The Parish Council initiated a planning process in 2022 where we set some planning principles. We arranged a day in October 2022 to draw people together and dream about the future for St Philip’s.
We are keen to make sure that everyone who would like to has a chance to dream with us, add your input and ideas and join the thinking.
Please read this planning briefing to learn more.
| 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | All |
November 2023
Invoices for the work on the hall have been finalised.
Sleepers and other timber have been removed from the precinct.
The administration of our ‘Safe Ministries’ compliancy is ongoing. We are assisting parishioners in fulfilling these requirements.
The missing flashing on two stanchions on the Macpherson Street side of the church have been replaced.
Work on the gardens: elimination of bamboo, hedge trimming etc has been undertaken.
The Council is liaising with the Locum Emma Street in preparation for the beginning of her ministry.
October 2023
Locum rector. Parish Council and a member of our Clergy Appointments Board met with Archdeacon Paul Cohen to discuss the appointment of a Locum by the Bishop and from there the process of seeking a new Rector for the parish.
Kindy mould and termite damage. The termite treatment and consequential repair work has been successfully completed. The SPK Early Learning Centre is back up and running after a week’s shut down. Parish Council and SPK are reviewing invoices and seeking advice about what aspects are covered by insurance.
Timber sleepers. An energetic band of labourers has removed the timber sleepers from the garden edges to reduce the risk of further termite incursions. Concrete sleepers will be laid in due course.
Hot water system. The leak from the hot water system in the disabled toilet has been fixed. However, a separate electrical issue, as yet unresolved, is interrupting hot water to the Lamerton Centre.
Safe Ministry training. Parish Council members and relevant clergy will participate in Safe Ministry training to complete Module 3 requirements. The training covers implementation of Diocesan Safe Ministry Policy, Protocols and Procedures including the Child Safe Standards, Reportable Conduct Scheme, screening of workers, Grievance Procedure, Professional Standards and Ministry to Persons of Concern.
September 2023
There will be a special general meeting at 11:15am on Sunday 15 October to hold an election to fill a vacancy on the Parish Clergy Appointment Board. If serving in this role interests you, please contact Revd Johnson.
Council is organising a working bee in November to replace the timber garden edges with concrete sleepers. This initiative will eliminate a source of termite tucker.
The ACT Government has installed a new fence at the rear of the church property at no cost to the Parish. The installation is part of the Government’s redevelopment of the adjoining land.
The Parish will hold its annual Advent Dinner on Saturday evening 25 November. The dinner will double as an occasion to celebrate Martin and Susan’s ministries among us and to farewell them.
Parishioners are encouraged to join together at the 10am service on Sunday 26 November, which will be Martin’s last service. Martin will officiate at the 8am service as usual.
August 2023
The Council are working alongside the Kinder Committee to restore the Staff amenities room following an infestation of Black Mould. Insurance claims are being investigated.
The Kinder will close briefly in September to enable work to commence in rectifying damage caused by under floor Termite infestation. At this stage $20,000 has been set aside, however until the floor is lifted the full extent of the damage and the resultant cost is unknown. The Council are considering fund raising efforts should the damage be significant and costly. At this stage there are no plans to draw down funds from the Carola Parke bequest.
The Parish continues to be subject to scamming attempts via phone, mail and email. The Council is alert to these attempts and will report them to the appropriate authorities as they arise.
The Draft Risk Management Framework was tabled along with the results of a Safety Audit on the precinct.
Plans are ongoing for the replacement of the Courtyard seating and the removal of the old railway sleepers bordering the garden beds, these will be replaced with concrete sleepers.
July 2023
Kim Fitt, Director of St Philip’s Kindergarten, Early Learning Centre, met with Parish Council to strengthen ties and to discuss upcoming termite treatment. Our relationship with SPK goes back some 35 years to when St Philip’s Kindergarten commenced operations in the church hall.
Pandora's. Council noted that Pandoras raised $1000 for the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre.
Sunday 10am congregation survey. Parish Council noted the pleasing number of survey completions. The online survey will remain open until Friday 28 July.
New EFTPOS terminals. Square® contactless EFTPOS terminals have been installed in the church, Lamerton Centre & Pandora’s. This will save on transaction fees and parishioners will find the new terminals easier to use.
Building valuations. Council is participating in a Diocesan initiative that provides cost effective desktop insurance valuations for our buildings.
Courtyard seat. Council agreed to replace the courtyard seat which rot has made unsafe.
Rectory Tree. A tree surgeon pruned the liquidambar tree in the rectory front yard to remove limbs at risk of dropping on the rectory and the neighbour’s deck.
Church garden. Ian and Russell devoted a day to maintaining the church garden, which included mid-winter pruning and seasonal leaf removal.
Monthly prayer point: We pray for the renewal of our Parish and the Church in every land.
May 2023
Termite treatment: A contractor has completed treatment of the termite infestation around the church and office. As recommended by the contractor, Council has decided to replace all timber sleepers with concrete sleepers and lower the level of garden mulch against walls and A-frame beams.
Parish Covenant: Council decided that consistent with the practice in other Parishes, St Philip’s will not enter into a new Covenant between the Rector, the Parish and the Bishop. The last 3-year Covenant expired in February 2023. Council further resolved that the existing Covenant will be repurposed as a Parish planning document. In its view, even if no longer a Diocesan requirement, the document remains a valuable resource.
ANU relationship: St Philip’s ties with the ANU continue to strengthen. The Parish Planning Day generated enthusiasm for strengthening our relationship with ANU and making better use of Parish facilities. Council is assisting with arrangements for St Philip’s to host a choral concert later in the year. Rev’d Martin continues to serve as Secretary to the ANU Chaplaincy Board, which is about to move into the ANU’s new Multifaith Centre.
Monthly prayer point: Over this month let us pray ‘Thy Kingdom Come.’ Resources and links will be posted in the pew sheet.
April 2023
Common Cup: Parish Council agreed to re-introduce the Common Cup and kneeling at the altar rail from 7 May. Communion by intinction will also be offered as usual.
Gospel reading: Council agreed to resume the proclamation of the Gospel from the centre aisle.
Parish Plan 2023–25: Council adopted the St Philip’s Parish Plan 2023–25 and agreed to begin implementation immediately.
Termite treatment: A contractor is scheduled to treat the termite infestation affecting the church this weekend - 15–16 April. The contractor will treat the Kindy over multiple weekends once a convenient date has been agreed.
Rectory tree: Council agreed to liaise with ACT Government regarding options to manage the liquidambar tree in the rectory front garden.
At this year’s AGM we were asked to consider a draft Parish Plan for 2023-2025. Parish Council has adopted and will be integrated into our strategies and projects. As a reminder these five elements were seen as central to our ongoing life together: spiritual, worship, missional, community and financial. At each meeting we will be using one or more of these ‘nudges’ to guide our discussions. In the Sunday pew sheet there will be news and reflections on the projects that we are undertaking that align with our plan.
March 2023
Parish Council roles: Parish Council agreed the following role allocations for 2023:
Termite treatments: A contractor is scheduled to treat the termite infestation affecting the church about 14–15 April. Council is considering a treatment plan for the kindy.
Rectory tree: Council is considering the best long-term strategy to manage the camphor laurel tree at the front of the rectory. A falling limb recently caused significant damage.
Kindy signage: Council approved a request from SPK Early Learning Centre to replace and install additional signage on our street frontages.
Monthly prayer point: In our prayers this month let us adopt a contemplative method.
February 2023
Annual General Meeting — At its meeting on 8 February, the Parish Council considered the agenda and papers for the AGM to be held at 11.15am sharp on Sunday 26 February.
Elections — In addition to Parish Council elections, there are vacancies for Synod Representatives and Alternates for the 2023, 2024 and 2025 cycle and for Parish members of the Clergy Appointment Board for the same period.
The AGM will have two important general business items:
Carola Parke Bequest Report
Draft Parish Plan 2023–25
Voluntary roles – Parishioners are reminded that voluntary parish roles are renewed after each AGM. If any parishioners would like to take on a voluntary role in 2023 or are thinking about doing so, please talk to Rev’d Martin or any Parish Councillor.
Monthly prayer point — See the Prayer in the pew sheet