The Parish Council initiated a planning process in 2022 where we set some planning principles. We arranged a day in October 2022 to draw people together and dream about the future for St Philip’s.
We are keen to make sure that everyone who would like to has a chance to dream with us, add your input and ideas and join the thinking.
December 2009
1. The Council welcomed the generous grant from the Wellness Foundation for the work of the Northbourne Community Centre in 2010.
2. The lease with the kindergarten has been renewed to 31 December 2014. The annual rent will increase to $31,000 on 1 January 2010 and increase by $1,000 per year to $35,000 by 2014.
3. New security lighting has been installed at the Rectory.
4. The 2010 Covenant concluded between Rebecca, the Bishop and the Parish is available in the foyer.
The Council is compiling a list of refurbishment/ maintenance items for the Church and grounds to be used for the discussion of priorities for 2010. Thoughts or concerns of parishioners in this regard should be passed to Ian or Roger.
November 2009
1. The last remaining priority work at the Rectory is the installation of a security alarm and additional security lights in line with Diocesan guidelines.
2. The lock and security door on the Parish Office have been replaced, the former having been inadequate for some time.
3. The Council has expressed its appreciation for the decision by Pandora's to fund the new security doors and locks for the Rectory and Office, the outside painting of the Rectory and a new ceiling fan. Pandora's has also provided the Northbourne Community Centre with $500 for its Christmas party.
4. Arrangements for the Bishop's visit and Rebecca's Induction Service on 1 December are well advanced.
5. The Council has decided to enter into a three-year leasing arrangement through the Diocese for a small Parish car for Rebecca.
6. The Council has decided to submit an expression of interest via the SEE-Change Group in the possibility of solar generation panels. The arrangement is also available to individual householders. The expression of interest will keep us informed of developments, and has to be submitted by 29 November. No commitment is involved at this stage and no decision would be needed one way or the other until mid-2010. Information has been emailed to parishioners and a copy will also be placed on the noticeboard. Inquiries to be directed to Fred Anchell.
7. The council has noted that regular giving so far this year is down approximately $6000 on the budget projection.
October 2009
1. The Rectory is expected to be occupied from about 23 October. Rebecca will start to move her possessions in, and her godson, Asher, will occupy the premises. Rebecca will spend occasional nights in the Rectory over the next six weeks. She is expected to move permanently into the Rectory a week or so before her induction on 1 December.
2. The painting of the outside woodwork of the Rectory is now complete and the locks have been re-keyed. Cleaning inside was a priority at the Working Bee on 17 October. There is then some remaining work to complete over the remaining six weeks.
3. Discussion has begun with Rebecca on a new covenant between her and the Parish. In accordance with Diocesan guidelines, this needs to be endorsed by the Bishop and completed by the time of her induction.
September 2009
1. The major drainage work at the Rectory is now complete. A further Working Bee on the Rectory will be held on October 17.
2. The Kindergarten has proposed a fence with a gate and associated pathways between the Church and the Hall, to try and stop bikes using the courtyard as a thoroughfare - which is dangerous for the children and adds to the deterioration of the courtyard. The kindergarten would fund the work. The Council has given in principle agreement subject to seeing the details of the work proposed.
3. The Council is appreciative of the response from parishioners to assist with the risk management review.
4. Bel has now departed, and action has begun to investigate a possible replacement for the Children's Ministry work.
5. Many thanks to Ben Dyer for the new notice board in the back of the church to display the Children's Ministry work.
August 2009
1. Most of the interior work at the Rectory is now complete, and quotes are being obtained for the final phase of refurbishment.
2. Work on the Rectory drainage is expected to be completed this week.
3. The Parish Council has embarked on a comprehensive review of risk management at St Philip's, in accordance with diocesan requirements. Assistance from parishioners with particular expertise will be sought to help complete this project.
4. A calendar of Parish events has been produced, including a Parish picnic on Sunday September 27 from 12:00.
5. Council has allocated responsibilities to members for particular aspects of Parish life. This will help parishioners know which Council members should be contacted in relation to particular matters.
July 2009
1. In the Rectory, the bathroom upgrades, painting throughout and laying of new floor coverings have all been completed. New curtains in the living areas will be installed next week.
2. The Council has given the go-ahead for some significant plumbing/drainage work in the Rectory to rectify a long-standing problem.
3. Work on the first phase of paving in the courtyard and for Pandora’s is now complete and security screens have been installed on the front and back doors and on the side window.
4. We have now received formal advice that the Snow Foundation will provide some significant funding for the Centre for this financial year with a continuation of some funding for next year.
4. $500 has been provided to Nungalinya College in the Northern Territory. The Retiring collection in August will support another of our mission projects - the Toungoo Water Project in Myanmar.
June 2009
1. Electrical work and the upgrade of bathrooms at the Rectory are now complete. The next stage will be interior painting and floor coverings.
2. Pandora's has generously agreed to fund the floor tiles and carpeting of the Rectory.
3. The organ is to undergo relocation and restoration in January. The funds collected will meet the cost.
May 2009
1. The carpet, underlay and floor tiles have been removed from the Rectory, and the upgrade of the bathrooms will begin shortly. Quotes for other work are being obtained.
2. Fundraising activities for the Organ Restoration Fund have raised $9,500 to date.
3. Work on improving the paving in the courtyard will begin in the next week or two.
4. There will be a retiring collection in June for Nungalinya College.
5. The Council has decided that in future no photographs will be permitted during Baptisms. Instead, a photo opportunity will be provided after the service has concluded.
April 2009
1. The rectory was inspected and a program devised to deal with the maintenance and repairs required. Contributions to this work by parishioners would be welcome.
2. A working bee will be held on 23 may, with a focus on the rectory garden – please see above.
3. Thank you to the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) care shop in Lonsdale St, Braddon for a donation of $5,000 for the Northbourne Community.
4. The council has decided to proceed with a new concrete path to connect the hall with the toilets and Pandora's.
5. A list of the parish officeholders will be placed on the parish website and on a notice board at the church entrance.
March 2009
1. Welcome to the new Parish Council members.
2. Parish Council have adopted the general principle that the parish will be advised via the pew sheets of those services in which incense will be used.
3. Parish Council also undertook to re-visit the Parish Master Plan over the coming months.
4. The budget was discussed and there was a reiteration of the priority for repairs and maintenance at the rectory.
5. Agenda items to Sally Adams or one of the councillors.