Sermons : by calendar year

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26th December 2021St Stephen's Day 2021Year CRevd Martin JohnsonSentimentality
25th December 2021Christmas DayYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellChristmas: Festival of Enchantment audio
24th December 2021Christmass Eve 2021Year CRevd Martin JohnsonA Christmas Carol
19th December 2021Fourth Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Visitation: Free at Last audio
12th December 2021Third Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Martin JohnsonJoy and Expectations
5th December 2021Second Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAdvent and Lockdown audio
28th November 2021First Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Martin JohnsonRecognising God in a Strange Land
21st November 2021Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34| Year BRevd Martin JohnsonChrist the King 2021
7th November 2021Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellJoining the Silent Revolution audio
3rd November 2021Funeral of Dr Rosamund DalziellFuneralRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFuneral of Dr Rosamund Dalziell audio
2nd November 2021All Souls 2021 |30|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonAll Souls 2021
31st October 2021Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonAll Saints 2021
24th October 2021Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonStumbling Blocks to Faith
17th October 2021Twenty First Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAchieving Recognition, Securing Differentiation audio
10th October 2021Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonGoodness needs humility
26th September 2021Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonJustice and Ecological Conversion
19th September 2021Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellForming Christian Character audio
12th September 2021Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonLooking for questions
5th September 2021Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAfter God's Heart audio
29th August 2021Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonNo place for ideology
22nd August 2021Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonGod-talk
15th August 2021Mary, Mother of Our Lord Revd Martin JohnsonCelebrating Mary
8th August 2021Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonThe God who satisfies
25th July 2021Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonBread sanctified
1st August 2021Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellI am the bread of life audio
18th July 2021Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAlternative Reality audio
11th July 2021Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonSpeaking Truth With Courage
4th July 2021Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellTo Comfort the Afflicted and Afflict the Comfortable audio
27th June 2021Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGod's Gift To Women audio
20th June 2021Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonStoicism
13th June 2021Third Sunday after Pentecost |11|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonBirds of a Feather
6th June 2021Second Sunday after Pentecost |10|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellBinding the Strong Man audio
30th May 2021Trinity SundayYear BRevd Martin JohnsonImportance of the Trinity
23rd May 2021Day of PentecostYear BRevd Martin JohnsonKoinonia
16th May 2021Ascension DayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellCaught in the Updraft audio
9th May 2021Sixth Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Martin JohnsonLinkages
2nd May 2021St Philip and St James Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellPhilip, James and Knowing God audio
25th April 2021Fourth Sunday of Easter & ANZAC DayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellKnown unto God audio
18th April 2021Third Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Martin JohnsonResurrection and Identity
11th April 2021Second Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Martin JohnsonResurrection and Forgiveness
4th April 2021Easter DayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Resurrection: But What about the Eggs? audio
4th April 2021Easter VigilYear BRevd Martin JohnsonParticipating in the Resurrection
1st April 2021Maundy Thursday Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellBrave New World audio
29th March 2021Funeral of Bishop Bruce Wilson,|br /|delivered at St James King Street SydneyFuneralRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFuneral of Bishop Bruce Wilson audio
28th March 2021Palm Sunday or Passion SundayYear BRevd Martin JohnsonProcessions
21st March 2021Fifth Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Good News of the Cross audio
14th March 2021Fourth Sunday in LentYear BRevd Martin JohnsonCourage to await the Cross
7th March 2021Third Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellMarching to a Different Drummer audio
28th February 2021Second Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGiving Up and Taking Up in Lent audio
21st February 2021First Sunday in LentYear BRevd Martin JohnsonLenten trials
14th February 2021TransfigurationYear BRevd Martin JohnsonOur plans and God's plans
7th February 2021Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellExorcising Demonic Rivalry audio
31st January 2021Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonAnglican authority
24th January 2021Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonCommunal Sin, Communal Repentance
17th January 2021Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellEpiphany: Knowing and Being Known audio
10th January 2021Baptism of the Lord |01|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonTheophany and the Church Militant
3rd January 2021The Epiphany Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellStarlight, Star Bright audio
26th December 2021St Stephen's Day 2021Year CRevd Martin JohnsonSentimentality
25th December 2021Christmas DayYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellChristmas: Festival of Enchantment audio
24th December 2021Christmass Eve 2021Year CRevd Martin JohnsonA Christmas Carol
19th December 2021Fourth Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Visitation: Free at Last audio
12th December 2021Third Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Martin JohnsonJoy and Expectations
5th December 2021Second Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAdvent and Lockdown audio
28th November 2021First Sunday of AdventYear CRevd Martin JohnsonRecognising God in a Strange Land
21st November 2021Christ the King / The Reign of Christ |34| Year BRevd Martin JohnsonChrist the King 2021
7th November 2021Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |32|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellJoining the Silent Revolution audio
3rd November 2021Funeral of Dr Rosamund DalziellFuneralRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFuneral of Dr Rosamund Dalziell audio
2nd November 2021All Souls 2021 |30|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonAll Souls 2021
31st October 2021Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonAll Saints 2021
24th October 2021Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost |30|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonStumbling Blocks to Faith
17th October 2021Twenty First Sunday after Pentecost |29|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAchieving Recognition, Securing Differentiation audio
10th October 2021Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |28|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonGoodness needs humility
26th September 2021Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |26|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonJustice and Ecological Conversion
19th September 2021Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |25|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellForming Christian Character audio
12th September 2021Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonLooking for questions
5th September 2021Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAfter God's Heart audio
29th August 2021Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonNo place for ideology
22nd August 2021Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |21|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonGod-talk
15th August 2021Mary, Mother of Our Lord Revd Martin JohnsonCelebrating Mary
8th August 2021Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost |19|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonThe God who satisfies
25th July 2021Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |17|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonBread sanctified
1st August 2021Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |18|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellI am the bread of life audio
18th July 2021Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |16|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellAlternative Reality audio
11th July 2021Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |15|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonSpeaking Truth With Courage
4th July 2021Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |14|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellTo Comfort the Afflicted and Afflict the Comfortable audio
27th June 2021Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |13|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGod's Gift To Women audio
20th June 2021Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |12|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonStoicism
13th June 2021Third Sunday after Pentecost |11|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonBirds of a Feather
6th June 2021Second Sunday after Pentecost |10|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellBinding the Strong Man audio
30th May 2021Trinity SundayYear BRevd Martin JohnsonImportance of the Trinity
23rd May 2021Day of PentecostYear BRevd Martin JohnsonKoinonia
16th May 2021Ascension DayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellCaught in the Updraft audio
9th May 2021Sixth Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Martin JohnsonLinkages
2nd May 2021St Philip and St James Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellPhilip, James and Knowing God audio
25th April 2021Fourth Sunday of Easter & ANZAC DayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellKnown unto God audio
18th April 2021Third Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Martin JohnsonResurrection and Identity
11th April 2021Second Sunday of EasterYear BRevd Martin JohnsonResurrection and Forgiveness
4th April 2021Easter DayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Resurrection: But What about the Eggs? audio
4th April 2021Easter VigilYear BRevd Martin JohnsonParticipating in the Resurrection
1st April 2021Maundy Thursday Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellBrave New World audio
29th March 2021Funeral of Bishop Bruce Wilson,|br /|delivered at St James King Street SydneyFuneralRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFuneral of Bishop Bruce Wilson audio
28th March 2021Palm Sunday or Passion SundayYear BRevd Martin JohnsonProcessions
21st March 2021Fifth Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Good News of the Cross audio
14th March 2021Fourth Sunday in LentYear BRevd Martin JohnsonCourage to await the Cross
7th March 2021Third Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellMarching to a Different Drummer audio
28th February 2021Second Sunday in LentYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellGiving Up and Taking Up in Lent audio
21st February 2021First Sunday in LentYear BRevd Martin JohnsonLenten trials
14th February 2021TransfigurationYear BRevd Martin JohnsonOur plans and God's plans
7th February 2021Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellExorcising Demonic Rivalry audio
31st January 2021Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonAnglican authority
24th January 2021Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonCommunal Sin, Communal Repentance
17th January 2021Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02|Year BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellEpiphany: Knowing and Being Known audio
10th January 2021Baptism of the Lord |01|Year BRevd Martin JohnsonTheophany and the Church Militant
3rd January 2021The Epiphany Revd Canon Prof Scott CowdellStarlight, Star Bright audio