Sermons : preachers

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Revd Dr Colin Dundon

Revd Dr Colin DundonThe Revd Dr Colin Dundon, ThL, BD, MA(Hons), PhD was acting Rector of St Philip's from September 2015 to December 2016.

24 December 2024Christmas EveYear CLove Strikes Back: the Empire Reels
20 October 2024Twenty-second Sunday after PentecostYear BFollowing Jesus: Leadership of Suffering
14 July 2024Eighth Sunday after PentecostYear BFollowing Jesus: The Powers Display their Wares
7 July 2024Seventh Sunday after PentecostYear BFollowing Jesus: Disciples of a Rejected Prophet Take the Road
2 June 2024Second Sunday after PentecostYear BFollowing Jesus: The Training Takes a Dangerous Turn
19 May 2024Pentecost SundayYear BCome and See the Divine Future
21 April 2024Fourth Sunday in EasterYear BNot for our own sake
7 April 2024Second Sunday in EasterYear BAct Five, Scene One
22nd October 2022Parish Day of ReflectionCome and See: Missiology and St Philip's O'Connor
22nd May 2022Sixth Sunday of EasterYear CLet the peoples praise You
26th May 2019Sixth Sunday of EasterYear CThe Holy City the New Jerusalem
12th May 2019Fourth Sunday of EasterYear CThe Lamb Will Be Their Shepherd
4th December 2016Second Sunday of AdventYear AThe King returns
27th November 2016First Sunday of AdventYear AThe Hour That No-one Knows
20th November 2016Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34|Year CThe God of the Cross becomes King
13th November 2016Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year CThe coming of the end: the final summons
6th November 2016All SaintsYear CPraise to the God of power and life
30th October 2016Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |31|Year CZacchaeus: salvation comes
23rd October 2016Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year CThe powerless and the powerful: entry into the age to come
16th October 2016Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year CPrayer, justice and mercy: the wonder and danger of prayer
9th October 2016Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year CTen lepers healed: The joy of thanksgiving
2nd October 2016Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year CHumble believing: Trusting the God who Loves Us
18th September 2016Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year CGive an Account of your Management
11th September 2016Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year CLost Sheep, Lost Coins
28th August 2016Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year CWalking Humbly With Your God
21st August 2016Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year CBent Becomes Straight
14th August 2016Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year CThe Call For Decision
7th August 2016Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year CThe Serving Master
31st July 2016Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year CHe Was Rich
24th July 2016Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year CDisciples' Prayer
17th July 2016Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year CMartha and Mary
10th July 2016Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year CThe Good Samaritan
3rd July 2016Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year CThe Commissioning of the Seventy Two
26th June 2016Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year CTurning Towards Jerusalem
19th June 2016Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year CJesus Heals the Gerasene Demoniac
5th June 2016Third Sunday after Pentecost |10|Year CThe raising of the widow's son at Nain - The Kingdom, compassion, new creation and social dislocation
29th May 2016Second Sunday after Pentecost |09|Year CHealing of the Centurion's Slave
22nd May 2016Trinity SundayYear CFather, Son and Holy Spirit
15th May 2016Day of PentecostYear CThe Breath of Life - Pentecost
8th May 2016Seventh Sunday of EasterYear CCome, Lord Jesus
1st May 2016Sixth Sunday of EasterYear CThe Holy City
24th April 2016Fifth Sunday of EasterYear CNew Heaven and a New Earth
27th March 2016Easter DayYear CEaster
25th March 2016Good Friday Good Friday
24th March 2016Maundy Thursday The Foot Washing
13th March 2016Fifth Sunday in LentYear CThe anointing at Bethany: God's new thing
6th March 2016Fourth Sunday in LentYear CA Waiting Father
28th February 2016Third Sunday in LentYear CGrief and Hope
21st February 2016Second Sunday in LentYear CReal Change
14th February 2016First Sunday in LentYear CThe Testing of Jesus
10th February 2016Ash Wednesday The Freedom of Forgiveness
7th February 2016TransfigurationYear CThe Transfiguration
31st January 2016Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year CA Kingdom for All #2
24th January 2016Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year CA Kingdom for All #1
17th January 2016Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year CTransformations
10th January 2016Baptism of the Lord |01|Year CJesus' Baptism: Power, Prayer, The Spirit
25th December 2015Christmas Day Good News of Great Joy
20th December 2015Fourth Sunday of AdventYear CA ruler from Bethlehem
6th December 2015Second Sunday of AdventYear CThe River of Fiery Spirit
29th November 2015First Sunday of AdventYear CSeason of Waiting
8th November 2015Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year BRich scribe versus poor widow
20th September 2015Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year BWho is the greatest?
24 December 2024Christmas EveYear CLove Strikes Back: the Empire Reels
20 October 2024Twenty-second Sunday after PentecostYear BFollowing Jesus: Leadership of Suffering
14 July 2024Eighth Sunday after PentecostYear BFollowing Jesus: The Powers Display their Wares
7 July 2024Seventh Sunday after PentecostYear BFollowing Jesus: Disciples of a Rejected Prophet Take the Road
2 June 2024Second Sunday after PentecostYear BFollowing Jesus: The Training Takes a Dangerous Turn
19 May 2024Pentecost SundayYear BCome and See the Divine Future
21 April 2024Fourth Sunday in EasterYear BNot for our own sake
7 April 2024Second Sunday in EasterYear BAct Five, Scene One
22nd October 2022Parish Day of ReflectionCome and See: Missiology and St Philip's O'Connor
22nd May 2022Sixth Sunday of EasterYear CLet the peoples praise You
26th May 2019Sixth Sunday of EasterYear CThe Holy City the New Jerusalem
12th May 2019Fourth Sunday of EasterYear CThe Lamb Will Be Their Shepherd
4th December 2016Second Sunday of AdventYear AThe King returns
27th November 2016First Sunday of AdventYear AThe Hour That No-one Knows
20th November 2016Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34|Year CThe God of the Cross becomes King
13th November 2016Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year CThe coming of the end: the final summons
6th November 2016All SaintsYear CPraise to the God of power and life
30th October 2016Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |31|Year CZacchaeus: salvation comes
23rd October 2016Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year CThe powerless and the powerful: entry into the age to come
16th October 2016Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year CPrayer, justice and mercy: the wonder and danger of prayer
9th October 2016Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year CTen lepers healed: The joy of thanksgiving
2nd October 2016Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year CHumble believing: Trusting the God who Loves Us
18th September 2016Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year CGive an Account of your Management
11th September 2016Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year CLost Sheep, Lost Coins
28th August 2016Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year CWalking Humbly With Your God
21st August 2016Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year CBent Becomes Straight
14th August 2016Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year CThe Call For Decision
7th August 2016Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year CThe Serving Master
31st July 2016Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year CHe Was Rich
24th July 2016Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year CDisciples' Prayer
17th July 2016Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year CMartha and Mary
10th July 2016Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year CThe Good Samaritan
3rd July 2016Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year CThe Commissioning of the Seventy Two
26th June 2016Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year CTurning Towards Jerusalem
19th June 2016Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year CJesus Heals the Gerasene Demoniac
5th June 2016Third Sunday after Pentecost |10|Year CThe raising of the widow's son at Nain - The Kingdom, compassion, new creation and social dislocation
29th May 2016Second Sunday after Pentecost |09|Year CHealing of the Centurion's Slave
22nd May 2016Trinity SundayYear CFather, Son and Holy Spirit
15th May 2016Day of PentecostYear CThe Breath of Life - Pentecost
8th May 2016Seventh Sunday of EasterYear CCome, Lord Jesus
1st May 2016Sixth Sunday of EasterYear CThe Holy City
24th April 2016Fifth Sunday of EasterYear CNew Heaven and a New Earth
27th March 2016Easter DayYear CEaster
25th March 2016Good Friday Good Friday
24th March 2016Maundy Thursday The Foot Washing
13th March 2016Fifth Sunday in LentYear CThe anointing at Bethany: God's new thing
6th March 2016Fourth Sunday in LentYear CA Waiting Father
28th February 2016Third Sunday in LentYear CGrief and Hope
21st February 2016Second Sunday in LentYear CReal Change
14th February 2016First Sunday in LentYear CThe Testing of Jesus
10th February 2016Ash Wednesday The Freedom of Forgiveness
7th February 2016TransfigurationYear CThe Transfiguration
31st January 2016Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year CA Kingdom for All #2
24th January 2016Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year CA Kingdom for All #1
17th January 2016Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year CTransformations
10th January 2016Baptism of the Lord |01|Year CJesus' Baptism: Power, Prayer, The Spirit
25th December 2015Christmas Day Good News of Great Joy
20th December 2015Fourth Sunday of AdventYear CA ruler from Bethlehem
6th December 2015Second Sunday of AdventYear CThe River of Fiery Spirit
29th November 2015First Sunday of AdventYear CSeason of Waiting
8th November 2015Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year BRich scribe versus poor widow
20th September 2015Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year BWho is the greatest?