The Parish Council initiated a planning process in 2022 where we set some planning principles. We arranged a day in October 2022 to draw people together and dream about the future for St Philip’s.
We are keen to make sure that everyone who would like to has a chance to dream with us, add your input and ideas and join the thinking.
Please read this planning briefing to learn more.
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December 2016
Parish Council warmly welcomed Revd. Martin to his first Parish Council meeting.
The 2017 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held after the 10am service on Sunday 26 February. Reports for the AGM should be submitted to Rev’d Martin no later than Sunday 5 February 2017.
Parishioners wishing to, or thinking of, serving on the Parish Council for 2017 should talk to Rev’d Martin well before the AGM.
Parish Council expressed its appreciation to Pandora’s for a further donation of $5000 to the Rectory renovation project. It also expressed support for Pandora’s contribution to the “Share the Dignity” charity and endorsed Pandora’s proposed support for the “Tuckerbox” program at our neighbouring parish of Holy Cross, Hackett.
Twenty extra bibles have been purchased for the pews.
Work by the contractor on the outside of the Rectory will continue over summer.
Needed repair work on the box gutter above the foyer end of the church is underway.
November 2016
Parish Council would like to thank the many parishioners who have participated in the 2016 National Church life survey. Survey forms can still be deposited in the foyer until the end of November and parishioners who have not yet done so are encouraged to complete a form. The results should be useful for the Parish as it focuses on the future and especially for our new Rector.
The ACT Government funds have been received to support Rev. Robin Moore’s Northbourne Ministry over the next year.
A lot of work has been completed on the outside of the Rectory. The large Chinese elm has been removed and a number of tree stumps ground. The unused water tank in the backyard left by Rebecca and David was sold for $400. The side fence plus wisteria and ivy have been removed ready for a replacement colourbond fence. The backyard has been cleared.
Inside the Rectory, the venetians, curtains, stove and carpet have been cleaned. The house has been sprayed for pests.
A reminder that at its December meeting, Parish Council will consider the next two year cycle of mission projects – local, national and international – for recommendation to the 2017 AGM. Any suggestions for projects for 2017 and 2018 should be passed to one of the Wardens.
October 2016
There is no further information at this stage on the likely arrival date of Rev. Martin Johnson and his wife Susan. He is going through the process of terminating his employment with the Army and they are both very much looking forward to making the move to St Philips.
The ACT Government has committed to support Rev. Robin Moore's Northbourne Ministry over the next year. This is a great relief to Robin (and the Parish Council) and represents significant community recognition of the value and impact of her ministry.
Parish Council has decided to participate in the 2016 National Church life survey, which the Parish has not done for a number of years. The survey will be held during November and more details will be in the pewsheet. The results should be useful for the Parish as it focusses on the future, and especially for our new Rector.
Work continues to proceed in the Rectory. Permission has been received to remove the large Chinese elm tree in the Rectory backyard as it is a structural risk to the house.
A big thank you from Parish Council to those who assisted at the Rectory Working Bee on Saturday 8 October. The last Working Bee on the Rectory garden and Church garden and interior will be from 0930 to 12 noon on Saturday 19 November.
At its December meeting, Parish Council will consider the next two-year cycle of mission projects—local, national and international—for recommendation to the 2017 AGM. Any suggestions for projects for 2017 and 2018 should be passed to one of the Wardens.
September 2016
Parish Council warmly welcomed the appointment of the Rev. Martin Johnson as the new Rector of St. Philips and very much looks forward to welcoming Martin and Susan in person to the Parish. The Council greatly appreciated the work of the Clergy Appointment Board and Rev. Colin’s willingness during the long process to continue to serve as Locum.
Further information on Martin and Susan’s arrival will be provided in due course.
The completion of the Rectory renovation program remains a priority. There are a number of tasks to be completed outside the Rectory. These are in hand and will be progressed as soon as our chosen tradesman is available.
A further Rectory Working Bee will be held from 10am to noon on Saturday 8 October to progress work in the garden.
Parish Council thanked Roger Sharp for his efforts in finalising the new Parish signage which will enable the Parish to communicate better with the local community and visitors.
The Davidsons who have led the Youth Group since 2012 have advised Parish Council that they will no longer be in a position to fulfil this role from the end of Term 3 (late September). Parish Council expressed its deep appreciation and admiration for their leadership and work over the last four years in forming and growing the Youth Group.
August 2016
The Diocesan Synod will be held in Goulburn from 9-11 September. St. Philips will be represented by Rev'ds Colin and Robin and by Philippa Wicks, Rosemary Knight and Vicki Luker.
The Parish has had limited success in its application from local clubs but we are grateful for their support. We still await word from ACT Housing for funding for the Northbourne Community Centre program. Northbourne Committee will meet on 19 August to review the future of the program. Parish Council would continue to value your prayers for a sustainable future for Robin Moore's Northbourne Community Centre ministry.
The car park resurfacing is complete. We are continuing to fix eaves, drains and some shared sewerage problems with the kindergarten.
Any update on Parish signage. We will see new signage in the next few weeks, weather permitting.
At mid-year, the Parish’s running costs budget is in a reasonable state, partly due to lower expenditure and partly because we are not paying for a full time Rector. The second half of the year will see increased expenditure on maintenance of drains, sewerage line and the car park as well as upgraded signage around the church which was planned as part of the Lamerton Centre project. The rectory internal work is complete except for the final carpet cleaning. However, the outside work has still to be done. This includes the pergolas, some guttering/roofing issues, tree maintenance and fencing. Rectory costs will continue to be met from the Carola Parke Bequest.
July 2016
The Parish has been unsuccessful in its application from Hands Across Canberra for funding for the Northbourne Community Centre program. We are awaiting advice from three local clubs as to whether any funding will be forthcoming and advice of possible funding from ACT Housing. In the meantime Parish Council has decided to provide emergency funding for the program until the end of August. Parish Council would value your prayers for a sustainable future for Robin Moore’s Northbourne Community Centre ministry.
After a month’s trial, Parish Council has finalised arrangements with Thu Zar Cleaning Services for weekly cleaning of the church.
The five year inspection of the Solar Inverter has been completed. Issues that arose with the drains after recent heavy rain are being attended to. There is also work required on the eaves at the two main entrances to the church.
In addition, there is a blockage of tree roots in the sewer from the church hall and Parish Council and the Kindergarten are addressing the issue.
The Parish members of the Clergy Appointment Board are continuing to work on behalf of the Parish to find a new rector but the process is unfortunately lengthy.
Parish Council would value your continued prayers for the appointment of a new Rector and for our children’s ministry.
June 2016
Parish Council underlines the importance of Safe Ministry training as a part of Diocesan governance and urges all those who are required to have this training to undertake it or, as necessary, attend a refresher course.
Rev. Colin has recently convened the Pastoral Care Group to review how it is operating.
Parish Council would value your prayers for the appointment of a new Rector and for children’s ministry (see below).
Parish Council continues to work on the Rectory renovation project and is currently focusing on the exterior of the building, particularly roofing, fencing and landscaping issues. Pandora’s donation of $5000 to the Rectory renovation project is most appreciated.
There remain vacancies for some additional voluntary assistance in the Parish Office and for the cleaning of the church linen. Anyone willing to assist with these duties should speak to Rev. Colin or a Parish Warden.
May 2016
The following dates have been set as Mission Sundays: 5 June for our local mission Canberra Common Ground homelessness project, 7 August for our national mission Wontulp-Bi-Buya College ABM project in Cairns and 9 October for our international mission the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital ABM project in Gaza.
Parish Council commended the high standard of the St Philip’s website which is a standout amongst Diocesan parishes and is a wonderful repository of information. Council thanked all involved.
A professional cleaner has been engaged on a month’s trial to do the main elements of cleaning. There will remain a few voluntary tasks to be done periodically and at Parish working bees. Parish Council is most appreciative of the voluntary cleaning work done by parishioners over a number of months.
There remain vacancies for voluntary assistance in the Parish Office and for the cleaning of the church linen. Anyone willing to assist with these duties should speak to Rev. Colin or a Parish Warden.
The problem with a couple of heaters on the right hand side of the church has been rectified.
April 2016
Efforts are continuing to find replacement funding for the St. Philips Care program at the Northbourne Community Centre.
There remain vacancies for voluntary assistance in the Parish Office and for the cleaning of the church linen. Anyone willing to assist with these duties should speak to Rev. Colin or a Parish Warden.
The renovation of the interior of the Rectory is essentially complete. There remains some general cleaning, especially the carpets. The Rectory will be open for viewing by parishioners on St. Philips Day 1 May after the 10am service.
Over the coming months work will be needed on the Rectory fences and pergola and in the Rectory garden.
There will be a Rectory garden Working Bee on Saturday 14 May from 9am to 12 noon.
March 2016
The new Council elected Ian Cousins: Chair; Shane Woodburn: Treasurer and Rebecca Palethorpe: Secretary. Tim Gulliver was appointed Building and Maintenance Co-coordinator; Rebecca Palethorpe as Children's and Youth Ministry Co-coordinator, Roger Sharp: Safety Officer (Diocesan requirement); Leighton Mann: Parish Communications & Events Co-coordinator; Rosemary Knight: Northbourne Community Co-coordinator.
Points of contact responsibilities have been allocated amongst the new Council members and a revised note will be placed on the Noticeboard.
There is an annual survey of the membership of parish subgroups - the Liturgy Committee, the St. Philip's Care Management Committee, Pandora's Management Committee, Food@ St Philips and the Children and Youth Ministry Support Group. Parishioners wishing to serve, or to continue to serve, on any of these committees should make their interest known to a Warden or any other Parish Councillor.
The Parish Council will also survey the valuable roles performed for the Parish by various individuals, namely, Youth Group Coordinator, Parish Office, Newsletter/Pewsheet, Sacristan and Assistant Sacristan, Cleaning, Website, Parish Calendar, Banking, Rosters Coordinator, Linen, Flowers Coordinator and Spring Fling Coordinator. Parishioners wishing to serve, or to continue to serve, in any of these roles should make their interest known to a Warden or any other Parish Councillor.
Key issues before the Council this year, in addition to the normal running of the Parish, will be: completing the rectory renovation project; children's ministry; and assisting Rev. Robin to sustain the Northbourne Community program.
In addition there is the Clergy Appointment Board process involving our Parish representatives Denise Manley, Chris Cheah and Ian Cousins.
February 2016
Parish Council considered the agenda and papers for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held after the 10am service on Sunday 28 February.
After the normal business and elections, the AGM will have two general business items: Rectory Renovation Update and Report on Carola Parke Bequest.
The meeting business will be handled as quickly as possible and it is hoped that as many parishioners as possible can remain for the important general business items.
St Philips March Market will be held on Saturday 19 March from 8am to 12 noon. The market will include Garage sale, cooking/produce/plant stall(s), Pandora's $2 sale, morning tea & BBQ — more details soon (Leighton will co-ordinate this event).