Day Thirty Seven — Wednesday in Holy Week — 23 March

Hear our voice, O Lord, according to your faithful love.

Lectionary readings (Click the links to see the readings):
Isaiah 50.4-9 | Psalm 70 | Hebrews 12.1-3 | John 13.21-32

The anointing at Bethany

Come close with Mary, Martha, Lazarus,
So close the candles flare with their soft breath,
And kindle heart and soul to flame within us,
Lit by these mysteries of life and death.
For beauty now begins the final movement,
In quietness and intimate encounter,
The alabaster lar of precious ointment
Is broken open for the world's true lover.
The whole room richly fills to feast the senses
With all the yearning such a fragrance brings,
The heart is mourning but the spirit dances,
Here at the very centre of all things,
Here at the meeting place of love and loss
We all foresee and see beyond the cross.

—Malcolm Guite. Sounding the Seasons. Norwich: Canterbury, 2012, p. 35.


Douglas Blanchard. Jesus Preaches in the Temple.

J.S. Bach: St Matthew Passion BWV 244. Choral: Wer hat dich so geschlagen. Netherlands Bach Society, cond. Jos van Veldhoven

Mir hat die Welt trüglich gericht'
Mit Lügen und mit falschem G'dicht,
Viel Netz und heimlich Stricke.
Herr, nimm mein wahr in dieser G'fahr,
B'hüt mich für falschen Tücken!

The world has judged me deceitfully
With lies and with false utterance,
Many a snare and secret plot.
Lord, guard me in this danger,
Shield me from false deceits

May God our Redeemer show us compassion and love. Amen.

St Philip's Anglican Church, cnr Moorhouse and Macpherson Streets, O'Connor, ACT 2602
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