Day Twenty Five — Wednesday

Kneeler 66

Psalm 145

The Lord is gracious and compassionate:
slow to anger and of great goodness.

9 The Lord is loving to every one of us:
and his mercy is over all his works.

10 All creation praises you, O Lord,:
and your faithful servants bless your name.

11 They speak of the glory of your kingdom:
and tell of your great might.

12 That the whole earth may know your mighty acts:
and the glorious splendour of your kingdom.

13 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom:
and your dominion endures throughout all generations.

14 The Lord upholds all those who stumble:
and raises up those that are bowed down.

15 The eyes of all look to you in hope:
and you give them their food in due season.

16 You open wide your hand:
and fill all things living with your bounteous gift.

We welcome summer and the glorious blessing of light.
We are rich with light; we are loved by the sun.
Let us empty our hearts into the brilliance.
Let us pour our darkness into the glorious, forgiving light.
For this loving abundance let us give thanks and offer our joy.

LeunigThe Prayer Tree

St Philip's Anglican Church,
cnr Moorhouse and Macpherson Streets, O'Connor, ACT 2602.