Sermons : preachers

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 |  Revd Christine Cargill  |  Mr Chris Cheah  |  Revd Canon Professor Scott Cowdell  |  Revd Dr Colin Dundon  |  Revd Martin Johnson  |  Revd Rob Lamerton  |  Revd Jeannette McHugh  |  Revd Rob Miners  |  Ven. Rebecca Newland  |  Revd Dr Ray Williamson  |  Occasional preachers  | 


Revd Dr Ray Williamson

Revd Dr Ray WilliamsonThe Reverend Dr Ray Williamson, ThL, MA, PhD, OAM, was Honorary Associate Priest at the Parish of Holy Cross Hackett. Ray served for many years as the General Secretary of the NSW Ecumenical Council and as the Executive Secretary of the Faith and Unity Commission of the National Council of Churches in Australia. He was Acting Rector of St Philip's in 2008-2009

17th April 2016Fourth Sunday of EasterYear CShepherds
31 July 2011Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year AGive them something to eat yourselves.
29 November 2009First Sunday of AdventYear CWords of hope and expectancy: farewell sermon
16 August 2009Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year BAddresses on the Liturgy: Part 3
9 August 2009Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year BAddresses on the Liturgy: Part 2
2 August 2009Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year BAddresses on the Liturgy: Part 1
7 June 2009Trinity SundayYear BThe mystery of God
31 May 2009Day of PentecostYear BPentecost in action
10 May 2009Fifth Sunday of EasterYear BLiving in faith and love
26 April 2009Third Sunday of EasterYear BMinds opened to understand
15 March 2009Third Sunday in LentYear BWhere anger and courage meet
8 March 2009Second Sunday in LentYear BLosing our life to gain it
1 March 2009First Sunday in LentYear BThe journey of discipleship
22 February 2009TransfigurationYear BTransfiguration 
15 February 2009Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year BTouch the world with life
8 February 2009Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year BHave you not known? Have you not heard?
25 January 2009Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year BJonah and empire
11 January 2009Baptism of the Lord |01|Year BBaptism of Jesus
4 January 2009The Epiphany Epiphany
9 November 2008Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year AExpectations! Being ready!
2 November 2008All SaintsYear AA community of faith and commitment
19 October 2008Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year ALife that transcends death
12 October 2008Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year AWe're invited to a feast
5 October 2008Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year AThe fruitless vineyard
28 September 2008Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year AJesus' response to his critics
7 September 2008Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year AA merciful, inclusive community
17th April 2016Fourth Sunday of EasterYear CShepherds
31 July 2011Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year AGive them something to eat yourselves.
29 November 2009First Sunday of AdventYear CWords of hope and expectancy: farewell sermon
16 August 2009Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year BAddresses on the Liturgy: Part 3
9 August 2009Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year BAddresses on the Liturgy: Part 2
2 August 2009Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year BAddresses on the Liturgy: Part 1
7 June 2009Trinity SundayYear BThe mystery of God
31 May 2009Day of PentecostYear BPentecost in action
10 May 2009Fifth Sunday of EasterYear BLiving in faith and love
26 April 2009Third Sunday of EasterYear BMinds opened to understand
15 March 2009Third Sunday in LentYear BWhere anger and courage meet
8 March 2009Second Sunday in LentYear BLosing our life to gain it
1 March 2009First Sunday in LentYear BThe journey of discipleship
22 February 2009TransfigurationYear BTransfiguration 
15 February 2009Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year BTouch the world with life
8 February 2009Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year BHave you not known? Have you not heard?
25 January 2009Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year BJonah and empire
11 January 2009Baptism of the Lord |01|Year BBaptism of Jesus
4 January 2009The Epiphany Epiphany
9 November 2008Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year AExpectations! Being ready!
2 November 2008All SaintsYear AA community of faith and commitment
19 October 2008Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year ALife that transcends death
12 October 2008Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year AWe're invited to a feast
5 October 2008Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year AThe fruitless vineyard
28 September 2008Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year AJesus' response to his critics
7 September 2008Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year AA merciful, inclusive community