The Parish Council initiated a planning process in 2022 where we set some planning principles. We arranged a day in October 2022 to draw people together and dream about the future for St Philip’s.
We are keen to make sure that everyone who would like to has a chance to dream with us, add your input and ideas and join the thinking.
Please read this planning briefing to learn more.
| 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | All |
November 2010
The Parish Council will conduct its annual review of Rebecca's and Robin's covenants in December.
The Council plans to finalise its review of our missions program at its last meeting of the year on 8 December. Please pass any suggestions for projects to support to Rebecca or a Parish Councillor.
It is pleasing that three of the five identified refurbishment priorities – the solar panels, the disabled ramps and the new parquetry flooring in the sanctuary - have now been completed. The panels are generating about 23kw per day.
The Council has decided to arrange an energy audit for the church, church hall and rectory to see if there are ways to reduce our electricity consumption.
A calendar of events for 2011 is now being put together. 2011 is the 50th anniversary of the opening of the church building.
October 2010
Rebecca is on leave until 31 October and will then attend the Clergy Retreat. She will be back in the Parish on the evening of Friday 5 November.
The new Parish brochure has been printed and is available in the foyer.
Work on the new parquetry floor in the sanctuary has begun and should be
finished by the end of next week.
Fiona and Ben are doing a wonderful job on the organisation of this year's
Twilight Fair to be held on Saturday 13 November. If you would like to help with the Fair in some way, please contact Fiona or Ben or one of the stall coordinators.
A Working Bee will be held on Saturday 6 November to spruce up the church and grounds prior to the Fair. Please put the date in your diary.
September 2010
A new parish brochure had been put together and will be published this month.
The solar panels have now been installed on the Church Hall roof and disabled ramps constructed at the front and back entrances to the church.
Unfortunately our application for a grant from ACT Heritage for the replacement of the parquetry floor in the sanctuary was unsuccessful. However Pandora's has generously agreed to fund a new parquetry floor as well as the disabled ramps.
The current sanctuary floor will be replaced with new parquetry in the same Tasmanian oak. Work is not expected to start until October.
This means that by the end of 2010 we will have taken action on three of the five items identified as priorities by the Parish at the beginning of the year.
Funds from the Twilight Fair will be allocated to renovate the courtyard and car park to better serve the needs of the community. Given the busy November/December period, action on the courtyard and car park will not be possible until 2011.
August 2010
The Parish Council has begun a review of the mission projects we support. The projects at the international, national and local levels have remained the same for many years. If you have suggestions or thoughts on missions, please pass them to a Parish councilor. We will complete the present funding cycle and the results of the review will be presented to the next AGM.
The ACT Deafness Resource Centre is helping churches to install hearing loops. The loop connects to the PA System. The Parish Council has decided to accept an offer for a free two week trial. Adequate advance notice will be provided of when the trial will start.
Research has been completed on the proper specifications for disabled ramps to facilitate entry to the church and quotes are now being obtained.
July 2010
As part of its review of outreach, the Parish Council is looking at the way we provide information about St. Philip's and its activities and the way we welcome visitors and newcomers. This includes brochures on St. Philip’s, church notice boards, updating the Parish Calendar more regularly and making it and brochures more available, email distribution lists, the website and disabled ramps. Any ideas parishioners have would be welcome.
In its mid-year review of the parish budget, the Council noted that:
* Parish expenditure to date is some $5,000 below that projected for the end of July.
* But it needs to be remembered that our budget is based on a planned deficit for the year of $10,500.
* And there is urgent expenditure required over the next month on the Kindergarten roof and associated drainage.
∗ On the income side of the budget, giving is approximately $3,500 below where it was projected to be by the end of July.
∗ Overall, the budget is in reasonable shape at the moment.
∗ The Council encourages parishioners to review their giving at least once per year.
Pandora's is looking at funding an additional storage shed for its operations to be located between Pandora,s and the QE2.
St. Philip's Care at the Northbourne Community Centre is currently well-funded thanks to generous support from the Wellness Foundation, The Snow Foundation and ADRA. The solar panels will be installed on the Church Hall roof in early September. The Council has obtained professional landscaping advice on the options for the car park surface.
June 2010
The Parish Council has again discussed the way to develop "a multi-year plan to build and grow the Parish and its mission" as set out in the Covenant between Rebecca and the Parish.
It is establishing a Planning Group to facilitate the process, which will hold its first meeting later this month. Further information on the process, how it will evolve and the ways in which parishioners will be able to contribute will be provided by the end of June.
The Council has now decided not to participate in "Back to Church Sunday" this year. On reflection, it considered that, with all the demands on the Parish at the moment, it would not be possible to run a properly organised program and attend the Diocesan training courses, which take place in July.
May 2010
The Parish Council has had a first discussion on how to develop "a multi-year plan to build and grow the Parish and its mission" as set out in the Covenant between Rebecca and the Parish. The aim is to complete consultations and reach agreement on a plan by mid 2011 if possible. Further Council discussion and consultations will be needed before finalising details of the process but it will be very much one with opportunities for all parishioners to contribute.
The Council has agreed that St. Philip's will participate in "Back to Church Sunday" on 29 August.
The Council has submitted an order for a 3.74KW solar electricity generation system. The system will be erected on the roof of the Church Hall over the next two months or so. It has been possible to fund this purchase from the generous donations of parishioners. See the accompanying note in the pewsheet.
An application has been submitted to ACT Heritage for a dollar for dollar grant to replace the parquet floor in the sanctuary with new parquet in the same Tasmanian oak. Successful applicants will be advised in September. In the meantime, parishioners using the sanctuary should be alert to loose pieces of parquet and take care.
The Twilight Community Fair will be held on Saturday 13 November. Ben and Fiona Dyer have very kindly offered to coordinate the Fair this year.
April 2010
On the basis of a number of donations, the Council has decided in principle to proceed with the installation of solar electricity generating panels for the church. The necessary detailed quotations and approvals will now be sought. The panels will be funded entirely from the donations.
The other four items on the priority refurbishment list are continuing to receive attention but have not yet reached the stage where a final decision on a course of action can be taken. The Council is also grateful for indications of donations for refurbishment action on the car park.
An asbestos inspection of the Church and Kindergarten has recently been conducted as required under ACT Occupational Health and Safety legislation. The results indicated a low risk level for all areas identified and the material involved has a very low potential for the release of asbestos fibres. The only action recommended is periodic inspection.
A protective sail for the vacant silk banner will be erected on 20 April to slow down the deterioration of the remaining silk banners in the church, which are in memory of Rebecca Oliphant. The sail has been funded by the Oliphant and Palmer families.
At its next meeting on 12 May the Council will begin preparatory discussions on how to develop a multi-year plan later in the year to build and grow the Parish and its mission.
March 2010
The Council elected Ian Cousins as Chair, Shane Woodburn as Treasurer and Helen Palethorpe as Secretary.
The Council adopted the Parish budget for 2010 with an operating deficit of $16,850 (down from $23,000 in the AGM papers).
New liaison responsibilities have been allocated amongst the new Parish Council members and a revised note will be placed on the Noticeboard.
The Council agreed to erect a disabled parking sign in the car park.
The Council discussed the results of the 2010 church refurbishment survey. The top five items nominated by parishioners were: the courtyard, the parquet floor in the sanctuary, disabled ramps, solar panels and the car park.
The latter two — the car park and solar panels —would be substantial projects in terms of cost and could not be met by Parish funds. It will only be possible to proceed with these items if there are substantial donations. Please advise Helen Palethorpe by Sunday 11 April if you intend to make a donation to enable Parish Council to decide the way forward on these items at its next meeting.
Quotations for disabled ramps are being obtained. The Council will investigate the possibility of $ for $ ACT Heritage funding for the restoration of the parquet in the sanctuary.
The Council is awaiting the outcome of the Kindergarten management committee meeting on 25 March to learn of any Kindergarten proposals this year relating to the courtyard.
The Council expressed its appreciation to Leighton and his helpers for the wonderful refurbishment of storage in the foyer.
February 2010
Rebecca will commence her ANU Chaplaincy work next week and Linda Anchell will be the St. Philip's representative on the ANU Chaplaincy Board.
The annual AGM will be held on Sunday 28 February immediately after the 10am service.
Nomination forms are available in the foyer for Parish Warden and Parish Councilor positions. Nominations should be lodged in the AGM box in the foyer by Sunday 21 February.
AGM reports should preferably be made available in the foyer by Sunday 21 February.
In the foyer is a draft 2010 church refurbishment program and parishioners are invited to indicate their top five priorities on the form and to place it in the AGM box in the foyer by Sunday 7 March. This date will allow parishioners who cannot attend the AGM to submit their views.
After the formation of the next Parish Council, consideration will need to be given to the re-formation of Parish sub-groups that report to the Council. Parishioners will be invited to express any interest in participating in any of the groups.
The Council has adopted Guidelines on the Safe Use of Church Premises. It will be part of the AGM reports and a copy placed on the notice board.
The Council approved plans to upgrade the storage and noticeboard facilities in the Foyer.
December 2011
The Parish Council wishes to join the many others who have warmly welcomed Robin Moore's receipt of a 2011 National Volunteer Award, in the Individual Volunteer Award category. It is very fitting recognition of the many, many years of service and ministry Robin has devoted to the Northbourne Community Centre and its attendees.
The Twilight Fair was a great success. It is estimated that it was attended by more than 500 people. The Council welcomed the participation of the Dinka congregation for the first time. The Council extended its thanks to Ben and Fiona for again taking on the responsibility of Fair Coordinators.
After a long wait, the driveway entrance has been fixed by TAMs and TAMs have also remodelled the footpath entrance to the Church from Moorhouse Street so that it now complies with wheelchair specifications. However further work on the corner is required. Many thanks to Vinza Beer at the Kindergarten and Helen Palethorpe for their persistence in pursuing TAMs.
The 2012 AGM will take place after the 10am service on Sunday 26 February. Reports are due to Rebecca by 5 February.
The additional appeal for a gas stove and gas bottles for the sisters at the Solomon Islands Christian Care Refuge for women and children was successful in meeting its target and the funds have been transferred.
November 2011
A submission has now been prepared for the employment of a Family/Children's worker for the two congregations at St. Philip's for three days a week. It will shortly be submitted to Synergy, the Diocesan youth and children's arm, who will help explore sources of external funding. It is likely St. Philip's would also have to contribute some funds.
An application will be submitted to Anglicare for forward funding for Rev’d Robin Moore's work at St. Philip's Care @ Northbourne Community Centre.
The Council is grateful for the feedback on the proposed Welcome Cards to be placed in the pews and they will be introduced by December.
There is an article in the November issue of Anglican News on the 50th anniversary of the St. Philip's church building and the 30th anniversary of its consecration. The anniversaries will be celebrated in a joint service with the Dinka congregation on Sunday 18 December.
October 2011
Thanks to Jeannette and helpers, Children's ministry will resume on 23 October.
The Parish Council and Dinka leadership are exploring with Synergy, the Diocesan youth and children's arm, the possibility of a children/family minister for both congregations. This includes exploring sources of funding that might be available.
Liz Drysdale and Helen Palethorpe, with Parish Council support, are nominating Robin Moore for the ACT Volunteering Awards for her work in connection with the Northbourne Community Centre.
Beryl Gowty has provided further details on the needs of the Christian Care Refuge in the Solomon Islands which is our international mission project this year. There is a very worthwhile additional contribution we can make to the sisters running the Centre through the purchase of a gas cooker and cylinders. The Council has satisfied itself that there are appropriate arrangements in place for providing the assistance and decided to seek further donations. The target is $1700. Details will appear in the pewsheet for the next three weeks.
There will be a pre-Twilight Fair working bee from 9-12 on Saturday 22 October.
CAMRA has had to cancel the Messiah performances in December. The Council is very understanding of the enormous effort required for such performances from Colin, Pat and the singers involved and fully understands the need for cancellation. CAMRA will very generously contribute an outstanding musical component to the 10am service on 18 December to mark the 50th anniversary and the visit of the Bishop.
The Council expressed its thanks to Denise Manley for stepping in to the role of Treasurer during Shane's recent absence overseas.
September 2011
The leaderships of the English language congregation and the Dinka language congregation have agreed on initial understandings for working together. A summary of the main points is included in the pewsheet.
Anglicare recently provided some initial financial support for Robin's work at St Philip's Care @ the Northbourne Community Centre. This was warmly welcomed by the Council. Longer term Anglicare support is a possibility.
The Council thanked Pandora's for a donation of $500 to the July mission project—the Chaplaincy service @ The Alexander Maconochie Centre under the direction of the Rev'd Simon Wooldridge.
The Council has accepted a quote for installing gutter guard on the Rectory roof and for the installation of a small roofed pergola between the house and the garage to protect the new decking. This work is part of an ongoing program to maintain the fabric of the Rectory in good condition.
August 2011
The Parish Council welcomed the election of Daniel Duot Deng as a St. Philip's Synod representative.
The Council expressed deep appreciation to Baden Williams for his donation of time, effort and materials for the construction of the new wheelchair access ramp to the communion rail.
The Council thanked Pandora's for funding the purchase of an additional 20 Hymn books.
The Facilities Planning Group is grateful for the input it has received from the survey and the next step over the coming months will be to develop some options.
An article on the 50th anniversary of our church building has been prepared and will be submitted to Anglican News in September.
The Council is examining ways to update and upgrade the church noticeboards and signage.
July 2011
During the third school term (late July to the end of September), the Rev’d Jeanette McHugh will take on the coordination role for the children's ministry. The Parish Council is most grateful to Jeanette for her willingness to accept this important task.
The Rector and Wardens have begun regular coordination meetings with the leadership of the Dinka language congregation. They and the Parish Council as a whole have extended a warm welcome to the Dinka congregation. The two leaderships are currently finalising understandings on how the cooperation between St. Philip's English language congregation and the St. Philip's Dinka language congregation will be managed.
The Facilities Planning Group has received a number of responses to its survey of future requirements for the church site. The survey sheets are available in the foyer. It would be helpful if responses could be lodged with any member of the Group or any Parish Councillor by the end of July at the latest.
Good quality gutter guard has been installed on the Church Hall, Church building and Pandora's to combat periodic roof leaks.
The Council noted that at the end of June giving from envelopes and loose plate was $2,300 less than the projected income from these sources for the first six months of the 2011 budget year.
June 2011
The Rector and Wardens will meet with the Dinka congregation leadership over the coming weeks to discuss further how the two congregations will work together.
The Council has received a useful report from a Diocesan consultant on ways to build connections with the ANU. The options presented will receive further consideration by the Council.
The Facilities Planning Group (formerly called the Master Plan Group), which is looking at future options for the church site, is going to survey current users to establish future requirements.
Parishioners are reminded that notices at the end of the 10am service should be kept brief (i.e. up to a maximum of 30 seconds). If additional details need to be communicated, please forward details to Leighton for inclusion in the pewsheet. This will also reach a much greater audience.
A Garage Sale will be held on Saturday 30 Iuly.
The fridge at the Rectory has had to be replaced.
April 2011
The Parish Council has appointed a Master Plan Group to consider a master plan for the church site and properly. The members are Rebecca, Fiona Dyer, Leighton Mann and Roger Sharp. They would welcome any thoughts parishioners have on this matter.
During the month of May the mission focus will be the ABM Christian Care Centre project in the Solomon Islands. The centre is a refuge for women and children suffering abuse. The decision at the AGM was to provide $1500 to the project. The Council continued its discussion of the needs of the children's ministry and welcomed the contribution of ideas from the Rev. Jeannette McHugh. There will be further consultation with parents and other parishioners.
The Council noted that at the end of March giving from envelopes and loose plate was $1600 less than the projected income from these sources for the first three months of the 2011 budget year.
A copy of the AGM minutes will be placed on the noticeboard.
March 2011
The 2011 covenants between Rebecca and Robin and the Parish have now been signed and copies are available. The priorities for 2011 in Rebecca's covenant are:
The Council elected Ian Cousins as Chair, Shane Woodburn as Treasurer and Helen Palethorpe as Secretary.
Diocesan guidelines for the implementation of the ACT Work Safety Act require parishes to appoint a Parish Safety Officer. The Council appointed Fred Anchell to fulfil this role.
The Council adopted the Parish budget for 2011 with an operating deficit of $6,050.
New liaison responsibilities have been allocated amongst the new Parish Council members and a revised note will be placed on the Noticeboard.
The Council discussed the children's ministry and its challenges and will consider this important ministry again at its April meeting. Council would welcome any thoughts or suggestions from parishioners.
February 2011
At its meeting on 9 February, the Parish Council considered the agenda and papers for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held after the 10am service next Sunday 27 February. At the AGM there will be a presentation on the work of the Parish Planning Group.
Bishop Stuart will visit St. Philip's on 18 December. Bishop Clements dedicated the St Philip’s Church building 50 years ago on 16 December 1961.
The hearing loop trial was successful and the Council has agreed to proceed with the permanent installation of the system.
Pandora’s new storage shed has been erected and concreting has been completed to provide a new and larger welcoming area under the pergola.
December 2012
The Parish has received a two year grant from the Pelican Foundation for a St Philips cross-cultural Family Program to begin in 2013. The program will aim to:
Funding will be provided in 2013 in 2014. The Board of the Pelican Foundation will consider the progress of the initiative over years one and two before committing itself to provide funds for a third year. The grant will not meet the full estimated cost of the program and the gap will need to be met by the Parish.
The grant will enable the employment of:
The new program is an exciting and important new dimension for St Philip's ministry and has the full support of the combined Leadership Group of the two congregations. Implementation issues are still being worked through and more information on program activities will be available shortly. It is expected that the program will begin in the second half of January 2013.
Some good progress has also been made on the new building project over the last month:
The next big step is securing ACTPLA approval and we are not expecting to hear further from them until late January. This means the Parish meeting for final consideration of the building project is now likely to take place in February 2013. It may coincide with our Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The AGM will be after the 10am service on Sunday 24 February. Papers for the AGM should be submitted to Rebecca no later than 3 February.
If any parishioners wish to pay their pledge for the new building in advance, this is possible. Such payments should be placed in a sealed envelope addressed to the Treasurer and clearly marked as new building pledge. The funds will be placed into the building account and a receipt issued. If for any reason the building project does not proceed, the payments would be fully re-funded.
November 2012
Pandora's has generously contributed $500 for each of this year's mission projects.
On the new building project:
In addition to the Anglicare grant and the ACT Community Support and Infrastructure grant, we have been successful in securing two other grants—a Commonwealth Government Volunteers Grant of $2,495 to assist Robin and for some fit-out of the new building and an ACT Government community security grant of $1,750 to update the security lighting around the church.
However, despite all the good news on funding, estimated costs for the project have increased and still need to be clarified.
Unless the approval processes move unusually quickly over the next four weeks, the Parish meeting for final consideration of the building project is now likely to take place in the new year. If any parishioners wish to pay their pledge for the new building in advance, this is possible. Such payments should be placed in a sealed envelope addressed to the Treasurer and clearly marked as new building pledge. The funds will be placed into the building account and a receipt issued. If for any reason the building project does not proceed, the payment would be fully refunded.
The lease on Rebecca's car has been extended for a further year given the low mileage.
August 2012
The Council has been discussing the pastoral care needs of the Parish given that the Parish has been growing and has become more diverse. The Council is examining the development of a Pastoral Care Team. There will be more news on this front over the next month or so.
The Council is delighted with the launch of the Youth Group. Many thanks to Alistair, Alison and Ross.
Robin Moore's work at the Northbourne Community Centre has been one of the recipients of this year's Anglicare Winter Pantry Appeal. ADRA and The Snow Foundation have again this year provided grant support for the St. Philip's Care program at the Northbourne Community Centre. The support of these two organisations is greatly appreciated.
The building project is still being steadily progressed.
The Council is very encouraged by the level of parishioner support to the pledging appeal. The appeal will be kept open until the end of August. Every dollar pledged is a dollar less that will need to be borrowed.
9 May 2012
The 2012 covenant between Rebecca and the Parish has now been signed by Bishop Stuart and copies are available. The covenant priorities for 2012 are:
27th May: Extraordinary General Parish Meeting after the 10am Pentecost service. Parish Council has made a decision on the building which will be presented to the parish at this meeting.
Council will apply to the Anglicare Partnership and Innovation fund towards the cost of the building.
Fred Anchell will co-ordinate the Fair Committee.
Matt McKay will manage the web site. Thanks to Brian McKinlay for his management of the site.
Welcome TeamYour Parish Council decided that it is time for Rebecca to have assistance in welcoming new families and individuals to our parish community. The role of "Welcome Coordinator" has been created. This is in addition to the welcomers who meet and greet people at our Sunday worship services. Welcoming and connecting people to others is central to our ministry and we need to strengthen the way we do this. Helen Palethorpe has been appointed to this role, in the first instance, but others are invited to participate also. When new people come to our worship services, Rebecca will first of all meet with them and then Helen (or members of her small team) will ensure that those people receive a personal invitation to share a meal or a coffee with others who have been part of our congregation for longer. The arrangements will be quite flexible. If you would like to be a part of our "Welcome Team" please contact Rebecca or Helen and they will explain what is involved. If you have good ideas about other ways we can make people feel more welcome in our midst please also speak to Rebecca or Helen. |
11 April 2012
The Parish Council warmly welcomed advice from Anglicare that it would provide funding for the next three years for Robin's work at the Northbourne Community Centre. This is the first long term funding Anglicare has provided to the Centre.
The building/courtyard proposal is being pursued vigorously. A Project Committee has been formed made up of Catherine Holt, Roger Sharp, Leighton Mann, Tim Gulliver and Rebecca Newland. The aim if possible is to have a fully developed proposal for consideration by an extraordinary Parish Meeting in May.
The Parish Council invites expressions of interest in being the Coordinator for this year's Twilight Fair to be held on 10 November. The Coordinator or Coordinators will be supported by an experienced Fair Committee.
14 March 2012
A draft 2012 covenant between Rebecca and the Parish was discussed and there will now be consultation with the Dinka congregation leadership before finalising the covenant and submitting it to the Bishop. The draft covenant is in line with the vision Rebecca set out for the Parish in her report to the AGM.
The new Council elected Ian Cousins as Chair, Shane Woodburn as Treasurer and Helen Palethorpe as Secretary. Diocesan guidelines for the implementation of the ACT Work Safety Act require parishes to appoint a Parish Safety Officer. The Council appointed Fred Anchell to fulfil this role.
The Council adopted the Parish budget for 2012 with a planned operating deficit of $7066 following its endorsement at the AGM.
New point of contact responsibilities have been allocated amongst the members of the new Parish Council and a revised note will be placed on the Noticeboard.
The Council is pursuing the building proposal as a matter of priority and considered initial estimates from three potential suppliers at the meeting. A project committee is being put together to develop a full proposal for presentation to a special general meeting.
The Parish Council invites expressions of interest in being the Coordinator for this year's Twilight Fair on 10 November. The Coordinator or Coordinators will be supported by an experienced Fair Committee.
8 February 2012
The Parish Council considered the agenda and papers for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held after the 10am service on Sunday 26 February. At the AGM there will be an opportunity under general business to discuss management of the parish. There will also be a presentation on a proposal for new facilities for Pandora's and storage space for Robin Moore. All regular reports to be considered at the AGM should have been submitted by 5 February. This deadline was needed to allow time for the reports to be compiled and produced.
Gutterguard has now been installed on the Rectory and a small pergola roof erected over the inner courtyard to protect the new decking. The infestation of bees within the vestry wall has been attended to.
December 2013
A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed with Anglicare for its support to Revd Robin's work at the Northbourne Community Centre for a three year period from 2013 to 2015.
Following extensive consideration and consultation, Parish Council has made a decision on some re-allocation of the use of Parish facilities. By 1 February the Parish Office will move to what has become known as Pat's room. The existing Parish Office will become a general activity room for which bookings can be made. Pat will have a permanent booking for part of the week for music lessons and for church music preparation. Both rooms will be refurbished and re-arranged during January.
This fulfils one of the priorities in the 2013 Covenant between Rebecca and the Parish, which stated "Implement a building proposal for improved accommodation for Parish ministry activities and outreach and review the overall use of Parish facilities." The need for the reallocation of space reflects the changes in the Parish over the last few years and the increased supervision load on Rebecca as well as the general unsatisfactory nature of the current vestry arrangement. Rebecca will address these matters in her report to the 2014 AGM.
Parish Council thanks all involved in the lengthy facilities review for their cooperation and understanding.
The newly leased replacement Parish car for Rebecca, a Honda Civic Hatch, has arrived.
The photocopier in the Parish Office is no longer serviceable and a contract will be entered into for the lease of a new photocopier with service support.
A 2014 Parish Calendar has been prepared and will be available shortly.
The 2014 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held after the 10am service on Sunday 23 February. Reports and Papers for the AGM should be submitted to Rebecca no later than 2 February.
November 2013
The Parish Council congratulates all involved in the Twilight Fair. It was again a very successful community event and fundraiser, with $13,800 banked.
The Lamerton Centre is starting to show its potential—hosting Pandora's, morning tea on Wednesdays and Sundays and afternoon tea at the Twilight Fair. Between now and the end of the year there will be some further fit out and access work and the fitting out of Rev'd Robin's St Philip's Care storage shed.
Thank you to those sub group leaders for filling out the Use of Church Facilities survey. The Parish Council will have further consultations and make decisions on the optimal use of space so that new arrangements can operate by 1 February 2014. A draft policy is near completion covering responsibilities for those using church facilities.
The Dinka congregation was most appreciative of the $500 contributed by the 10am service in response to the attacks in Twic Province in South Sudan and feel very supported. The Dinka congregation collected $700.
The Dinka congregation has been successful in obtaining a grant from ACT multicultural youth services to support the Dinka dance program. Dinka children will dance at next year's Multicultural Festival representing St Philip's.
October 2013
The Lamerton Centre project continues to progress. There is still a bit of fit-out work to be completed. The railings on the deck are still to be installed. We remain confident that we will have an interim certificate of occupancy to use the Lamerton Centre for the Twilight Fair.
The Cross Cultural Family Support Ministry continues to develop well. A progress report has been submitted to the Pelican Foundation, which is our funding partner for the program.
Pip's Playgroup on Tuesdays is regularly attracting 10-16 families each week. From next term, Andrea will begin a toddlers/family worship on Tuesdays following on from the play group. English lessons have started for ten Dinka women on a trial basis, using the services of a qualified ESL teacher on a volunteer basis.
With the warmer weather, attendance at the Monday lunch at the Northbourne Community Centre is back to 70-80 people.
Renewal of the lease on the parish car is due in December. Parish Council has decided on a three-year lease for a Honda Civic through ANGLICAR.
Please note the garden and cleaning working bee for Saturday 26 October 9 am to 12noon to prepare the church and grounds for the Twilight Fair.
September 2013
The Lamerton Centre project has entered its final stage. Construction of the deck has begun and fit out and grounds activity is proceeding.
The plan is for the Centre to be fully operational by the time of the Twilight Fair on 9 November.
Funds have be drawn down from the $70,000 interest free loan for the Centre, which means that monthly repayments will begin in October. Pandora's has agreed to pay half the monthly repayment.
The parish through our regular income and giving will need to meet the residual amount of $400 per month. This will be a stewardship challenge but one that will underpin the work and outreach of the parish for years to come. Parishioners are encouraged to review at this time their current level of giving.
Parishioners who are in a position to do so could also consider a special annual one-off contribution towards the repayments. Such contributions should be placed in an envelope and clearly marked as "Lamerton Centre repayment".
In line with the priorities set out in the 2013 Covenant, Parish Council is working on a comprehensive review of the use of church facilities and the drawing up of a comprehensive policy framework. As part of this review, the Council is conducting a survey of current use of church facilities and of any changes that parish and non-parish groups anticipate over the next few years.
August 2013
The Lamerton Centre is a reality at last but not yet in a state to be occupied. To meet the requirements for a certificate of occupancy, the following need to be completed: the veranda deck, steps and handrails; a disabled ramp and handrails; some concreting of the access paths; completion of the path across the back of the church to the street; and the installation of disabled parking. In addition of course, there is an amount of fit out work before the meeting room and Pandora's can be used as intended. All this work will require sustained effort by the Building Committee, members of the Parish Council and on occasions by other parishioners who are able to help at special working bees. Our estimate at this stage is that it could take until early or mid October before we are in a position to meet the certificate of occupancy requirements and complete the fit out.
Pandora's has once again this year generously contributed $500 to each of the three mission projects adopted at the AGM in February. In addition Pandora's has again contributed $500 to the ABM project which supports the Women's and Children's Refuge in the Solomon Islands.
St. Philip's Kindergarten has been given Parish Council agreement to undertake some redevelopment work in the playground at the Kindergarten's expense. Subject to their funding, it will be a two to three year project. The Kindergarten continues to be an important and very collaborative partner of the parish.
July 2013
If all goes to plan next week, the Lamerton Centre will finally become a reality. The building is due to be installed on 16, 17 and 18 July. The car park will be closed over those three days.
We will then move into the next phase of the development. The Parish will be responsible for putting in place the decking for the veranda, for landscaping and arranging for the construction of a disabled ramp. Fit-out work will proceed over this time.
Once the key elements of this work have been completed, the certificate of occupancy can be issued. We expect to obtain occupancy sometime between the middle of August and the middle of September.
As soon as the new building is occupied, the final part of the redevelopment will proceed as quickly as possible. This entails the refurbishment of the current Pandora's space as dedicated storage for the Revd Robin Moore to support her work at the Northbourne Community Centre.
In line with the priorities set out in the 2013 Covenant, Parish Council has started work on a comprehensive review of the use of church facilities and the drawing up of a comprehensive policy framework. This will cover all existing facilities and the new Lamerton Centre. The review is expected to take some months to complete.
In accordance with the Diocesan Governance Ordinance, Parish Council has appointed Robin Shannon to the casual vacancy that has occurred on the Council until new elections at the next AGM.
June 2013
In its sesquicentenary year, the Diocese is making available anniversary copies of the New Testament. The Council has decided to purchase 200, which will replace the current pew bibles plus extras to give away.
An updated Parish Calendar to mid-2014 will be published in the next edition of The Grapevine due out in July.
The Council welcomed the early success of the newly formed St. Philip's Music Group under the leadership of Katie Cole.
Funding has been received from Anglicare to support Robin's work at the Northbourne Community Centre for the next 12 months.
There has been a delay in the building schedule for the Lamerton Centre. We have now received approval for our Amended Development Application. So work will resume this week (hopefully). Please continue to be careful around the building site.
The Parish Council has accepted a very generous offer from a parishioner of an interest-free loan of $70,000 for the Lamerton Centre Project and a loan document has been signed with the Diocesan Property Trust. This will save approximately $27,000 of interest which would have been payable if the loan had been secured commercially. The loan has been made on the basis of strict anonymity.
Parish Council is seeking nominations/expressions of interest to fill a vacancy on Parish Council, please talk to any Parish Councillor for further information.
May 2013
The 2013 Covenant between the Parish and Rebecca has now been signed by Bishop Stuart and a copy is on the notice board. The key priorities for the year are in line with discussion at the AGM in February and the theme of nurture. They are:
The Lamerton Centre project is now in full swing. The tree has been removed and the QE2 re-located thanks to a mighty effort by the SES on two training days organized by Ben. Next week a surveyor will peg out the site followed by site preparation. It is anticipated that the car park will be closed completely for site preparation work for up to three days later this week. The fencing is important in managing risks around the construction site. Please take care at all times in the area and report any safety issues to any member of Parish Council.
April 2013
The contract for the Lamerton Centre has now been signed. The current expectation is that the new building will be installed during the week of 27 May with a handover date of 4 June. Of course delays can occur.
Prior to the week of 27 May, there is a lot of pre-work to be done — some by the Parish and some by contractors. Post installation there will again be work by the Parish on the veranda deck and fit-out and by contractors for plumbing, electrical work, fitout and concreting.
There will be a number of working bees this month and again in June and July. The support of the Parish for this work is essential if it is to be carried out in the required timeframes.
The completed building then needs to be certified so occupancy will not be possible until the first half of July.
Over this period, there will be some disruption around the work area with zones fenced off and at times the car park will be closed. Prior notice will be given through the pewsheet and there will be close consultation with Pandora's, the Kindergarten and CAMRA.
When contractors are present, there will be on site supervision for project and risk management purposes by members of the Parish.
Using funds provided from last year's ACT Community Safety Grant, new security lighting has now been installed around the church.
March 2013
A draft 2013 covenant between Rebecca and the Parish was discussed and there will now be consultation with the Dinka congregation leadership before finalising the covenant and submitting it to the Bishop. The draft covenant is in line with the Parish vision for 2013, adopted by the AGM.
The new Council elected Ian Cousins as Chair, Shane Woodburn as Treasurer and Philippa Wicks as Secretary. Tim Gulliver was appointed Building and Maintenance Officer and Louise McKay was appointed Missions and Multicultural Officer. Diocesan guidelines for the implementation of the ACT Work Safety Act require parishes to appoint a Parish Safety Officer. The Council appointed Leighton Mann to fulfil this role.
Points of contact responsibilities have been allocated amongst the members of the new Parish Council and a revised note has been placed on the Noticeboard.
Helen Palethorpe has generously accepted again this year the role of Coordinator for the Twilight Fair supported by the Fair Committee. She will also coordinate the St. Philip's Autumn Fest to be held on 27 April and would welcome offers to be part of a small committee to assist in planning the event.
In a new development for our children's ministry, St Philip's Children's & Youth Music Group will begin in term 2 and meet on Sundays at 11.30am. It will be lead by Katie Cole, please see Rebecca for more information.
February 2013
At its meeting on 6 Feb, Parish Council considered the agenda and papers for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held after the 10am service on Sunday 24 February. After the normal business and elections, the AGM will have three important general business items:
It is hoped that as many parishioners as possible can remain for the important meeting.
The Cross-Cultural Family Program commenced in January under Andrea's leadership and with assistance from Rubin. The main activity days of the program are Tuesdays and Sundays utilising the church, the courtyard and, on Sundays, the Church Hall. As part of the safety requirements for this ministry, a temporary fence has been erected to secure the courtyard at the car park end. Once the new building is in place, a permanent fence will be installed.
A prayer table in keeping with the other church furniture has been ordered for the Prayer Corner and a brass cross will be mounted on the adjacent wall.
Parish Ordination gift; we will be giving Andrea an Alb for her ordination. If you would like to contribute to this gift a donation basket will be in the foyer for the next two Sundays.
December 2014
The Pelican Foundation has advised that it has approved funding of $25K for the cross-cultural program for 2015.
The 2015 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held after the 10am service on Sunday 22 February. Papers for the AGM should be submitted to James no later than 1 February, preferably earlier.
Parishioners wishing to, or thinking of, serving on the Parish Council for 2015 should talk to Rebecca well before the AGM.
A 2015 Parish Calendar will be available early in the New Year.
The Parish Council has identified a need for a 'key muster'. All parishioners with keys to any church facility should advise Roger Sharp by 25 January of what keys they hold.
The renewal of the Kindergarten lease for another five years has been approved by Bishop-in-Council and will be signed with the Kindergarten before the end of December.
November 2014
The 2014 Covenant between the Parish and Rebecca has now been signed by Bishop Stuart and a copy has been placed on the notice board. It is based on Rebecca working a four day week as discussed at the Parish consultation in April. The key priorities for 2014 are in line with discussion at the AGM in February and the continuing theme of nurture. They are:
The Council extends its thanks and appreciation to the many, manypeople who made the Twilight Fair such a success.
The Council can confirm that the loan on the Lamerton Centre has been discharged.
A report on the cross-cultural program has been submitted to the Pelican Foundation for its meeting on 20 November. It seeks approval of part funding for 2015.
At its December meeting, the Council will consider the next two-year cycle of mission projects. Any suggestions for projects for 2015 and 2016 should be passed to one of the Wardens.
August 2014
The courtyard project is well under way and is expected to be completed by the middle of next week. Access to the courtyard will remain blocked until the work is finished.
Once it is finished, there are a number of minor works to be completed before the opening of the Lamerton Centre at 11am on Saturday 20 September — such as the installation of base boards under the deck, the painting of trim on the deck and the baseboards, the new courtyard seating and the grounds. Volunteers will be sought to assist with these tasks.
There will be a general clean-up working bee for the church and grounds on Saturday 13 September just prior to the opening.
More details of the program for Saturday 20 September and the Bishop's visit will be provided closer to the event.
Some upgrade works will commence this weekend in part of the Kindergarten yard at the expense of the Kindergarten.
July 2014
The Parish Council is hopeful that we will be able to go ahead with the re-development of the courtyard using a contractor. We are awaiting advice from the Kindergarten about their possible contribution.
The Council is very grateful to parishioners and our wonderful Pandora's team for offering funds. Parishioners have pledged an incredible $7,300 on top of the pledges made for the Lamerton Centre. Pandora's will contribute $5,000.
If we can move ahead, the work will be done during August well before the Lamerton Centre opening on Saturday 20 September. Some volunteer work will be required in July to remove the current pavers.
A number of minor works remain to be completed before the opening such as the installation of base boards under the deck, the painting of trim on the deck and the baseboards, the new courtyard seating, the drain in the path to the west of the church and some final touches to the car park. Volunteers will be sought to assist with these tasks during July and August.
June 2014
Rebecca has now begun her new four day working arrangement—from Thursday to Sunday. The former mid-week Wednesday Eucharist is now taking place at 10am Thursdays. Parish Council meetings will now be during the second week of every month.
James Ellis has begun work as the parish Administrative Assistant for 14 hours a week. Thursday will be his one regular fixed day in the office. Welcome James.
The Parish Council will organise as soon as possible a test of the hearing loop.
The Twilight Fair will be held on Saturday 8 November 3-7pm. Helen Palethorpe has very kindly agreed again to be the Fair Coordinator.
Reverse cycle units for heating will be installed in the Lamerton Centre next week.
Additional security lighting will be installed for the path behind the new colourbond fence near the Lamerton Centre. This was a request from the Kindergarten who is paying for the installation.
The Parish roll continues to be updated.
May 2014
A Family Ministry Support Group has been formed under Rebecca Palethorpe's leadership to support Andrea in her important ministry. The Parish Council encourages those in a position to do so to support the "availability list" approach for volunteers to assist Andrea with the children's ministry on Sunday mornings. It is hoped that this approach will be more flexible and practicable than former attempts at a roster. Please contact Rebecca Palethorpe.
Daniel Deng has been appointed to an unexpected vacancy in the Family Ministry Assistant position for 2014.
The Lamerton Centre will be opened by Bishop Stuart on Saturday 20 September and St Philip’s day will be celebrated on Sunday 21 September. More details to follow over coming months. The organising committee for the event is being convened by Rebecca.
April 2014
The Council has submitted a further progress report to the Pelican Foundation on the Cross-Cultural Family Ministry program. The Pelican Foundation is providing $27,000 this year towards the program and the remaining $10,000 is being met by St. Philip's two congregations.
The two advertised vacancies have been filled after interviews. Jok Garang Thuch has been appointed as Family Ministry Assistant for 2014 and Mary Akech Majok has been appointed to the cleaner position.
The Council has decided on a $1000 ministry allowance for Rev. Robin Moore for 2014 to support her work at St Philip's Care. Pandora's have agreed to fund the allowance.
The Parish roll will be updated over the next few months and published by July. The final elements of the building and grounds upgrade project are progressing.
The path to Macpherson Street has been concreted. The car park has been regraded and resurfaced with crushed brick. Fencing and a new gate have been erected to the side of the Lamerton Centre, making the courtyard secure for children's activities.
Quotes have been obtained for reverse-cycle units for the Lamerton Centre which will be installed at the end of May.
The Council has decided that St Philip's day this year will be celebrated in conjunction with the opening of the Lamerton Centre in September.
March 2014
A draft 2014 Covenant between Rebecca and the Parish was discussed and there will now be consultation with the Dinka congregation leadership before finalising the Covenant and submitting it to the Bishop. The draft covenant is in line with the Parish vision for 2014 adopted by the AGM.
The new Council elected Ian Cousins as Chair, Shane Woodburn as Treasurer and Robin Shannon as Secretary. Tim Gulliver was appointed Building and Maintenance Officer and Rebecca Palethorpe as Children's and Youth Ministry Officer. Diocesan guidelines for the implementation of the ACT Work Safety Act require parishes to appoint a Parish Safety Officer. The Council appointed Roger Sharp to fulfil this role.
Parish Council points of contact responsibilities have been allocated amongst the members of the new Council and a revised note will be placed on the Noticeboard.
There is an annual survey of the membership of parish sub-groups – the Liturgy Committee, the St. Philip's Care Management Committee, Pandora's Management Committee, Food@ St Philips and a new Children and Youth Ministry Support Group. Parishioners wishing to serve on any of these committees should make their interest known to Rebecca or any Parish Councillor.
Key issues before the Council this year will be the development of the Children's and Family Ministry, fulfilling our new governance obligations to Anglicare for their financial support to the Northbourne Community Centre, the completion of the building, courtyard and grounds upgrade programs and the Official Opening of the Lamerton Centre.
February 2014
At its meeting on 12 February, the Parish Council considered the agenda and papers for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held after the 10am service on Sunday 23 February.
After the normal business and elections, the AGM will have four general business items:
The meeting business will be handled as quickly as possible and it is hoped that as many parishioners as possible can remain for the important general business items.
The Council warmly thanks Linda Anchell for all her work in stepping in as Acting Rector during Rebecca's absence.
The re-location and refurbishment of Parish space has been completed. The Council thanks all who assisted, particularly Roger Sharp.
December 2015
The 2016 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held after the 10am service on Sunday 28 February. Reports for the AGM should be submitted to Rev’d Dr Colin Dundon no later than 7 February 2016.
Parishioners wishing to, or thinking of, serving on the Parish Council for 2016 should talk to Rev’d Dr Colin Dundon well before the AGM.
Parish Council expresses its thanks to parishioners who have volunteered to assist with cleaning for an interim period while new arrangements are explored.
The Parish Calendar up to October 2016 is available on the Parish website.
Anglicare has advised that it will not be providing funding for Rev’d Robin’s St. Philips Care program in 2016 and beyond. An application has been submitted to the Snow Foundation for a three year funding grant.
November 2015
The Rectory Renovation Project has begun. A first priority will be renovation of the main bathroom and toilet for which quotes are being obtained. Extra costs will be incurred to remove some asbestos that has been discovered in these locations.
A quote has been accepted for the replacement of the garage door which has been unserviceable for many years.
From the monthly review of the Parish budget, it appears we will end the calendar year with an operating deficit of $5,000-$6,000 on running costs. This is separate from and does not include any expenditure on the Rectory.
Revd Andrea will be taking some leave which is due to her and will work one day a week instead of the normal two days until the end of the year.
Parish Council has received a letter from the Dinka Leadership Council thanking the morning congregations for the last four years of shared ministry.
A new cupboard has been installed in the Studio, for Food @ St Philip's supplies.
A blocked toilet has been repaired and a lock placed on the cupboard door in the disabled toilet.
October 2015
Revd Andrea will continue with her family ministry until the end of the year. Grant funding from the Pelican Foundation for the family and cross- cultural program was received for 2013, 2014 and 2015 but there will be no extension of the funding into 2016.
Parish Council is in discussion with Andrea about her availability in 2016.
The new Parish Directory is available. Please collect a copy from the foyer. Many thanks to Rev’d Jeannette and Denise Manley for their work. There are 99 families and a total of 200 people listed.
An application has been lodged with the Snow Foundation for funding for the Northbourne Community Centre program for the next three years. Many thanks to Rosemary Knight assisted by Revd Robin, Liz Drysdale and Shane Woodburn for preparing the application.
A working bee to complete the installation of the concrete sleeper garden edging along the Macpherson Street footpath is planned for Saturday 7 November, 8am–10a.m. Strong helpers needed please.
A pre-Advent working bee to clean and prepare the church and courtyard for Advent services and events is proposed for 21 November from 9am-12. Many helpers/families needed to help.
Roger Sharp will be the contact person about cleaning of the church. The current weekly cleaning arrangements only allow a short time in which to carry out a number of cleaning tasks. The status of cleaning will be monitored and re-assessed at the December Parish Council meeting. Cleaning usually occurs on Saturday mornings. Any concerns about cleaning to Roger personally please.
September 2015
Parish Council expressed great appreciation for all the efforts put into staging such a successful inaugural Spring Fling. The event attracted large numbers of people from the community and raised over $5000.
Rev’d Jeannette’s last Sunday presiding as interim Locum (Acting Rector) is today, 13 September. Parish Council expressed their deep appreciation for her experienced leadership and guidance over the last eight months.
The first Sunday for Rev’d Dr Colin Dundon whom Bishop Stuart has appointed as the long term Locum will be next Sunday, 20 September.
Parish Council has initiated a Rectory maintenance project with the aim of completing the necessary work by the end of the year. Some working bees will be needed over the next few months, particularly in the garden.
The leased Parish car has been returned to Anglicar. Rev’d Dr Colin will use his own car and receive a car allowance.
Rev'd Jeannette and Denise Manley are updating the Parish Roll. Please let them know by 20 September if your details need updating or annotate the copy of the Parish Roll in the foyer. The aim is to print the new Parish Roll by mid October.
August 2015
A reminder that Rev’d Jeannette will continue as Interim Locum until the third week of September. The first Sunday for Rev’d Colin Dundon whom Bishop Stuart has appointed as the long term Locum will be Sunday 20 September.
The Diocesan Synod will be held in Goulburn from 11-13 September. St Philip’s will be represented by Rev’ds Robin, Andrea and Peter, and by Philippa Wicks, Rosemary Knight and Joseph Ador.
The Parish Council and Parish members of the Clergy Appointment Board would like to express their appreciation for the thoughtful and helpful comments received from parishioners on the draft Parish Profile.
While the Profile is a key document for the start of the appointment process, parishioners can at any time speak with or write to, Denise Manley, Chris Cheah or Ian Cousins about any further comments, ideas or concerns.
Rev’d Jeannette and Denise Manley are updating the Parish Roll. Please let them know if your details need updating or annotate the copy of the Parish Roll in the foyer.
The Parish Council expressed appreciation for the funding by Pandora’s of the new dishwasher in the Lamerton Centre and for a contribution of $500 from Pandora’s towards the parish winter electricity.
July 2015
Revd. Rebecca Newland will formally retire as Rector of St. Philip's on 12 August. There will be a farewell for Rebecca & David on Sunday 9 August with a soup lunch.
Revd. Jeannette will continue as interim Locum until the third week of September. The first Sunday for Rev'd Colin Dundon, whom Bishop Stuart has appointed as the long term Locum, will be Sunday 20 September.
It is expected that the Clergy Appointment Board process for a new Rector will commence in the second half of August. A draft Parish Profile which is a key document for the appointment process is being circulated and parishioners wishing to comment should do so by Sunday 9 August.
There will be a Working Bee on Saturday 15 August to complete some work in the garden and prepare the church and grounds for the Spring Fling on Saturday 5 September.
The problem with 2 of the 14 church overhead heating panels is being attended to, but it may take some time and expense to rectify. In the meantime, parishioners may wish to avoid the right side front four pews. The other 12 heating panels are working properly.
June 2015
There may be more information about Rev’d. Rebecca’s employment situation around the middle of June. The Parish has started to receive payments from the Diocesan Insurer, which cover 75% of Rebecca’s stipend backdated to late February.
Rev’d Jeannette has been appointed Acting Rector until 30 September on a basis of four days a week until Rebecca’s situation clarifies and to allow a process to begin to fill the anticipated longer term vacancy of Acting Rector.
A Parish Calendar for the next six months has been drawn up. The aim is to keep it up to date on a rolling basis. Copies are available in the foyer and it will be on the Parish website. It sets out worship, fellowship, administrative and Diocesan events.
We will integrate our missions program this year with appropriate special services: our international mission project the Gaza hospital with Refugee Week today; our national mission project the Cairns indigenous college with Social Justice Sunday 27 September; and our local mission homelessness project Common Ground on Sunday 18 October.
The date of Saturday 5 September has been set for our second major community/fund-raising event this year – St Philip’s Community Spring Fling, which will replace the Twilight Fair. It will include Pandora’s Fashion Parade. If you have ideas for the event or would like to help plan it, please talk to Leighton Mann.
May 2015
As yet there is no date for Rebecca's resignation. The Rector's Warden and the Parish members of the Clergy Appointment Board are in discussion with the Diocese about locum issues and processes.
In the meantime the Council is most grateful to Jeannette for officiating at services and taking on some other Parish roles.
The Clergy Conference will take place in Narooma from 18 to 21 May. Jeannette, Andrea and Peter Kuot will attend.
Parish Council is most grateful to Elizabeth Allinson for taking on the sacristan role until the next AGM in February 2016.
The hearing loop has been tested. Seating towards the centre of the church, will give you the best reception.
There has been discussion with the Pelican Foundation about the possibility of continued funding for the cross-cultural program for 2016. Whether the Foundation will be in a financial position to support any projects in 2016 will not become clear until July.
Andrea will conduct a Work shop for Dinka leaders on Saturday 6 June as part of capacity building under the cross-cultural program.
Parish Council will organise clearance of the acorns on the nature strip in view of the hazard they present.
There will be a Winter Working Bee on Saturday 13 June. More details closer to the date.
April 2015
Rebecca and David have been at the coast and Rebecca will be returning to Canberra for a seven-day period on 16 April for medical tests. They want to let parishioners know that they feel very supported by the parish. Rebecca's sick leave as a consequence has been extended beyond the 15 April date previously advised. It is not clear at this stage how long the sick leave will continue for nor the impact on her plans to retire.
Following the decision of the Special Parish Meeting on administrative assistance, the Parish Council is looking to put in place some new arrangements by the end of May. The Council is most grateful to those parishioners who are currently providing administrative support on an interim basis. Any parishioner who is in a position to assist in any way, including Sacristan should speak to a Parish Warden or Revd Jeannette.
March 2015
The new Council elected Ian Cousins as Chair, Shane Woodburn as Treasurer and Rebecca Palethorpe as Secretary. Tim Gulliver was appointed Building and Maintenance Officer and Rebecca Palethorpe as Children's and Youth Ministry Officer. Diocesan guidelines for the implementation of the ACT Work Safety Act require parishes to appoint a Parish Safety Officer. The Council appointed Roger Sharp to fulfil this role. Parish Council points of contact responsibilities have been allocated amongst the members of the new Council and a revised note will be placed on the Noticeboard.
There is an annual survey of the membership of parish sub-groups— the Liturgy Team, the St Philip's Care Management Committee, Pandora's Management Committee, Food@St Philips and the Children and Youth Ministry Support Group. Parishioners wishing to serve on any of these committees should make their interest known to a Warden or any other Parish Councillor.
Key issues before the Council this year, in addition to the normal running of the Parish, will be: providing support for Rebecca as she approaches retirement, a rectory renovation project; finding a longer-term locum, putting in place the arrangements with the Diocesan Property Trust for the Carola Parke bequest and assisting Revd Robin to secure 2016 funding for the Northbourne Community program. In addition there will be a Clergy Appointment Board process involving our Parish representatives Denise Manley, Chris Cheah and Ian Cousins.
Parish Council approved the purchase of certain items of church linen for services to replace old worn items and is grateful to Pandora's for its offer to cover the $600 cost.
Clean-up checklists will be placed in the church foyer, studio, and Lamerton Centre meeting room to guide users on the need to leave the rooms clean and orderly.
February 2015
Rebecca is now back home and recovering. The sympathies and prayers of the whole Parish are with her and her family. It is likely that she will be absent from her duties until 15 April. Alternative arrangements for services are being made.
At its meeting on 4 February, the Parish Council considered the agenda and papers for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held after the 10am service on Sunday 22 February.
After the normal business and elections, the AGM will have four general business items:
The meeting business will be handled as quickly as possible and it is hoped that as many parishioners as possible can remain for the important general business items.
The Parish Council has drawn up a list of obligations of Parish key holders so that responsibilities are clear and explicit. Key holders will be asked to sign a form. St Philip's facilities can be vandalised and Parish property stolen if unauthorised access is obtained. These are not just theoretical risks — they have occurred in the past. Rectifying vandalism or replacing stolen items is a considerable burden on the Parish budget when it can be avoided by good security practice.
December 2016
Parish Council warmly welcomed Revd. Martin to his first Parish Council meeting.
The 2017 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held after the 10am service on Sunday 26 February. Reports for the AGM should be submitted to Rev’d Martin no later than Sunday 5 February 2017.
Parishioners wishing to, or thinking of, serving on the Parish Council for 2017 should talk to Rev’d Martin well before the AGM.
Parish Council expressed its appreciation to Pandora’s for a further donation of $5000 to the Rectory renovation project. It also expressed support for Pandora’s contribution to the “Share the Dignity” charity and endorsed Pandora’s proposed support for the “Tuckerbox” program at our neighbouring parish of Holy Cross, Hackett.
Twenty extra bibles have been purchased for the pews.
Work by the contractor on the outside of the Rectory will continue over summer.
Needed repair work on the box gutter above the foyer end of the church is underway.
November 2016
Parish Council would like to thank the many parishioners who have participated in the 2016 National Church life survey. Survey forms can still be deposited in the foyer until the end of November and parishioners who have not yet done so are encouraged to complete a form. The results should be useful for the Parish as it focuses on the future and especially for our new Rector.
The ACT Government funds have been received to support Rev. Robin Moore’s Northbourne Ministry over the next year.
A lot of work has been completed on the outside of the Rectory. The large Chinese elm has been removed and a number of tree stumps ground. The unused water tank in the backyard left by Rebecca and David was sold for $400. The side fence plus wisteria and ivy have been removed ready for a replacement colourbond fence. The backyard has been cleared.
Inside the Rectory, the venetians, curtains, stove and carpet have been cleaned. The house has been sprayed for pests.
A reminder that at its December meeting, Parish Council will consider the next two year cycle of mission projects – local, national and international – for recommendation to the 2017 AGM. Any suggestions for projects for 2017 and 2018 should be passed to one of the Wardens.
October 2016
There is no further information at this stage on the likely arrival date of Rev. Martin Johnson and his wife Susan. He is going through the process of terminating his employment with the Army and they are both very much looking forward to making the move to St Philips.
The ACT Government has committed to support Rev. Robin Moore's Northbourne Ministry over the next year. This is a great relief to Robin (and the Parish Council) and represents significant community recognition of the value and impact of her ministry.
Parish Council has decided to participate in the 2016 National Church life survey, which the Parish has not done for a number of years. The survey will be held during November and more details will be in the pewsheet. The results should be useful for the Parish as it focusses on the future, and especially for our new Rector.
Work continues to proceed in the Rectory. Permission has been received to remove the large Chinese elm tree in the Rectory backyard as it is a structural risk to the house.
A big thank you from Parish Council to those who assisted at the Rectory Working Bee on Saturday 8 October. The last Working Bee on the Rectory garden and Church garden and interior will be from 0930 to 12 noon on Saturday 19 November.
At its December meeting, Parish Council will consider the next two-year cycle of mission projects—local, national and international—for recommendation to the 2017 AGM. Any suggestions for projects for 2017 and 2018 should be passed to one of the Wardens.
September 2016
Parish Council warmly welcomed the appointment of the Rev. Martin Johnson as the new Rector of St. Philips and very much looks forward to welcoming Martin and Susan in person to the Parish. The Council greatly appreciated the work of the Clergy Appointment Board and Rev. Colin’s willingness during the long process to continue to serve as Locum.
Further information on Martin and Susan’s arrival will be provided in due course.
The completion of the Rectory renovation program remains a priority. There are a number of tasks to be completed outside the Rectory. These are in hand and will be progressed as soon as our chosen tradesman is available.
A further Rectory Working Bee will be held from 10am to noon on Saturday 8 October to progress work in the garden.
Parish Council thanked Roger Sharp for his efforts in finalising the new Parish signage which will enable the Parish to communicate better with the local community and visitors.
The Davidsons who have led the Youth Group since 2012 have advised Parish Council that they will no longer be in a position to fulfil this role from the end of Term 3 (late September). Parish Council expressed its deep appreciation and admiration for their leadership and work over the last four years in forming and growing the Youth Group.
August 2016
The Diocesan Synod will be held in Goulburn from 9-11 September. St. Philips will be represented by Rev'ds Colin and Robin and by Philippa Wicks, Rosemary Knight and Vicki Luker.
The Parish has had limited success in its application from local clubs but we are grateful for their support. We still await word from ACT Housing for funding for the Northbourne Community Centre program. Northbourne Committee will meet on 19 August to review the future of the program. Parish Council would continue to value your prayers for a sustainable future for Robin Moore's Northbourne Community Centre ministry.
The car park resurfacing is complete. We are continuing to fix eaves, drains and some shared sewerage problems with the kindergarten.
Any update on Parish signage. We will see new signage in the next few weeks, weather permitting.
At mid-year, the Parish’s running costs budget is in a reasonable state, partly due to lower expenditure and partly because we are not paying for a full time Rector. The second half of the year will see increased expenditure on maintenance of drains, sewerage line and the car park as well as upgraded signage around the church which was planned as part of the Lamerton Centre project. The rectory internal work is complete except for the final carpet cleaning. However, the outside work has still to be done. This includes the pergolas, some guttering/roofing issues, tree maintenance and fencing. Rectory costs will continue to be met from the Carola Parke Bequest.
July 2016
The Parish has been unsuccessful in its application from Hands Across Canberra for funding for the Northbourne Community Centre program. We are awaiting advice from three local clubs as to whether any funding will be forthcoming and advice of possible funding from ACT Housing. In the meantime Parish Council has decided to provide emergency funding for the program until the end of August. Parish Council would value your prayers for a sustainable future for Robin Moore’s Northbourne Community Centre ministry.
After a month’s trial, Parish Council has finalised arrangements with Thu Zar Cleaning Services for weekly cleaning of the church.
The five year inspection of the Solar Inverter has been completed. Issues that arose with the drains after recent heavy rain are being attended to. There is also work required on the eaves at the two main entrances to the church.
In addition, there is a blockage of tree roots in the sewer from the church hall and Parish Council and the Kindergarten are addressing the issue.
The Parish members of the Clergy Appointment Board are continuing to work on behalf of the Parish to find a new rector but the process is unfortunately lengthy.
Parish Council would value your continued prayers for the appointment of a new Rector and for our children’s ministry.
June 2016
Parish Council underlines the importance of Safe Ministry training as a part of Diocesan governance and urges all those who are required to have this training to undertake it or, as necessary, attend a refresher course.
Rev. Colin has recently convened the Pastoral Care Group to review how it is operating.
Parish Council would value your prayers for the appointment of a new Rector and for children’s ministry (see below).
Parish Council continues to work on the Rectory renovation project and is currently focusing on the exterior of the building, particularly roofing, fencing and landscaping issues. Pandora’s donation of $5000 to the Rectory renovation project is most appreciated.
There remain vacancies for some additional voluntary assistance in the Parish Office and for the cleaning of the church linen. Anyone willing to assist with these duties should speak to Rev. Colin or a Parish Warden.
May 2016
The following dates have been set as Mission Sundays: 5 June for our local mission Canberra Common Ground homelessness project, 7 August for our national mission Wontulp-Bi-Buya College ABM project in Cairns and 9 October for our international mission the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital ABM project in Gaza.
Parish Council commended the high standard of the St Philip’s website which is a standout amongst Diocesan parishes and is a wonderful repository of information. Council thanked all involved.
A professional cleaner has been engaged on a month’s trial to do the main elements of cleaning. There will remain a few voluntary tasks to be done periodically and at Parish working bees. Parish Council is most appreciative of the voluntary cleaning work done by parishioners over a number of months.
There remain vacancies for voluntary assistance in the Parish Office and for the cleaning of the church linen. Anyone willing to assist with these duties should speak to Rev. Colin or a Parish Warden.
The problem with a couple of heaters on the right hand side of the church has been rectified.
April 2016
Efforts are continuing to find replacement funding for the St. Philips Care program at the Northbourne Community Centre.
There remain vacancies for voluntary assistance in the Parish Office and for the cleaning of the church linen. Anyone willing to assist with these duties should speak to Rev. Colin or a Parish Warden.
The renovation of the interior of the Rectory is essentially complete. There remains some general cleaning, especially the carpets. The Rectory will be open for viewing by parishioners on St. Philips Day 1 May after the 10am service.
Over the coming months work will be needed on the Rectory fences and pergola and in the Rectory garden.
There will be a Rectory garden Working Bee on Saturday 14 May from 9am to 12 noon.
March 2016
The new Council elected Ian Cousins: Chair; Shane Woodburn: Treasurer and Rebecca Palethorpe: Secretary. Tim Gulliver was appointed Building and Maintenance Co-coordinator; Rebecca Palethorpe as Children's and Youth Ministry Co-coordinator, Roger Sharp: Safety Officer (Diocesan requirement); Leighton Mann: Parish Communications & Events Co-coordinator; Rosemary Knight: Northbourne Community Co-coordinator.
Points of contact responsibilities have been allocated amongst the new Council members and a revised note will be placed on the Noticeboard.
There is an annual survey of the membership of parish subgroups - the Liturgy Committee, the St. Philip's Care Management Committee, Pandora's Management Committee, Food@ St Philips and the Children and Youth Ministry Support Group. Parishioners wishing to serve, or to continue to serve, on any of these committees should make their interest known to a Warden or any other Parish Councillor.
The Parish Council will also survey the valuable roles performed for the Parish by various individuals, namely, Youth Group Coordinator, Parish Office, Newsletter/Pewsheet, Sacristan and Assistant Sacristan, Cleaning, Website, Parish Calendar, Banking, Rosters Coordinator, Linen, Flowers Coordinator and Spring Fling Coordinator. Parishioners wishing to serve, or to continue to serve, in any of these roles should make their interest known to a Warden or any other Parish Councillor.
Key issues before the Council this year, in addition to the normal running of the Parish, will be: completing the rectory renovation project; children's ministry; and assisting Rev. Robin to sustain the Northbourne Community program.
In addition there is the Clergy Appointment Board process involving our Parish representatives Denise Manley, Chris Cheah and Ian Cousins.
February 2016
Parish Council considered the agenda and papers for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held after the 10am service on Sunday 28 February.
After the normal business and elections, the AGM will have two general business items: Rectory Renovation Update and Report on Carola Parke Bequest.
The meeting business will be handled as quickly as possible and it is hoped that as many parishioners as possible can remain for the important general business items.
St Philips March Market will be held on Saturday 19 March from 8am to 12 noon. The market will include Garage sale, cooking/produce/plant stall(s), Pandora's $2 sale, morning tea & BBQ — more details soon (Leighton will co-ordinate this event).
December 2017
Parish Council warmly congratulated Rev'd Martin on his first year in the Parish.
The 2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 11.15am on Sunday 25 February. Reports for the AGM should be submitted to Rev’d Martin no later than Sunday 4 February 2018.
Parishioners wishing to, or thinking of, serving on the Parish Council for 2018 should talk to Rev’d Martin well before the AGM.
Good progress has been made on the Rectory roof and on the replacement of the church and kindergarten fascia boards. The work will be completed by this weekend or next week at the latest. ...... A REMINDER to remain careful around those areas while the work continues.
November 2017
David and Elizabeth have advised that they are no longer in a position to tend the front and side gardens which they have transformed magnificently over the last five years. Parish Council and all parishioners are most appreciative of the commitment they have shown - and the results they have achieved!
Parish Council is very appreciative of the offer from Lisa Wood to take over care of those areas of the garden in between working bees.
Work to replace the deteriorated fascia boards on the church and church hall (kindergarten) and to carry out some minor roofing repairs at the Rectory are scheduled to commence 30 November. There will be some restrictions in the car park when the high fascia boards at the back of the church are being worked on and some restrictions in the courtyard at various points. Please keep clear of the work areas. More details will be provided when known.
There will be a Working Bee this Saturday, 18 November 9-11am to ready the church and garden for the Advent season. If you are able to make available even a small amount of time, this would be appreciated and can make a difference in spreading the load.
To get ready for the Festive Season, come along to Pandora’s Festive Fashions event on Saturday 25 November from 10am to 1pm.
We will start the Advent season with the “Thank You” Happy Hour at 5pm on Saturday 2 December and the Advent Dinner in the courtyard at 6.30 pm - followed on Sunday 3 December by the 8am service and the Family Service at 10am.
October 2017
Rev. Martin reported to Parish Council on the Goulburn Synod.
The new Covenant is with the Bishop awaiting his attention.
Dates for forthcoming special services have now been set:
* Celtic Eucharist Sunday 29 October at 8am and 10am
* All Saints All Souls Saturday 4 November at 6.30pm followed by supper
* Christ the King Sunday 26 November at 8am and 10am
The Clergy Honour Board in the foyer is to be updated.
There will be a pre-Advent Working Bee on Saturday 18 November from 9-11am for the church and garden.
September 2017
Parish Council welcomed the feedback from parishioners on the new draft Covenant to be concluded between Rev. Martin, Parish Council and the Bishop. The new Covenant has now been adopted by Parish Council and has been forwarded to the Bishop for his consideration.Special upcoming services: Celtic Eucharist, All Saints, Family Eucharist, Christ the King.
Parish Council expressed its support and appreciation for Pandora’s contributions to Parish mission projects and local charities. Pandora’s has recently contributed $1000 to the ABM Myanmar education mission project; $1000 to the ABM “Youth Engagement across Top End Remote Communities” mission project; and $2000 to Karinya House for mothers and children in crisis. Pandora’s has also contributed $900 towards the cost of new hymn books and $1068 for the cost of the new folding tables for the Lamerton Centre meeting room. They have also contributed approximately $2000 toward the purchase and installation of a new stove for the Rectory.
August 2017
The Diocese requires that there be a Covenant between each Rector, their Parish and the Bishop. Rev. Martin and Parish Council in conjunction with the Archdeacon have been working on a draft Covenant.
A small number of copies of the draft document will be available in the foyer for those without access to email. A copy will be distributed via the Parish email and a copy will also be placed on the noticeboard. Comments from parishioners can be passed to Rev. Martin or any member of the Parish Council or emailed to It would be helpful if comments could be provided by the end of August.
The results from St. Philip’s participation in the 2016 National Church Life Survey have been received. Thirty-four forms were returned by St. Philips. A copy of the summary will be placed on the noticeboard. A copy of the summary will also be distributed shortly via the Parish email. Parish Council is considering the results.
Parish Council congratulated Pandora’s on its very successful community event – Christmas in July Vintage Fashions
July 2017
At a Special Parish Meeting on 9 July, Philippa Wicks and Ashton Robinson were elected as Synod representatives. Brian McKinlay was elected as a Synod representative at the AGM in February. In addition Rosemary Knight was elected as a Synod alternate representative.
The results from St. Philips participation in the 2016 National Church Life Survey have been received and Parish Council has begun considering them. The summary report for St. Philips will be made available to parishioners shortly.
Parish Council has been reviewing Parish communication: what we communicate and how we communicate. Council would welcome any input from parishioners which can be passed to any PC member or email
August will be our national mission Project month. The project endorsed at the AGM is an ABM program “Youth Engagement Across Top End Remote Communities”. This continues our tradition of supporting reconciliation through our mission giving.
June 2017
A ‘first Sunday of the month’ family service will be introduced from 2 July as part of the normal 10am service.
There will be an election for nominees for the remaining Synod vacancies at the end of the 10am service on Sunday 9 July. Under Diocesan requirements, these are representative positions that need to be elected at a parish general meeting.
The first aid kits in the foyer and Lamerton Centre have been updated by St. John’s Ambulance.
The major church maintenance item this year will be the renewal of the fascia boards of the church and church hall with long lasting colourbond. Work is planned to be carried out towards the end of the year.
May 2017
There remain two alternate Synod representative vacancies for this years’ Diocesan Synod, which will be held in Goulburn from 6-8 October. Any parishioner interested in representing the parish at Synod should talk to Rev. Martin. Philippa Wicks and Ashton Robinson have kindly accepted nomination for the second and third Synod positions while Rosemary Knight has agreed to be an alternate representative. Brian McKinlay was elected as a Synod representative at the AGM.
There remains an opportunity for voluntary assistance in the Parish Office. Anyone willing to assist with these duties should speak to Rev. Martin or a Parish Warden.<
The Rectory renovation project is very largely complete with the landscaping works and fences now in place. The Rectory grounds were open for viewing by parishioners on 14 May after the 10am service.
Parish Council is most grateful to Denise Manley for leading the Rectory project team with assistance from Tim Gulliver and Roger Sharp. It was a considerable effort over a period of 19 months.
April 2017
There remains one Synod representative vacancy for this years’ Diocesan Synod which will be held in Goulburn from 6-8 October. Any parishioner interested in representing the parish at Synod should talk to Revd Martin. Ashton Robinson has kindly accepted nomination for the second Synod position. Brian McKinlay was elected as a Synod representative at the AGM.
There remains an opportunity for voluntary assistance in the Parish Office. Anyone willing to assist with these duties should speak to Revd Martin or a Parish Warden.
St Philip's day will be celebrated on Sunday 7 May. After the 10am service a plaque will be dedicated in the courtyard in memory of Carola Parke followed by a special morning tea.
The Rectory renovation project is very largely complete with the landscaping works and fences now in place. The Rectory grounds will be open for viewing by parishioners on 14 May after the 10am service.
Parish Council is most grateful to Denise Manley for leading the Rectory project team with assistance from Tim Gulliver and Roger Sharp. It was a considerable effort over a period of 19 months.
March 2017
The new Council elected Ian Cousins as Chair, Shane Woodburn as Treasurer and Rebecca Palethorpe as Secretary. Points of contact responsibilities have been allocated amongst the new Council members and a revised note will be placed on the Noticeboard.
There is an annual survey of the membership of parish sub-groups - the Liturgy Committee, the St. Philip's Care Management Committee, Pandora's Management Committee, Food @ St Philips and the Children and Youth Ministry Support Group. Parishioners wishing to serve, or to continue to serve, on any of these committees should make their interest known to Revd Martin, a Warden or any other Parish Councillor.
The Parish Council will also survey the valuable roles performed for the Parish by various individuals, such as Youth Group Coordinators, Parish Office, Newsletter/Pewsheet, Website, Parish Calendar, Banking, Rosters Coordinator, Flowers Coordinator and Spring Fling Coordinator. Parishioners wishing to serve, or to continue to serve, in any of these roles should make their interest known to Rev. Martin, a Warden or any other Parish Councillor.
Key issues before the Council this year, in addition to the normal running of the Parish, will be: a new Covenant with Revd Martin, the children’s and youth ministry; support for Revd Robin’s Northbourne Community Centre ministry and completing the rectory renovation project in the near future. On regular maintenance, the building fascia boards and eaves are a priority.
Parish Council has agreed to hire the church and Lamerton Centre meeting room to a local Tongan Uniting Church congregation for use every Sunday from 1pm to about 3pm.
February 2017
At its meeting on 8 February, the Parish Council considered the agenda and papers for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held at 11.15am sharp on Sunday 26 February in the Lamerton Centre.
After the normal business and elections, the AGM will have three general business items:
Rectory Renovation Project
Carola Parke Bequest
2017 Review of Mission Program
The meeting business will be handled as quickly as possible and it is hoped that as many parishioners as possible can remain for the important general business items.
On the storm damage front, the tree has been removed and the stump ground. A new sign is being made – only the bottom notice box was retrievable. The costs will be largely covered by insurance.
Work on the Rectory Renovation Project will resume soon. The principal remaining work is landscaping together with a number of other outdoor items.
The St. Philips Autumn Market will be held on Saturday 1 April from 9am to 1pm.
December 2018
Key Points from December Parish Council MeetingParish Council is grateful for the good response from parishioners for the watering roster for the garden over summer. There are still two slots to be filled at the end of February.
Pandora’s will be closed from 1pm on Saturday 15 December and will re-open on Friday 11 January 2019.
This year’s Carol Service will be held at 7.30pm on Sunday 16 December. It will be followed by supper. Please bring a plate to share.
Christmas services will follow the pattern of previous years. On Christmas Eve there will be a 5pm Children's Service, Carol Singing at 11pm and an 11.30pm Sung Eucharist. On Christmas Day Holy Communion will be at 9am.
The 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 11.15am on Sunday 24 February. Reports for the AGM should be submitted to Rev’d Martin no later than Sunday 3 February 2019.
Parishioners wishing to, or thinking of, serving on the Parish Council for 2019 should talk to Rev’d Martin well before the AGM. Please note that some current Parish Councillors will be stepping down so the need to fill these roles is great!
Parishioners are reminded that voluntary parish roles are renewed after each AGM. If any parishioners would like to take on a voluntary role in 2019 or are thinking about doing so, please talk to Rev’d Martin or any Parish Councillor. These roles include Banking role, Sacristan, Events & Food Coordinator, Parish Office etc.
Our annual Market Day will be held from 9am to 1pm on Saturday 23 March 2019
November 2018
We will start the Advent season with the “Thank You” Happy Hour at 5pm on Saturday 1 December and the Advent Dinner in the courtyard at 6.30 pm - followed on Sunday 2 December by the 8am service and the Family Service at 10am. The Happy Hour and Advent Dinner are always a wonderful celebration of our parish community. Please bring a salad or dessert to share. Please come and join us.
Repairs have been carried out on the roof of the Kindergarten and the roof of Pandora’s to address some persistent leaks.
There will be a Working Bee on Saturday 17 November from 9- 11am to ready the church and garden for the Advent season. If you are able to make available even a small amount of time, this would be appreciated and can make a difference in spreading the load.
Despite the welcome recent rain, we are still set for a very dry summer. The garden has already suffered from a dry winter. Parish Council is therefore seeking volunteers for a watering roster over December, January and February. If we had thirteen volunteers, we could manage a weekly hand water of the garden over this period. The commitment would only be for one water of the garden beds (not the grass) over the summer per volunteer. The watering could be done at any time during the week at the convenience of the volunteer. There will be a roster notice and further details on the noticeboard in the foyer if you are able to help.
Parish Council has agreed to hire the church to Canberra Opera for an end of year concert on Friday, 7 December 2018.
Ocotber 2018
Revd Martin reported to Parish Council on the Goulburn Synod.
This year’s Spring Fling was a great community event. Parish Council would like to thank the whole Parish for its support in making the Spring Fling such a success.
St Luke’s Day will be celebrated Thursday 8 October, 7pm with a Sung Eucharist, followed by supper.
October is our International Mission Month. The international mission project for 2018 is ABM’s Myanmar Education Project. Envelopes for donations are available in the foyer.
A new lockable “post box” has been installed in the foyer near the water cooler. It is to be used for new or amended Parish Permissions Forms and any other mail or papers that require more privacy than the open mail trays.
There will be a Working Bee on Saturday 17 November from 9-11am for a general clean-up to prepare the church and grounds for Advent and Christmas.
Canberra Opera will hire the church and Lamerton Centre for an end of year concert on the evening of Friday 7 December.
September 2018
Parish Council has begun discussion with St Philip’s Kindergarten on the renewal of the lease of the Church Hall for a further five years from 2019.
This year’s Spring Fling is now very close. It will be held from 10am to 2pm on Saturday 22 September. The Spring Fling is our major annual fundraising and outreach event. Support from parishioners is essential for a successful event. If you wish to contribute or have any questions, please speak to Leighton or Revd Martin.
Parish Council have agreed implementation procedures for the new Parish Permissions Forms to enable compliance with the wishes of parishioners and to improve protection of the personal details of parishioners.
October will be our International Mission Month. The international mission project for 2018 is ABM’s Myanmar Education Project. Envelopes for donations will be in the foyer in October. The next AGM in February 2019 will designate our local, national and international mission projects for the next two year period. Suggestions from parishioners can be passed to Rev. Martin or any Parish Councillor.
Parish Council have agreed in principle to hire the church to Canberra Opera for an end of year concert in November/December 2018. Details have yet to be finalized.
August 2018
The Confirmation Service will be held at 10am on Sunday 12 August. Bishop Stephen Pickard will celebrate. The service will be followed by a special morning tea with parishioners asked to contribute something.
Parishioners are reminded to complete the new Parish Directory and Permissions form by Sunday 19 August and place it in the marked box in the foyer. Copies of the form are available in the foyer.
August is our National Mission Month. The national mission project for 2018 is the ABM program “Youth Engagement across Top End Remote Communities”. It is a very worthwhile project and continues St. Philips’ ongoing support for reconciliation. Envelopes for donations are in the foyer.
Parish Council is working on a number of maintenance items. The globes in the non-functioning lights in the church are being replaced. The window ledge on the wall facing the courtyard will be thoroughly cleaned and a barrier to exclude pigeons from both sides of the church will be installed. A handrail will be installed outside the pulpit door. Advice is being sought on the replacement of a number of cracked window panes in the church. The reverse cycle units in the Lamerton Centre are to be serviced.
Planning has started on this year’s Spring Fling to be held from 10am to 2pm on Saturday 22 September. The Spring Fling is our major annual fundraising and outreach event. Information on the various stalls is now available for parishioners to indicate how they would like to contribute. If you have any questions, please speak to Leighton or Rev’d Martin.
Due to unavailability, there is a vacancy in St. Philips’ representation at the Synod in Goulburn from 7-9 September. Anyone interested in attending should speak to Revd Martin.
July 2018
As mentioned last month Parish Council has been reviewing how we handle the personal details of parishioners in the pew sheet and on the Parish website and on Facebook as well as the question of photographs and video clips taken at St. Philips. The purpose of the review has been to ensure our processes comply with the law and meet new Diocesan standards in respect of privacy.
A new personal particulars form has been developed. It is a combined Parish Permissions Form and a personal information form for compiling the Parish Directory. An explanatory note from Parish Council will be available with the new form in the foyer.
Parish Council would be grateful if all parishioners could complete the form by Sunday 19 August and place it in the marked box in the foyer so that we can start the new practice with an updated database.
Parish Council have recently and unexpectedly received a cheque for additional funds from the Carola Parke estate. These new funds will be handled in accordance with the decisions by successive AGMs concerning this bequest.
The three Parish mission projects for 2018 are the Northbourne Community Centre ministry of Revd Robin Moore, the ABM program “Youth Engagement across Top End Remote Communities” and the ABM Myanmar Education project. The Northbourne Community Centre program, as we have known it, has come to an end. Pandora’s has generously contributed $1000 to the final expenses of the program.
The month of August will be our national mission month focussing on the Top End Remote Communities project and the month of October will be our international mission month focussing on the Myanmar Education project.
June 2018
Bishop Stephen Pickard will visit the Parish for a Confirmation Service, 12 August, 10am
For a number of months Parish Council under the leadership of Rebecca Palethorpe has been reviewing how we handle the personal details of parishioners in the pewsheet and on the Parish website and on Facebook as well as the question of photographs taken at St. Philip's. The purpose of the review has been to ensure our processes meet new Diocesan standards in respect of privacy.
A new Media Permission Release Form is being developed which will be integrated in future with the Parish Directory Form. More details will be provided over the next few months.
The Parish Directory has been updated and copies are available in the foyer.
An ordination gift of a green chasuble and stole has been acquired for Revd Peter Kuot who has a close connection with St Philip's. Anyone wishing to make a small donation please let Revd Martin know.
A “Fix My Street” request has been submitted to the ACT Government for the footpath at the corner of Macpherson and Moorhouse Streets. The gradient to the roadway is non-compliant for wheelchair use.
A Winter Working Bee on the garden will be held from 9-11am on Saturday 23 June.
May 2018
Following discussion at the AGM in February Parish Council has reviewed the food parcel giving and plans to reinvigorate it. Our program will now be more closely aligned than in the past with St John’s Care and their needs and all foods not required for use by St. Philips will be passed more regularly to St John’s Care. Further details will appear in the Pewsheet.
The Parish Directory will be updated by the end of May.
There remains an opportunity for voluntary assistance in the Parish Office as well as for more assistance with the gardens. Parish Council is very appreciative of the time Jeanette Dundon-Tunks has been able to give to the front garden but additional assistance would be most welcome. Anyone willing to assist with these duties should speak to Rev’d Martin or a Parish Warden.
This year the sacristan duties are being performed by a Sacristy team.
The work on the courtyard drains has been completed and the courtyard is fully accessible again. The damaged “tactiles” at the access points to the Lamerton Centre deck and ramp have been replaced with a more durable product.
Saturday 22 September from 10 am to 2 pm has been set as the date for this year’s Spring Fling.
April 2018
Parish Council is very grateful for the parishioners who have taken on, or who will continue to serve in valuable parish roles until the next AGM in 2019.
Many thanks to all who contributed to the Holy Week and Easter festivities. The worship was beautiful, the music was sublime, the food was wonderful, the flowers stunning and the fellowship warm.
As mentioned at the AGM in February work needs to be done on the courtyard drains. This work will commence on Monday 16 April and continue for up to 10 days. While the work is in progress access to the church will be through the front door only. Access to the Lamerton Centre will be via the path and gate behind the building and up the side ramp. The Kindergarten and Pandora’s will continue to function and there will continue to be access to the toilets but there will be no access across the courtyard. As background there are three stormwater drains. One tracks along the path by the Kindergarten and was renewed some years ago. The drain to Macpherson Street was renewed during the construction of the Lamerton Centre. It is the middle drain down the centre of the courtyard that is original from 1957 and is causing the problems that now have to be attended to.
The courtyard will be fenced off. Please take care around the work site and follow the signs.
March 2018
The new Council elected Ian Cousins as Chair, Shane Woodburn as Treasurer and Rebecca Palethorpe as Secretary. Points of contact responsibilities have been allocated amongst the new Council members and a revised note will be placed on the Noticeboard.
There is an annual survey of the membership of parish sub-groups - the Liturgy Committee, the St. Philip's Care Management Committee, Pandora's Management Committee, Food @ St Philips and the Children and Youth Ministry Support Group. Parishioners wishing to serve, or to continue to serve, on any of these committees should make their interest known to Rev. Martin, a Warden or any other Parish Councillor.
The Parish Council will also survey the valuable roles performed for the Parish by various individuals, such as Youth Group Coordinators, Parish Office, Newsletter/Pewsheet, Website, Parish Calendar, Banking, Rosters Coordinator, Linen, Flowers Coordinator and Spring Fling Coordinator. Parishioners wishing to serve, or to continue to serve, in any of these roles should make their interest known to Revd Martin, a Warden or any other Parish Councillor.
Key priorities for Revd Martin and the Council this year, in addition to the normal running of the Parish and stewardship, will be: Revd Robin’s Northbourne Community Centre ministry, the Aged Care ministry at Kankinya and Morsehead Village in Lyneham, the Youth and Family ministry and pastoral care. On maintenance, the courtyard drains are a priority.
Parish Council has renewed the arrangement with the Tongan Uniting Church congregation for the hire of church facilities every Sunday from 1pm to about 3pm. The Tongans have been model partners and have advised that they are interested in using the facilities for the long term.
February 2018
At its meeting on 7 February, the Parish Council considered the agenda and papers for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held at 11.15am sharp on Sunday 25 February.
After the normal business and elections, the AGM will have two general business items:
- Carola Parke Bequest
- Designation of 2018 Local Mission
Parishioners wishing to, or thinking of, filling vacancies on the Parish Council for 2018 should talk to Rev’d Martin well before the AGM.
Work on the Rectory Renovation Project was essentially completed during December/January with just some final painting and a bit of work on a small section of eaves remaining.
The replacement of the church and kindergarten fascia boards was completed in December and the courtyard tree was pruned. In January, a bee infestation in the vestry was removed, the dishwasher in the Lamerton Centre repaired and the waste from the trimming of the courtyard tree was removed.
The St Philip’s Autumn Market Morning will be held on Saturday 14 April from 9am to 1pm.
December 2019
Due to the continuing dryness Parish Council has decided that we will again this summer need a watering roster for the garden. A roster form is on the foyer noticeboard if you are able to help.
Parish Council is continuing to explore solutions for the future which will obviate the need for a roster of this type. Some work has been done on the gardens this year. The perimeter gardens were mulched in spring. A plan to install more concrete sleepers to help prevent water run-off from the perimeter gardens fell through as the contractor was not able to source assistance. We hope this work can be completed in the first half of next year.
Pandora’s will be closed from 1pm on Saturday 14 December and will re-open on Friday10 January 2020.
This year’s Carol Service will be held at 7.30pm on Sunday 15 December. It will be followed by supper. Please bring a plate to share.
Christmas services will follow the pattern of previous years. On Christmas Eve there will be a 5pm Children's Service, Carol Singing at 11pm and an 11.30pm Sung Eucharist. On Christmas Day Holy Communion will be at 9am.
The 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 11.15am on Sunday 23 February. Reports for the AGM should be submitted to Rev’d Martin no later than Sunday 2 February 2020.
Parishioners wishing to, or thinking of, serving on the Parish Council for 2020, or serving as Synod representatives, should talk to Rev’d Martin well before the AGM.
Parishioners are reminded that voluntary parish roles (such as Pewsheet preparation, flowers, Parish Office) are renewed after each AGM. If any parishioners would like to take on a voluntary role in 2020 or are thinking about doing so, please talk to Rev’d Martin or any Parish Councillor.
Our annual Market Day and Pandora’s Winter Launch will be held from 9am to 1pm on Saturday 14 March 2020.
November 2019
We will start the Advent season with the “Thank You” Happy Hour at 5pm on Saturday 30 November and the Advent Dinner in the courtyard at 6.30 pm - followed on Sunday 1 December by the 8am service and the Family Service at 10am. The Happy Hour and Advent Dinner are always a wonderful celebration of our parish community. Please come and join us.
There will be a Working Bee on Saturday 16 November from 9-11am to ready the church and garden for the Advent season. If you are able to make available even a small amount of time, this would be appreciated and can make a difference in spreading the load.
As advised previously Parish Council has been working on a Privacy Policy building on the development last year of the new Parish Directory and Permissions form. The finalised policy will be on the foyer noticeboard and on the website from Sunday 17 November.
Canberra Opera will hire the church on 6 December from 5.30 to 9.30pm. Their performance will begin at 6.30 pm. All welcome.
The Rectory garage guttering and the guttering on the Studio have had to be replaced due to wear and tear over time. The deck surrounds on the Lamerton Centre and the external front wall of the Studio have suffered from sun and weather damage. They will be repainted in the next few weeks leading up to Advent.
October 2019
Rev. Martin reported to Parish Council on the Goulburn Synod.
This year’s “Spring Fling” was a great community event. Parish Council would like to thank the whole Parish for its support in making the “Spring Fling” such a success.
Parish Council has been working on a Privacy Policy building on the development last year of the new Parish Directory and Permissions form. It will enable the Parish to be compliant with our responsibilities under the Privacy Act 1988. The policy will be available shortly and placed on the website.
October is our International Mission Month. The international mission project for 2019 is the ABM Gender and Governance Project in Zambia. Envelopes for donations are available in the foyer. Please give generously.
On 16 October Bunnings will install a frog pond in the triangular garden in front of the Kindergarten off Moorehouse St. The Kindergarten has arranged the free installation with the support of Parish Council. The Bunnings program, in partnership with the Australian Museum, provides the ponds to schools as a teaching resource to track frogs and raise awareness of the importance of frogs to our environment. The pond will have a mesh covering for risk management purposes.
There will be a Working Bee on Saturday 12 October from 9-11am for a general clean-up to prepare the church and grounds in preparation for the Bishop’s visit on Sunday 20 October for the confirmation service.
September 2019
The Diocesan Synod is taking place in Goulburn from 6 to 8 September. The Parish is represented by Martin, Robin Moore, Brian McKinlay and Ashton Robinson. In its mid-year review of the budget, Parish Council noted that giving was slightly up and expenditure slightly below the budgeted level for this point of the year. This is pleasing and it means that the planned deficit in the 2019 operating budget of $24,868 is likely on current projections to be a few thousand dollars less by the end of the year. Nevertheless it is clear that the budget for operating the Parish remains under some strain and dwindling Parish operating funds accumulated over recent years will need to be drawn on again to cover the deficit. This situation underlines the importance of a successful Spring Fling as well as regular giving which is the single biggest element of our income to meet the stipend and operating costs. Parish Council will continue to manage the budget carefully and look for expenditure savings wherever possible. The Council is continuing to develop ideas for reducing energy costs. This year’s “Spring Fling” is only a week away - from 10am to 2pm on Saturday 14 September. The “Spring Fling” is our major annual fundraising and community outreach event. If you haven’t got a job yet or have any questions, please speak to Leighton, Susan or Revd Martin. There will be a special lamington morning tea after the 10am service on 22 September to celebrate five years of the wonderful and much-used facility we have in the Lamerton Centre. Please bring along something to share. There will also be a viewing of the film “The Lamerton Centre Story”.August 2019
August is our National Mission Month. The national mission project for 2019 is the ABM project “Assisting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and youth”. It is a very worthwhile project and continues St. Philips’ ongoing support for reconciliation. Envelopes for donations are in the foyer. Donations can be placed in the giving bag or in the basket at the back of the church.This year’s “Spring Fling” will be held from 10am to 2pm on Saturday 14 September. The “Spring Fling” is our major annual fundraising and outreach event. Information on the various stalls is now available for parishioners to indicate how they would like to contribute. If you have any questions, please speak to Leighton, Susan or Revd Martin.
Two Working Bees will be held over the coming months: one on Saturday 31 August to tidy the grounds for the “Spring Fling” and the other on Saturday 12 October (both from 9am – 11am) to prepare the church and grounds prior to the visit of the Bishop for the Confirmation Service. Whatever time you can make available will be very much appreciated and will help spread the load.
Some key dates coming up to bear in mind:
o The Spring Fling Saturday 14 September
o Special morning tea after 10am service on 22 September to celebrate five years of the Lamerton Centre (please bring some food to share)
o Confirmation Service at 10am on Sunday 20 October with Bishop Mark, followed by special Morning Tea. Please bring some food to share.
July 2019
A Confirmation Service will be held at 10am on Sunday 20 October. Bishop Mark will preside. The service will be followed by a special morning tea.
As part of the development of sustainable stewardship for the Parish, Parish Council is taking advantage of an ACT Government offer to businesses and community groups to provide an assessment of their energy efficiency. The Council continues to invite you to provide your ideas and thoughts on caring for our buildings and grounds and the management of water and energy and is grateful for the contributions received so far.
On maintenance, the final piece of landscaping in the front yard of the Rectory has been completed. The small fridge in the Lamerton Centre has been replaced. Thank you to Leighton for sourcing and organising the new fridge as well as for replacing a faulty sink tap. Parish Council is also grateful for Pandora’s contribution towards the cost of the new fridge.
The month of August will be our national mission month in support of an ABM project “Assisting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and youth”.
This year’s “Spring Fling” will be held from 10am to 2pm on Saturday 14 September. The “Spring Fling” is our major annual fundraising and outreach event. Please start thinking about how you can contribute. If you have any questions, please speak to Leighton, Susan or Martin.
June 2019
As mentioned in the Key Points from its May meeting, Parish Council is continuing to progress the idea of a Sustainable Stewardship Plan as part of a Three Year Parish Plan. The Council invites you to provide your ideas and thoughts on caring for our buildings and grounds and on the management of water and energy.
June is our local mission month and the local mission project for 2019 and 2020 is Companion House in Belconnen which assists refugees and survivors of torture and trauma. Please support this worthy cause.
The Parish still collects stamps for ABM. Please place them in the stamp letterbox in the foyer.
On maintenance: the broken concrete in the entrance path to the church has been replaced; new steps have been installed at the pulpit door to address the risks presented by the old narrow steps; and a final piece of landscaping in the front yard of the Rectory is underway.
The fridge in the Lamerton Centre has failed again and will be replaced as soon as possible.
The end of autumn Working Bee will be held on Saturday 22 June from 9-11am. Please come and help if you can.
May 2019
A 2019 Governance Notice has been placed on the noticeboard setting out the points of contact/liaison responsibilities of Parish Councillors for particular aspects of Parish life. These designations are intended to facilitate contact if you have a matter which you wish to raise with Parish Council.
As discussed at the AGM, Parish Council are looking to develop a Sustainable Stewardship Package with the four spokes of buildings and grounds, water and energy management. Any ideas or suggestions parishioners have towards our approach to this package would be gratefully received by email to or through discussion with any of our parish council members.
There will be an end of autumn Working Bee held on Saturday 22 June from 9-11am.
April 2019
Parish Council is very grateful for the parishioners who have taken on, or who will to continue to serve in, valuable parish roles until the next AGM in 2020.
Parish Council is also very grateful for the many parishioners who volunteered to be part of the summer watering program for the gardens. Parish Council will be discussing what solutions there might be for next and subsequent summers given the drying of the climate.
We will focus on the Mission projects agreed at the AGM at the following points during the year - our local mission “Companion House”, Canberra in June; our national mission “ABM project: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Youth Engagement” in August and our international mission “ABM project: Gender and Governance in Zambia” in October. Cliff Lloyd is the missions coordinator on Parish Council.
This year’s Spring Fling will be held on Saturday 14 September. This event is our major fundraising and community outreach event of the year. Please put the date in your diaries.
On maintenance, all broken windows on the lower level of both sides of the church have now been replaced; the leaking sink in the disabled toilet has been fixed and the liquidambar in the Rectory garden has been pruned.
The time has come to check your entry for the upcoming 2019 Parish Directory. Sheets with details are available until the end of April and may be found at the rear of the church. Please check your entry and amend if necessary and, if you know of someone who is no longer coming to St Philip’s, please advise the Rector or a Parish Councilor.
March 2019
The new Council elected Ian Cousins as Chair, Shane Woodburn as Treasurer and Rebecca Palethorpe as Secretary. Points of contact responsibilities have been allocated amongst the new Council members and a revised note will be placed on the Noticeboard.
There is an annual survey of the membership of parish subgroups: the Liturgy Committee, Pandora's Management Committee, Food & Events @ St Philips and the Children & Youth Ministry Support Group. Parishioners wishing to serve, or to continue to serve, on any of these committees between now and the 2020 AGM should make their interest known to Rev’d Martin, a Warden or any other Parish Councillor.
The Parish Council also conducts an annual survey of the valuable roles performed for the Parish by various individuals, such as Youth Group Coordinators, Parish Office, Pewsheet, Website, Parish Calendar, Banking, Rosters Coordinator, Linen & Flowers Coordinator. Parishioners wishing to serve in any of these roles, or to continue to serve, in any of these roles between now and the 2020 AGM should make their interest known to Rev’d Martin, a Warden or any other Parish Councillor.
Key priorities for Rev’d Martin and the Council this year, in addition to the normal running of the Parish, pastoral care and stewardship, will be: the Youth and Family ministry, the Aged Care ministry at Kankinya and Morsehead Village in Lyneham. On maintenance, rectifying persistent leaks in the Kindergarten roof remains a priority.
Key dates to keep in mind are: Market Day 23 March; Pre-Easter Working Bee 30 March; Easter Celebration Breakfast from 8- 9.30am on 21 April. St. Philip’s Day will be celebrated on 5 May. A date for the “Spring Fling” will be decided at the April Parish Council meeting.
February 2019
Key Points from February Parish Council MeetingAt its meeting on 6 February, the Parish Council considered the agenda and papers for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held at 11.15am sharp on Sunday 24 February.
In addition to Parish Council elections, there are two vacancies for Synod alternates for 2019.
After the normal business and elections, the AGM will have two general business items: Carola Parke Bequest and Missions Program Review for 2019 and 2020
Parishioners are reminded that voluntary parish roles are renewed after each AGM. If any parishioners would like to take on a voluntary role in 2019 or are thinking about doing so, please talk to Rev’d Martin or any Parish Councillor.
The St Philips Autumn Market will be held on Saturday 23 March from 9am to 1pm.
There will be a pre-Easter Working Bee for the church and garden on Saturday 30 March from 9-11am.
December 2020
Under recently updated CovidSafe arrangements from ACT Health and the Diocese, Parish Council has lifted the allowable capacity of the church from 65 to 75. The new 2 square metre rule would on the surface suggest a higher number but Parish Council has had to take into account the usable space within the church and the overall imperative of maintaining 1.5m of social distancing. Limited choir singing is now allowed.
Do not attend if unwell, social distancing, use of sanitizer and recording of attendance are all still required. If you are concerned about the potential increase in attendees, please consider using a mask.
A Service of Lessons and Music will be held Saturday 19 December and again on Sunday 20 December, beginning at 7.30pm. Bookings are required to manage numbers. An email will be sent to parishioners with a link to a booking form. There will also be a link to the booking form on the Parish website and Facebook page. If you cannot access the booking form in these ways, please speak to Leighton.
Pandora’s will be closed from 1pm on Saturday 19 December and will re-open at 10am on Saturday 16 January 2021.
Christmas services will generally follow the pattern of previous years. On Christmas Eve there will be a 5pm Children's Service and an 11.30pm Eucharist. On Christmas Day Holy Communion will be at 9am.
The 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 11.15am on Sunday 21 February. Reports for the AGM should be submitted to Rev’d Martin no later than Sunday 31 January 2021.
Parishioners wishing to, or thinking of, serving on the Parish Council for 2021 or serving as a back-up representative for the annual Synod should talk to Rev’d Martin well before the AGM.
Parishioners are reminded that voluntary parish roles are renewed after each AGM. If any parishioners would like to take on a voluntary role in 2021 or are thinking about doing so, please talk to Rev’d Martin or any Parish Councillor.
November 2020
As of 5 November, ACT Health was identifying the following as COVID affected areas: All of Victoria, Two locations in Greater Sydney: Camden LGA and Liverpool City LGA
The Kindergarten has refunded to the Parish the amount of the partial rent relief that Parish Council provided earlier in the year when the likely impact of COVID in the ACT was less clear. Parish Council has acknowledged this action with thanks.
Pandora’s will participate in the CBR Garage Sale Trail from 9am to 1pm on Saturday 21 November. Weather permitting, the Parish will hold a mini Garage Sale in the courtyard at the same time, limited to a book sale and some garage sale type items.
From 10am to 1pm on Saturday 28 November Pandora’s will hold a Festive Fashions event in the Lamerton Centre and courtyard.
The Advent Dinner will be held in the courtyard at 6pm on 28 November weather permitting. Because of COVID 19 requirements, bookings will be necessary to manage numbers and the arrangements for food and seating will be different to previous years. More details on booking will be available shortly.
There will be a Christmas Concert at 7pm on both Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 December. Bookings will be necessary. More details to come.
Thank you to those who helped at the Spring Working Bee on the church grounds on Saturday 31 October.
Over the next couple of weeks the carpark will be regraded and the surface topped up with gravel. The carpark will necessarily be closed for a short period for the work to be done. Further advice will be provided when the exact date is known.
October 2020
Parish Council thanks parishioners for being diligent in adhering to the COVID safe arrangements at St. Philips. We are all helping to protect each other and the wider community.
As of 7 October, ACT Health was identifying the following as COVID affected areas:
- All of Victoria
- Three Local Government Areas in Greater Sydney (Campbelltown, Liverpool and Parramatta)
Over two weeks in September regional Diocesan Synods were held via zoom. They heard reports from the Bishop and Registrar. Martin, Robin Moore, Alison Davidson and Ashton Robinson logged on for the parish. A full Synod is provisionally planned for April 2021.
A further five year lease has been concluded with the Kindergarten.
Due to COVID-19 there will be no Spring Fling this year which had been planned for early November. We are looking at holding an Advent Dinner of some sort on Saturday 28 November under COVIDsafe arrangements. Bookings would be necessary. Details to be provided closer to the event.
The paved area in front of the toilets has been re-concreted following the plumbing works and there is now access to the toilets as normal. The gutters of the Kindergarten have been cleaned in anticipation of a wetter than normal spring and summer.
A Spring Working Bee on the church grounds will be held from 9-11am on Saturday 31 October.
Please talk with Rev'd Martin or any Parish Councillor if you have any concerns, questions or suggestions.
September 2020
Parish Council remains focussed on the health of the St. Philips community. Letting our guard down on COVID-19 could compromise our weekly services. This highly infectious virus has spread through some places of worship in Australia and overseas.
As the national response evolves there will necessarily be changes in the way we manage the situation and in the advice we give parishioners.
The current advice of Parish Council is that parishioners do not attend services at this time if:
- are unwell
- are awaiting COVID-19 test results
- are required to self-isolate under health regulations
- have been in any hotspots in the last 14 days
- know you have been in close contact with someone who has received a positive COVID19 test or who has been in a hotspot in the last 14 days.
The other key protective measures that we need to continue are the use of sanitizer, regular enhanced cleaning and social distancing.
The main symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose and shortness of breath. Less common symptoms are loss of smell, loss of taste, muscle pain, joint pain, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite.
Like National Cabinet, Parish Council has had to wrestle with the fact that there is no agreed definition of a hotspot.
Parish Council has adopted ACT Health advice concerning areas of elevated risk of community transmission as our definition of a “hotspots”. This enables us to fulfil our obligations under the Workplace Health and Safety Act and Diocesan COVIDsafe and Safe Ministries guidance about protecting our most vulnerable.
ACT Health currently identifies the following Hotspot areas.
- All of Victoria
- Greater Sydney
- COVID-affected areas of Queensland (essentially Greater Brisbane, the Gold Coast and parts of the Darling Downs).
The 8am Eucharist will continue to be livestreamed for those who wish to join with us from home.
Please talk with Rev’d Martin or any Parish Councillor if you have any concerns, questions, or suggestions.
August 2020
Rev'd Martin and Parish Council are continuing to devote time and energy to managing a Covid Safe environment at St Philip’s for the protection of parishioners, visitors to St Philip’s and the wider community.
Parish Council would like to remind all parishioners that if you are unwell, have been overseas or in any hotspots in Australia in the last 14 days or have been in contact with anyone showing signs of Covid-19, please do not attend services at this time.
The main symptoms of Covid-19 are fever, cough, sore throat and shortness of breath. Less common symptoms are loss of smell, loss of taste, runny nose, muscle pain, joint pain, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite.
The Diocese has approved the Pandora’s Covid Safe Plan. For the time being Pandoras will only be only open on Saturday mornings.
Work has been completed on the water leak from old pipes in the area between the toilets and the Parish storage shed. Quotes are now being obtained for remedial work on the broken pavement. There is still no access to the two toilets. However the disabled toilet and the Lamerton Centre ramp remain open. Please continue to take care if you are in the vicinity of the work area.
July 2020
Regular services have resumed. A St. Philips COVIDSAFE management plan has been approved by the Diocese.
The COVIDSAFE capacity of the church is 65. It is essential that the use of sanitiser and the keeping of social distance are adhered to in the church and courtyard. The new arrangements serve the interests of parishioners and the wider community.
Work is underway to allow the reopening of Pandora’s over coming weeks.
The Lamerton Centre meeting room will remain closed until further notice.
Work commenced this week on the Solar Power and hot water project at the Rectory. All being well the project will be completed this week and the switch turned on. The system comprises 24 Solar Panels producing 7.92kW of power and a Heat pump hot water system. It is an important project as we position the parish for ministry into the future, by ensuring careful stewardship of our resources now. The project also ensures that we are minimising our emissions and thus helping to protect the environment. Steve Palethorpe has been providing advice to the Parish Council and is managing the project, we are very grateful to Steve for offering his expertise.
Please reach out to Martin or others if you need assistance or wish to talk.
After the 10am service on Sunday 19 July, there will be an election to fill the remaining vacancies in Synod representatives and alternates for the period 2020 to 2022.
There has been a water leak from old pipes in the area between the toilets and the Parish storage shed. Plumbers are working at the site. There is no entry at present via the back gate and no access to the two toilets. However the disabled toilet and the Lamerton Centre ramp remain open. Please take care if you are in the vicinity of the work area.
June 2020
The worship and prayer life of the Parish continues unabated. The Eucharist is celebrated three times a week by Rev’d Martin and the offices of the Church are said morning and evening.
Current ACT regulations allow a maximum gathering of 20. The Bishop has given his imprimatur for this, the proviso being that a COVID19 plan is in place.
Parish Council is developing such a plan and working through the issues for the resumption of public services such as social distancing, hygiene and cleaning, managing arrivals and departures, recording of attendees, communion, singing and the non-use of prayer and hymn books.
There will continue to be no public services for the time being and the church will remain locked. The 8am Sunday service will continue to be livestreamed with numbers present kept below the allowed maximum.
The first change in public services will be the resumption of the small Thursday Eucharist from 11 June. It will be held in the church NOT in the Lamerton Centre meeting room.
The ACT Recovery Plan 2.2 allows for numbers to increase to 50 from 11.59pm on Friday 19 June. Given that NSW have already moved to 50, Parish Council believes the Bishop will give his permission for ACT parishes to follow suit. Unless there is a change of ACT Government intentions and/or advice from the Bishop, the normal pattern of public Sunday services is planned to be resumed from Sunday 28 June.
Further more detailed advice on how the public services will operate will be provided prior to 28 June.
The Lamerton Centre meeting room will remain closed until further notice. Parish Council and Pandora’s are discussing the issues around the reopening of Pandora’s. No date has yet been set for the reopening.
Please reach out to Martin or others if you need assistance or wish to talk.
May 2020
Parish Council congratulated Martin, Scott, Susan, Leighton, Colin and Janene for the successful streaming of the Sunday service.
Communication over what is likely to be quite a long period is very important for maintaining community. The weekly Pewsheet is continuing. The Pastoral Care network is expanding its contacts. The website is as ever an important point of contact and information.
There is now also a regular Happy Hour zoom session on Fridays and a Breakfast Chat zoom session following the Sunday service. Parish Council is grateful to Laura Wood for taking on the editorship of the new fortnightly Church Chat newsletter.
The Parish budget is expected to come under pressure as the year proceeds. Parish Council is in discussion with the Kindergarten whose attendance numbers have declined. The Kindergarten has requested a reduction in rent for a period.
There has been a gratifying increase in electronic giving. Parish Council thanks those parishioners who are using this facility and encourages others to take advantage of it also. For ease of reference the electronic giving details are: EFT details:
Account Name: St Philip’s Anglican Church
BSB Number: 702-389
Account No: 05202512
Reference/description: St Phil Offering
An alternative is to post your giving in the form of cheques, on say a monthly basis, to:
St Philips Anglican Church
PO Box 6022
O’Connor ACT 2602
Parish Council would like to remind parishioners that the Parish Directory contains an amount of personal information. We are all custodians of that information and need to protect it. In these times of living online, we recommend that you use the BCC facility when sending emails with numbers of parishioners as recipients especially if those emails also go to others outside the parish. That way the email addresses of parishioners are protected. This is good cyber security practice.
To reiterate, the church buildings are closed but St Philip’s is open (operating). Please reach out to Martin or others if you need assistance or wish to talk.
April 2020
The Parish Council met in a teleconference (Zoom). Here are the Key Points discussed at the meeting:In accordance with Government and Diocesan directions, St. Philips church and other church premises are now locked. Access is only permitted for the Sunday streaming service (limited to the celebrants and technical support), for administration and for cleaning and care and maintenance purposes.
Outreach to The Sir Leslie Morshead Manor and to Canberra Aged Care has necessarily been suspended.
Parish Council can no longer meet in church premises and will continue to use Zoom for its meetings.
Communication over what is likely to be quite a long period will be very important. The weekly Pewsheet will continue. The Pastoral Care network is expanding and increasing its contacts. The website is as ever an important point of contact and information and Parish Council is discussing what other ways there might be to keep our community together.
Covid-19 will result in further strain on the Parish budget. Expenditure on the stipend, utilities, insurance, maintenance etc. has to continue. Cleaning is now on a monthly rather than weekly basis. Over the colder months there will be some savings on heating.
On the income side, without church services there is of course no plate collection. For this reason, Martin has encouraged parishioners who have not done so to set in place electronic giving through their banking institution. For ease of reference the electronic giving details are:
EFT details:
Account Name: St Philip’s Anglican Church
BSB Number: 702-389
Account No: 05202512
Reference/description: St Phil Offering
We realise this may not be possible for some. Posting your giving in the form of cheques, on say a monthly basis, is an alternative – to:
St. Philips Anglican Church
PO Box 6022
O’Connor ACT 2602
The Kindergarten continues to operate as a separate entity. If, however the Kindergarten were at some point required to close, the loss of rental income would be a significant hit to the Parish Budget. The Kindergarten rent covers more than 20% of our operating costs.
To reiterate – the buildings are closed; the church is open (operating). Please reach out to Martin or others if you need assistance or wish to talk.
March 2020
The new Council elected Ian Cousins as Chair, Shane Woodburn as Treasurer and Rebecca Palethorpe as Secretary. Points of contact responsibilities have been allocated amongst the new Council members and a revised note will be placed on the Noticeboard.
Parish Council discussed the coronavirus and will keep it under review. The situation and the approaching winter flu season are a good reminder of the importance of keeping the church a hygienic environment. You will notice more hand sanitizer points around the church over coming weeks. Rev’d Martin will be staying in contact with the Diocesan Office on this matter. Please pass any suggestions and concerns to Martin or any member of the Parish Council.
There is an annual survey of the membership of parish sub-groups - the Liturgy Committee, Pandora's Management Committee, Food@ St Philips and the Children and Youth Ministry Support Group. Parishioners wishing to serve, or to continue to serve, on any of these committees between now and the 2021 AGM should make their interest known to Rev’d Martin, a Warden or any other Parish Councillor.
The Parish Council also conducts an annual survey of the valuable roles performed for the Parish by various individuals, such as Youth Group Coordinators, Parish Office, Pewsheet, Website, Parish Calendar, Banking, Rosters Coordinator, Linen, Flowers Coordinator and Spring Fling Coordinator. Parishioners wishing to serve in any of these roles, or to continue to serve, in any of these roles between now and the 2021 AGM should make their interest known to Rev’d Martin, a Warden or any other Parish Councillor.
Key priorities for Rev’d Martin and the Council this year, in addition to the normal running of the Parish and pastoral care will be: advancing our Building Community and Sustainable Stewardship Plan, the Youth and Family ministry and the ministry at Canberra Aged Care and Sir Leslie Morshead Manor in Lyneham.
Key dates to keep in mind are: Market Day 14 March; Pre-Easter Working Bee 4 April; Easter Celebration Breakfast from 8-9.30am on 12 April. St. Philips Day will be celebrated on Sunday 3 May.
The “Spring Fling” this year will be a “Spring Soiree”. It will be held from 3-7pm on Saturday 7 November. Please save the date!
February 2020
At its meeting on 5 February, the Parish Council considered the agenda and papers for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held at 11.15am sharp on Sunday 23 February.
In addition to Parish Council elections, there are vacancies for Synod Representatives and Alternates for the 2020, 2021 and 2022 cycle and for Parish members of the Clergy Appointment Board for the same period.
After the elections and normal business, the AGM will have two important general business items:
o Building Community and Sustainable Stewardship
o Report on the Carola Parke Bequest
Parishioners are reminded that voluntary parish roles are renewed after each AGM. If any parishioners would like to take on a voluntary role in 2020 or are thinking about doing so, please talk to Rev’d Martin or any Parish Councillor.
The St. Philips Autumn Market will be held on Saturday 14 March from 9am to 1pm.
There will be a pre-Easter Working Bee for the church and garden on Saturday 4 April from 9-11am.
The Diocese is conducting Safe Ministry training in Canberra on 15-16 February and again on 14-15 March. Further details are available from Roger Sharp. If you need to update your training, please see him.
December 2021
Singing – Parish Council unanimously agreed that singing will resume at the 10am Eucharist from next Sunday, 19 December and be part of Christmas services – Midnight Mass, Christmas morning and Boxing Day, with the additional precaution that those singing must wear a mask.
The 8am Eucharist will continue with our long-standing tradition of being a said service.
This decision sought to balance the strong appetite for singing with the added risk this poses, especially for parishioners whose health is particularly vulnerable to COVID. It followed a lengthy discussion which considered the issue from numerous viewpoints. Some parishioners who wish not to sing may feel more comfortable sitting on the right side of the nave towards the back. If you have any concerns, please contact Martin.
The Parish has purchased a new iMac computer for the office. The current computer is nearly 9 years old and is beginning to show its age. Over the next month or so the computer will be installed and plans made for archiving and data management.
Annual General Meeting – Council agreed the following dates in the lead up to our AGM in February 2022:
Deadline for reports - 6 Feb
Report distribution - 13 Feb
Annual General Meeting - 27 Feb
Parish Council is making plans for next year’s AGM. If you are responsible for a report please be mindful of the deadlines above. If you can offer your time and talents as a Warden or Councillor speak to Martin.
November 2021
A new replacement 4kW solar system has been installed on the Kindergarten roof. Its installation involved several environmentally-responsible decisions, including: recycling the old panels, making use of the existing near-new inverter and forgoing the sale of additional renewable energy certificates (to which the Parish was entitled, but wanted to avoid legitimising further carbon pollution for no commensurate carbon saving).
Council agreed to increase church seating capacity from 45 to 65 in line with the ACT Government’s relaxed COVID regulations.
Council has scheduled a working bee on Saturday 4 December between 9am and 11am to tidy and maintain the church grounds.
Housing ACT will schedule a date to remove the invasive bamboo from 3 Burt St once it has heard from the National Zoo and Aquarium, to which it has first offered the bamboo for the Zoo’s pandas.
October 2021
Council agreed to resume worship services progressively while maintaining online services (see main note in pew sheet). With an expectation of receiving additional Diocesan advice, Council is planning to meet again this coming week to discuss the way forward for other Parish ministries.
Council agreed to accept a quote from ACT Smart Electrical & Solar to replace the solar panels on Kindy roof with a 3.96kW system that will connect with our existing new inverter. Work is expected to commence shortly. Steve Palethorpe will continue working on a larger solar project on the Kindy roof with a view to securing financial benefits for the Parish and environmental benefits for the wider community.
Parish Council finalised its consideration of St Philip’s online presence. It is grateful to Brian McKinlay for his ongoing stewardship of our web site and for initiating a suite of improvements, including by making it more mobile friendly.
New sensor lights have been installed in the carpark.
ACT Housing has agreed to remove the bamboo on their property 3 Burt Street, which is damaging Parish facilities.
September 2021
Parish Council considered the operation of the Parish during the current lockdown. It is monitoring advice from the ACT Government and the Diocese in the lead up to Parish activities scheduled before Christmas.
Contractors have completed the annual testing and tagging of the Parish’s electrical equipment and testing of the Parish’s fire extinguishers.
Other non-essential repairs and maintenance of the church and rectory are currently on hold while the COVID-19 lockdown is in force.
August 2021
Parish Council agreed to proactively assist Parishioners who would like a COVID-19 vaccination, but who have found it difficult to organise.
Contractors have been engaged to inspect and service the air-conditioning units at the Lamerton Centre and the rectory, to repair the lighting in the car park and to undertake the regular Testing and Tagging of our electrical appliances.
The steps to the Lamerton Centre have been replaced with more durable and lower maintenance material.
Council completed a stocktake and replenishment of the first aid kits in the church and Lamerton Centre. Alison has agreed to be the Parish First Aid Officer.
As one of its strategic deep-dives, Council began discussing St Philip’s online presence (website, Facebook and YouTube). It noted with gratitude the excellent work of our webmasters: Brian, Chris and Leighton.
July 2021
The annual inspection of the rectory, internal and external, has been completed and Parish Council is completing minor repairs and maintenance.
The annual inspection of St Philip’s Church buildings and grounds has been completed in accordance with the Diocese’s WHS Inspection Form. Parish Council agreed to progress a schedule of repairs and maintenance items.
Council agreed to have the Parish’s electrical equipment and leads tagged and tested in accordance with Worksafe ACT regulations and to accept a quote to replace the broken sensor lights to the carpark.
Parishioners are advised to avoid the path along the western side of the church while it is wet and slippery. Council is considering options to manage the relatively large volume of water that it carries in heavy rain.
The gutters on the church hall and rectory have been cleaned.
Pandora’s recently strengthened its eco-credentials to ensure all its clothing donations are given another stylish life. Donations beyond those matching its specialist eco-style are being further sorted and processed by Anglicare Retail.
Parish Council opened discussions on ways to celebrate St Philip’s 60th anniversary in December.
June 2021
At its meeting on 9 June, the Parish Council considered the implications of new interstate COVID-19 community transmissions. Sidespeople are reminded to ask worshippers if they have been outside the ACT or in contact with anyone who has.
Parish Council has reviewed the Parish computer and agreed to purchase a new one for the Parish Office to replace the existing one which is 10 years old. Council will continue reviewing the Parish’s IT needs and infrastructure to better support our mission objectives.
Council is exploring ways to resume weekly videoing of the Eucharist for Parishioners who are unable to join us in person and to connect with people around the world who are seeking to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
The next St Philip’s Spring Fling will be held on Saturday 23 October 2021.
The steps to the Lamerton Centre will be replaced with a more durable material to avoid the need for regular painting.
The Diocese is organising clergy/ministry spouses’ events during the coming year to facilitate their well-being in their own and their spouse’s ministry, to meet up with colleagues in the Diocese and to say thank you. Parish Council agreed to support Susan’s attendance at any of these events.
May 2021
Parish Council agreed that the laminated Eucharist sheets will be reintroduced today. Use of prayer books, hymn books and the offertory plate will resume on Sunday, 23 May. Please contact Rev’d Martin if you have any concerns.
Work has commenced on fixing the carpark lighting.
Council is working to reinstate the children’s space at the back of the church and to provide activity sheets for pre and primary school children.
April 2021
Parish Council is updating our COVIDSafe Plan to reflect the recommencement of singing, in line with advice from the Diocese, and the ACT Government’s easing of some restrictions relating to the density of people allowed in community facilities (such as the Lamerton Centre).
St. Philip’s will resume using hymn books, prayer books and the laminated Eucharist sheets, but will ensure that each item is not used more than once every seven days. A printed order of service that includes the hymns for the 10am service will still be available for parishioners who would prefer to continue worshipping in this way. This is subject to advice from Dr David Tscharke.
A program of minor repairs and maintenance to the Rectory has commenced.
Parish Council discussed how St. Philip's ministry for children has changed in recent years, especially since COVID. Rev'd. Martin and members of Parish Council will further consider what it means to be ‘family friendly’ and are keen to hear parishioners’ suggestions about ways to make services more family friendly.
March 2021
The new Council elected Alistair Davidson as Chair, Shane Woodburn as Treasurer and Rebecca Palethorpe as Secretary. Points of contact responsibilities have been allocated among Council members and a revised note will be placed on the Noticeboard.
A number of vacancies remain in key leadership positions: a people’s Warden, a Parish Council member and a Parish Safety and Risk Officer (who might also serve on Parish Council). People interested in serving in these roles should contact Rev’d Martin.
There is an annual survey of the membership of parish sub-groups: the Liturgy Committee, Pandora's Management Committee, Food & Events @ St Philips and the Children & Youth Ministry Support Group. Parishioners wishing to serve, or to continue to serve, on any of these committees should make their interest known to Rev’d Martin, a Warden or any other Parish Councillor.
The Parish Council also conducts an annual survey of the valuable roles performed for the Parish by various individuals, such as Youth Group Coordinators, Parish Office, Pewsheet, Website, Parish Calendar, Banking, Rosters Coordinator, Linen & Flowers Coordinator. Parishioners wishing to serve in any of these roles, or to continue to serve in any of these roles should make their interest known to Rev’d Martin, a Warden or any other Parish Councillor.
The Parish budget for 2021 was circulated after the AGM via email. The Treasurer is available to answer any questions. Parish Council will call a special general meeting to approve the budget and to affirm those nominated to fill the vacancies noted above.
Council has decided to replace the solar panels on the Kindergarten due to the potential safety risk posed by an earth resistance fault. Quotes are being sought for a new array.
ACTHealth updates to COVIDsafe requirements for Places of Worship now require Parishioners to use the Check In CBR App. Sidespeople will be able to check in those without a phone.
February 2021
February ’21 Parish Council meeting
At its meeting on 3 February, the Parish Council considered the agenda and papers for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held at 11.15am sharp on Sunday 21 February. To be Covidsafe this year’s AGM will be held in the church.
In addition to Parish Council elections and the election of alternate Synod representatives, there will be an election for a Parish Safety Officer. In the past a member of Parish Council (Roger Sharp) has taken on this role but a review of ACT workplace requirements and Diocesan policy has shown that this position should be elected by the Parish.
Parishioners are reminded that voluntary Parish roles are renewed after each AGM. If any parishioners would like to take on a voluntary role in 2021 or are thinking about doing so, please talk to Rev’d Martin or any Parish Councillor.
The Tongan community will resume services at St. Philip’s on Sunday afternoon 7 February under Covidsafe arrangements.
We will have a social gathering to mark the beginning of Lent on Friday 19 February, 6pm. See Pewsheet for details & RSVP
On maintenance, the inverter for the solar panels on the Kindergarten roof which was many years old has had to be replaced. Some repairs have been completed on the organ but further work is required on its electric motor. A new photocopier has been installed in the Parish Office on a further five year lease.
There will be a pre-Easter Working Bee for the church and garden on Saturday 27 March from 9-11am.
November 2022
Parish Day – Parish Council expressed gratitude for the insights and input received from everyone who attended the Parish Day. Council is keen to continue reaching out to Parishioners who were unable to attend or groups that were underrepresented. To facilitate receiving additional views and ideas, a 1-pager that provides background information about what we did and what we found has being prepared.
Switchboard in narthex – A contractor is scheduled to upgrade the switchboard in the narthex this week.
Courtyard tree – The London plane tree in the courtyard is looking splendid after its recent prune to remove dead branches.
Parish AGM – The 2023 Parish AGM will be held on Sunday 26 February.
Parish Directory: If you would like a pdf version of the Parish Directory before it is printed in hardcopy, would you please contact Alison Davidson.
Working bee – Please join us on Saturday 19 November 8:30am – 11:00am for our spring working bee. The to-do list includes weeding, gutter cleaning, tidying up the grounds and consuming a delicious morning tea.
Opportunity to serve – Parish Council is looking for new members to help with the financial and property affairs of St Philip’s. The Council collectively helps to administer the functions of the Parish, which are to plan, organise, and carry out its pastoral, educational, evangelistic and missionary work. There are some specific roles that need filling, including Secretary, Policy Coordinator and Missions Officer. If you are interested in committing to this service, please talk with Martin, Alistair or other members of Parish Council.
Please pray for our Parish, its mission, ministry and renewal
October 2022
Parish Day – Planning is well underway for our gathering on 29 October at the Greenhills Conference Centre, 1437 Cotter Road, Stromlo. We hope everyone can join us. We are looking forward to sharing some fellowship, discussion and lunch together as we celebrate what’s great about our parish community and dream about what could be. There will be an email this week with details about our aims, the program, catering and travel. Keep an eye out for that or talk with anyone from the Parish Council.
Switchboard/distribution board in the narthex – Parish Council agreed to proceed with upgrading the switchboard in the narthex, which will include installing contemporary residual current devices.
Courtyard tree – Pruning of the London plane tree is scheduled for the morning of Tuesday 25 October.
Missions – The Parish has made significant donations to our three key mission partners: Raw Potential in Canberra, Wontulp-Bi-Buya College in Cairns and ABM’s Integrated Wash and Literacy Program in Vanuatu. Please continue to support these missions through prayer and donations. Monetary contributions can be by either by an electronic funds transfer to St Philip's account with the description ‘Missions’ or provide cash within an envelope during Church services labelled ‘Missions.’ Further information can be found at St Philip's Mission Projects
September 2022
Wine during Communion – Parish Council agreed to introduce a modified use of the Common Cup on Sunday 25 September. Under this modification, communicants will have the choice to receive an intincted Host from the celebrant.
Parish planning day – Council agreed to hold a whole-of-parish planning day on Saturday 29 October. More details to come.
Leaf removal – A contractor has cleared leaves from the roof on the rectory and kindergarten.
Courtyard tree – Council agreed to accept a quote to prune the London plane tree in the courtyard, including the removal of dead branches.
Electrical safety – A contractor has completed testing and tagging 123 items. Council is receiving quotes to replace the ageing switchboard in the church.
Lamerton Centre waterproofing – A builder has resealed the roof and replaced several moisture-damaged lights.
Mid-year budget review – Council has conducted its mid-year budget review. The deficit currently exceeds $10,000, in large part due to significant and unplanned repairs and maintenance.
July 2022
COVIDsafe Plan. – Council has drafted an update of St Philip’s COVIDsafe Management Plan (long form and summary versions) and continues to monitor the situation.
Safety Audit and Inspection. ¬– Council recently conducted a Work Health & Safety Audit of the church premises and compiled a list of minor tasks.
First-aid kits. – St John’s Ambulance has replenished the first-aid kits.
Weekly giving arrangements. – Council has completed its review of St Philip’s weekly giving arrangements and has decided to continue with cash collections. Many thanks to all who provided feedback.
Rectory path. – A contractor has laid a concrete path from the Rectory to the Lamerton Centre. A small band of Parishioners had dug the footings. Next steps are to install concrete wheel stops and tidy up the surrounds.
Rectory maintenance. – A contractor has finished repairing the Rectory eaves. In addition, Council recently completed its annual inspection of the Rectory.
Church gardens. – A Parishioner took the initiative to conduct a general clean-up of the church gardens and remove old stumps and logs. Other Parishioners have been busy clearing leaves, especially from the courtyard. Council is grateful to all involved.
May 2022
Weekly giving: Parish Council is reviewing our arrangements for weekly giving at St Philip’s. Currently we offer direct debit banking (our preferred method), tap donations through an EFTPOS machine, and cash collections during the service. While each has its pros and cons, handling cash collections requires considerably more effort in terms of the number of volunteers, governance arrangements, trips to the bank and people’s time. In addition, over the COVID-19 pandemic, the share of weekly giving from the offering bag has dropped from 29% in 2018 to 6% in 2021. If you have any views about phasing out cash collections, please have a chat with Alistair Davidson, Mel Rath or Revd. Martin.
Repairs: The security light at the rear of Pandora’s and the disabled toilet cistern have been repaired.
Strategic thinking: Following the AGM, Council has begun thinking strategically about how best to support St Philip’s Parishioners and its mission in our local community over the long term. With many new on Parish Council, Council has taken the time to understand St Philip’s journey over the past 10 years and familiarise itself with past planning initiatives. One of the next steps after Martin returns from overseas in June is to identify ways for Parishioners to be part of this process. In the meantime, please feel free to have a yarn with anyone on Parish Council about what’s on your mind.
Working bee rectory path: There will be a working bee to prepare the site for a path to the rectory. A small gang of Parishioners who can wield crowbars, mattocks and spades would make light work of this. If you’re interested in being part of the action, please contact Russell McCaskie and a date can be set.
March 2022
Roles. – Parish Council agreed to the following roles for 2022: Alistair Davidson, Chair; Sarah Boddington, Secretary; Melissa Rath, Treasurer; Laura Wood, Safety & Risk Officer; Leanne Beagley, Policy Development & Review; Russell McCaskie, Buildings & Maintenance.
COVIDsafe. – Council continues to review our COVIDsafe arrangements. It is planning to reinstate the kneelers in April and is considering how best to re-introduce the common cup and intinction following broad consultation. Please let Martin know if you have concerns or views that Council should take into account.
Working bee. – Council agreed to hold a working bee on Saturday 2 April 9-11am to tidy the grounds before Easter.
Carpark. – Resurfacing of the carpark is scheduled to begin on the weekend beginning 12 March. The contractor will complete several jobs at the same time, including: installing an all-weather path from the rectory to the Lamerton Centre; installing a drain across the path down the western side of the church; affixing a weatherproof edge to the Lamerton Centre deck.
November 2023
Invoices for the work on the hall have been finalised.
Sleepers and other timber have been removed from the precinct.
The administration of our ‘Safe Ministries’ compliancy is ongoing. We are assisting parishioners in fulfilling these requirements.
The missing flashing on two stanchions on the Macpherson Street side of the church have been replaced.
Work on the gardens: elimination of bamboo, hedge trimming etc has been undertaken.
The Council is liaising with the Locum Emma Street in preparation for the beginning of her ministry.
October 2023
Locum rector. Parish Council and a member of our Clergy Appointments Board met with Archdeacon Paul Cohen to discuss the appointment of a Locum by the Bishop and from there the process of seeking a new Rector for the parish.
Kindy mould and termite damage. The termite treatment and consequential repair work has been successfully completed. The SPK Early Learning Centre is back up and running after a week’s shut down. Parish Council and SPK are reviewing invoices and seeking advice about what aspects are covered by insurance.
Timber sleepers. An energetic band of labourers has removed the timber sleepers from the garden edges to reduce the risk of further termite incursions. Concrete sleepers will be laid in due course.
Hot water system. The leak from the hot water system in the disabled toilet has been fixed. However, a separate electrical issue, as yet unresolved, is interrupting hot water to the Lamerton Centre.
Safe Ministry training. Parish Council members and relevant clergy will participate in Safe Ministry training to complete Module 3 requirements. The training covers implementation of Diocesan Safe Ministry Policy, Protocols and Procedures including the Child Safe Standards, Reportable Conduct Scheme, screening of workers, Grievance Procedure, Professional Standards and Ministry to Persons of Concern.
September 2023
There will be a special general meeting at 11:15am on Sunday 15 October to hold an election to fill a vacancy on the Parish Clergy Appointment Board. If serving in this role interests you, please contact Revd Johnson.
Council is organising a working bee in November to replace the timber garden edges with concrete sleepers. This initiative will eliminate a source of termite tucker.
The ACT Government has installed a new fence at the rear of the church property at no cost to the Parish. The installation is part of the Government’s redevelopment of the adjoining land.
The Parish will hold its annual Advent Dinner on Saturday evening 25 November. The dinner will double as an occasion to celebrate Martin and Susan’s ministries among us and to farewell them.
Parishioners are encouraged to join together at the 10am service on Sunday 26 November, which will be Martin’s last service. Martin will officiate at the 8am service as usual.
August 2023
The Council are working alongside the Kinder Committee to restore the Staff amenities room following an infestation of Black Mould. Insurance claims are being investigated.
The Kinder will close briefly in September to enable work to commence in rectifying damage caused by under floor Termite infestation. At this stage $20,000 has been set aside, however until the floor is lifted the full extent of the damage and the resultant cost is unknown. The Council are considering fund raising efforts should the damage be significant and costly. At this stage there are no plans to draw down funds from the Carola Parke bequest.
The Parish continues to be subject to scamming attempts via phone, mail and email. The Council is alert to these attempts and will report them to the appropriate authorities as they arise.
The Draft Risk Management Framework was tabled along with the results of a Safety Audit on the precinct.
Plans are ongoing for the replacement of the Courtyard seating and the removal of the old railway sleepers bordering the garden beds, these will be replaced with concrete sleepers.
July 2023
Kim Fitt, Director of St Philip’s Kindergarten, Early Learning Centre, met with Parish Council to strengthen ties and to discuss upcoming termite treatment. Our relationship with SPK goes back some 35 years to when St Philip’s Kindergarten commenced operations in the church hall.
Pandora's. Council noted that Pandoras raised $1000 for the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre.
Sunday 10am congregation survey. Parish Council noted the pleasing number of survey completions. The online survey will remain open until Friday 28 July.
New EFTPOS terminals. Square® contactless EFTPOS terminals have been installed in the church, Lamerton Centre & Pandora’s. This will save on transaction fees and parishioners will find the new terminals easier to use.
Building valuations. Council is participating in a Diocesan initiative that provides cost effective desktop insurance valuations for our buildings.
Courtyard seat. Council agreed to replace the courtyard seat which rot has made unsafe.
Rectory Tree. A tree surgeon pruned the liquidambar tree in the rectory front yard to remove limbs at risk of dropping on the rectory and the neighbour’s deck.
Church garden. Ian and Russell devoted a day to maintaining the church garden, which included mid-winter pruning and seasonal leaf removal.
Monthly prayer point: We pray for the renewal of our Parish and the Church in every land.
May 2023
Termite treatment: A contractor has completed treatment of the termite infestation around the church and office. As recommended by the contractor, Council has decided to replace all timber sleepers with concrete sleepers and lower the level of garden mulch against walls and A-frame beams.
Parish Covenant: Council decided that consistent with the practice in other Parishes, St Philip’s will not enter into a new Covenant between the Rector, the Parish and the Bishop. The last 3-year Covenant expired in February 2023. Council further resolved that the existing Covenant will be repurposed as a Parish planning document. In its view, even if no longer a Diocesan requirement, the document remains a valuable resource.
ANU relationship: St Philip’s ties with the ANU continue to strengthen. The Parish Planning Day generated enthusiasm for strengthening our relationship with ANU and making better use of Parish facilities. Council is assisting with arrangements for St Philip’s to host a choral concert later in the year. Rev’d Martin continues to serve as Secretary to the ANU Chaplaincy Board, which is about to move into the ANU’s new Multifaith Centre.
Monthly prayer point: Over this month let us pray ‘Thy Kingdom Come.’ Resources and links will be posted in the pew sheet.
April 2023
Common Cup: Parish Council agreed to re-introduce the Common Cup and kneeling at the altar rail from 7 May. Communion by intinction will also be offered as usual.
Gospel reading: Council agreed to resume the proclamation of the Gospel from the centre aisle.
Parish Plan 2023–25: Council adopted the St Philip’s Parish Plan 2023–25 and agreed to begin implementation immediately.
Termite treatment: A contractor is scheduled to treat the termite infestation affecting the church this weekend - 15–16 April. The contractor will treat the Kindy over multiple weekends once a convenient date has been agreed.
Rectory tree: Council agreed to liaise with ACT Government regarding options to manage the liquidambar tree in the rectory front garden.
At this year’s AGM we were asked to consider a draft Parish Plan for 2023-2025. Parish Council has adopted and will be integrated into our strategies and projects. As a reminder these five elements were seen as central to our ongoing life together: spiritual, worship, missional, community and financial. At each meeting we will be using one or more of these ‘nudges’ to guide our discussions. In the Sunday pew sheet there will be news and reflections on the projects that we are undertaking that align with our plan.
March 2023
Parish Council roles: Parish Council agreed the following role allocations for 2023:
Termite treatments: A contractor is scheduled to treat the termite infestation affecting the church about 14–15 April. Council is considering a treatment plan for the kindy.
Rectory tree: Council is considering the best long-term strategy to manage the camphor laurel tree at the front of the rectory. A falling limb recently caused significant damage.
Kindy signage: Council approved a request from SPK Early Learning Centre to replace and install additional signage on our street frontages.
Monthly prayer point: In our prayers this month let us adopt a contemplative method.
February 2023
Annual General Meeting — At its meeting on 8 February, the Parish Council considered the agenda and papers for the AGM to be held at 11.15am sharp on Sunday 26 February.
Elections — In addition to Parish Council elections, there are vacancies for Synod Representatives and Alternates for the 2023, 2024 and 2025 cycle and for Parish members of the Clergy Appointment Board for the same period.
The AGM will have two important general business items:
Carola Parke Bequest Report
Draft Parish Plan 2023–25
Voluntary roles – Parishioners are reminded that voluntary parish roles are renewed after each AGM. If any parishioners would like to take on a voluntary role in 2023 or are thinking about doing so, please talk to Rev’d Martin or any Parish Councillor.
Monthly prayer point — See the Prayer in the pew sheet
October 2024
Most of the discussion concerned details of matters initiated at earlier meetings: the Rectory refurbishment; a new rental licence for the kindergarten; leasing a car for the new Rector; the Advent dinner; lighting repairs; preparations for Christmas, etc.
September 2024
We will have a combined service on the fifth Sunday of September, the feast of Michael and All Angels, 29 Sep 24 at 9am. This will be an occasion for celebration, thanksgiving for the previous few months, and prayer for the work of the parish in the near future.
Council accepted a detailed quotation for refurbishment of the rectory (especially the main bedroom, ensuite, kitchen, and floor coverings, as well as a new stove) in preparation for Revd Christine's arrival.
Rebecca Palethorpe's brother has kindly donated a bench seat to be installed on the North edge of the area of artificial lawn, facing the church.
We have decided on a complete re-draft of the rental agreement with the kindergarten prior to its renewal, due at the end of the year.
We hope to have an Advent Dinner on Saturday evening, 30 November. details to be discussed at next Parish Council meeting. Do you have any ideas?
Council decided to prepare an all-embracing maintenance plan to keep under review work needing to be done and to assist with budgeting.
August 2024
A work, health and safety audit was completed on 13 July: no major issues were identified. Council decided to purchase a defibrillator, which will be maintained by St John's Ambulance alongside the replenishment of the first aid boxes. We now have a step ladder to aid posting of the hymn numbers.
A building inspection report by the diocesan Director of Asset Management found recommended actions also to be relatively minor, focusing on good ventilation and keeping vegetation away from buildings.
We expect discussions with the kindergarten to be concluded soon with a view to renewing its occupancy licence for a further five years.
The Council especially thanks Ian Cousins for much regular and detailed work on the gardens. We also thank Pandora's for a financial contribution toward maintenance and electricity costs.
July 2024
Electrical repairs. A contractor has recently completed repairs to the kindy wiring. The lights in the toilets are now operating and hot water system is now working.
Toilet hygiene repairs. Old soap dispensers in the toilets have been removed as they were rusted and had not been maintained.
Gardening. A gardener has done a wonderful job clearing the seed balls fallen from the London Plane tree and its leaves in the courtyard garden. Ian C has further plans for the gardener which involve the perimeter gardens. Parishioners have also been clearing autumn leaves, including from the Rectory garden.
Safety audit. The Safety & Risk Officer and the Repairs & Maintenance Officer plan to undertake the annual St Philip’s Safety Audit this weekend.
Baby change table. The damaged baby change table in the disabled toilet has been replaced.
Safe Ministry training. Ten folk associated with St Philip’s, largely Pandora’s volunteers, recently undertook in-person safe ministry training in the Lamerton Centre. From all reports it was a very positive occasion.
Courtyard seat. Parish Council is seeking a volunteer to coordinate the replacement of the courtyard seat. This one-off project will likely include conceptually designing a durable seat, identifying a suitable contractor, refining the design in collaboration with the contractor, obtaining a quote, liaising with Parish Council and supervising installation.
June 2024
Revd Emma advised of her future availability.
The celebration of Christmas in July was welcomed enthusiastically!
Laura will introduce a name badge initiative; listen to the announcements!
April 2024
Rectory renovation. Parish Council agreed to renovate the Rectory’s main bedroom to avoid temperature extremes and mould. This includes installing insulation into walls and ceiling, double
glazing, a new reverse cycle air conditioner and an effective extractor fan in the ensuite. Consequential repairs will include resheeting, recarpeting, electricals and repainting.
Asset management. The Diocesan Director of Asset Management will visit the Parish to assist with the development of a Parish Asset Management Plan.
Kindergarten Licence. Council committed to renewing SPK’s licence which expires at the end of the year.
Kindergarten Roof. A contractor successfully completed significant repairs to the Kindergarten roof to prevent storm water incursions and to the Church’s high gutters.
Working bee thanks. Many thanks to the wonderful group of helpers who weeded, cleaned brass, cleaned windows, cleared leaves, removed cobwebs, fixed uneven paving in the Courtyard,
cleaned Rectory walls and floors, and removed discarded items.
March 2024
The new Council elected Alistair as Chair, Mel as Treasurer and Brian as Secretary. Other key responsibilities and coordination roles were allocated as follows:
Buildings and Maintenance – Russell
Safety, Risk and Compliance – Laura, Kim B
Policy Development and Review – Lari, Kim B
Events and Food@St Philip's – Jane
A contractor has tidied up the Rectory yard, front and back.
February 2024
Working bee. Please join us on Saturday 23 March (8:30am–11:00am) to help clean up the Church precinct, weed the Rectory backyard and enjoy morning tea. Contact Russell.
Kindy doors. Council agreed to accept a quote to replace the main external doors to the kindy, (front, back and kitchen).
Kindy roof. Council agreed to accept a quote to upgrade the kindy box gutters and downpipes, install overflows for the courtyard gutter, and repair leaking joints and water damaged eaves. The projects includes repairing the high gutter on the Macpherson Street side of the church.
Mowing. Our contractor has resumed mowing the nature strip lawns. Many thanks to those who helped out over the holiday period.
Bamboo. Volunteers have cleared bamboo roots from the path behind the Lamerton Centre and re-laid the pavers, and re-laid protruding courtyard pavers.
Rectory. A contractor has cleaned the Rectory carpets.