Day Seven — Wednesday

Kneeler 57

Psalm 51

7 You desire truth in the inward being,
therefore teach me wisdom in my secret heart

8 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean;
wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

9 Make me hear of joy and gladness,
that the body you have broken may rejoice.

"Our coming together to form a World Council will be in vain unless Christians and Christian congregations everywhere commit themselves to the Lord of the church in a new effort to seek together, where they live, to be his witnesses and servants among their neighbours. We have to learn afresh together to speak boldly in Christ's name both to those in power and to the people, to oppose terror, cruelty and race discrimination, to stand by the outcast, the prisoner and the refugee.

We have to make of the church in every place a voice for those who have no voice, and a home where everyone will be at home. We have to ask God to teach us together to say No and to say Yes in truth. No, to all that flouts the love of Christ… Yes, to all that conforms to the love of Christ, to all who seek for justice, to the peacemakers, to all who hope, to all who — even without knowing it — look for new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness."

Report of the first Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Amsterdam in 1948., quoted by Kathy Galloway in "Pillars of cloud and fire. Coracle magazine (Iona) (Iona) March 1999.

St Philip's Anglican Church,
cnr Moorhouse and Macpherson Streets, O'Connor, ACT 2602.