29th December 2019 | | First Sunday after Christmas | | Year A | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Living Christmas Unreservedly
25th December 2019 | | Christmas Day | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Comforted and Confronted by the Word Made Flesh
24th December 2019 | | Christmas Eve Midnight | | Year A | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Hope Subverting Politics
22nd December 2019 | | Fourth Sunday of Advent | | Year A | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Renewal
15th December 2019 | | Third Sunday of Advent | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | No Season for Hard Men
17th November 2019 | | Twenty Third Sunday after Pentecost |33| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Burning Issues
13th October 2019 | | Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Faith in us
13th October 2019 | | Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Sensible Radicalism
6th October 2019 | | Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |27| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Wreck of the Deutschland
22nd September 2019 | | Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Consumption
15th September 2019 | | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | How God Acts
8th September 2019 | | Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Real Religious Freedom
1st September 2019 | | Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost |22| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | God's Alarming Hospitality and Our Fragile Identity
25th August 2019 | | Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |21| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Lift Up Your Hearts To The Lord
18th August 2019 | | Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |20| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Evensong at St Paul's Manuka - Mary in a Social Media Age
18th August 2019 | | Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |20| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Justice and Mercy
11th August 2019 | | Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |19| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Faith
4th August 2019 | | Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |18| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | True Wisdom
28th July 2019 | | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |17| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Courage in Prayer
21st July 2019 | | Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |16| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Hospitality
14th July 2019 | | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |15| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | The Outside Showing The Way
7th July 2019 | | Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |14| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Religious Freedom 8 AM; The Lamb of God 10AM
30th June 2019 | | Third Sunday after Pentecost |13| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Sacramentality
23rd June 2019 | | Second Sunday after Pentecost |12| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | 'The Powers That Be'
16th June 2019 | | Trinity Sunday | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | A Hybrid Divinity
9th June 2019 | | Day of Pentecost | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | A Different Perspective on the World
2nd June 2019 | | Ascension Day | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Caught Up
26th May 2019 | | Sixth Sunday of Easter | | Year C | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The Holy City the New Jerusalem
19th May 2019 | | Fifth Sunday of Easter | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | On Our Being the Glory of God
12th May 2019 | | Fourth Sunday of Easter | | Year C | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The Lamb Will Be Their Shepherd
5th May 2019 | | St Philip and St James | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Knowing God by Knowing Jesus
28th April 2019 | | Second Sunday of Easter | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Resurrection Hope
21st April 2019 | | Easter Day | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Hope Plus
21st April 2019 | | Easter Vigil | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Let go and Rejoice
19th April 2019 | | Good Friday | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Mass of the Pre-Sanctified: Israel Folau Has Got It Wrong
18th April 2019 | | Maundy Thursday | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | On the night He was betrayed
14th April 2019 | | Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Identity in Christ
7th April 2019 | | Fifth Sunday in Lent | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Scandalous!
31st March 2019 | | Fourth Sunday in Lent | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Breaking Down the Barriers
24th March 2019 | | Third Sunday in Lent | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Faith and Imaginative Vision
17th March 2019 | | Second Sunday in Lent | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Judgement of our Anxieties
10th March 2019 | | First Sunday in Lent | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Narratives and Trust
6th March 2019 | | Ash Wednesday | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Lenten Renewal
3rd March 2019 | | Transfiguration | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | George Pell and the Transfiguration
24th February 2019 | | Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany |07| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Loving Our Enemies
17th February 2019 | | Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Nothing Need Ever be the Same
10th February 2019 | | Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | The Nature of our Calling
3rd February 2019 | | The Presentation of Christ in the Temple | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Candlemas: Outshining the Power of Death
27th January 2019 | | Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Living by our Creed
20th January 2019 | | Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Sharing Christ's Glory
6th January 2019 | | The Epiphany | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Epiphany and the Catholic Faith
29th December 2019 | | First Sunday after Christmas | | Year A | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Living Christmas Unreservedly
25th December 2019 | | Christmas Day | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Comforted and Confronted by the Word Made Flesh
24th December 2019 | | Christmas Eve Midnight | | Year A | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Hope Subverting Politics
22nd December 2019 | | Fourth Sunday of Advent | | Year A | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Renewal
15th December 2019 | | Third Sunday of Advent | | Year A | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | No Season for Hard Men
17th November 2019 | | Twenty Third Sunday after Pentecost |33| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Burning Issues
13th October 2019 | | Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Faith in us
13th October 2019 | | Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Sensible Radicalism
6th October 2019 | | Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |27| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Wreck of the Deutschland
22nd September 2019 | | Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Consumption
15th September 2019 | | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | How God Acts
8th September 2019 | | Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Real Religious Freedom
1st September 2019 | | Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost |22| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | God's Alarming Hospitality and Our Fragile Identity
25th August 2019 | | Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |21| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Lift Up Your Hearts To The Lord
18th August 2019 | | Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |20| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Evensong at St Paul's Manuka - Mary in a Social Media Age
18th August 2019 | | Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |20| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Justice and Mercy
11th August 2019 | | Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |19| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Faith
4th August 2019 | | Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |18| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | True Wisdom
28th July 2019 | | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |17| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Courage in Prayer
21st July 2019 | | Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |16| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Hospitality
14th July 2019 | | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |15| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | The Outside Showing The Way
7th July 2019 | | Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |14| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Religious Freedom 8 AM; The Lamb of God 10AM
30th June 2019 | | Third Sunday after Pentecost |13| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Sacramentality
23rd June 2019 | | Second Sunday after Pentecost |12| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | 'The Powers That Be'
16th June 2019 | | Trinity Sunday | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | A Hybrid Divinity
9th June 2019 | | Day of Pentecost | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | A Different Perspective on the World
2nd June 2019 | | Ascension Day | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Caught Up
26th May 2019 | | Sixth Sunday of Easter | | Year C | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The Holy City the New Jerusalem
19th May 2019 | | Fifth Sunday of Easter | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | On Our Being the Glory of God
12th May 2019 | | Fourth Sunday of Easter | | Year C | | Revd Dr Colin Dundon | | The Lamb Will Be Their Shepherd
5th May 2019 | | St Philip and St James | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Knowing God by Knowing Jesus
28th April 2019 | | Second Sunday of Easter | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Resurrection Hope
21st April 2019 | | Easter Day | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Hope Plus
21st April 2019 | | Easter Vigil | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Let go and Rejoice
19th April 2019 | | Good Friday | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Mass of the Pre-Sanctified: Israel Folau Has Got It Wrong
18th April 2019 | | Maundy Thursday | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | On the night He was betrayed
14th April 2019 | | Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Identity in Christ
7th April 2019 | | Fifth Sunday in Lent | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Scandalous!
31st March 2019 | | Fourth Sunday in Lent | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Breaking Down the Barriers
24th March 2019 | | Third Sunday in Lent | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Faith and Imaginative Vision
17th March 2019 | | Second Sunday in Lent | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Judgement of our Anxieties
10th March 2019 | | First Sunday in Lent | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Narratives and Trust
6th March 2019 | | Ash Wednesday | | | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Lenten Renewal
3rd March 2019 | | Transfiguration | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | George Pell and the Transfiguration
24th February 2019 | | Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany |07| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Loving Our Enemies
17th February 2019 | | Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Nothing Need Ever be the Same
10th February 2019 | | Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | The Nature of our Calling
3rd February 2019 | | The Presentation of Christ in the Temple | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Candlemas: Outshining the Power of Death
27th January 2019 | | Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03| | | Year C | | Revd Martin Johnson | | Living by our Creed
20th January 2019 | | Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02| | | Year C | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | Sharing Christ's Glory
6th January 2019 | | The Epiphany | | | | Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell | | The Epiphany and the Catholic Faith