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Psalm 1
Blessed are they who have not walked in the counsel of the ungodly:
nor followed the way of sinners, not taken their seat amongst the scornful.
But their delight is in the law of the Lord:
and on that law will they ponder day and night.
They are like trees planted beside streams of water:
that yield their fruit in due season.
Their leaves also shall not wither:
and look, whatever they do, it shall prosper.
Consider the divine spirit in the human soul. This spirit is not easily satisfied. It storms the firmament and scales the heavens trying to reach the Spirit that drives the heavens. Because of this energy everything in the world grows green, flourishes, and bursts into leaf. But the spirit is never satisfied. It presses on deeper and deeper into the vortex further and further into the whirlpool, the primary source in which the spirit has its origin.
This spirit seeks to be broken through by God. God leads this spirit into a desert into the wilderness and solitude of the divinity where God is pure unity and where God gushes up within himself
Meister Eckhart