Parish Council

Planning work, 2022 & 23;

The Parish Council initiated a planning process in 2022 where we set some planning principles. We arranged a day in October 2022 to draw people together and dream about the future for St Philip’s.

We are keen to make sure that everyone who would like to has a chance to dream with us, add your input and ideas and join the thinking.

Please read this planning briefing to learn more.

Council membership and key points from Council meetings

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Key points from 2024 Parish Council meetings

July 2024

Electrical repairs. A contractor has recently completed repairs to the kindy wiring. The lights in the toilets are now operating and hot water system is now working.

Toilet hygiene repairs. Old soap dispensers in the toilets have been removed as they were rusted and had not been maintained.

Gardening. A gardener has done a wonderful job clearing the seed balls fallen from the London Plane tree and its leaves in the courtyard garden. Ian C has further plans for the gardener which involve the perimeter gardens. Parishioners have also been clearing autumn leaves, including from the Rectory garden.

Safety audit. The Safety & Risk Officer and the Repairs & Maintenance Officer plan to undertake the annual St Philip’s Safety Audit this weekend.

Baby change table. The damaged baby change table in the disabled toilet has been replaced.

Safe Ministry training. Ten folk associated with St Philip’s, largely Pandora’s volunteers, recently undertook in-person safe ministry training in the Lamerton Centre. From all reports it was a very positive occasion.

Courtyard seat. Parish Council is seeking a volunteer to coordinate the replacement of the courtyard seat. This one-off project will likely include conceptually designing a durable seat, identifying a suitable contractor, refining the design in collaboration with the contractor, obtaining a quote, liaising with Parish Council and supervising installation.

June 2024

Revd Emma advised of her future availability.
The celebration of Christmas in July was welcomed enthusiastically!
Laura will introduce a name badge initiative; listen to the announcements!

April 2024

Rectory renovation. Parish Council agreed to renovate the Rectory’s main bedroom to avoid temperature extremes and mould. This includes installing insulation into walls and ceiling, double glazing, a new reverse cycle air conditioner and an effective extractor fan in the ensuite. Consequential repairs will include resheeting, recarpeting, electricals and repainting.
Asset management. The Diocesan Director of Asset Management will visit the Parish to assist with the development of a Parish Asset Management Plan.
Kindergarten Licence. Council committed to renewing SPK’s licence which expires at the end of the year.
Kindergarten Roof. A contractor successfully completed significant repairs to the Kindergarten roof to prevent storm water incursions and to the Church’s high gutters.
Working bee thanks. Many thanks to the wonderful group of helpers who weeded, cleaned brass, cleaned windows, cleared leaves, removed cobwebs, fixed uneven paving in the Courtyard, cleaned Rectory walls and floors, and removed discarded items.

March 2024

The new Council elected Alistair as Chair, Mel as Treasurer and Brian as Secretary. Other key responsibilities and coordination roles were allocated as follows:

Buildings and Maintenance – Russell
Safety, Risk and Compliance – Laura, Kim B
Policy Development and Review – Lari, Kim B
Events and Food@St Philip's – Jane

A contractor has tidied up the Rectory yard, front and back.

February 2024

Working bee. Please join us on Saturday 23 March (8:30am–11:00am) to help clean up the Church precinct, weed the Rectory backyard and enjoy morning tea. Contact Russell.

Kindy doors. Council agreed to accept a quote to replace the main external doors to the kindy, (front, back and kitchen).

Kindy roof. Council agreed to accept a quote to upgrade the kindy box gutters and downpipes, install overflows for the courtyard gutter, and repair leaking joints and water damaged eaves. The projects includes repairing the high gutter on the Macpherson Street side of the church.

Mowing. Our contractor has resumed mowing the nature strip lawns. Many thanks to those who helped out over the holiday period.

Bamboo. Volunteers have cleared bamboo roots from the path behind the Lamerton Centre and re-laid the pavers, and re-laid protruding courtyard pavers.

Rectory. A contractor has cleaned the Rectory carpets.