The Parish Council initiated a planning process in 2022 where we set some planning principles. We arranged a day in October 2022 to draw people together and dream about the future for St Philip’s.
We are keen to make sure that everyone who would like to has a chance to dream with us, add your input and ideas and join the thinking.
Please read this planning briefing to learn more.
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November 2010
The Parish Council will conduct its annual review of Rebecca's and Robin's covenants in December.
The Council plans to finalise its review of our missions program at its last meeting of the year on 8 December. Please pass any suggestions for projects to support to Rebecca or a Parish Councillor.
It is pleasing that three of the five identified refurbishment priorities – the solar panels, the disabled ramps and the new parquetry flooring in the sanctuary - have now been completed. The panels are generating about 23kw per day.
The Council has decided to arrange an energy audit for the church, church hall and rectory to see if there are ways to reduce our electricity consumption.
A calendar of events for 2011 is now being put together. 2011 is the 50th anniversary of the opening of the church building.
October 2010
Rebecca is on leave until 31 October and will then attend the Clergy Retreat. She will be back in the Parish on the evening of Friday 5 November.
The new Parish brochure has been printed and is available in the foyer.
Work on the new parquetry floor in the sanctuary has begun and should be
finished by the end of next week.
Fiona and Ben are doing a wonderful job on the organisation of this year's
Twilight Fair to be held on Saturday 13 November. If you would like to help with the Fair in some way, please contact Fiona or Ben or one of the stall coordinators.
A Working Bee will be held on Saturday 6 November to spruce up the church and grounds prior to the Fair. Please put the date in your diary.
September 2010
A new parish brochure had been put together and will be published this month.
The solar panels have now been installed on the Church Hall roof and disabled ramps constructed at the front and back entrances to the church.
Unfortunately our application for a grant from ACT Heritage for the replacement of the parquetry floor in the sanctuary was unsuccessful. However Pandora's has generously agreed to fund a new parquetry floor as well as the disabled ramps.
The current sanctuary floor will be replaced with new parquetry in the same Tasmanian oak. Work is not expected to start until October.
This means that by the end of 2010 we will have taken action on three of the five items identified as priorities by the Parish at the beginning of the year.
Funds from the Twilight Fair will be allocated to renovate the courtyard and car park to better serve the needs of the community. Given the busy November/December period, action on the courtyard and car park will not be possible until 2011.
August 2010
The Parish Council has begun a review of the mission projects we support. The projects at the international, national and local levels have remained the same for many years. If you have suggestions or thoughts on missions, please pass them to a Parish councilor. We will complete the present funding cycle and the results of the review will be presented to the next AGM.
The ACT Deafness Resource Centre is helping churches to install hearing loops. The loop connects to the PA System. The Parish Council has decided to accept an offer for a free two week trial. Adequate advance notice will be provided of when the trial will start.
Research has been completed on the proper specifications for disabled ramps to facilitate entry to the church and quotes are now being obtained.
July 2010
As part of its review of outreach, the Parish Council is looking at the way we provide information about St. Philip's and its activities and the way we welcome visitors and newcomers. This includes brochures on St. Philip’s, church notice boards, updating the Parish Calendar more regularly and making it and brochures more available, email distribution lists, the website and disabled ramps. Any ideas parishioners have would be welcome.
In its mid-year review of the parish budget, the Council noted that:
* Parish expenditure to date is some $5,000 below that projected for the end of July.
* But it needs to be remembered that our budget is based on a planned deficit for the year of $10,500.
* And there is urgent expenditure required over the next month on the Kindergarten roof and associated drainage.
∗ On the income side of the budget, giving is approximately $3,500 below where it was projected to be by the end of July.
∗ Overall, the budget is in reasonable shape at the moment.
∗ The Council encourages parishioners to review their giving at least once per year.
Pandora's is looking at funding an additional storage shed for its operations to be located between Pandora,s and the QE2.
St. Philip's Care at the Northbourne Community Centre is currently well-funded thanks to generous support from the Wellness Foundation, The Snow Foundation and ADRA. The solar panels will be installed on the Church Hall roof in early September. The Council has obtained professional landscaping advice on the options for the car park surface.
June 2010
The Parish Council has again discussed the way to develop "a multi-year plan to build and grow the Parish and its mission" as set out in the Covenant between Rebecca and the Parish.
It is establishing a Planning Group to facilitate the process, which will hold its first meeting later this month. Further information on the process, how it will evolve and the ways in which parishioners will be able to contribute will be provided by the end of June.
The Council has now decided not to participate in "Back to Church Sunday" this year. On reflection, it considered that, with all the demands on the Parish at the moment, it would not be possible to run a properly organised program and attend the Diocesan training courses, which take place in July.
May 2010
The Parish Council has had a first discussion on how to develop "a multi-year plan to build and grow the Parish and its mission" as set out in the Covenant between Rebecca and the Parish. The aim is to complete consultations and reach agreement on a plan by mid 2011 if possible. Further Council discussion and consultations will be needed before finalising details of the process but it will be very much one with opportunities for all parishioners to contribute.
The Council has agreed that St. Philip's will participate in "Back to Church Sunday" on 29 August.
The Council has submitted an order for a 3.74KW solar electricity generation system. The system will be erected on the roof of the Church Hall over the next two months or so. It has been possible to fund this purchase from the generous donations of parishioners. See the accompanying note in the pewsheet.
An application has been submitted to ACT Heritage for a dollar for dollar grant to replace the parquet floor in the sanctuary with new parquet in the same Tasmanian oak. Successful applicants will be advised in September. In the meantime, parishioners using the sanctuary should be alert to loose pieces of parquet and take care.
The Twilight Community Fair will be held on Saturday 13 November. Ben and Fiona Dyer have very kindly offered to coordinate the Fair this year.
April 2010
On the basis of a number of donations, the Council has decided in principle to proceed with the installation of solar electricity generating panels for the church. The necessary detailed quotations and approvals will now be sought. The panels will be funded entirely from the donations.
The other four items on the priority refurbishment list are continuing to receive attention but have not yet reached the stage where a final decision on a course of action can be taken. The Council is also grateful for indications of donations for refurbishment action on the car park.
An asbestos inspection of the Church and Kindergarten has recently been conducted as required under ACT Occupational Health and Safety legislation. The results indicated a low risk level for all areas identified and the material involved has a very low potential for the release of asbestos fibres. The only action recommended is periodic inspection.
A protective sail for the vacant silk banner will be erected on 20 April to slow down the deterioration of the remaining silk banners in the church, which are in memory of Rebecca Oliphant. The sail has been funded by the Oliphant and Palmer families.
At its next meeting on 12 May the Council will begin preparatory discussions on how to develop a multi-year plan later in the year to build and grow the Parish and its mission.
March 2010
The Council elected Ian Cousins as Chair, Shane Woodburn as Treasurer and Helen Palethorpe as Secretary.
The Council adopted the Parish budget for 2010 with an operating deficit of $16,850 (down from $23,000 in the AGM papers).
New liaison responsibilities have been allocated amongst the new Parish Council members and a revised note will be placed on the Noticeboard.
The Council agreed to erect a disabled parking sign in the car park.
The Council discussed the results of the 2010 church refurbishment survey. The top five items nominated by parishioners were: the courtyard, the parquet floor in the sanctuary, disabled ramps, solar panels and the car park.
The latter two — the car park and solar panels —would be substantial projects in terms of cost and could not be met by Parish funds. It will only be possible to proceed with these items if there are substantial donations. Please advise Helen Palethorpe by Sunday 11 April if you intend to make a donation to enable Parish Council to decide the way forward on these items at its next meeting.
Quotations for disabled ramps are being obtained. The Council will investigate the possibility of $ for $ ACT Heritage funding for the restoration of the parquet in the sanctuary.
The Council is awaiting the outcome of the Kindergarten management committee meeting on 25 March to learn of any Kindergarten proposals this year relating to the courtyard.
The Council expressed its appreciation to Leighton and his helpers for the wonderful refurbishment of storage in the foyer.
February 2010
Rebecca will commence her ANU Chaplaincy work next week and Linda Anchell will be the St. Philip's representative on the ANU Chaplaincy Board.
The annual AGM will be held on Sunday 28 February immediately after the 10am service.
Nomination forms are available in the foyer for Parish Warden and Parish Councilor positions. Nominations should be lodged in the AGM box in the foyer by Sunday 21 February.
AGM reports should preferably be made available in the foyer by Sunday 21 February.
In the foyer is a draft 2010 church refurbishment program and parishioners are invited to indicate their top five priorities on the form and to place it in the AGM box in the foyer by Sunday 7 March. This date will allow parishioners who cannot attend the AGM to submit their views.
After the formation of the next Parish Council, consideration will need to be given to the re-formation of Parish sub-groups that report to the Council. Parishioners will be invited to express any interest in participating in any of the groups.
The Council has adopted Guidelines on the Safe Use of Church Premises. It will be part of the AGM reports and a copy placed on the notice board.
The Council approved plans to upgrade the storage and noticeboard facilities in the Foyer.