Sermons : preachers

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Revd Rob Lamerton

Revd Rob LamertonThe Reverend Rob Lamerton, ThL, was Rector of St Philip's from 1999 until his death in 2008.

8 June 2008Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |10|Year AGod's openness to all people
1 June 2008Third Sunday after Pentecost |09|Year APrayer demands action
27 April 2008Ascension DayYear AAscension
30 March 2008Second Sunday of EasterYear AIs the glass half full or half empty?
23 March 2008Easter DayYear AEaster
17 February 2008Second Sunday in LentYear AHome Groups
10 February 2008First Sunday in LentYear ATemptations
3 February 2008TransfigurationYear ASeeing each other in a new light
13 January 2008Baptism of the Lord |01|Year AThe Baptism of Jesus
30 December 2007First Sunday after ChristmasYear AJesus, Lord and King from his birth
9 December 2007Second Sunday of AdventYear APrepare the Way
2 December 2007First Sunday of AdventYear AAdvent
4 November 2007All SaintsYear CAll Saints
28 October 2007Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year CReceiving the grace of eternal life
21 October 2007Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year CGiving
14 October 2007Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year CThe place where we are
7 October 2007Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year CFaith and faithfulness
23 September 2007Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year CLearning to pray? Just do it
26 August 2007Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year CWe begin where we are
12 August 2007Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year CWhat is our treasure?
5 August 2007Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year CThe best things in life are not free
15 July 2007Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year CTo be a neighbour
8 July 2007Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year CGod works in the bafflingly simple
1 July 2007Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year CNot looking back
24 June 2007Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year CThe man with many demons
17 June 2007Third Sunday after Pentecost |11|Year CForgiveness
27 May 2007Day of PentecostYear CWhat it costs to keep this family
29 April 2007Fourth Sunday of EasterYear CHow are we of value to the local community?
22 April 2007Third Sunday of EasterYear CA week for terrible events
15 April 2007Second Sunday of EasterYear CBelieve that you may have life
8 April 2007Easter DayYear CGod gives life!
18 March 2007Fourth Sunday in LentYear CThe prodigal son
11 March 2007Third Sunday in LentYear CJesus' mission journey
4 March 2007Second Sunday in LentYear CThorpey
21 February 2007Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday
18 February 2007Last Sunday after the Epiphany |07|Year CAn epiphany of God's glory
11 February 2007Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06|Year CJesus on a level place
4 February 2007Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year CThe call of God
28 January 2007Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year CBeyond the boundaries
21 January 2007Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year CMinistries of care
14 January 2007Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year CJesus, the cause of great celebration
23 April 2006Second Sunday of EasterYear BThere is no substitute for telling our own story
16 April 2006Easter DayYear BHe is Risen indeed! Alleluia!
2 April 2006Fifth Sunday in LentYear BThe Greeks did not get an answer!
26 March 2006Fourth Sunday in LentYear BGod so loved the world
19 March 2006Third Sunday in LentYear BJesus cleanses the temple
12 March 2006Second Sunday in LentYear BGod gives life against the odds
5 March 2006First Sunday in LentYear BThe Covenant
26 February 2006TransfigurationYear BGod's glory in Jesus
19 February 2006Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany |07|Year BHealing and forgiveness
12 February 2006Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06|Year BJesus cleanses the leper
29 January 2006Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year BJesus heals and preaches with authority
22 January 2006Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year BAnniversaries
1 January 2006Naming and Circumcision of JesusYear BBaptism
25 December 2005Christmas Day The potential to be Christ-like
18 December 2005Fourth Sunday of AdventYear BBlessed and fragile
11 December 2005Third Sunday of AdventYear BThe message of joy has a hard edge
20 November 2005Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34|Year AChrist's rulership
6 November 2005Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year AThe bridegroom comes
30 October 2005All SaintsYear AWhat I'm looking for
23 October 2005Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year AWhat do you think of the Messiah?
9 October 2005Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year AThe wedding banquet
2 October 2005Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year AThe fruit of the vineyard
4 September 2005Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year ARelationships in the community of faith
7 August 2005Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year AWe either try too hard, or we sit in the boat
31 July 2005Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year AYou give them something to eat!
24 July 2005Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year ADrought
17 July 2005Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year AWheat and weeds growing together
10 July 2005Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year AWords, words, words!
3 July 2005Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year AJesus carries the burden
26 June 2005Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year AWhat goes around comes around
19 June 2005Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year ALetting go
12 June 2005Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |11|Year AHard graft
5 June 2005Third Sunday after Pentecost |10|Year AAbram's journey
15 May 2005Day of PentecostYear AThe mission of the church and the ministry of the people
8 May 2005Ascension DayYear AThe Kingdom of Heaven - resurrection and ascension
1 May 2005St Philip and St James St Philip and St James
24 April 2005Fifth Sunday of EasterYear AThe Risen Christ in the midst of the world
17 April 2005Fourth Sunday of EasterYear AJesus, the gate for the sheep
10 April 2005Third Sunday of EasterYear AEmmaus
3 April 2005Second Sunday of EasterYear AWe have seen the Lord!
27 March 2005Easter DayYear ABelieve, share, rejoice, worship
13 March 2005Fifth Sunday in LentYear AAs good as dead, but alive!
27 February 2005Third Sunday in LentYear AHardness of heart
6 February 2005TransfigurationYear AFace to face with Jesus
30 January 2005Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year AOur poverty
23 January 2005Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year AThe Light for the Nations
25 December 2004Christmas Day Christmas
28 November 2004First Sunday of AdventYear AReadiness for new beginnings
14 November 2004Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year CWhat is it you hope for?
7 November 2004Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year CGod is the God of the living
31 October 2004All SaintsYear CA confident celebration
24 October 2004Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year CBe like children
17 October 2004Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year CCreating relevance
10 October 2004Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year CLeprosy healed
3 October 2004Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year CThe assurance of things hoped for
26 September 2004Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year CInvest in life
12 September 2004Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year CChrist Jesus came into the world to save sinners
5 September 2004Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year CFacing up to our real selves
29 August 2004Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year CHumility
22 August 2004Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year CThe synagogue worship
8 August 2004Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year CHiroshima and the horrors of destruction
1 August 2004Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year CPossessing munch but lacking everything
25 July 2004Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year COur prayers are indeed answered
18 July 2004Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year CBeing with Jesus
27 June 2004Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year CFriendship, family and frustration
20 June 2004Third Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year CWhat are you doing here?
13 June 2004Pentecost 2 |11|Year CThe post-Pentecost journey
6 June 2004Trinity SundayYear CD-Day and the divine mystery of God
23 May 2004Seventh Sunday of EasterYear CThe healing of a slave girl
16 May 2004Sixth Sunday of EasterYear CAnglicare Sunday
9 May 2004Fifth Sunday of EasterYear CJesus doesn't play golf
2 May 2004St Philip and St James Saint Philip, apostle and martyr
18 April 2004Second Sunday of EasterYear CReassurance in doubt
11 April 2004Easter DayYear CThe Lord is Risen! What does it all mean?
4 April 2004Palm Sunday or Passion SundayYear CEaster
21 March 2004Fourth Sunday in LentYear CReconciliation
14 March 2004Third Sunday in LentYear CToo much stuff
7 March 2004Second Sunday in LentYear CDiscover God's light in unusual places
15 February 2004Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06|Year CJesus on a level place
8 February 2004Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year CCouldn't God find someone else?
1 February 2004Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year CJesus' policy speech
25 January 2004Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year CAustralia Day: challenges to a free and open society
18 January 2004Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year CWater into wine
28 December 2003First Sunday after ChristmasYear CThe twelve days of Christmas
25 December 2003Christmas Day Christmas
24 December 2003Christmas Eve Christmas Eve
30 November 2003First Sunday of AdventYear CHope
16 November 2003Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year BOur work must serve the mission
9 November 2003Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year BRuth's commitment
2 November 2003All SaintsYear BThe saints' life with God
26 October 2003Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year BOur place before God as community
19 October 2003Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year BGreatness is in service
24 August 2003Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year BThe armour of God
17 August 2003Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year BThe life of heaven in our midst
3 August 2003Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year BA welcoming and safe place
8 June 2008Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |10|Year AGod's openness to all people
1 June 2008Third Sunday after Pentecost |09|Year APrayer demands action
27 April 2008Ascension DayYear AAscension
30 March 2008Second Sunday of EasterYear AIs the glass half full or half empty?
23 March 2008Easter DayYear AEaster
17 February 2008Second Sunday in LentYear AHome Groups
10 February 2008First Sunday in LentYear ATemptations
3 February 2008TransfigurationYear ASeeing each other in a new light
13 January 2008Baptism of the Lord |01|Year AThe Baptism of Jesus
30 December 2007First Sunday after ChristmasYear AJesus, Lord and King from his birth
9 December 2007Second Sunday of AdventYear APrepare the Way
2 December 2007First Sunday of AdventYear AAdvent
4 November 2007All SaintsYear CAll Saints
28 October 2007Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year CReceiving the grace of eternal life
21 October 2007Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year CGiving
14 October 2007Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year CThe place where we are
7 October 2007Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year CFaith and faithfulness
23 September 2007Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year CLearning to pray? Just do it
26 August 2007Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year CWe begin where we are
12 August 2007Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year CWhat is our treasure?
5 August 2007Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year CThe best things in life are not free
15 July 2007Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year CTo be a neighbour
8 July 2007Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year CGod works in the bafflingly simple
1 July 2007Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year CNot looking back
24 June 2007Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year CThe man with many demons
17 June 2007Third Sunday after Pentecost |11|Year CForgiveness
27 May 2007Day of PentecostYear CWhat it costs to keep this family
29 April 2007Fourth Sunday of EasterYear CHow are we of value to the local community?
22 April 2007Third Sunday of EasterYear CA week for terrible events
15 April 2007Second Sunday of EasterYear CBelieve that you may have life
8 April 2007Easter DayYear CGod gives life!
18 March 2007Fourth Sunday in LentYear CThe prodigal son
11 March 2007Third Sunday in LentYear CJesus' mission journey
4 March 2007Second Sunday in LentYear CThorpey
21 February 2007Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday
18 February 2007Last Sunday after the Epiphany |07|Year CAn epiphany of God's glory
11 February 2007Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06|Year CJesus on a level place
4 February 2007Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year CThe call of God
28 January 2007Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year CBeyond the boundaries
21 January 2007Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year CMinistries of care
14 January 2007Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year CJesus, the cause of great celebration
23 April 2006Second Sunday of EasterYear BThere is no substitute for telling our own story
16 April 2006Easter DayYear BHe is Risen indeed! Alleluia!
2 April 2006Fifth Sunday in LentYear BThe Greeks did not get an answer!
26 March 2006Fourth Sunday in LentYear BGod so loved the world
19 March 2006Third Sunday in LentYear BJesus cleanses the temple
12 March 2006Second Sunday in LentYear BGod gives life against the odds
5 March 2006First Sunday in LentYear BThe Covenant
26 February 2006TransfigurationYear BGod's glory in Jesus
19 February 2006Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany |07|Year BHealing and forgiveness
12 February 2006Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06|Year BJesus cleanses the leper
29 January 2006Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year BJesus heals and preaches with authority
22 January 2006Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year BAnniversaries
1 January 2006Naming and Circumcision of JesusYear BBaptism
25 December 2005Christmas Day The potential to be Christ-like
18 December 2005Fourth Sunday of AdventYear BBlessed and fragile
11 December 2005Third Sunday of AdventYear BThe message of joy has a hard edge
20 November 2005Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34|Year AChrist's rulership
6 November 2005Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year AThe bridegroom comes
30 October 2005All SaintsYear AWhat I'm looking for
23 October 2005Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year AWhat do you think of the Messiah?
9 October 2005Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year AThe wedding banquet
2 October 2005Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year AThe fruit of the vineyard
4 September 2005Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year ARelationships in the community of faith
7 August 2005Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year AWe either try too hard, or we sit in the boat
31 July 2005Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year AYou give them something to eat!
24 July 2005Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year ADrought
17 July 2005Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year AWheat and weeds growing together
10 July 2005Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year AWords, words, words!
3 July 2005Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year AJesus carries the burden
26 June 2005Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year AWhat goes around comes around
19 June 2005Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year ALetting go
12 June 2005Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |11|Year AHard graft
5 June 2005Third Sunday after Pentecost |10|Year AAbram's journey
15 May 2005Day of PentecostYear AThe mission of the church and the ministry of the people
8 May 2005Ascension DayYear AThe Kingdom of Heaven - resurrection and ascension
1 May 2005St Philip and St James St Philip and St James
24 April 2005Fifth Sunday of EasterYear AThe Risen Christ in the midst of the world
17 April 2005Fourth Sunday of EasterYear AJesus, the gate for the sheep
10 April 2005Third Sunday of EasterYear AEmmaus
3 April 2005Second Sunday of EasterYear AWe have seen the Lord!
27 March 2005Easter DayYear ABelieve, share, rejoice, worship
13 March 2005Fifth Sunday in LentYear AAs good as dead, but alive!
27 February 2005Third Sunday in LentYear AHardness of heart
6 February 2005TransfigurationYear AFace to face with Jesus
30 January 2005Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year AOur poverty
23 January 2005Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year AThe Light for the Nations
25 December 2004Christmas Day Christmas
28 November 2004First Sunday of AdventYear AReadiness for new beginnings
14 November 2004Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year CWhat is it you hope for?
7 November 2004Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year CGod is the God of the living
31 October 2004All SaintsYear CA confident celebration
24 October 2004Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year CBe like children
17 October 2004Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year CCreating relevance
10 October 2004Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year CLeprosy healed
3 October 2004Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year CThe assurance of things hoped for
26 September 2004Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year CInvest in life
12 September 2004Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year CChrist Jesus came into the world to save sinners
5 September 2004Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year CFacing up to our real selves
29 August 2004Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year CHumility
22 August 2004Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year CThe synagogue worship
8 August 2004Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year CHiroshima and the horrors of destruction
1 August 2004Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year CPossessing munch but lacking everything
25 July 2004Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year COur prayers are indeed answered
18 July 2004Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year CBeing with Jesus
27 June 2004Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year CFriendship, family and frustration
20 June 2004Third Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year CWhat are you doing here?
13 June 2004Pentecost 2 |11|Year CThe post-Pentecost journey
6 June 2004Trinity SundayYear CD-Day and the divine mystery of God
23 May 2004Seventh Sunday of EasterYear CThe healing of a slave girl
16 May 2004Sixth Sunday of EasterYear CAnglicare Sunday
9 May 2004Fifth Sunday of EasterYear CJesus doesn't play golf
2 May 2004St Philip and St James Saint Philip, apostle and martyr
18 April 2004Second Sunday of EasterYear CReassurance in doubt
11 April 2004Easter DayYear CThe Lord is Risen! What does it all mean?
4 April 2004Palm Sunday or Passion SundayYear CEaster
21 March 2004Fourth Sunday in LentYear CReconciliation
14 March 2004Third Sunday in LentYear CToo much stuff
7 March 2004Second Sunday in LentYear CDiscover God's light in unusual places
15 February 2004Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06|Year CJesus on a level place
8 February 2004Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year CCouldn't God find someone else?
1 February 2004Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year CJesus' policy speech
25 January 2004Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year CAustralia Day: challenges to a free and open society
18 January 2004Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year CWater into wine
28 December 2003First Sunday after ChristmasYear CThe twelve days of Christmas
25 December 2003Christmas Day Christmas
24 December 2003Christmas Eve Christmas Eve
30 November 2003First Sunday of AdventYear CHope
16 November 2003Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year BOur work must serve the mission
9 November 2003Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year BRuth's commitment
2 November 2003All SaintsYear BThe saints' life with God
26 October 2003Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year BOur place before God as community
19 October 2003Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year BGreatness is in service
24 August 2003Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year BThe armour of God
17 August 2003Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year BThe life of heaven in our midst
3 August 2003Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year BA welcoming and safe place