Parish Council

Planning work, 2022 & 23;

The Parish Council initiated a planning process in 2022 where we set some planning principles. We arranged a day in October 2022 to draw people together and dream about the future for St Philip’s.

We are keen to make sure that everyone who would like to has a chance to dream with us, add your input and ideas and join the thinking.

Please read this planning briefing to learn more.

Council membership and key points from Council meetings

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Key points from Council meetings 2021

December 2021

Singing – Parish Council unanimously agreed that singing will resume at the 10am Eucharist from next Sunday, 19 December and be part of Christmas services – Midnight Mass, Christmas morning and Boxing Day, with the additional precaution that those singing must wear a mask.
The 8am Eucharist will continue with our long-standing tradition of being a said service.
This decision sought to balance the strong appetite for singing with the added risk this poses, especially for parishioners whose health is particularly vulnerable to COVID. It followed a lengthy discussion which considered the issue from numerous viewpoints. Some parishioners who wish not to sing may feel more comfortable sitting on the right side of the nave towards the back. If you have any concerns, please contact Martin.

The Parish has purchased a new iMac computer for the office. The current computer is nearly 9 years old and is beginning to show its age. Over the next month or so the computer will be installed and plans made for archiving and data management.

Annual General Meeting – Council agreed the following dates in the lead up to our AGM in February 2022:
Deadline for reports - 6 Feb
Report distribution - 13 Feb
Annual General Meeting - 27 Feb
Parish Council is making plans for next year’s AGM. If you are responsible for a report please be mindful of the deadlines above. If you can offer your time and talents as a Warden or Councillor speak to Martin.

November 2021

A new replacement 4kW solar system has been installed on the Kindergarten roof. Its installation involved several environmentally-responsible decisions, including: recycling the old panels, making use of the existing near-new inverter and forgoing the sale of additional renewable energy certificates (to which the Parish was entitled, but wanted to avoid legitimising further carbon pollution for no commensurate carbon saving).

Council agreed to increase church seating capacity from 45 to 65 in line with the ACT Government’s relaxed COVID regulations.

Council has scheduled a working bee on Saturday 4 December between 9am and 11am to tidy and maintain the church grounds.

Housing ACT will schedule a date to remove the invasive bamboo from 3 Burt St once it has heard from the National Zoo and Aquarium, to which it has first offered the bamboo for the Zoo’s pandas.

October 2021

Council agreed to resume worship services progressively while maintaining online services (see main note in pew sheet). With an expectation of receiving additional Diocesan advice, Council is planning to meet again this coming week to discuss the way forward for other Parish ministries.

Council agreed to accept a quote from ACT Smart Electrical & Solar to replace the solar panels on Kindy roof with a 3.96kW system that will connect with our existing new inverter. Work is expected to commence shortly. Steve Palethorpe will continue working on a larger solar project on the Kindy roof with a view to securing financial benefits for the Parish and environmental benefits for the wider community.

Parish Council finalised its consideration of St Philip’s online presence. It is grateful to Brian McKinlay for his ongoing stewardship of our web site and for initiating a suite of improvements, including by making it more mobile friendly.

New sensor lights have been installed in the carpark.

ACT Housing has agreed to remove the bamboo on their property 3 Burt Street, which is damaging Parish facilities.

September 2021

Parish Council considered the operation of the Parish during the current lockdown. It is monitoring advice from the ACT Government and the Diocese in the lead up to Parish activities scheduled before Christmas.

Contractors have completed the annual testing and tagging of the Parish’s electrical equipment and testing of the Parish’s fire extinguishers.

Other non-essential repairs and maintenance of the church and rectory are currently on hold while the COVID-19 lockdown is in force.

August 2021

Parish Council agreed to proactively assist Parishioners who would like a COVID-19 vaccination, but who have found it difficult to organise.

Contractors have been engaged to inspect and service the air-conditioning units at the Lamerton Centre and the rectory, to repair the lighting in the car park and to undertake the regular Testing and Tagging of our electrical appliances.

The steps to the Lamerton Centre have been replaced with more durable and lower maintenance material.

Council completed a stocktake and replenishment of the first aid kits in the church and Lamerton Centre. Alison has agreed to be the Parish First Aid Officer.

As one of its strategic deep-dives, Council began discussing St Philip’s online presence (website, Facebook and YouTube). It noted with gratitude the excellent work of our webmasters: Brian, Chris and Leighton.

July 2021

The annual inspection of the rectory, internal and external, has been completed and Parish Council is completing minor repairs and maintenance.

The annual inspection of St Philip’s Church buildings and grounds has been completed in accordance with the Diocese’s WHS Inspection Form. Parish Council agreed to progress a schedule of repairs and maintenance items.

Council agreed to have the Parish’s electrical equipment and leads tagged and tested in accordance with Worksafe ACT regulations and to accept a quote to replace the broken sensor lights to the carpark.

Parishioners are advised to avoid the path along the western side of the church while it is wet and slippery. Council is considering options to manage the relatively large volume of water that it carries in heavy rain.

The gutters on the church hall and rectory have been cleaned.

Pandora’s recently strengthened its eco-credentials to ensure all its clothing donations are given another stylish life. Donations beyond those matching its specialist eco-style are being further sorted and processed by Anglicare Retail.

Parish Council opened discussions on ways to celebrate St Philip’s 60th anniversary in December.

June 2021

At its meeting on 9 June, the Parish Council considered the implications of new interstate COVID-19 community transmissions. Sidespeople are reminded to ask worshippers if they have been outside the ACT or in contact with anyone who has.

Parish Council has reviewed the Parish computer and agreed to purchase a new one for the Parish Office to replace the existing one which is 10 years old. Council will continue reviewing the Parish’s IT needs and infrastructure to better support our mission objectives.

Council is exploring ways to resume weekly videoing of the Eucharist for Parishioners who are unable to join us in person and to connect with people around the world who are seeking to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.

The next St Philip’s Spring Fling will be held on Saturday 23 October 2021.

The steps to the Lamerton Centre will be replaced with a more durable material to avoid the need for regular painting.

The Diocese is organising clergy/ministry spouses’ events during the coming year to facilitate their well-being in their own and their spouse’s ministry, to meet up with colleagues in the Diocese and to say thank you. Parish Council agreed to support Susan’s attendance at any of these events.

May 2021

Parish Council agreed that the laminated Eucharist sheets will be reintroduced today. Use of prayer books, hymn books and the offertory plate will resume on Sunday, 23 May. Please contact Rev’d Martin if you have any concerns.

Work has commenced on fixing the carpark lighting.

Council is working to reinstate the children’s space at the back of the church and to provide activity sheets for pre and primary school children.

April 2021

Parish Council is updating our COVIDSafe Plan to reflect the recommencement of singing, in line with advice from the Diocese, and the ACT Government’s easing of some restrictions relating to the density of people allowed in community facilities (such as the Lamerton Centre).

St. Philip’s will resume using hymn books, prayer books and the laminated Eucharist sheets, but will ensure that each item is not used more than once every seven days. A printed order of service that includes the hymns for the 10am service will still be available for parishioners who would prefer to continue worshipping in this way. This is subject to advice from Dr David Tscharke.

A program of minor repairs and maintenance to the Rectory has commenced.

Parish Council discussed how St. Philip's ministry for children has changed in recent years, especially since COVID. Rev'd. Martin and members of Parish Council will further consider what it means to be ‘family friendly’ and are keen to hear parishioners’ suggestions about ways to make services more family friendly.

March 2021

The new Council elected Alistair Davidson as Chair, Shane Woodburn as Treasurer and Rebecca Palethorpe as Secretary. Points of contact responsibilities have been allocated among Council members and a revised note will be placed on the Noticeboard.

A number of vacancies remain in key leadership positions: a people’s Warden, a Parish Council member and a Parish Safety and Risk Officer (who might also serve on Parish Council). People interested in serving in these roles should contact Rev’d Martin.

There is an annual survey of the membership of parish sub-groups: the Liturgy Committee, Pandora's Management Committee, Food & Events @ St Philips and the Children & Youth Ministry Support Group. Parishioners wishing to serve, or to continue to serve, on any of these committees should make their interest known to Rev’d Martin, a Warden or any other Parish Councillor.

The Parish Council also conducts an annual survey of the valuable roles performed for the Parish by various individuals, such as Youth Group Coordinators, Parish Office, Pewsheet, Website, Parish Calendar, Banking, Rosters Coordinator, Linen & Flowers Coordinator. Parishioners wishing to serve in any of these roles, or to continue to serve in any of these roles should make their interest known to Rev’d Martin, a Warden or any other Parish Councillor.

The Parish budget for 2021 was circulated after the AGM via email. The Treasurer is available to answer any questions. Parish Council will call a special general meeting to approve the budget and to affirm those nominated to fill the vacancies noted above.

Council has decided to replace the solar panels on the Kindergarten due to the potential safety risk posed by an earth resistance fault. Quotes are being sought for a new array.

ACTHealth updates to COVIDsafe requirements for Places of Worship now require Parishioners to use the Check In CBR App. Sidespeople will be able to check in those without a phone.

February 2021

February ’21 Parish Council meeting

At its meeting on 3 February, the Parish Council considered the agenda and papers for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held at 11.15am sharp on Sunday 21 February. To be Covidsafe this year’s AGM will be held in the church.

In addition to Parish Council elections and the election of alternate Synod representatives, there will be an election for a Parish Safety Officer. In the past a member of Parish Council (Roger Sharp) has taken on this role but a review of ACT workplace requirements and Diocesan policy has shown that this position should be elected by the Parish.

Parishioners are reminded that voluntary Parish roles are renewed after each AGM. If any parishioners would like to take on a voluntary role in 2021 or are thinking about doing so, please talk to Rev’d Martin or any Parish Councillor.

The Tongan community will resume services at St. Philip’s on Sunday afternoon 7 February under Covidsafe arrangements.

We will have a social gathering to mark the beginning of Lent on Friday 19 February, 6pm. See Pewsheet for details & RSVP

On maintenance, the inverter for the solar panels on the Kindergarten roof which was many years old has had to be replaced. Some repairs have been completed on the organ but further work is required on its electric motor. A new photocopier has been installed in the Parish Office on a further five year lease.

There will be a pre-Easter Working Bee for the church and garden on Saturday 27 March from 9-11am.