The Parish Council initiated a planning process in 2022 where we set some planning principles. We arranged a day in October 2022 to draw people together and dream about the future for St Philip’s.
We are keen to make sure that everyone who would like to has a chance to dream with us, add your input and ideas and join the thinking.
Please read this planning briefing to learn more.
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December 2014
The Pelican Foundation has advised that it has approved funding of $25K for the cross-cultural program for 2015.
The 2015 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held after the 10am service on Sunday 22 February. Papers for the AGM should be submitted to James no later than 1 February, preferably earlier.
Parishioners wishing to, or thinking of, serving on the Parish Council for 2015 should talk to Rebecca well before the AGM.
A 2015 Parish Calendar will be available early in the New Year.
The Parish Council has identified a need for a 'key muster'. All parishioners with keys to any church facility should advise Roger Sharp by 25 January of what keys they hold.
The renewal of the Kindergarten lease for another five years has been approved by Bishop-in-Council and will be signed with the Kindergarten before the end of December.
November 2014
The 2014 Covenant between the Parish and Rebecca has now been signed by Bishop Stuart and a copy has been placed on the notice board. It is based on Rebecca working a four day week as discussed at the Parish consultation in April. The key priorities for 2014 are in line with discussion at the AGM in February and the continuing theme of nurture. They are:
The Council extends its thanks and appreciation to the many, manypeople who made the Twilight Fair such a success.
The Council can confirm that the loan on the Lamerton Centre has been discharged.
A report on the cross-cultural program has been submitted to the Pelican Foundation for its meeting on 20 November. It seeks approval of part funding for 2015.
At its December meeting, the Council will consider the next two-year cycle of mission projects. Any suggestions for projects for 2015 and 2016 should be passed to one of the Wardens.
August 2014
The courtyard project is well under way and is expected to be completed by the middle of next week. Access to the courtyard will remain blocked until the work is finished.
Once it is finished, there are a number of minor works to be completed before the opening of the Lamerton Centre at 11am on Saturday 20 September — such as the installation of base boards under the deck, the painting of trim on the deck and the baseboards, the new courtyard seating and the grounds. Volunteers will be sought to assist with these tasks.
There will be a general clean-up working bee for the church and grounds on Saturday 13 September just prior to the opening.
More details of the program for Saturday 20 September and the Bishop's visit will be provided closer to the event.
Some upgrade works will commence this weekend in part of the Kindergarten yard at the expense of the Kindergarten.
July 2014
The Parish Council is hopeful that we will be able to go ahead with the re-development of the courtyard using a contractor. We are awaiting advice from the Kindergarten about their possible contribution.
The Council is very grateful to parishioners and our wonderful Pandora's team for offering funds. Parishioners have pledged an incredible $7,300 on top of the pledges made for the Lamerton Centre. Pandora's will contribute $5,000.
If we can move ahead, the work will be done during August well before the Lamerton Centre opening on Saturday 20 September. Some volunteer work will be required in July to remove the current pavers.
A number of minor works remain to be completed before the opening such as the installation of base boards under the deck, the painting of trim on the deck and the baseboards, the new courtyard seating, the drain in the path to the west of the church and some final touches to the car park. Volunteers will be sought to assist with these tasks during July and August.
June 2014
Rebecca has now begun her new four day working arrangement—from Thursday to Sunday. The former mid-week Wednesday Eucharist is now taking place at 10am Thursdays. Parish Council meetings will now be during the second week of every month.
James Ellis has begun work as the parish Administrative Assistant for 14 hours a week. Thursday will be his one regular fixed day in the office. Welcome James.
The Parish Council will organise as soon as possible a test of the hearing loop.
The Twilight Fair will be held on Saturday 8 November 3-7pm. Helen Palethorpe has very kindly agreed again to be the Fair Coordinator.
Reverse cycle units for heating will be installed in the Lamerton Centre next week.
Additional security lighting will be installed for the path behind the new colourbond fence near the Lamerton Centre. This was a request from the Kindergarten who is paying for the installation.
The Parish roll continues to be updated.
May 2014
A Family Ministry Support Group has been formed under Rebecca Palethorpe's leadership to support Andrea in her important ministry. The Parish Council encourages those in a position to do so to support the "availability list" approach for volunteers to assist Andrea with the children's ministry on Sunday mornings. It is hoped that this approach will be more flexible and practicable than former attempts at a roster. Please contact Rebecca Palethorpe.
Daniel Deng has been appointed to an unexpected vacancy in the Family Ministry Assistant position for 2014.
The Lamerton Centre will be opened by Bishop Stuart on Saturday 20 September and St Philip’s day will be celebrated on Sunday 21 September. More details to follow over coming months. The organising committee for the event is being convened by Rebecca.
April 2014
The Council has submitted a further progress report to the Pelican Foundation on the Cross-Cultural Family Ministry program. The Pelican Foundation is providing $27,000 this year towards the program and the remaining $10,000 is being met by St. Philip's two congregations.
The two advertised vacancies have been filled after interviews. Jok Garang Thuch has been appointed as Family Ministry Assistant for 2014 and Mary Akech Majok has been appointed to the cleaner position.
The Council has decided on a $1000 ministry allowance for Rev. Robin Moore for 2014 to support her work at St Philip's Care. Pandora's have agreed to fund the allowance.
The Parish roll will be updated over the next few months and published by July. The final elements of the building and grounds upgrade project are progressing.
The path to Macpherson Street has been concreted. The car park has been regraded and resurfaced with crushed brick. Fencing and a new gate have been erected to the side of the Lamerton Centre, making the courtyard secure for children's activities.
Quotes have been obtained for reverse-cycle units for the Lamerton Centre which will be installed at the end of May.
The Council has decided that St Philip's day this year will be celebrated in conjunction with the opening of the Lamerton Centre in September.
March 2014
A draft 2014 Covenant between Rebecca and the Parish was discussed and there will now be consultation with the Dinka congregation leadership before finalising the Covenant and submitting it to the Bishop. The draft covenant is in line with the Parish vision for 2014 adopted by the AGM.
The new Council elected Ian Cousins as Chair, Shane Woodburn as Treasurer and Robin Shannon as Secretary. Tim Gulliver was appointed Building and Maintenance Officer and Rebecca Palethorpe as Children's and Youth Ministry Officer. Diocesan guidelines for the implementation of the ACT Work Safety Act require parishes to appoint a Parish Safety Officer. The Council appointed Roger Sharp to fulfil this role.
Parish Council points of contact responsibilities have been allocated amongst the members of the new Council and a revised note will be placed on the Noticeboard.
There is an annual survey of the membership of parish sub-groups – the Liturgy Committee, the St. Philip's Care Management Committee, Pandora's Management Committee, Food@ St Philips and a new Children and Youth Ministry Support Group. Parishioners wishing to serve on any of these committees should make their interest known to Rebecca or any Parish Councillor.
Key issues before the Council this year will be the development of the Children's and Family Ministry, fulfilling our new governance obligations to Anglicare for their financial support to the Northbourne Community Centre, the completion of the building, courtyard and grounds upgrade programs and the Official Opening of the Lamerton Centre.
February 2014
At its meeting on 12 February, the Parish Council considered the agenda and papers for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held after the 10am service on Sunday 23 February.
After the normal business and elections, the AGM will have four general business items:
The meeting business will be handled as quickly as possible and it is hoped that as many parishioners as possible can remain for the important general business items.
The Council warmly thanks Linda Anchell for all her work in stepping in as Acting Rector during Rebecca's absence.
The re-location and refurbishment of Parish space has been completed. The Council thanks all who assisted, particularly Roger Sharp.