12 January 2024 | | The Baptism of Our Lord | | | | | | Ephrem the Syrian on the Baptism of Our Lord
25 December 2024 | | Christmas Day | | | | Revd Rob Miners | | What Does Christmas Mean to You?
24 December 2024 | | Christmas Eve | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Love Strikes Back: the Empire Reels
8 December 2024 | | Second Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Rob Miners | | Are We Welcomers?
1 December 2024 | | First Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Rob Miners | | Be Prepared
28 November 2024 | | Midweek Eucharist | | | | Revd Rob Miners | | Waiting
20th November 2022 | | Christ the King |34| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | The Power of a True King
13th November 2022 | | Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |33| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Preparing for the Apocalypse
13th November 2022 | | Sermon for Remembrance Sunday at St John's Camberwell | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Remembrance Sunday
6th November 2022 | | All Saints Sunday | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Saints between Cross and Resurrection
3rd November 2022 | | All Souls 2022 | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | In God's Merciful Keeping
30th October 2022 | | Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost |31| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Strong in Identity, At one in Christ
23rd October 2022 | | Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |30| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Anglicare Sunday
16th October 2022 | | Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |29| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Struggling with God
9th October 2022 | | Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Grace and Gratitude
2nd October 2022 | | St Francis' Day | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Gift and Task of Creation
25th September 2022 | | Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |26| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Greed and isolation
18th September 2022 | | Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | What are we to make of all this?
15th September 2022 | | Mid-week Eucharist | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Homily for Requiem for HM Queen Elizabeth
11th September 2022 | | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Queen's Passing and the Christian Vision
4th September 2022 | | Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Cost of Discipleship
28th August 2022 | | Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |22| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Hospitality and losing your religion
21st August 2022 | | Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |21| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Meet the Antichrist
14th August 2022 | | Mary, Mother of Our Lord | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Mary: Her life and ours
7th August 2022 | | Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |20| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Fear of Loss
31st July 2022 | | Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |19| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | A radical new way of thinking
24th July 2022 | | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |18| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Abounding in Thanksgiving
17th July 2022 | | Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |17| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Ora et Labora
10th July 2022 | | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |16| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Sharing in Common Grace
10th July 2022 | | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |15| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | From Grudging Morality to Divine Compassion
3rd July 2022 | | Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |14| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Delightful Urgency
26th June 2022 | | Third Sunday after Pentecost |13| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | The Journey of Faith
19th June 2022 | | Second Sunday after Pentecost |12| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | True Identity
5th June 2022 | | Pentecost | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Enlisted by the Spirit of Truth
22nd May 2022 | | Sixth Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Let the peoples praise You
8th May 2022 | | Fourth Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | An Authentic Easter Church
1st May 2022 | | St Philip and St James | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Finding our Way with St Philip
24th May 2022 | | Second Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Getting Physical
17th April 2022 | | Easter Day 2022 | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Alive to God in Jesus Christ
15th April 2022 | | Good Friday 2022 | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Power in love
14th April 2022 | | Maundy Thursday 2022 | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | The Passover of Gladness
10th April 2022 | | Sixth Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion
3rd April 2022 | | Fifth Sunday in Lent 2022 | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | The Sweet Aroma of Gratitude
27th March 2022 | | Fourth Sunday in Lent 2022 | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Prodigal Love Meets Shared Delusion
20th March 2022 | | Third Sunday in Lent 2022 | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Suffering and Time
13th March 2022 | | Second Sunday in Lent 2022 | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Trust
6th March 2022 | | First Sunday in Lent 2022 | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Desert Challenge 2: The New Israel
27th February 2022 | | Transfiguration 2022 | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Life of the Church
20th February 2022 | | Seventh Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |07| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Invited to Become Like God
13th February 2022 | | Sixth Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |06| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Alas not Grantchester
6th February 2022 | | Fifth Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |05| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Calling
30th January 2022 | | Fourth Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |04| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Don't Look Up
16th January 2022 | | Second Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |02| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | My Big Fat Gospel Wedding
2nd January 2022 | | Second Sunday after Christmas 2022 | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Problem with New Year's Resolutions
26th December 2021 | | St Stephen's Day 2021 | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Sentimentality
25th December 2021 | | Christmas Day | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Christmas: Festival of Enchantment
24th December 2021 | | Christmass Eve 2021 | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | A Christmas Carol
19th December 2021 | | Fourth Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Visitation: Free at Last
12th December 2021 | | Third Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Joy and Expectations
5th December 2021 | | Second Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Advent and Lockdown
28th November 2021 | | First Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Recognising God in a Strange Land
17th November 2019 | | Twenty Third Sunday after Pentecost |33| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Burning Issues
13th October 2019 | | Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Faith in us
13th October 2019 | | Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Sensible Radicalism
6th October 2019 | | Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |27| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Wreck of the Deutschland
22nd September 2019 | | Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Consumption
15th September 2019 | | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | How God Acts
8th September 2019 | | Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Real Religious Freedom
1st September 2019 | | Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost |22| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | God's Alarming Hospitality and Our Fragile Identity
25th August 2019 | | Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |21| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Lift Up Your Hearts To The Lord
18th August 2019 | | Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |20| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Evensong at St Paul's Manuka - Mary in a Social Media Age
18th August 2019 | | Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |20| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Justice and Mercy
11th August 2019 | | Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |19| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Faith
4th August 2019 | | Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |18| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | True Wisdom
28th July 2019 | | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |17| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Courage in Prayer
21st July 2019 | | Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |16| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Hospitality
14th July 2019 | | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |15| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | The Outside Showing The Way
7th July 2019 | | Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |14| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Religious Freedom 8 AM; The Lamb of God 10AM
30th June 2019 | | Third Sunday after Pentecost |13| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Sacramentality
23rd June 2019 | | Second Sunday after Pentecost |12| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | 'The Powers That Be'
16th June 2019 | | Trinity Sunday | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | A Hybrid Divinity
9th June 2019 | | Day of Pentecost | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | A Different Perspective on the World
2nd June 2019 | | Ascension Day | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Caught Up
26th May 2019 | | Sixth Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The Holy City the New Jerusalem
19th May 2019 | | Fifth Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | On Our Being the Glory of God
12th May 2019 | | Fourth Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The Lamb Will Be Their Shepherd
28th April 2019 | | Second Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Resurrection Hope
21st April 2019 | | Easter Day | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Hope Plus
21st April 2019 | | Easter Vigil | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Let go and Rejoice
14th April 2019 | | Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Identity in Christ
7th April 2019 | | Fifth Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Scandalous!
31st March 2019 | | Fourth Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Breaking Down the Barriers
24th March 2019 | | Third Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Faith and Imaginative Vision
17th March 2019 | | Second Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Judgement of our Anxieties
10th March 2019 | | First Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Narratives and Trust
3rd March 2019 | | Transfiguration | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | George Pell and the Transfiguration
24th February 2019 | | Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany |07| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Loving Our Enemies
17th February 2019 | | Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Nothing Need Ever be the Same
10th February 2019 | | Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | The Nature of our Calling
27th January 2019 | | Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Living by our Creed
20th January 2019 | | Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Sharing Christ's Glory
30th December 2018 | | First Sunday after Christmas | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Holy Family
24th December 2018 | | Christmas Eve Midnight | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Christmas and Right Brain Thinking
23rd December 2018 | | Fourth Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Advent Vulnerability
16th December 2018 | | Third Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Robert Willson, Rector of St Philip's 1979-1985 | | Reflection on the Anniversary of the dedication of the Church Building
16th December 2018 | | Third Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | What is St Philip's here For?
2nd December 2018 | | First Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Advent, Apocalypse, and Good News
20th November 2016 | | Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The God of the Cross becomes King
13th November 2016 | | Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |33| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The coming of the end: the final summons
6th November 2016 | | All Saints | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Praise to the God of power and life
30th October 2016 | | Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |31| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Zacchaeus: salvation comes
23rd October 2016 | | Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost |30| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The powerless and the powerful: entry into the age to come
16th October 2016 | | Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost |29| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Prayer, justice and mercy: the wonder and danger of prayer
9th October 2016 | | Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost |28| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Ten lepers healed: The joy of thanksgiving
2nd October 2016 | | Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |27| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Humble believing: Trusting the God who Loves Us
18th September 2016 | | Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Give an Account of your Management
11th September 2016 | | Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |24| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Lost Sheep, Lost Coins
4th September 2016 | | Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23| | | | | Revd Andrea de Vaal Horciu | | Reflection on my time at St Philip's
28th August 2016 | | Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Walking Humbly With Your God
21st August 2016 | | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |21| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Bent Becomes Straight
14th August 2016 | | Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |20| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The Call For Decision
7th August 2016 | | Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost |19| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The Serving Master
31st July 2016 | | Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |18| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | He Was Rich
24th July 2016 | | Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |17| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Disciples' Prayer
17th July 2016 | | Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |16| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Martha and Mary
10th July 2016 | | Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |15| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The Good Samaritan
3rd July 2016 | | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |14| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The Commissioning of the Seventy Two
26th June 2016 | | Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |12| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Turning Towards Jerusalem
19th June 2016 | | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |12| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Jesus Heals the Gerasene Demoniac
12th June 2016 | | Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |11| | | | | Revd Pamela Phillips | | The Disconcerting Dinner Guest
5th June 2016 | | Third Sunday after Pentecost |10| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The raising of the widow's son at Nain - The Kingdom, compassion, new creation and social dislocation
29th May 2016 | | Second Sunday after Pentecost |09| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Healing of the Centurion's Slave
22nd May 2016 | | Trinity Sunday | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Father, Son and Holy Spirit
15th May 2016 | | Day of Pentecost | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The Breath of Life - Pentecost
8th May 2016 | | Seventh Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Come, Lord Jesus
1st May 2016 | | Sixth Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The Holy City
24th April 2016 | | Fifth Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | New Heaven and a New Earth
17th April 2016 | | Fourth Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Dr Ray Williamson | | Shepherds
10th April 2016 | | Third Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Jeannette McHugh | | Christ, Resurrection, Grace: The Gospel of Paul
27th March 2016 | | Easter Day | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Easter
13th March 2016 | | Fifth Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The anointing at Bethany: God's new thing
6th March 2016 | | Fourth Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | A Waiting Father
28th February 2016 | | Third Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Grief and Hope
21st February 2016 | | Second Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Real Change
14th February 2016 | | First Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The Testing of Jesus
7th February 2016 | | Transfiguration | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The Transfiguration
31st January 2016 | | Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | A Kingdom for All #2
24th January 2016 | | Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | A Kingdom for All #1
17th January 2016 | | Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Transformations
10th January 2016 | | Baptism of the Lord |01| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Jesus' Baptism: Power, Prayer, The Spirit
27th December 2015 | | First Sunday after Christmas | | | | Revd Jeannette McHugh | | A New Hope
20th December 2015 | | Fourth Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | A ruler from Bethlehem
6th December 2015 | | Second Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The River of Fiery Spirit
29th November 2015 | | First Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Season of Waiting
3rd November 2013 | | All Saints | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | What makes a saint?
27th October 2013 | | Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |30| | | | | Revd Steve Clarke | | The last and best word
20th October 2013 | | Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost |29| | | | | Revd Canon Dr Scott Cowdell | | Not like religion at all
13th October 2013 | | Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |28| | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Love that springs from gratitude
15th September 2013 | | Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |24| | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Our very strange God
1st September 2013 | | Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22| | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Jesus' party
25 August 2013 | | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |21| | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Sabbath
18 August 2013 | | Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |20| | | | | Brian McKinlay | | The well-founded city
04 August 2013 | | Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |18| | | | | Revd Linda Anchell | | A Sermon for Deacon Sunday
28 July 2013 | | Mary Magdalene | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Mary Magdalene
30 June 2013 | | Peter and Paul, Apostles and Martyrs | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | St Peter and St Paul
23 June 2013 | | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |12| | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | An uncomfortable story
16 June 2013 | | Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |11| | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | The Centre forgives
9 June 2013 | | Barnabas, Apostle and Martyr | | | | Brian McKinlay | | Barnabas, Son of Encouragement
2 June 2013 | | Pentecost 2 |09| | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Unity in diversity
26 May 2013 | | Trinity Sunday | | | | Revd Ian Chaplin | | The Trinity
19 May 2013 | | Day of Pentecost | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Pentecost
12 May 2013 | | Seventh Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Be one as God is one
14 April 2013 | | Third Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Jesus is the way; follow him to fullness of life
7 April 2013 | | Second Sunday of Easter | | | | Di Priest | | Pictures of peace
17 March 2013 | | Fifth Sunday in Lent | | | | Brian McKinlay | | The passionate life
24 February 2013 | | Second Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Linda Anchell | | A darkness
10 February 2013 | | Transfiguration | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Shine as a Light
27 January 2013 | | Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03| | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | The Church is a new vision: unity in diversity
30 December 2012 | | First Sunday after Christmas | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Holy and beloved
23 December 2012 | | Fourth Sunday of Advent | | | | Brian McKinlay | | Christ-like revolution
9 December 2012 | | Second Sunday of Advent | | | | Chris Cheah | | The Benedictus backstory
2 December 2012 | | First Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | When apocalyptic confronts us stand up and embrace hope
7 November 2010 | | Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |32| | | | | Brian McKinlay | | Haggai ch 2
10 October 2010 | | Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |28| | | | | Brian McKinlay | | Healing prayer
29 August 2010 | | Day of Prayer for Refugees | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Day of Prayer for Refugees
1 August 2010 | | Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |18| | | | | Revd Linda Anchell | | St Stephen: Deacon Sunday
27 June 2010 | | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |13| | | | | Chris Cheah | | Nest or quest?
16 May 2010 | | Seventh Sunday of Easter | | | | Dr Heather Thomson | | Becoming one
25 April 2010 | | ANZAC Day | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | ANZAC Day
18 April 2010 | | Third Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | God revealed
11 April 2010 | | | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | The resurrection of Christ
4 April 2010 | | Easter Day | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | So what? It changes everything
28 March 2010 | | Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | The crucifixion reveals our own violence
14 March 2010 | | Fourth Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | We are entrusted with the ministry of reconciliation
28 February 2010 | | Second Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | The Cross is the key
21 February 2010 | | First Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | This Lent, let's be human
14 February 2010 | | Transfiguration | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Choose your direction of change
7 February 2010 | | | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | And the bait is…?
31 January 2010 | | Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04| | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Love is the way
24 January 2010 | | Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03| | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | The Church is a new vision = unity in diversity
17 January 2010 | | Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02| | | | | Revd Jeannette McHugh | | Jesus at a wedding
13 December 2009 | | Third Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Do not fear the judgment — Rejoice!!
6 December 2009 | | Second Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Prepare the way of the Lord
6 December 2009 | | Second Sunday of Advent | | | | Chris Cheah | | Zacharias' Story
29 November 2009 | | First Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Dr Ray Williamson | | Words of hope and expectancy: farewell sermon
25 November 2007 | | Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34| | | | | Brian McKinlay | | Of cabbages and kings
4 November 2007 | | All Saints | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | All Saints
28 October 2007 | | Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost |30| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Receiving the grace of eternal life
21 October 2007 | | Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |29| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Giving
14 October 2007 | | Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |28| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The place where we are
7 October 2007 | | Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |27| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Faith and faithfulness
30 September 2007 | | Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |26| | | | | Revd Linda Anchell | | Creation Sunday
23 September 2007 | | Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |25| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Learning to pray? Just do it
9 September 2007 | | Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23| | | | | Revd Doug Bannerman | | Called to be potters
2 September 2007 | | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22| | | | | Revd Jeannette McHugh | | St Columba: part 2
26 August 2007 | | Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |21| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | We begin where we are
19 August 2007 | | Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |20| | | | | Brian McKinlay | | Our journey to the heavenly city
12 August 2007 | | Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |19| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | What is our treasure?
5 August 2007 | | Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |18| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The best things in life are not free
29 July 2007 | | Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |17| | | | | Chris Cheah | | Persistence in prayer
15 July 2007 | | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |15| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | To be a neighbour
8 July 2007 | | Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |14| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | God works in the bafflingly simple
1 July 2007 | | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |13| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Not looking back
24 June 2007 | | Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |12| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The man with many demons
17 June 2007 | | Third Sunday after Pentecost |11| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Forgiveness
10 June 2007 | | Pentecost 2 |10| | | | | Revd Jeannette McHugh | | St Columba
3 June 2007 | | Trinity Sunday | | | | Revd Linda Anchell | | What are we?
27 May 2007 | | Day of Pentecost | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | What it costs to keep this family
20 May 2007 | | Seventh Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Linda Anchell | | Essential unity
13 May 2007 | | Sixth Sunday of Easter | | | | Brian McKinlay | | We have heard from God. Have we obeyed?
29 April 2007 | | Fourth Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | How are we of value to the local community?
22 April 2007 | | Third Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | A week for terrible events
15 April 2007 | | Second Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Believe that you may have life
8 April 2007 | | Easter Day | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | God gives life!
1 April 2007 | | Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday | | | | Revd Linda Anchell | | Palms … folded into crosses
25 March 2007 | | Fifth Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Jeannette McHugh | | Iona sacred island of pilgrimage
18 March 2007 | | Fourth Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The prodigal son
11 March 2007 | | Third Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Jesus' mission journey
4 March 2007 | | Second Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Thorpey
18 February 2007 | | Last Sunday after the Epiphany |07| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | An epiphany of God's glory
11 February 2007 | | Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Jesus on a level place
4 February 2007 | | Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The call of God
28 January 2007 | | Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Beyond the boundaries
21 January 2007 | | Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Ministries of care
14 January 2007 | | Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Jesus, the cause of great celebration
2 January 2007 | | Baptism of the Lord |01| | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | The new year needs the Holy Spirit and prayer
24 December 2006 | | Fourth Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Linda Anchell | | God gazes at us
17 December 2006 | | Third Sunday of Advent | | | | Chris Cheah | | Joy
10 December 2006 | | Second Sunday of Advent | | | | Brian McKinlay | | Walking and working in the ways of peace
3 December 2006 | | First Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | When apocalyptic confronts us, stand up and embrace hope
14 November 2004 | | Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |33| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | What is it you hope for?
7 November 2004 | | Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |32| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | God is the God of the living
31 October 2004 | | All Saints | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | A confident celebration
24 October 2004 | | Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |30| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Be like children
17 October 2004 | | Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |29| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Creating relevance
10 October 2004 | | Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Leprosy healed
3 October 2004 | | Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |27| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The assurance of things hoped for
26 September 2004 | | Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |26| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Invest in life
12 September 2004 | | Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners
5 September 2004 | | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Facing up to our real selves
29 August 2004 | | Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Humility
22 August 2004 | | Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |21| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The synagogue worship
8 August 2004 | | Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |19| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Hiroshima and the horrors of destruction
1 August 2004 | | Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |18| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Possessing munch but lacking everything
25 July 2004 | | Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |17| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Our prayers are indeed answered
18 July 2004 | | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |16| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Being with Jesus
11 July 2004 | | Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |15| | | | | Revd Linda Anchell | | Measurement
4 July 2004 | | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |14| | | | | Revd Jeannette McHugh | | Brave and free
27 June 2004 | | Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |13| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Friendship, family and frustration
20 June 2004 | | Third Sunday after Pentecost |12| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | What are you doing here?
13 June 2004 | | Pentecost 2 |11| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The post-Pentecost journey
6 June 2004 | | Trinity Sunday | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | D-Day and the divine mystery of God
30 May 2004 | | Day of Pentecost | | | | Chris Cheah | | Air and fire
23 May 2004 | | Seventh Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The healing of a slave girl
16 May 2004 | | Sixth Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Anglicare Sunday
9 May 2004 | | Fifth Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Jesus doesn't play golf
25 April 2004 | | Third Sunday of Easter | | | | Chris Cheah | | Resurrection resonances
18 April 2004 | | Second Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Reassurance in doubt
11 April 2004 | | Easter Day | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The Lord is Risen! What does it all mean?
4 April 2004 | | Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Easter
28 March 2004 | | Fifth Sunday in Lent | | | | Ken Batterham | | Offering ourselves
21 March 2004 | | Fourth Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Reconciliation
14 March 2004 | | Third Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Too much stuff
7 March 2004 | | Second Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Discover God's light in unusual places
22 February 2004 | | Transfiguration | | | | Chris Cheah | | Judging and measuring
15 February 2004 | | Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Jesus on a level place
8 February 2004 | | Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Couldn't God find someone else?
1 February 2004 | | Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Jesus' policy speech
25 January 2004 | | Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Australia Day: challenges to a free and open society
18 January 2004 | | Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Water into wine
28 December 2003 | | First Sunday after Christmas | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The twelve days of Christmas
21 December 2003 | | Fourth Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Linda Anchell | | Be the change you wish to see
14 December 2003 | | Third Sunday of Advent | | | | Chris Cheah | | Peace and repentance
7 December 2003 | | Second Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Jeannette McHugh | | It's Time
30 November 2003 | | First Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Hope
12 January 2024 | | The Baptism of Our Lord | | | | | | Ephrem the Syrian on the Baptism of Our Lord
25 December 2024 | | Christmas Day | | | | Revd Rob Miners | | What Does Christmas Mean to You?
24 December 2024 | | Christmas Eve | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Love Strikes Back: the Empire Reels
8 December 2024 | | Second Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Rob Miners | | Are We Welcomers?
1 December 2024 | | First Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Rob Miners | | Be Prepared
28 November 2024 | | Midweek Eucharist | | | | Revd Rob Miners | | Waiting
20th November 2022 | | Christ the King |34| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | The Power of a True King
13th November 2022 | | Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |33| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Preparing for the Apocalypse
13th November 2022 | | Sermon for Remembrance Sunday at St John's Camberwell | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Remembrance Sunday
6th November 2022 | | All Saints Sunday | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Saints between Cross and Resurrection
3rd November 2022 | | All Souls 2022 | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | In God's Merciful Keeping
30th October 2022 | | Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost |31| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Strong in Identity, At one in Christ
23rd October 2022 | | Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |30| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Anglicare Sunday
16th October 2022 | | Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |29| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Struggling with God
9th October 2022 | | Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Grace and Gratitude
2nd October 2022 | | St Francis' Day | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Gift and Task of Creation
25th September 2022 | | Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |26| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Greed and isolation
18th September 2022 | | Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | What are we to make of all this?
15th September 2022 | | Mid-week Eucharist | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Homily for Requiem for HM Queen Elizabeth
11th September 2022 | | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Queen's Passing and the Christian Vision
4th September 2022 | | Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Cost of Discipleship
28th August 2022 | | Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |22| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Hospitality and losing your religion
21st August 2022 | | Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |21| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Meet the Antichrist
14th August 2022 | | Mary, Mother of Our Lord | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Mary: Her life and ours
7th August 2022 | | Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |20| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Fear of Loss
31st July 2022 | | Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |19| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | A radical new way of thinking
24th July 2022 | | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |18| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Abounding in Thanksgiving
17th July 2022 | | Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |17| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Ora et Labora
10th July 2022 | | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |16| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Sharing in Common Grace
10th July 2022 | | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |15| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | From Grudging Morality to Divine Compassion
3rd July 2022 | | Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |14| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Delightful Urgency
26th June 2022 | | Third Sunday after Pentecost |13| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | The Journey of Faith
19th June 2022 | | Second Sunday after Pentecost |12| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | True Identity
5th June 2022 | | Pentecost | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Enlisted by the Spirit of Truth
22nd May 2022 | | Sixth Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Let the peoples praise You
8th May 2022 | | Fourth Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | An Authentic Easter Church
1st May 2022 | | St Philip and St James | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Finding our Way with St Philip
24th May 2022 | | Second Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Getting Physical
17th April 2022 | | Easter Day 2022 | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Alive to God in Jesus Christ
15th April 2022 | | Good Friday 2022 | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Power in love
14th April 2022 | | Maundy Thursday 2022 | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | The Passover of Gladness
10th April 2022 | | Sixth Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion
3rd April 2022 | | Fifth Sunday in Lent 2022 | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | The Sweet Aroma of Gratitude
27th March 2022 | | Fourth Sunday in Lent 2022 | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Prodigal Love Meets Shared Delusion
20th March 2022 | | Third Sunday in Lent 2022 | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Suffering and Time
13th March 2022 | | Second Sunday in Lent 2022 | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Trust
6th March 2022 | | First Sunday in Lent 2022 | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Desert Challenge 2: The New Israel
27th February 2022 | | Transfiguration 2022 | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Life of the Church
20th February 2022 | | Seventh Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |07| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Invited to Become Like God
13th February 2022 | | Sixth Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |06| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Alas not Grantchester
6th February 2022 | | Fifth Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |05| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Calling
30th January 2022 | | Fourth Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |04| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Don't Look Up
16th January 2022 | | Second Sunday after Epiphany 2022 |02| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | My Big Fat Gospel Wedding
2nd January 2022 | | Second Sunday after Christmas 2022 | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Problem with New Year's Resolutions
26th December 2021 | | St Stephen's Day 2021 | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Sentimentality
25th December 2021 | | Christmas Day | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Christmas: Festival of Enchantment
24th December 2021 | | Christmass Eve 2021 | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | A Christmas Carol
19th December 2021 | | Fourth Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Visitation: Free at Last
12th December 2021 | | Third Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Joy and Expectations
5th December 2021 | | Second Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Advent and Lockdown
28th November 2021 | | First Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Recognising God in a Strange Land
17th November 2019 | | Twenty Third Sunday after Pentecost |33| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Burning Issues
13th October 2019 | | Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Faith in us
13th October 2019 | | Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Sensible Radicalism
6th October 2019 | | Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |27| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Wreck of the Deutschland
22nd September 2019 | | Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Consumption
15th September 2019 | | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | How God Acts
8th September 2019 | | Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Real Religious Freedom
1st September 2019 | | Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost |22| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | God's Alarming Hospitality and Our Fragile Identity
25th August 2019 | | Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |21| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Lift Up Your Hearts To The Lord
18th August 2019 | | Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |20| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Evensong at St Paul's Manuka - Mary in a Social Media Age
18th August 2019 | | Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |20| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Justice and Mercy
11th August 2019 | | Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |19| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Faith
4th August 2019 | | Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |18| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | True Wisdom
28th July 2019 | | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |17| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Courage in Prayer
21st July 2019 | | Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |16| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Hospitality
14th July 2019 | | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |15| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | The Outside Showing The Way
7th July 2019 | | Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |14| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Religious Freedom 8 AM; The Lamb of God 10AM
30th June 2019 | | Third Sunday after Pentecost |13| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Sacramentality
23rd June 2019 | | Second Sunday after Pentecost |12| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | 'The Powers That Be'
16th June 2019 | | Trinity Sunday | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | A Hybrid Divinity
9th June 2019 | | Day of Pentecost | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | A Different Perspective on the World
2nd June 2019 | | Ascension Day | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Caught Up
26th May 2019 | | Sixth Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The Holy City the New Jerusalem
19th May 2019 | | Fifth Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | On Our Being the Glory of God
12th May 2019 | | Fourth Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The Lamb Will Be Their Shepherd
28th April 2019 | | Second Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Resurrection Hope
21st April 2019 | | Easter Day | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Hope Plus
21st April 2019 | | Easter Vigil | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Let go and Rejoice
14th April 2019 | | Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Identity in Christ
7th April 2019 | | Fifth Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Scandalous!
31st March 2019 | | Fourth Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Breaking Down the Barriers
24th March 2019 | | Third Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Faith and Imaginative Vision
17th March 2019 | | Second Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Judgement of our Anxieties
10th March 2019 | | First Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Narratives and Trust
3rd March 2019 | | Transfiguration | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | George Pell and the Transfiguration
24th February 2019 | | Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany |07| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Loving Our Enemies
17th February 2019 | | Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Nothing Need Ever be the Same
10th February 2019 | | Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | The Nature of our Calling
27th January 2019 | | Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03| | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Living by our Creed
20th January 2019 | | Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02| | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Sharing Christ's Glory
30th December 2018 | | First Sunday after Christmas | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Holy Family
24th December 2018 | | Christmas Eve Midnight | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Christmas and Right Brain Thinking
23rd December 2018 | | Fourth Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Advent Vulnerability
16th December 2018 | | Third Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Robert Willson, Rector of St Philip's 1979-1985 | | Reflection on the Anniversary of the dedication of the Church Building
16th December 2018 | | Third Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | What is St Philip's here For?
2nd December 2018 | | First Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Advent, Apocalypse, and Good News
20th November 2016 | | Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The God of the Cross becomes King
13th November 2016 | | Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |33| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The coming of the end: the final summons
6th November 2016 | | All Saints | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Praise to the God of power and life
30th October 2016 | | Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |31| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Zacchaeus: salvation comes
23rd October 2016 | | Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost |30| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The powerless and the powerful: entry into the age to come
16th October 2016 | | Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost |29| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Prayer, justice and mercy: the wonder and danger of prayer
9th October 2016 | | Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost |28| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Ten lepers healed: The joy of thanksgiving
2nd October 2016 | | Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |27| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Humble believing: Trusting the God who Loves Us
18th September 2016 | | Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Give an Account of your Management
11th September 2016 | | Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |24| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Lost Sheep, Lost Coins
4th September 2016 | | Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23| | | | | Revd Andrea de Vaal Horciu | | Reflection on my time at St Philip's
28th August 2016 | | Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Walking Humbly With Your God
21st August 2016 | | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |21| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Bent Becomes Straight
14th August 2016 | | Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |20| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The Call For Decision
7th August 2016 | | Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost |19| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The Serving Master
31st July 2016 | | Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |18| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | He Was Rich
24th July 2016 | | Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |17| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Disciples' Prayer
17th July 2016 | | Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |16| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Martha and Mary
10th July 2016 | | Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |15| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The Good Samaritan
3rd July 2016 | | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |14| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The Commissioning of the Seventy Two
26th June 2016 | | Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |12| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Turning Towards Jerusalem
19th June 2016 | | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |12| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Jesus Heals the Gerasene Demoniac
12th June 2016 | | Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |11| | | | | Revd Pamela Phillips | | The Disconcerting Dinner Guest
5th June 2016 | | Third Sunday after Pentecost |10| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The raising of the widow's son at Nain - The Kingdom, compassion, new creation and social dislocation
29th May 2016 | | Second Sunday after Pentecost |09| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Healing of the Centurion's Slave
22nd May 2016 | | Trinity Sunday | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Father, Son and Holy Spirit
15th May 2016 | | Day of Pentecost | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The Breath of Life - Pentecost
8th May 2016 | | Seventh Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Come, Lord Jesus
1st May 2016 | | Sixth Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The Holy City
24th April 2016 | | Fifth Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | New Heaven and a New Earth
17th April 2016 | | Fourth Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Dr Ray Williamson | | Shepherds
10th April 2016 | | Third Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Jeannette McHugh | | Christ, Resurrection, Grace: The Gospel of Paul
27th March 2016 | | Easter Day | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Easter
13th March 2016 | | Fifth Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The anointing at Bethany: God's new thing
6th March 2016 | | Fourth Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | A Waiting Father
28th February 2016 | | Third Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Grief and Hope
21st February 2016 | | Second Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Real Change
14th February 2016 | | First Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The Testing of Jesus
7th February 2016 | | Transfiguration | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The Transfiguration
31st January 2016 | | Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | A Kingdom for All #2
24th January 2016 | | Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | A Kingdom for All #1
17th January 2016 | | Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Transformations
10th January 2016 | | Baptism of the Lord |01| | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Jesus' Baptism: Power, Prayer, The Spirit
27th December 2015 | | First Sunday after Christmas | | | | Revd Jeannette McHugh | | A New Hope
20th December 2015 | | Fourth Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | A ruler from Bethlehem
6th December 2015 | | Second Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The River of Fiery Spirit
29th November 2015 | | First Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | Season of Waiting
3rd November 2013 | | All Saints | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | What makes a saint?
27th October 2013 | | Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |30| | | | | Revd Steve Clarke | | The last and best word
20th October 2013 | | Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost |29| | | | | Revd Canon Dr Scott Cowdell | | Not like religion at all
13th October 2013 | | Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |28| | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Love that springs from gratitude
15th September 2013 | | Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |24| | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Our very strange God
1st September 2013 | | Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22| | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Jesus' party
25 August 2013 | | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |21| | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Sabbath
18 August 2013 | | Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |20| | | | | Brian McKinlay | | The well-founded city
04 August 2013 | | Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |18| | | | | Revd Linda Anchell | | A Sermon for Deacon Sunday
28 July 2013 | | Mary Magdalene | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Mary Magdalene
30 June 2013 | | Peter and Paul, Apostles and Martyrs | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | St Peter and St Paul
23 June 2013 | | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |12| | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | An uncomfortable story
16 June 2013 | | Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |11| | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | The Centre forgives
9 June 2013 | | Barnabas, Apostle and Martyr | | | | Brian McKinlay | | Barnabas, Son of Encouragement
2 June 2013 | | Pentecost 2 |09| | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Unity in diversity
26 May 2013 | | Trinity Sunday | | | | Revd Ian Chaplin | | The Trinity
19 May 2013 | | Day of Pentecost | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Pentecost
12 May 2013 | | Seventh Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Be one as God is one
14 April 2013 | | Third Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Jesus is the way; follow him to fullness of life
7 April 2013 | | Second Sunday of Easter | | | | Di Priest | | Pictures of peace
17 March 2013 | | Fifth Sunday in Lent | | | | Brian McKinlay | | The passionate life
24 February 2013 | | Second Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Linda Anchell | | A darkness
10 February 2013 | | Transfiguration | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Shine as a Light
27 January 2013 | | Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03| | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | The Church is a new vision: unity in diversity
30 December 2012 | | First Sunday after Christmas | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Holy and beloved
23 December 2012 | | Fourth Sunday of Advent | | | | Brian McKinlay | | Christ-like revolution
9 December 2012 | | Second Sunday of Advent | | | | Chris Cheah | | The Benedictus backstory
2 December 2012 | | First Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | When apocalyptic confronts us stand up and embrace hope
7 November 2010 | | Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |32| | | | | Brian McKinlay | | Haggai ch 2
10 October 2010 | | Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |28| | | | | Brian McKinlay | | Healing prayer
29 August 2010 | | Day of Prayer for Refugees | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Day of Prayer for Refugees
1 August 2010 | | Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |18| | | | | Revd Linda Anchell | | St Stephen: Deacon Sunday
27 June 2010 | | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |13| | | | | Chris Cheah | | Nest or quest?
16 May 2010 | | Seventh Sunday of Easter | | | | Dr Heather Thomson | | Becoming one
25 April 2010 | | ANZAC Day | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | ANZAC Day
18 April 2010 | | Third Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | God revealed
11 April 2010 | | | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | The resurrection of Christ
4 April 2010 | | Easter Day | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | So what? It changes everything
28 March 2010 | | Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | The crucifixion reveals our own violence
14 March 2010 | | Fourth Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | We are entrusted with the ministry of reconciliation
28 February 2010 | | Second Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | The Cross is the key
21 February 2010 | | First Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | This Lent, let's be human
14 February 2010 | | Transfiguration | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Choose your direction of change
7 February 2010 | | | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | And the bait is…?
31 January 2010 | | Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04| | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Love is the way
24 January 2010 | | Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03| | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | The Church is a new vision = unity in diversity
17 January 2010 | | Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02| | | | | Revd Jeannette McHugh | | Jesus at a wedding
13 December 2009 | | Third Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Do not fear the judgment — Rejoice!!
6 December 2009 | | Second Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | Prepare the way of the Lord
6 December 2009 | | Second Sunday of Advent | | | | Chris Cheah | | Zacharias' Story
29 November 2009 | | First Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Dr Ray Williamson | | Words of hope and expectancy: farewell sermon
25 November 2007 | | Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34| | | | | Brian McKinlay | | Of cabbages and kings
4 November 2007 | | All Saints | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | All Saints
28 October 2007 | | Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost |30| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Receiving the grace of eternal life
21 October 2007 | | Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |29| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Giving
14 October 2007 | | Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |28| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The place where we are
7 October 2007 | | Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |27| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Faith and faithfulness
30 September 2007 | | Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |26| | | | | Revd Linda Anchell | | Creation Sunday
23 September 2007 | | Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |25| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Learning to pray? Just do it
9 September 2007 | | Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23| | | | | Revd Doug Bannerman | | Called to be potters
2 September 2007 | | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22| | | | | Revd Jeannette McHugh | | St Columba: part 2
26 August 2007 | | Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |21| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | We begin where we are
19 August 2007 | | Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |20| | | | | Brian McKinlay | | Our journey to the heavenly city
12 August 2007 | | Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |19| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | What is our treasure?
5 August 2007 | | Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |18| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The best things in life are not free
29 July 2007 | | Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |17| | | | | Chris Cheah | | Persistence in prayer
15 July 2007 | | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |15| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | To be a neighbour
8 July 2007 | | Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |14| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | God works in the bafflingly simple
1 July 2007 | | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |13| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Not looking back
24 June 2007 | | Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |12| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The man with many demons
17 June 2007 | | Third Sunday after Pentecost |11| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Forgiveness
10 June 2007 | | Pentecost 2 |10| | | | | Revd Jeannette McHugh | | St Columba
3 June 2007 | | Trinity Sunday | | | | Revd Linda Anchell | | What are we?
27 May 2007 | | Day of Pentecost | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | What it costs to keep this family
20 May 2007 | | Seventh Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Linda Anchell | | Essential unity
13 May 2007 | | Sixth Sunday of Easter | | | | Brian McKinlay | | We have heard from God. Have we obeyed?
29 April 2007 | | Fourth Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | How are we of value to the local community?
22 April 2007 | | Third Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | A week for terrible events
15 April 2007 | | Second Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Believe that you may have life
8 April 2007 | | Easter Day | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | God gives life!
1 April 2007 | | Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday | | | | Revd Linda Anchell | | Palms … folded into crosses
25 March 2007 | | Fifth Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Jeannette McHugh | | Iona sacred island of pilgrimage
18 March 2007 | | Fourth Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The prodigal son
11 March 2007 | | Third Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Jesus' mission journey
4 March 2007 | | Second Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Thorpey
18 February 2007 | | Last Sunday after the Epiphany |07| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | An epiphany of God's glory
11 February 2007 | | Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Jesus on a level place
4 February 2007 | | Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The call of God
28 January 2007 | | Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Beyond the boundaries
21 January 2007 | | Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Ministries of care
14 January 2007 | | Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Jesus, the cause of great celebration
2 January 2007 | | Baptism of the Lord |01| | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | The new year needs the Holy Spirit and prayer
24 December 2006 | | Fourth Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Linda Anchell | | God gazes at us
17 December 2006 | | Third Sunday of Advent | | | | Chris Cheah | | Joy
10 December 2006 | | Second Sunday of Advent | | | | Brian McKinlay | | Walking and working in the ways of peace
3 December 2006 | | First Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Rebecca Newland | | When apocalyptic confronts us, stand up and embrace hope
14 November 2004 | | Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |33| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | What is it you hope for?
7 November 2004 | | Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |32| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | God is the God of the living
31 October 2004 | | All Saints | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | A confident celebration
24 October 2004 | | Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |30| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Be like children
17 October 2004 | | Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |29| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Creating relevance
10 October 2004 | | Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Leprosy healed
3 October 2004 | | Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |27| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The assurance of things hoped for
26 September 2004 | | Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |26| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Invest in life
12 September 2004 | | Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners
5 September 2004 | | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Facing up to our real selves
29 August 2004 | | Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Humility
22 August 2004 | | Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |21| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The synagogue worship
8 August 2004 | | Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |19| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Hiroshima and the horrors of destruction
1 August 2004 | | Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |18| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Possessing munch but lacking everything
25 July 2004 | | Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |17| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Our prayers are indeed answered
18 July 2004 | | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |16| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Being with Jesus
11 July 2004 | | Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |15| | | | | Revd Linda Anchell | | Measurement
4 July 2004 | | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |14| | | | | Revd Jeannette McHugh | | Brave and free
27 June 2004 | | Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |13| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Friendship, family and frustration
20 June 2004 | | Third Sunday after Pentecost |12| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | What are you doing here?
13 June 2004 | | Pentecost 2 |11| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The post-Pentecost journey
6 June 2004 | | Trinity Sunday | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | D-Day and the divine mystery of God
30 May 2004 | | Day of Pentecost | | | | Chris Cheah | | Air and fire
23 May 2004 | | Seventh Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The healing of a slave girl
16 May 2004 | | Sixth Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Anglicare Sunday
9 May 2004 | | Fifth Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Jesus doesn't play golf
25 April 2004 | | Third Sunday of Easter | | | | Chris Cheah | | Resurrection resonances
18 April 2004 | | Second Sunday of Easter | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Reassurance in doubt
11 April 2004 | | Easter Day | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The Lord is Risen! What does it all mean?
4 April 2004 | | Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Easter
28 March 2004 | | Fifth Sunday in Lent | | | | Ken Batterham | | Offering ourselves
21 March 2004 | | Fourth Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Reconciliation
14 March 2004 | | Third Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Too much stuff
7 March 2004 | | Second Sunday in Lent | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Discover God's light in unusual places
22 February 2004 | | Transfiguration | | | | Chris Cheah | | Judging and measuring
15 February 2004 | | Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Jesus on a level place
8 February 2004 | | Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Couldn't God find someone else?
1 February 2004 | | Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Jesus' policy speech
25 January 2004 | | Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Australia Day: challenges to a free and open society
18 January 2004 | | Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02| | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Water into wine
28 December 2003 | | First Sunday after Christmas | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The twelve days of Christmas
21 December 2003 | | Fourth Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Linda Anchell | | Be the change you wish to see
14 December 2003 | | Third Sunday of Advent | | | | Chris Cheah | | Peace and repentance
7 December 2003 | | Second Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Jeannette McHugh | | It's Time
30 November 2003 | | First Sunday of Advent | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Hope