Hear our voice, O Lord, according to your faithful love.
Lectionary readings (Click the links to see the readings): Leviticus 19.1-2,11-18 | Psalm 19.7-14 | Matthew 25.31-46
Marney Ward (Canada). Butchart's Begonias. Watercolor. Make Us Like Him Spirit of Truth, direct our attention to the life of Jesus so that we might see what you would have us be. Make us, like him, teachers of your good law. Make us, like him, performers of miraculous cures. Make us, like him, proclaimers of your kingdom. Make us, like him, loving of the poor, the outcast, children. Make us, like him, silent when the world tempts us to respond in the world's terms. Make us, like him, ready to suffer. We know we cannot be like Jesus except as Jesus was unlike us, being your Son. Make us cherish that unlikeness, that we may grow into the likeness made possible by Jesus' resurrection. Living Confessions of Love Lord of all Life, we come before you not knowing who we are. We strut our stuff trying to impress others with our self confidence. In the process we hope to be what we pretend. Save us from such pretense, that we might learn who we are through trust in you to make us more than we can imagine. Help us, Augustine-like, to reread our lives as confessions of sin made possible by your love. Bind up our wounds and our joys so that our lives finally make sense only as a prayer to you. —Stanley Hauerwas. Prayers Plainly Spoken (Downer's Grove: Inter-Varsity Press, 1999) Benedictines of Mary, "Advent at Ephesus".
May God our Redeemer show us compassion and love. Amen.