Sermons : by calendar year

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25 December 2023Christmas DayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellChristmas Morning and the Hidden God
19 December 2023Funeral of James Kim 1946-2023Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell
17 December 2023Third Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellWitnesses to Jesus Christ
3 December 2023Advent SundayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellWhat's it to Be?
26 November 2023Christ the KingYear ARevd Martin JohnsonFrom the cosmic to the sheepfold
19 November 2023The Twenty-fifth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Wealth of the Kingdom
12 November 2023The Twenty-fourth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonRemembrance Sunday: Living in Hope
5 November 2023All SaintsYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellOn Sanctity and Temperament audio
29 October 2023The Twenty-second Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonKnowledge and Love
22 October 2023The Twenty-first Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonFaith and Politics
15 October 2023The Twentieth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Wedding Garment
8 October 2023The Nineteenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonIt's all about Christ
1 October 2023St Francis, friar and preacher, patron of ecologyYear ARevd Martin JohnsonPatron of ecology
24 September 2023The Seventeenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFreed from Anger and Resentment audio
17 September 2023The Sixteenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonOur Vision of the Kingdom
10 September 2023The Fifteenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonRecognise one another
3 September 2023The Fourteenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellVindication audio
20 August 2023The Twelfth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellIt's Just Not Natural! audio
6 August 2023The Tenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellVery Different Miracles in the Wilderness audio
3 August 2023Anglican Schools Australia Conference, Sermon for Morning PrayerYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Man Born Blind and the Anglican School audio
30 July 2023Ninth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonParables
23 July 2023Eighth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonEcclesia
16 July 2023The Seventh Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellLearning to Speak Christian audio
9 July 2023Sixth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonComfortable words
3 July 2023St Thomas's Day; Sermon at Mount Carmel PrioryYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellTouching Christ's Wounds
2 July 2023The Fifth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellReassurance for the Challenged audio
25 June 2023Fourth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonLoyal to a Future
18 June 2023The Third Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Voice Debate, the Zero-Sum Game, and the Christian Alternative audio
11 June 2023Second Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonSacramental Imagination
28 May 2023Pentecost SundayYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Pentecostal Spirit
28 May 2023Pentecost SundayYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellPentecost: The Organ, the Wind and the Organist; preached at St Paul's Manuka audio
21 May 2023Ascension SundayYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellJesus's Ascension: A Proclamation not a Projectile
14 May 2023Sixth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Martin JohnsonRenewing the ANU Chaplaincy
7 May 2023St Philip and St JamesYear ARevd Martin JohnsonWhy do we have a Patron?
30 April 2023Fourth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Martin JohnsonKoinonia and a Reserve Bank Theologian
23 April 2023Third Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Martin JohnsonA Road to Nowhere?
16 April 2023Second Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThrough hope our lives are blessed
9 April 2023Easter SundayYear ARevd Martin JohnsonKeep moving
9 April 2023Easter VigilYear ARevd Martin JohnsonA Celebration of Life
2 April 2023Palm Sunday of the Lord's PassionYear ARevd Martin JohnsonHosanna!
27 March 2023Morning Prayer, Virginia Theol. SeminaryYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellWhoever believes in him will not be put to shame ... audio
26 March 2023Fifth Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Threat of Resurrection
19 March 2023Fourth Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonSight, Insight, and Light
12 March 2023Third Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonSelf-justication's barriers
5 March 2023Second Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonAre we Prepared to Travel?
26 February 2023First Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonOnly when we trust can we begin to obey
22 February 2023Ash WednesdayYear ARevd Martin JohnsonWhere your treasure is, there will your heart be
19 February 2023TransfigurationYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Point of Being Christian
12 February 2023Sixth Sunday after EpiphanyYear ARevd Martin JohnsonReconciliation
5 February 2023Fifth Sunday after EpiphanyYear ARevd Martin JohnsonA Generous Orthodoxy
29 January 2023Fourth Sunday after EpiphanyYear ARevd Martin JohnsonA Place to Find Jesus
22 January 2023Third Sunday after EpiphanyYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellWhat's it Like When God is Revealed? audio
15 January 2023Second Sunday after EpiphanyYear ARevd Martin JohnsonMissional spirituality
1 January 2023The Naming and Circumcision of JesusYear ARevd Martin JohnsonTo know him that we may make him known
25 December 2023Christmas DayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellChristmas Morning and the Hidden God
19 December 2023Funeral of James Kim 1946-2023Revd Canon Prof Scott Cowdell
17 December 2023Third Sunday of AdventYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellWitnesses to Jesus Christ
3 December 2023Advent SundayYear BRevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellWhat's it to Be?
26 November 2023Christ the KingYear ARevd Martin JohnsonFrom the cosmic to the sheepfold
19 November 2023The Twenty-fifth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Wealth of the Kingdom
12 November 2023The Twenty-fourth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonRemembrance Sunday: Living in Hope
5 November 2023All SaintsYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellOn Sanctity and Temperament audio
29 October 2023The Twenty-second Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonKnowledge and Love
22 October 2023The Twenty-first Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonFaith and Politics
15 October 2023The Twentieth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Wedding Garment
8 October 2023The Nineteenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonIt's all about Christ
1 October 2023St Francis, friar and preacher, patron of ecologyYear ARevd Martin JohnsonPatron of ecology
24 September 2023The Seventeenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellFreed from Anger and Resentment audio
17 September 2023The Sixteenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonOur Vision of the Kingdom
10 September 2023The Fifteenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonRecognise one another
3 September 2023The Fourteenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellVindication audio
20 August 2023The Twelfth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellIt's Just Not Natural! audio
6 August 2023The Tenth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellVery Different Miracles in the Wilderness audio
3 August 2023Anglican Schools Australia Conference, Sermon for Morning PrayerYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Man Born Blind and the Anglican School audio
30 July 2023Ninth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonParables
23 July 2023Eighth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonEcclesia
16 July 2023The Seventh Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellLearning to Speak Christian audio
9 July 2023Sixth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonComfortable words
3 July 2023St Thomas's Day; Sermon at Mount Carmel PrioryYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellTouching Christ's Wounds
2 July 2023The Fifth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellReassurance for the Challenged audio
25 June 2023Fourth Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonLoyal to a Future
18 June 2023The Third Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellThe Voice Debate, the Zero-Sum Game, and the Christian Alternative audio
11 June 2023Second Sunday after PentecostYear ARevd Martin JohnsonSacramental Imagination
28 May 2023Pentecost SundayYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Pentecostal Spirit
28 May 2023Pentecost SundayYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellPentecost: The Organ, the Wind and the Organist; preached at St Paul's Manuka audio
21 May 2023Ascension SundayYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellJesus's Ascension: A Proclamation not a Projectile
14 May 2023Sixth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Martin JohnsonRenewing the ANU Chaplaincy
7 May 2023St Philip and St JamesYear ARevd Martin JohnsonWhy do we have a Patron?
30 April 2023Fourth Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Martin JohnsonKoinonia and a Reserve Bank Theologian
23 April 2023Third Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Martin JohnsonA Road to Nowhere?
16 April 2023Second Sunday of EasterYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThrough hope our lives are blessed
9 April 2023Easter SundayYear ARevd Martin JohnsonKeep moving
9 April 2023Easter VigilYear ARevd Martin JohnsonA Celebration of Life
2 April 2023Palm Sunday of the Lord's PassionYear ARevd Martin JohnsonHosanna!
27 March 2023Morning Prayer, Virginia Theol. SeminaryYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellWhoever believes in him will not be put to shame ... audio
26 March 2023Fifth Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Threat of Resurrection
19 March 2023Fourth Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonSight, Insight, and Light
12 March 2023Third Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonSelf-justication's barriers
5 March 2023Second Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonAre we Prepared to Travel?
26 February 2023First Sunday in LentYear ARevd Martin JohnsonOnly when we trust can we begin to obey
22 February 2023Ash WednesdayYear ARevd Martin JohnsonWhere your treasure is, there will your heart be
19 February 2023TransfigurationYear ARevd Martin JohnsonThe Point of Being Christian
12 February 2023Sixth Sunday after EpiphanyYear ARevd Martin JohnsonReconciliation
5 February 2023Fifth Sunday after EpiphanyYear ARevd Martin JohnsonA Generous Orthodoxy
29 January 2023Fourth Sunday after EpiphanyYear ARevd Martin JohnsonA Place to Find Jesus
22 January 2023Third Sunday after EpiphanyYear ARevd Canon Prof Scott CowdellWhat's it Like When God is Revealed? audio
15 January 2023Second Sunday after EpiphanyYear ARevd Martin JohnsonMissional spirituality
1 January 2023The Naming and Circumcision of JesusYear ARevd Martin JohnsonTo know him that we may make him known