Sermons : by calendar year

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29th December 2019First Sunday after ChristmasYear ARevd Martin JohnsonLiving Christmas Unreservedly
25th December 2019Christmas Day Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellComforted and Confronted by the Word Made Flesh audio
24th December 2019Christmas Eve MidnightYear ARevd Martin JohnsonHope Subverting Politics
22nd December 2019Fourth Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Martin JohnsonRenewal
15th December 2019Third Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellNo Season for Hard Men
17th November 2019Twenty Third Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellBurning Issues
13th October 2019Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonFaith in us
13th October 2019Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellSensible Radicalism
6th October 2019Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Wreck of the Deutschland
22nd September 2019Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonConsumption
15th September 2019Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonHow God Acts
8th September 2019Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellReal Religious Freedom
1st September 2019Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGod's Alarming Hospitality and Our Fragile Identity
25th August 2019Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonLift Up Your Hearts To The Lord
18th August 2019Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellEvensong at St Paul's Manuka - Mary in a Social Media Age
18th August 2019Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonJustice and Mercy
11th August 2019Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonFaith
4th August 2019Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellTrue Wisdom
28th July 2019Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonCourage in Prayer
21st July 2019Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonHospitality
14th July 2019Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonThe Outside Showing The Way
7th July 2019Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonReligious Freedom 8 AM; The Lamb of God 10AM
30th June 2019Third Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonSacramentality
23rd June 2019Second Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year CRevd Martin Johnson'The Powers That Be'
16th June 2019Trinity SundayYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellA Hybrid Divinity
9th June 2019Day of PentecostYear CRevd Martin JohnsonA Different Perspective on the World
2nd June 2019Ascension DayYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellCaught Up
26th May 2019Sixth Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe Holy City the New Jerusalem
19th May 2019Fifth Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellOn Our Being the Glory of God
12th May 2019Fourth Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe Lamb Will Be Their Shepherd
5th May 2019St Philip and St James Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellKnowing God by Knowing Jesus
28th April 2019Second Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Martin JohnsonResurrection Hope
21st April 2019Easter DayYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellHope Plus
21st April 2019Easter VigilYear CRevd Martin JohnsonLet go and Rejoice
19th April 2019Good Friday Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellMass of the Pre-Sanctified: Israel Folau Has Got It Wrong
18th April 2019Maundy Thursday Revd Martin JohnsonOn the night He was betrayed
14th April 2019Palm Sunday or Passion SundayYear CRevd Martin JohnsonIdentity in Christ
7th April 2019Fifth Sunday in LentYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellScandalous!
31st March 2019Fourth Sunday in LentYear CRevd Martin JohnsonBreaking Down the Barriers
24th March 2019Third Sunday in LentYear CRevd Martin JohnsonFaith and Imaginative Vision
17th March 2019Second Sunday in LentYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Judgement of our Anxieties
10th March 2019First Sunday in LentYear CRevd Martin JohnsonNarratives and Trust
6th March 2019Ash Wednesday Revd Martin JohnsonLenten Renewal
3rd March 2019TransfigurationYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGeorge Pell and the Transfiguration
24th February 2019Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany |07|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonLoving Our Enemies
17th February 2019Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellNothing Need Ever be the Same
10th February 2019Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonThe Nature of our Calling
3rd February 2019The Presentation of Christ in the Temple Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellCandlemas: Outshining the Power of Death
27th January 2019Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonLiving by our Creed
20th January 2019Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellSharing Christ's Glory
6th January 2019The Epiphany Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Epiphany and the Catholic Faith
29th December 2019First Sunday after ChristmasYear ARevd Martin JohnsonLiving Christmas Unreservedly
25th December 2019Christmas Day Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellComforted and Confronted by the Word Made Flesh audio
24th December 2019Christmas Eve MidnightYear ARevd Martin JohnsonHope Subverting Politics
22nd December 2019Fourth Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Martin JohnsonRenewal
15th December 2019Third Sunday of AdventYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellNo Season for Hard Men
17th November 2019Twenty Third Sunday after Pentecost |33|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellBurning Issues
13th October 2019Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonFaith in us
13th October 2019Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellSensible Radicalism
6th October 2019Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |27|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Wreck of the Deutschland
22nd September 2019Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonConsumption
15th September 2019Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonHow God Acts
8th September 2019Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellReal Religious Freedom
1st September 2019Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGod's Alarming Hospitality and Our Fragile Identity
25th August 2019Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonLift Up Your Hearts To The Lord
18th August 2019Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellEvensong at St Paul's Manuka - Mary in a Social Media Age
18th August 2019Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |20|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonJustice and Mercy
11th August 2019Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonFaith
4th August 2019Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellTrue Wisdom
28th July 2019Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonCourage in Prayer
21st July 2019Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonHospitality
14th July 2019Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonThe Outside Showing The Way
7th July 2019Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonReligious Freedom 8 AM; The Lamb of God 10AM
30th June 2019Third Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonSacramentality
23rd June 2019Second Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year CRevd Martin Johnson'The Powers That Be'
16th June 2019Trinity SundayYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellA Hybrid Divinity
9th June 2019Day of PentecostYear CRevd Martin JohnsonA Different Perspective on the World
2nd June 2019Ascension DayYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellCaught Up
26th May 2019Sixth Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe Holy City the New Jerusalem
19th May 2019Fifth Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellOn Our Being the Glory of God
12th May 2019Fourth Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Dr Colin DundonThe Lamb Will Be Their Shepherd
5th May 2019St Philip and St James Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellKnowing God by Knowing Jesus
28th April 2019Second Sunday of EasterYear CRevd Martin JohnsonResurrection Hope
21st April 2019Easter DayYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellHope Plus
21st April 2019Easter VigilYear CRevd Martin JohnsonLet go and Rejoice
19th April 2019Good Friday Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellMass of the Pre-Sanctified: Israel Folau Has Got It Wrong
18th April 2019Maundy Thursday Revd Martin JohnsonOn the night He was betrayed
14th April 2019Palm Sunday or Passion SundayYear CRevd Martin JohnsonIdentity in Christ
7th April 2019Fifth Sunday in LentYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellScandalous!
31st March 2019Fourth Sunday in LentYear CRevd Martin JohnsonBreaking Down the Barriers
24th March 2019Third Sunday in LentYear CRevd Martin JohnsonFaith and Imaginative Vision
17th March 2019Second Sunday in LentYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Judgement of our Anxieties
10th March 2019First Sunday in LentYear CRevd Martin JohnsonNarratives and Trust
6th March 2019Ash Wednesday Revd Martin JohnsonLenten Renewal
3rd March 2019TransfigurationYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGeorge Pell and the Transfiguration
24th February 2019Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany |07|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonLoving Our Enemies
17th February 2019Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellNothing Need Ever be the Same
10th February 2019Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonThe Nature of our Calling
3rd February 2019The Presentation of Christ in the Temple Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellCandlemas: Outshining the Power of Death
27th January 2019Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year CRevd Martin JohnsonLiving by our Creed
20th January 2019Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellSharing Christ's Glory
6th January 2019The Epiphany Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Epiphany and the Catholic Faith