25 December 2004 | | Christmas Day | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Christmas
12 December 2004 | | Third Sunday of Advent | | Year A | | Chris Cheah | | A flower in the desert
5 December 2004 | | Second Sunday of Advent | | Year A | | Revd Linda Anchell | | The tasks before us
28 November 2004 | | First Sunday of Advent | | Year A | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Readiness for new beginnings
14 November 2004 | | Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |33| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | What is it you hope for?
7 November 2004 | | Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |32| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | God is the God of the living
31 October 2004 | | All Saints | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | A confident celebration
24 October 2004 | | Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |30| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Be like children
17 October 2004 | | Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |29| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Creating relevance
10 October 2004 | | Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Leprosy healed
3 October 2004 | | Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |27| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The assurance of things hoped for
26 September 2004 | | Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |26| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Invest in life
12 September 2004 | | Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners
5 September 2004 | | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Facing up to our real selves
29 August 2004 | | Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Humility
22 August 2004 | | Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |21| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The synagogue worship
8 August 2004 | | Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |19| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Hiroshima and the horrors of destruction
1 August 2004 | | Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |18| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Possessing munch but lacking everything
25 July 2004 | | Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |17| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Our prayers are indeed answered
18 July 2004 | | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |16| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Being with Jesus
11 July 2004 | | Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |15| | | Year C | | Revd Linda Anchell | | Measurement
4 July 2004 | | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |14| | | Year C | | Revd Jeannette McHugh | | Brave and free
27 June 2004 | | Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |13| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Friendship, family and frustration
20 June 2004 | | Third Sunday after Pentecost |12| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | What are you doing here?
13 June 2004 | | Pentecost 2 |11| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The post-Pentecost journey
6 June 2004 | | Trinity Sunday | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | D-Day and the divine mystery of God
30 May 2004 | | Day of Pentecost | | Year C | | Chris Cheah | | Air and fire
23 May 2004 | | Seventh Sunday of Easter | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The healing of a slave girl
16 May 2004 | | Sixth Sunday of Easter | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Anglicare Sunday
9 May 2004 | | Fifth Sunday of Easter | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Jesus doesn't play golf
2 May 2004 | | St Philip and St James | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Saint Philip, apostle and martyr
25 April 2004 | | Third Sunday of Easter | | Year C | | Chris Cheah | | Resurrection resonances
18 April 2004 | | Second Sunday of Easter | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Reassurance in doubt
11 April 2004 | | Easter Day | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The Lord is Risen! What does it all mean?
4 April 2004 | | Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Easter
28 March 2004 | | Fifth Sunday in Lent | | Year C | | Ken Batterham | | Offering ourselves
21 March 2004 | | Fourth Sunday in Lent | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Reconciliation
14 March 2004 | | Third Sunday in Lent | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Too much stuff
7 March 2004 | | Second Sunday in Lent | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Discover God's light in unusual places
22 February 2004 | | Transfiguration | | Year C | | Chris Cheah | | Judging and measuring
15 February 2004 | | Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Jesus on a level place
8 February 2004 | | Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Couldn't God find someone else?
1 February 2004 | | Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Jesus' policy speech
25 January 2004 | | Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Australia Day: challenges to a free and open society
18 January 2004 | | Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Water into wine
4 January 2004 | | The Epiphany | | | | Revd Jeannette McHugh | | Epiphany
25 December 2004 | | Christmas Day | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Christmas
12 December 2004 | | Third Sunday of Advent | | Year A | | Chris Cheah | | A flower in the desert
5 December 2004 | | Second Sunday of Advent | | Year A | | Revd Linda Anchell | | The tasks before us
28 November 2004 | | First Sunday of Advent | | Year A | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Readiness for new beginnings
14 November 2004 | | Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost |33| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | What is it you hope for?
7 November 2004 | | Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost |32| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | God is the God of the living
31 October 2004 | | All Saints | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | A confident celebration
24 October 2004 | | Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost |30| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Be like children
17 October 2004 | | Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost |29| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Creating relevance
10 October 2004 | | Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost |28| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Leprosy healed
3 October 2004 | | Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost |27| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The assurance of things hoped for
26 September 2004 | | Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost |26| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Invest in life
12 September 2004 | | Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost |24| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners
5 September 2004 | | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost |23| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Facing up to our real selves
29 August 2004 | | Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost |22| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Humility
22 August 2004 | | Twelth Sunday after Pentecost |21| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The synagogue worship
8 August 2004 | | Tenth Sunday after Pentecost |19| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Hiroshima and the horrors of destruction
1 August 2004 | | Ninth Sunday after Pentecost |18| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Possessing munch but lacking everything
25 July 2004 | | Eighth Sunday after Pentecost |17| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Our prayers are indeed answered
18 July 2004 | | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost |16| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Being with Jesus
11 July 2004 | | Sixth Sunday after Pentecost |15| | | Year C | | Revd Linda Anchell | | Measurement
4 July 2004 | | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost |14| | | Year C | | Revd Jeannette McHugh | | Brave and free
27 June 2004 | | Fourth Sunday after Pentecost |13| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Friendship, family and frustration
20 June 2004 | | Third Sunday after Pentecost |12| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | What are you doing here?
13 June 2004 | | Pentecost 2 |11| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The post-Pentecost journey
6 June 2004 | | Trinity Sunday | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | D-Day and the divine mystery of God
30 May 2004 | | Day of Pentecost | | Year C | | Chris Cheah | | Air and fire
23 May 2004 | | Seventh Sunday of Easter | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The healing of a slave girl
16 May 2004 | | Sixth Sunday of Easter | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Anglicare Sunday
9 May 2004 | | Fifth Sunday of Easter | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Jesus doesn't play golf
2 May 2004 | | St Philip and St James | | | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Saint Philip, apostle and martyr
25 April 2004 | | Third Sunday of Easter | | Year C | | Chris Cheah | | Resurrection resonances
18 April 2004 | | Second Sunday of Easter | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Reassurance in doubt
11 April 2004 | | Easter Day | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | The Lord is Risen! What does it all mean?
4 April 2004 | | Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Easter
28 March 2004 | | Fifth Sunday in Lent | | Year C | | Ken Batterham | | Offering ourselves
21 March 2004 | | Fourth Sunday in Lent | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Reconciliation
14 March 2004 | | Third Sunday in Lent | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Too much stuff
7 March 2004 | | Second Sunday in Lent | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Discover God's light in unusual places
22 February 2004 | | Transfiguration | | Year C | | Chris Cheah | | Judging and measuring
15 February 2004 | | Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany |06| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Jesus on a level place
8 February 2004 | | Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany |05| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Couldn't God find someone else?
1 February 2004 | | Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany |04| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Jesus' policy speech
25 January 2004 | | Third Sunday after the Epiphany |03| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Australia Day: challenges to a free and open society
18 January 2004 | | Second Sunday after the Epiphany |02| | | Year C | | Revd Rob Lamerton | | Water into wine
4 January 2004 | | The Epiphany | | | | Revd Jeannette McHugh | | Epiphany