Day Thirteen

Kneeler 124

Psalm 31

1 To you Lord, have I come for shelter:
let me never be put to shame.

2 O deliver me in your righteousness:
incline your ear to me and be swift to save me.

3 Be for me a rock of refuge, a fortress to defend me:
for you are my high rock and my stronghold.

4 Lead me and guide me for your name's sake:
bring me out of the net that they have secretly laid for me,
for you are my strength.

5 Into your hands I commit my spirit:
you will redeem me, O Lord God of truth.

Today we remember Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna (martyred c155)

The authorities were distressed at having to kill the elderly bishop. Many times they tried to persuade him:

"The Proconsul continued insisting and saying: 'Swear and I release you; curse Christ.'

And Polycarp said,
'Eighty-six years have I served Him, and He has done me no wrong:
how then can I blaspheme my King who saved me?'"

from: A New Eusebius ed J Stevenson [document 18]