Day Thirty One

Kneeler 88

Song of the Three

Blessed are you, the God of our forebears:
worthy to be praised and exalted for ever.

Blessed is your holy and glorious name:
worthy to be praised and exalted forever.

Blessed are you, glorious in your holy temple
worthy to be praised and exalted forever.

Blessed are you who behold the depths:
worthy to be praised and exalted forever.

Blessed are you on the throne of your kingdom:
worthy to be praised and exalted forever.

Blessed are you in the heights of heaven
worthy to be praised and exalted forever.

and from Rob Lamerton's sermon for 26th October 2003:

"We are called to discover and rediscover our place before God and especially as a community of faith to have our eyes opened so that we might follow Jesus on the way."

In the light of the high heavens
and the infinity of dawnings in space,
in the darkness of ocean depths
and the sea's ceaseless waves,
in the glistening of a creature's eyes
and the dark life-blood that ever flows,
in every emanation of creation's life
and the warmth that moves my body,
in the inner universe of the soul
and its everlasting foundations
your glory glows, O God.
In every shining of the world's inwardness
and the warmth that moves my everliving soul,
your glory glows.

from: Sounds of the Eternal: A Celtic Psalter, J. Philip Newell