The Parish Council initiated a planning process in 2022 where we set some planning principles. We arranged a day in October 2022 to draw people together and dream about the future for St Philip’s.
We are keen to make sure that everyone who would like to has a chance to dream with us, add your input and ideas and join the thinking.
Please read this planning briefing to learn more.
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December 2011
The Parish Council wishes to join the many others who have warmly welcomed Robin Moore's receipt of a 2011 National Volunteer Award, in the Individual Volunteer Award category. It is very fitting recognition of the many, many years of service and ministry Robin has devoted to the Northbourne Community Centre and its attendees.
The Twilight Fair was a great success. It is estimated that it was attended by more than 500 people. The Council welcomed the participation of the Dinka congregation for the first time. The Council extended its thanks to Ben and Fiona for again taking on the responsibility of Fair Coordinators.
After a long wait, the driveway entrance has been fixed by TAMs and TAMs have also remodelled the footpath entrance to the Church from Moorhouse Street so that it now complies with wheelchair specifications. However further work on the corner is required. Many thanks to Vinza Beer at the Kindergarten and Helen Palethorpe for their persistence in pursuing TAMs.
The 2012 AGM will take place after the 10am service on Sunday 26 February. Reports are due to Rebecca by 5 February.
The additional appeal for a gas stove and gas bottles for the sisters at the Solomon Islands Christian Care Refuge for women and children was successful in meeting its target and the funds have been transferred.
November 2011
A submission has now been prepared for the employment of a Family/Children's worker for the two congregations at St. Philip's for three days a week. It will shortly be submitted to Synergy, the Diocesan youth and children's arm, who will help explore sources of external funding. It is likely St. Philip's would also have to contribute some funds.
An application will be submitted to Anglicare for forward funding for Rev’d Robin Moore's work at St. Philip's Care @ Northbourne Community Centre.
The Council is grateful for the feedback on the proposed Welcome Cards to be placed in the pews and they will be introduced by December.
There is an article in the November issue of Anglican News on the 50th anniversary of the St. Philip's church building and the 30th anniversary of its consecration. The anniversaries will be celebrated in a joint service with the Dinka congregation on Sunday 18 December.
October 2011
Thanks to Jeannette and helpers, Children's ministry will resume on 23 October.
The Parish Council and Dinka leadership are exploring with Synergy, the Diocesan youth and children's arm, the possibility of a children/family minister for both congregations. This includes exploring sources of funding that might be available.
Liz Drysdale and Helen Palethorpe, with Parish Council support, are nominating Robin Moore for the ACT Volunteering Awards for her work in connection with the Northbourne Community Centre.
Beryl Gowty has provided further details on the needs of the Christian Care Refuge in the Solomon Islands which is our international mission project this year. There is a very worthwhile additional contribution we can make to the sisters running the Centre through the purchase of a gas cooker and cylinders. The Council has satisfied itself that there are appropriate arrangements in place for providing the assistance and decided to seek further donations. The target is $1700. Details will appear in the pewsheet for the next three weeks.
There will be a pre-Twilight Fair working bee from 9-12 on Saturday 22 October.
CAMRA has had to cancel the Messiah performances in December. The Council is very understanding of the enormous effort required for such performances from Colin, Pat and the singers involved and fully understands the need for cancellation. CAMRA will very generously contribute an outstanding musical component to the 10am service on 18 December to mark the 50th anniversary and the visit of the Bishop.
The Council expressed its thanks to Denise Manley for stepping in to the role of Treasurer during Shane's recent absence overseas.
September 2011
The leaderships of the English language congregation and the Dinka language congregation have agreed on initial understandings for working together. A summary of the main points is included in the pewsheet.
Anglicare recently provided some initial financial support for Robin's work at St Philip's Care @ the Northbourne Community Centre. This was warmly welcomed by the Council. Longer term Anglicare support is a possibility.
The Council thanked Pandora's for a donation of $500 to the July mission project—the Chaplaincy service @ The Alexander Maconochie Centre under the direction of the Rev'd Simon Wooldridge.
The Council has accepted a quote for installing gutter guard on the Rectory roof and for the installation of a small roofed pergola between the house and the garage to protect the new decking. This work is part of an ongoing program to maintain the fabric of the Rectory in good condition.
August 2011
The Parish Council welcomed the election of Daniel Duot Deng as a St. Philip's Synod representative.
The Council expressed deep appreciation to Baden Williams for his donation of time, effort and materials for the construction of the new wheelchair access ramp to the communion rail.
The Council thanked Pandora's for funding the purchase of an additional 20 Hymn books.
The Facilities Planning Group is grateful for the input it has received from the survey and the next step over the coming months will be to develop some options.
An article on the 50th anniversary of our church building has been prepared and will be submitted to Anglican News in September.
The Council is examining ways to update and upgrade the church noticeboards and signage.
July 2011
During the third school term (late July to the end of September), the Rev’d Jeanette McHugh will take on the coordination role for the children's ministry. The Parish Council is most grateful to Jeanette for her willingness to accept this important task.
The Rector and Wardens have begun regular coordination meetings with the leadership of the Dinka language congregation. They and the Parish Council as a whole have extended a warm welcome to the Dinka congregation. The two leaderships are currently finalising understandings on how the cooperation between St. Philip's English language congregation and the St. Philip's Dinka language congregation will be managed.
The Facilities Planning Group has received a number of responses to its survey of future requirements for the church site. The survey sheets are available in the foyer. It would be helpful if responses could be lodged with any member of the Group or any Parish Councillor by the end of July at the latest.
Good quality gutter guard has been installed on the Church Hall, Church building and Pandora's to combat periodic roof leaks.
The Council noted that at the end of June giving from envelopes and loose plate was $2,300 less than the projected income from these sources for the first six months of the 2011 budget year.
June 2011
The Rector and Wardens will meet with the Dinka congregation leadership over the coming weeks to discuss further how the two congregations will work together.
The Council has received a useful report from a Diocesan consultant on ways to build connections with the ANU. The options presented will receive further consideration by the Council.
The Facilities Planning Group (formerly called the Master Plan Group), which is looking at future options for the church site, is going to survey current users to establish future requirements.
Parishioners are reminded that notices at the end of the 10am service should be kept brief (i.e. up to a maximum of 30 seconds). If additional details need to be communicated, please forward details to Leighton for inclusion in the pewsheet. This will also reach a much greater audience.
A Garage Sale will be held on Saturday 30 Iuly.
The fridge at the Rectory has had to be replaced.
April 2011
The Parish Council has appointed a Master Plan Group to consider a master plan for the church site and properly. The members are Rebecca, Fiona Dyer, Leighton Mann and Roger Sharp. They would welcome any thoughts parishioners have on this matter.
During the month of May the mission focus will be the ABM Christian Care Centre project in the Solomon Islands. The centre is a refuge for women and children suffering abuse. The decision at the AGM was to provide $1500 to the project. The Council continued its discussion of the needs of the children's ministry and welcomed the contribution of ideas from the Rev. Jeannette McHugh. There will be further consultation with parents and other parishioners.
The Council noted that at the end of March giving from envelopes and loose plate was $1600 less than the projected income from these sources for the first three months of the 2011 budget year.
A copy of the AGM minutes will be placed on the noticeboard.
March 2011
The 2011 covenants between Rebecca and Robin and the Parish have now been signed and copies are available. The priorities for 2011 in Rebecca's covenant are:
The Council elected Ian Cousins as Chair, Shane Woodburn as Treasurer and Helen Palethorpe as Secretary.
Diocesan guidelines for the implementation of the ACT Work Safety Act require parishes to appoint a Parish Safety Officer. The Council appointed Fred Anchell to fulfil this role.
The Council adopted the Parish budget for 2011 with an operating deficit of $6,050.
New liaison responsibilities have been allocated amongst the new Parish Council members and a revised note will be placed on the Noticeboard.
The Council discussed the children's ministry and its challenges and will consider this important ministry again at its April meeting. Council would welcome any thoughts or suggestions from parishioners.
February 2011
At its meeting on 9 February, the Parish Council considered the agenda and papers for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held after the 10am service next Sunday 27 February. At the AGM there will be a presentation on the work of the Parish Planning Group.
Bishop Stuart will visit St. Philip's on 18 December. Bishop Clements dedicated the St Philip’s Church building 50 years ago on 16 December 1961.
The hearing loop trial was successful and the Council has agreed to proceed with the permanent installation of the system.
Pandora’s new storage shed has been erected and concreting has been completed to provide a new and larger welcoming area under the pergola.