006Third Sunday in LentYear BRevd Rob LamertonJesus cleanses the temple
12 March 2006Second Sunday in LentYear BWashington OlooFarewell address
12 March 2006Second Sunday in LentYear BRevd Rob LamertonGod gives life against the odds
5 March 2006First Sunday in LentYear BRevd Rob LamertonThe Covenant
26 February 2006TransfigurationYear BRevd Rob LamertonGod's glory in Jesus
19 February 2006Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany |07|Year BRevd Rob LamertonHealing and forgiveness
12 February 2006Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06|Year BRevd Rob LamertonJesus cleanses the leper
5 February 2006Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year BRt Revd Dr George BrowningCompelled to preach the gospel
29 January 2006Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year BRevd Rob LamertonJesus heals and preaches with authority
22 January 2006Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year BRevd Rob LamertonAnniversaries
15 January 2006Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year BRevd Doug BannermanCalling the Earth to witness
8 January 2006The Epiphany Revd Jeannette McHughEpiphany
1 January 2006Naming and Circumcision of JesusYear BRevd Rob LamertonBaptism
25 December 2005Christmas Day Revd Rob LamertonThe potential to be Christ-like
18 December 2005Fourth Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Rob LamertonBlessed and fragile
11 December 2005Third Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Rob LamertonThe message of joy has a hard edge
4 December 2005Second Sunday of AdventYear BChris CheahRepentance and salvation
27 November 2005First Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Linda AnchellHow will it all end?
20 November 2005Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34|Year ARevd Rob LamertonChrist's rulership
13 November 2005Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year ARevd Rebecca NewlandUse your gifts without fear
6 November 2005Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year ABrian McKinlayGunpowder, treason and plot
6 November 2005Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year ARevd Rob LamertonThe bridegroom comes
30 October 2005All SaintsYear ARevd Rob LamertonWhat I'm looking for
23 October 2005Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year ARevd Rob LamertonWhat do you think of the Messiah?
9 October 2005Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year ARevd Rob LamertonThe wedding banquet
2 October 2005Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year ABrian McKinlayThe power of greeting
2 October 2005Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year ARevd Rob LamertonThe fruit of the vineyard
25 September 2005Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year AStephen PalethorpeChristians, water and petrol
11 September 2005Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year ARevd Doug BannermanForgiveness
4 September 2005Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year ABrian McKinlayGod's love poem
4 September 2005Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year ARevd Rob LamertonRelationships in the community of faith
28 August 2005Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year AWarwick BrainThe Bible Society
21 August 2005Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year AChris CheahWho do you say that I am?
14 August 2005Mary, Mother of Our Lord Revd Rebecca NewlandWe matter and how we respond matters
7 August 2005Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year ABrian McKinlayPrayer for healing
7 August 2005Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year ARevd Rob LamertonWe either try too hard, or we sit in the boat
31 July 2005Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year ARevd Rob LamertonYou give them something to eat!
24 July 2005Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year ARevd Rob LamertonDrought
17 July 2005Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year ARevd Rob LamertonWheat and weeds growing together
10 July 2005Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year ARevd Rob LamertonWords, words, words!
3 July 2005Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year ABrian McKinlayFreedom and the pillar of fire
3 July 2005Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year ARevd Rob LamertonJesus carries the burden
26 June 2005Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year ARevd Rob LamertonWhat goes around comes around
19 June 2005Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year ARevd Rob LamertonLetting go
12 June 2005Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |11|Year ARevd Rob LamertonHard graft
5 June 2005Third Sunday after Pentecost |10|Year ABrian McKinlayConfidence in Christ
5 June 2005Third Sunday after Pentecost |10|Year ARevd Rob LamertonAbram's journey
29 May 2005Second Sunday after Pentecost |09|Year AChris CheahRefuges and Foundations
22 May 2005Trinity SundayYear AVen. Ian MarshallThe Trinity
15 May 2005Day of PentecostYear ARevd Rob LamertonThe mission of the church and the ministry of the people
8 May 2005Ascension DayYear ARevd Rob LamertonThe Kingdom of Heaven - resurrection and ascension
1 May 2005St Philip and St James Revd Rob LamertonSt Philip and St James
24 April 2005Fifth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Rob LamertonThe Risen Christ in the midst of the world
17 April 2005Fourth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Rob LamertonJesus, the gate for the sheep
10 April 2005Third Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Rob LamertonEmmaus
3 April 2005Second Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Rob LamertonWe have seen the Lord!
27 March 2005Easter DayYear ARevd Rob LamertonBelieve, share, rejoice, worship
25 March 2005Good Friday Chris CheahReflection on John 13.1-17,31
25 March 2005Good Friday Revd Linda AnchellReflection on John 13.21-32
20 March 2005Palm Sunday or Passion SundayYear ARevd Linda AnchellHe did not answer
13 March 2005Fifth Sunday in LentYear ARevd Rob LamertonAs good as dead, but alive!
27 February 2005Third Sunday in LentYear ARevd Rob LamertonHardness of heart
20 February 2005Second Sunday in LentYear ASarah GowtyConfidence in Christ
13 February 2005First Sunday in LentYear AChris CheahDesert walking
6 February 2005TransfigurationYear ARevd Rob LamertonFace to face with Jesus
30 January 2005Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year ARevd Rob LamertonOur poverty
23 January 2005Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year ARevd Rob LamertonThe Light for the Nations
16 January 2005Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year AChris CheahWhat are you looking for?
9 January 2005Baptism of the Lord |01|Year ARevd Ian ChaplinA voice from heaven
2 January 2005Second Sunday after Christmas Revd Jeannette McHughTwo faithful old folk
25 December 2004Christmas Day Revd Rob LamertonChristmas
12 December 2004Third Sunday of AdventYear AChris CheahA flower in the desert
5 December 2004Second Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Linda AnchellThe tasks before us
28 November 2004First Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Rob LamertonReadiness for new beginnings
14 November 2004Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year CRevd Rob LamertonWhat is it you hope for?
7 November 2004Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year CRevd Rob LamertonGod is the God of the living
31 October 2004All SaintsYear CRevd Rob LamertonA confident celebration
24 October 2004Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year CRevd Rob LamertonBe like children
17 October 2004Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year CRevd Rob LamertonCreating relevance
10 October 2004Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year CRevd Rob LamertonLeprosy healed
3 October 2004Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year CRevd Rob LamertonThe assurance of things hoped for
26 September 2004Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year CRevd Rob LamertonInvest in life
12 September 2004Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year CRevd Rob LamertonChrist Jesus came into the world to save sinners
5 September 2004Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year CRevd Rob LamertonFacing up to our real selves
29 August 2004Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year CRevd Rob LamertonHumility
22 August 2004Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year CRevd Rob LamertonThe synagogue worship
8 August 2004Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year CRevd Rob LamertonHiroshima and the horrors of destruction
1 August 2004Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year CRevd Rob LamertonPossessing munch but lacking everything
25 July 2004Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year CRevd Rob LamertonOur prayers are indeed answered
18 July 2004Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year CRevd Rob LamertonBeing with Jesus
11 July 2004Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year CRevd Linda AnchellMeasurement
4 July 2004Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year CRevd Jeannette McHughBrave and free
27 June 2004Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year CRevd Rob LamertonFriendship, family and frustration
20 June 2004Third Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year CRevd Rob LamertonWhat are you doing here?
13 June 2004Pentecost 2 |11|Year CRevd Rob LamertonThe post-Pentecost journey