Advent Calendar 2006

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Day Seventeen : 19th December

19 December 2006

Advent week three: JOY

and from: All Will Be Well
Based on the Classic Spirituality of Julian of Norwich
Richard Chilson Ave Maria Press Notre Dame Indiana
(30 Days with a Great Spiritual Teacher)

God is nearer to us than our own spirit

Take a few moments to reflect on the mystery of yourself.
Julian says we cannot know our own soul
except through God.

How might knowing God as your true depth
change your self image?

We tend to think of ourselves
as apart from others and God.
Spend some time contemplating Julian's vision
that God is the foundation upon which our soul stands.

God is closer to us than we are to ourselves
How might such an understanding
influence your outlook and behaviour?

Courteous God, be the foundation of my being.
May I sit in you in true rest,
stand in you in sure strength,
and be rooted in you in endless love.
Reveal yourself more to me
so that I may know my true nature better
and act as I truly am.